HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-10-28 To Seneca Falls To Auburn 11— 1 : 11111 TN 11 " HOWNome of Indof ustry, LAAgricultuSIre and Scenic Beauty " 34 -4. \ Ili . ti Town of Lansing \ � , 11111 Box 186 � 1i Lansing, N . Y . 14882 �% 1'� \ I, hi, To Ithaca LANSING PLANNING BOARD MEETING Date : October 28 , 1991 • Time : 7 : 30 P . M . Place : Lansing Town Hall Boardroom From : George L . Totman AGENDA 7 : 30 P . M . Robert Lynch - One Lot Subdivision 7 : 45 P . M . Howell - Subdivision 8 : 00 P . M . Approve Minutes of September 23rd meeting . Resume Planning Update with Tom Neiderkorn • • TOWN OF LANSING PLANNING BOARD MEETING Monday, October 28, 1991; 7:30 p.m. PLANNING BOARD * Denotes Present * Al White * Larry Sharpsteen Roger Hagin * Linda Hirvonen * Viola Miller Mullane * Frances Ramin * Robert Todd * Cheryl Nichols * George Totman, Planning, Zoning, and Code Administration Office Larry Tvaroha, Town Councilman Public Present Herbert Howell Chip Landry Marcia Lynch Robert Lynch George Schlecht Chairman Al White called the Planning Board Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. ROBERT LYNCH, TEETER ROAD, TAX MAP #37.1 -7-23 Al White commented that although there wasn't a quorum present at the last meeting, the board members that were present reviewed the SEQR on this proposed one-lot subdivision. He offered • this time to allow for comments on the SEQR; No comments were made. Frances Ramin moved to accept the SEQR as reviewed; Viola seconded. This was a unanimous, all-in-favor vote. Linda Hirvonen moved to accept this proposed one-lot subdivision; Larry Sharpsteen seconded the motion. VOTE: ALL IN FAVOR MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY HERBERT HOWELL, SEARLES ROAD, TAX MAP #28-01 -28.1 The Planning Board's request to have the proposed subdivision paperwork resubmitted in the present owner's name, Herbert Howell, has been honored. Larry Sharpsteen moved to accept this proposed four-lot subdivision ; Robert Todd seconded. VOTE: ALL IN FAVOR MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Review of Planning Board Minutes for September 23, 1991 Page two, first paragraph under Karl Dates. Al White commented that in the sixth sentence, the word should be roadways not railways. Linda Hirvonen moved to accept the minutes as amended; Frances Ramin seconded. VOTE: ALL IN FAVOR MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Review of Planning Board Minutes for October 14, 1991 • Frances Ramin commented that since there wasn't a quorum present, there is no need to approve the summary of the meeting. • GENERAL BUSINESS Larry Tvaroha commented that the Town Board has been working on the budget for the coming year. He commented that this process has been difficult because of not knowing what cuts will be made from the State. The budget for the Town will call for a six cents per $ 1,000 raise on property taxes. He commented that although George Totman has been giving out about 6 - ? million dollars worth of building permits a year, the assessment base for the Town actually went down this year. The reason for this is due to protests against the reassessments that went through last year. Many of the court cases have lost in terms of the county. Another reason for difficulty in developing a budget is due to the withdrawal of funding for the Town to provide inspections, but still being required to provide these services. In order to help counteract this, the cost of building permits has been increased. Larry Tvaroha commented that the Town of Lansing is getting ready to sign a snowplowing contract with the Village of Lansing. Larry also provided an updated on the issue of a sewer system, which he feels is close to a breakthrough. He said the Ithaca Waste Water Treatment Plant put in a proposal to the SJS, and are waiting for a reply. He felt that something would be flowing out of there within a year. Town Center Larry Tvaroha discussed the topic of a Town center. He said that the Town is still actively pursuing the purchase of approximately 140 acres of state land across the road from the ball fields. He commented that decisions to be made regarding the use of this property would be guided by suggestions from the Planning Board. This property might be used for recreation as well as the new Town hall, and undeveloped recreations, such as nature trails. Woodsedge has also put in a • proposal for an expansion. Larry Tvaroha commented on the recent restoration work being done on the Rogues Harbor. The new owner of the building, Jean Clark, is planning on restoring the building to its original condition. Discussion also involved possible development of the lot area around the Rogues Harbor and the ShurFine. Cheryl Nichols suggested that the area in between these two buildings would be a good area for small commercial development. Site Plan Review Larry Sharpsteen questioned Larry Tvaroha as to the status of the Site Plan Review with the Town Board. Mr. Tvaroha replied that nothing has been mentioned by the Town Board, and suggested that the Planning Board look over the plans again to make any changes as needed due to current issues, then recommend it to the Town Board again. Larry Sharpsteen felt that the Town needs to be properly educated about Site Plan Review, such as community meetings, pancake breakfasts, and newsletters. Cheryl brought up the discussion as to targeting a public event to initiate a public information drive. Larry Sharpsteen suggested starting with the Site Plan Review. Suggestions raised were: election dinners, Lion pancake breakfasts, Lansing Days, the antique show at the Methodist Church, public hearings, public information meetings to ask for input, and newsletters. Cheryl suggested telling the public that the Planning Board is working on a plan for our community, and ask for their input. George Totman said that the next question that the public will ask is : "When will you be implementing these plans?". Cheryl replied that at that point you S 2 tell them that the ways of implementation are Site Plan Review and zoning. Larry Sharpsteen felt that there would be more interest from the public if you expose the ideas first and then ask for input. Cheryl suggested naming the plan something like "Community Forum for Lansing 2010." Cheryl also offered her services for producing graphics or visual aids for this effort. Update on Planning Meetings with Tom Neiderkorn Larry Sharpsteen began the update by describing the status of the maps. They are to be in a scale of 1" to 1000'. Tom is going to put together a mylar or at least a linen copy and then update it with the subdivisions we have to date, and then have it transferred to a mylar. Then overlays can be done to work with road proposals and with new zoning areas. He said the Professional Planning Relations Committee has been doing three things at once : reviewing the work done previously on the expansion of the zoned area; addressing the issue of the Town center; and working on the proposed feeder roads. Linda Hirvonen asked Larry Tvaroha to give an update on the Horkey property and the proposed road to the water tower. Larry Tvaroha replied that everything is still in the planning stage. This proposed road, which is currently being used as a driveway by Mr. Horkey, is planned to be connected to Whispering Pines. Linda commented that she, on behalf of the Professional Public Relations Committee, would like to look at this proposal before it goes much farther. Larry Sharpsteen questioned Larry Tvaroha as to public access areas such as parks. Mr. Tvaroha described a law that says that developers or developments even though there may not be a need for a park in that particular development, you can ask them to contribute to a fund that will provide for a general town park. You may be able to give them exceptions to heighth and depth in return for their contribution to go into other public parts of the town. Larry Sharpsteen described • a piece of land that would be an excellent location for something like that. He described the triangular piece of land on Triphammer Road, Triphammer Terrace, and Hillcrest Road. He felt that public access at that point would cut down on increased access to a very busy highway, take a piece of land that really isn't that good for development and provide an open space, and allow them to close off a road that is a little bit troublesome to the town right now. He suggested the name of "Jane Bush Horkey Memorial Park. " Cheryl Nichols added that a master plan needs to be developed to include recreation areas and future development around those areas. In regards to meetings with Tom Neiderkorn, Larry Sharpsteen felt that the stress of the meetings has been on commercial and industrial areas, with a focus on the airport and the airport expansion plan, and Cherry Road. This area is set up as a light industrial area. Larry Sharpsteen made the statement that the Professional Public Relations Committee is considering setting aside the land in the area of the airport, particularly on the northwest end of the runway for light industrial development (warehousing, high-tech industries, and industrial parks). This area includes most of the center part of the airport hazardous zone, and is as far north as a couple hundred feet of Hillcrest, and as far south as the south side of Cherry Road up to Borg Warner, and the land now owned by Cornell. Concerns that were expressed three years ago when this hazard area was discussed and put on the map were potential complaints of homeowners that could create a safety hazard to commercial passengers, and protection of the hazard zone. Larry Sharpsteen felt that this should again be discussed as to being developed as a light industrial area. There being no further business, the Planning Board meeting adjourned at 9 :00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, / I le f l Al / • Michelle R. Eastman Next Planning Board Meeting: Monday, November 11, 1991; 7:30 p.m. 3 ;OA si/9/ 71.40 cc in /vs/ fru flaw 6 ci to /4 //a cim eve _ .9doi2 mss 3 '/ - / off a? Vq- 4 Lt /by . 9 i3 i9- • 1g Z6 • ILANS : NG I ous ; NG AUTHORITY ; \ \- , \ "Dedicated to a pleasant living environment " • \ • 4N43a .74 . ` , October 22 , 1991 Lansing Town Planning Board Lansing Town Hall Lansing , NY 14882 Dear Board Members , The Lansing Housing Authority is planning a second meeting of representatives from community organizations , resource persons , and individuals interested in senior housing in Lansing . It will be held on Monday , November 18 , 1991 , 8 : 00pm in the Community Room at Woodsedge . You may have attended the first community meeting in September 1990 or participated in the survey of senior housing and related service needs . This survey was a result of the first community meeting . The 35 % response from Lansing seniors in the survey provided LHA with information , ideas , and opinions , which will be extremely valuable in developing plans and when applying for funding . At the November meeting , we will share the results from the survey and other activities of the past year . We plan to make use of community expertise related to identified needs in senior housing including : ( 1 ) in - home services for seniors ( i . e . making use of existing services and the development of new services ) ; ( 2 ) funding for new construction ; ( 3 ) public relations ( i . e . , communicating with the community , state and local officials , and the possible development of a " Friends of Woodsedge " ) ; ( 4 ) long - term planning , ( i . e . rationale for 20 - 30 year plan for a senior housing campus ; ( 5 ) landscape planning for present and future ( i . e . the physical plant and environment and making the most of available resources ) . We encourage your participation since it is only by working together that effective , efficient , and attractive housing and services for seniors can be successfully developed in Lansing . Please contact Art Bratton at 257 - 1352 or Pat Barnes at 533 - 7529 to let us know if you can plan to attend . We look forward to seeing you on November 18 . Sincerely yours , Ai 1 Robert C . Baker , President Lansing Housing Authority ref : lcomm2nd . mtg • Please send reply to : An Economic Opportunity Employer