HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-04-26 TOWN OF LANSING
• Summary of Planning Board Meeting
Monday, April 26 , 1993 ; 7 :30 p. m .
*Denotes Present
* Lin Davidson Cheryl Nickel
* Grace Haney * Larry Sharpsteen, Chairperson
Linda Hirvonen * Robert Todd
* Viola Miller Mullane * Al White
* George Totman , Planning , Zoning , and Code Administration
Larry Tvaroha, Town Councilman
Larry Sharpsteen called the meeting to order at 7 :30 p. m .
Review of Minutes from Meeting Held April 12 , 1993
Page Five, Hovanec Subdivision - Lin Davidson recalled the description of the homes that would be
allowed to be required to have concrete-like foundations, not just concrete foundations . Page Two - Al
White pointed out that the person 's name is not Dave Eckelson , it is Gay Eckelson . Viola Miller moved to
accept the minutes as corrected ; Al White seconded . VOTE: ALL IN FAVOR; MOTION CARRIED
SUBDIVISION , Clifford Buck, Buck Road
Due to an oversight at the last regular meeting , a decision was not made regarding this subdivision .
Therefore, Larry Sharpsteen asked the board members to review the minutes of April 12 , 1993 , where the
public hearing was recorded and where comments were made both by the public and the board
Al White made a motion to approve the five-lot subdivision , for which there was a public hearing
conducted on April 12 , 1993 ; Lin Davidson seconded . VOTE: ALL IN FAVOR; MOTION CARRIED
Larry Sharpsteen passed out information regarding the specifics of the budget allocations, and a record of
expenditures so far this year. The Planning Board reviewed the budget, fine by line -- so far this year the
Planning Board has expended $3 ,050. Larry was concerned that work that was performed in late 1992,
but not invoiced until January, 1993 , is still charged to the 1993 budget. From his knowledge, George
Totman thought that the books were closed after December, and that any bills received in January would
be charged to the new budget. George Totman indicated that he would question Sharon Bowman as to
• whether this is correct or not. Larry felt that there is approximately $900 that belongs in the 1992 budget,
and indicated that he would also be following up with Sharon Bowman .
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Larry reviewed the items in the budget as follows:
Personal Services (George Totman) $9, 842 $3, 000
Contractual Services (supplies, postage, Tom Neiderkorn ,
Community Dispute Resolution Center) $ 11 ,200 $3 ,050
Secretarial Services (Michelle Eastman, Sue Daveport) $3 ,000 $552
* Tom 's rate is $50 per hour for meetings and $25 per hour for drafting .
Cheryl stated that she had spoken with Sharon Bowman who had indicated that it would be okay for Sue
Davenport to take on some of the clerical work. That portion of her salary would be taken out of the
Planning Board budget.
New York State Council on the Arts ( NYSCA) Grant - Cheryl stated that the grant was funded for $2 ,500 .
Written into that grant is 40 hours work of inkind service from Jeannie Barrett. Cheryl proposed to
Jeannie, who thought it was quite fair that Cheryl receive $ 1 ,500 for her time for that project. The other
$ 1 ,000 would go for materials and supplies (map making , surveys) . Cheryl hopes to come out with
community design workshops. She wants to train the committee she is working with to go out in the
• community. Another benefit from this grant will be design guidelines that would be put together and
would serve as a booklet of recommendations for designs.
Cheryl indicated that she has spoken with Sharon Bowman , and arranged for expenses relating to this
grant to be kept separate from the Town Center Committee and the Planning Board . Larry felt that it
would be helpful for the Planning Board members to have a line item breakdown of the funds for this
grant so they can see how it fits with the remaining budget of the Planning Board .
Cheryl stated that the original proposal was submitted for $ 11 ,000, but was only funded at $2,500. She
felt that the marketing study that Jeannie Barrett is going to be working on will be a great benefit to come
from this project as well .
Communication between Planning Board Members - Larry Sharpsteen indicated that once each
committee liaison has any information prepared from their committee meetings, they should bring that in
to Sharon . Sharon will gather that information and give it to Grace. Grace will compile them and then
give them back to the Planning Board , monthly, to show each other what has been done.
Cheryl also suggested that each liaison give a brief overview pointing out the highlights of each meeting
to Grace and the Public Relations/Communications Committee. Lin wanted to know what could be done
with issues that were across the committees .
• Kaplan Grant - Cheryl stated that she only received the application form for this grant a week prior to the
deadline date, which is why the entire board didn 't have an opportunity to give their input towards this
application . She explained that she had shown this application to Larry Sharpsteen and Linda Hirvonen
prior to its submittal . She stated that an important outcome of this grant application will be the
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Monday, April26, 1993
• opportunity to learn the skills taught by the Community Dispute Resolution Center (CDRC) in local
planning and for government people to aid in the process of holding town meetings. Another outcome is
the use of community advisory workshops . She explained that out of the $ 11 ,000 grant application , she
was proposing that she receive $4 ,000 for her salary , and the remaining $ 1 ,000 to help the town cover
the expenses for this grant, including $700 for CDRC workshops . She explained that she had spoken
with Tom Neiderkorn who had projected his expenses for the year to be $5 ,000 ; she added another
$ 1 ,000 to his estimate. The line item of Town of Lansing Other Sources of Funding shows $ 11 ,000,
which is what they normally allocate in their normal budget anyway.
Larry Sharpsteen felt that the Planning Board members need to take some time to review the grant and
the budget breakdown . He suggested allocating 15 - 30 minutes at the end of the first meeting in May to
directly address any questions after review that anyone has regarding the grant application and budget.
Robert Todd felt strongly about reviewing the budget, since it intends to use some of the funds allocated
for the regular Planning Board ordinary expenses. Viola asked whether this discussion could be called for
an executive session .
Leave of Absence for Cheryl Nickel - Larry Sharpsteen began addressing the issue of Cheryl Nickel now
being a paid employee, receiving funds from the NYSCA grant. Cheryl indicated that as part of the
requirement for the grant application she is required to take a leave of absence from the Planning Board.
The Planning Board needs to make a formal request to the Town Board for another leave of absence .
Grace Haney will be returning from her leave. Larry Sharpsteen asked Grace to prepare a letter to the
Town Board on behalf of the Public Relations/Communications Committee requesting a leave of absence
• for Cheryl Nickel as a requirement of the NYSCA grant.
Viola Miller made a motion to recommend to the Town Board that they grant a leave of absence for
approximately six months for Cheryl Nickel while she is working on the grant; Al White seconded . VOTE:
ALL IN FAVOR; MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Sharpsteen pointed out that Cheryl will still
attend meetings and participate in discussions, but will not have a vote.
Direction within the Board Itself - Planning Board Control of Advisory Committees - Larry Sharpsteen
drafted what his understanding is of the basic mission statement for the project this year. He felt this was
a working piece of paper and asked for discussion. Cheryl suggested giving everyone the opportunity to
take it home and review it before the next meeting . All agreed .
Town Center Zoning - Viola Miller commented that since the Planning Board was instructed to move on
with the zoning and updating the master plan , she would like to proposing allocating a "special" zone for
the town center. She suggested allocating where the town center would be and what it is going to
encompass. Larry Sharpsteen suggested calling this a "Civic Zone". It is to be under special permit only .
This would give the opportunity to work toward roads, and bring in the things the Planning Board
recommends. Viola thought this could be a mixed zone area, and that the Planning Board could do some
creative zoning .
Larry Sharpsteen felt that whatever the revisions are to the zoning ordinance, that Site Plan Review
• should be included. He would like to be able to use this tool.
Robert Todd questioned what time frame the Town Center Committee is looking at to define the
boundaries of the town center. Cheryl felt that the committee would have their recommendations and
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41 rationale soon and be able to present that to the Board . Robert asked what the rational location would
be. Cheryl felt that it would be somewhere close to the area around the current town hall , the
recreational fields, and new town land . Larry questioned how far past Route 34 she felt the boundary
would be. Cheryl indicated the fire station . She felt that most of this year is being spent on design and
planning , and that next year can be spent on implementation .
Productivity on the Committees
Historical Resources Committee (HRC) - Viola commented that she has been in contact with the Lansing
Historical Society who has shown interest in contributing to this project. Viola felt that they have all the
resources the Planning Board would need . Larry pointed out the cultural diversity in the history of
Lansing (e .g . , the Sedans , the Lebanese) . Lin suggested getting oral reports might be simpler to begin
with instead of having to provide written reports . Cheryl raised other questions of what to do with this
information once it has been gathered . Do we have a museum or a library?
Viola suggested the possibility of having the Agricultural Resources Committee come to the HRC to give
some history of agriculture in Lansing . Robert agreed but felt the main focus of this committee is zoning .
Viola felt that to begin looking at zoning, Robert's committee needs to look at all the data regarding the
number of farmers there used to be compared to current numbers, and the acreage of farm land past and
present. Larry Sharpsteen felt that this data information would be available from the ASCS . Robert
agreed .
• Larry Sharpsteen suggested to each committee liaison that before the next Planning Board meeting , they
prepare their mission statements and goals to accomplish before October. Cheryl asked that she be
allowed to attend one meeting of each of the committees to just observe it.
It was suggested that the Planning Board and its subcommittees put out its own newsletter to the public.
They would like to see the newsletter go out by July or August, before the next town meeting .
Cheryl stated that one of the issues of this project is to get as many people involved as possible , even
the ones that may not agree with the others on the committee. One way of doing this is approving the
town newsletter before it goes out. Grace prepared a letter to appear in the town newsletter, and
explained that this could be sent out to organizations encouraging them to send representatives on their
behalf to voice concerns or questions . From Linda Hirvonen's original suggestion , Cheryl would like to
name this project "Lansing 2010". All members agreed that this was an appropriate name of this project,
since it gets people thinking to the future , but also implies that this project won't take place immediately.
Grace indicated that she will begin using this title in all her correspondence from now on then . Un
suggested indicating in this letter the name and liaison of each committee as well as their schedule for
Cheryl is working on a press release right now. She will be including quotes from people that are
• involved . She would like to get more information to the public regarding the mission statements of each
committee. She would like to have something prepared for a mailing after the press release is out.
Cheryl stated that she will be sending everyone a copy of the press release for their review and
comments ; anyone with comments needs to respond within 24 hours to meet the printing deadline .
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Cheryl questioned how the Planning Board suggested dealing with the rumors. George Totman indicated
that he has had several people come to him with questions because they had heard a rumor. Cheryl felt
that a question and answer section in the newsletter might be a good alternative. Larry Sharpsteen
explained what he told the people on his committee - they are "public people" and they shouldn't express
private feelings publicly, since their comments may be taken as fact.
Transportation and Housing Issues - Cheryl felt the transportation issues could be addressed by a
subcommittee of the Master Plan Committee . She will be attending a meeting of this committee to help in
identifying topics that could be delegated. Lin felt that the County Planning Department has a lot of
information relating to these issues already.
Cheryl also would like to involve the schools and how it will affect them . Grace commented that the
schools are really interested in what is going to be happening , and felt that there is a good deal of people
interested in working on the committees and their projects.
It was suggested to be sure to keep the Town Board up to date on the progress of the committee work.
George Totman indicated that he has been instructed to give each Town Board member a copy of the
minutes from each committee meeting . He also indicated that Larry Tvaroha does a good job keeping
the Town Board up to date.
Planning Board Communication Between Members - Larry Sharpsteen was concerned that the Planning
Board wasn't communicating well enough to the public, to the Town Board , and between each other. He
• felt that the communication lines have gotten somewhat better recently, but strongly suggested the need
for everyone to talk to everyone else and not just at the meetings.
Schedule - Cheryl suggested a joint meeting with the Town Board at the meeting on May 24. The
newsletter (A SPECIAL EDITION) could come after that meeting , getting the input from the Town Board .
She discussed the possibility of having another town meeting before school is out, so that everyone is still
around . Larry agreed that was a good idea, but didn't feel there would be that much progress before the
end of June . Cheryl responded that she would like to give people the opportunity to have input before
the plan is developed too far. Cheryl suggested conducting the town meeting sometime around June 28 -
30. Robert Todd didn't feel that his committee would be able to have that many concrete proposals by
that point. Cheryl wants to be able to involve the public in the decisions before the committees are too
far along . Robert was concerned that by rushing through some of the decisions, the public may not feel
as thought they had ample opportunity to give their input.
Viola questioned the forum of the meeting . Larry felt that the chair of each committee will make a report
on the progress of the committee , give the mission statements and the goals, and then give the progress
toward those goals at that particular time .
Cheryl pointed out that the person leading this public meeting needs to have a certain skill for getting
public input. Larry Sharpsteen agreed that it would be helpful for everyone to have this skill , but felt the
time and money would be just as well spent on having the Community Dispute Resolution Center lead the
• meeting . Cheryl disagreed, commenting that there will be many times in the future when situations will
arise that require some skills in dispute resolution. Robert Todd wanted clarification that this is the
purpose of the Kaplan grant which Cheryl has applied for; Cheryl confirmed that it was. Larry Sharpsteen
requested that George Totman hold 15 - 30 minutes at the end of the next meeting for further discussion
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• of this issue . Robert Todd commented that he has a problem with spending the money this way. He felt
that anyone of the board members could conduct the town meeting , and that there are better ways this
money could be spent. He agreed with Larry Sharpsteen in that for the next town meeting , we could just
hire Judy Saul to conduct it. Cheryl feels that this process of conducting meetings with the town will
continue. Larry pointed out that he was not questioning the usefulness of the skill , it is the use of
everyone's time. Rob's concern is the use of the money.
Cheryl commented that it would not just be the Planning Board members involved in this workshop, but
also the Town Board members.
Rural Alliance Institute - George Totman explained the Rural Alliance Institute (RAI) , jointly sponsored by
Cornell Cooperative Extension and the Kellogg group, for which he is Vice President. The RAI has an
$800,000 grant from Kellogg to do work with small communities . He passed out an informational page
that identified programs that the RAI offers. He asked the board members to look it over and get back to
him with their feedback.
Robert Todd made a motion to adjourn this meeting ; Lin Davidson seconded . Meeting was adjourned at
9 :32 p. m .
Submitted by Michelle Eastman
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George L. Totman
\\I\t 'm Zoning Administration & Code Enforcement
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