November 21 , 1989
Present : A . White , Chair, R . Hagin , L . Hirvonen , C . Kammen , F . Ramin, L .
Sharpsteen ; D . Herrick , Town Engineer.
Chairman White called the meeting to order to 7 : 30 . The minutes were
distributed and will be acted upon at the next meeting .
Pinney Subdivision : Ruth Landsman, of Price and Price Architects , made
a presentation concerning the Pinney Development which is seeking
preliminary plat approval from the Planning Board . Letters from Landsman
addressed questions raised by the Board at its July meeting .
There are several changes in the overall design of the subdivision :
The number of lots is now 23; most are approximately 9 / 109 of an
acre , although the Planning Board pointed out that at least three were . 06
of an acre or less .
The development will have public water.
Two potential easements are shown on the map , one to the North ,
one to the East aligned with the turn on Fiddlers ' Green .
Septic systems have been designed for three bedroom houses .
Road grade is 14% at the maximum on the turns , which have a 150 '
radius .
Total length of the road is 1800 feet .
A set of plans was given to D . Herrick for review .
A 5 % to 10 % maximum increase of water is expected . There will
be road side ditches .
Because the Town Engineer has not had time to review the plans for this
subdivision the Planning Board will act at our next meeting on this request
for preliminary plat approval .
The Planning Board had two major concerns concerning this development :
one has to do with the size of those lots that are smaller than . 06 of an
acre . In addition , the Planning Board questioned the 14% grade on the road
which exceeds the town regulations . The Board discussed some of the
problems posed by this subdivision .
The meeting was adjourned at 9 p . m .