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AUGUST 21 , 1989
Present : Chair White, Hagin , Hirvonen , Kommen , Miller- Mullane ,
G . Totman , Code Enforcement Officer
L . Emick, Town Board Liaison
White called the meeting to order at 7 :35 pm. The minutes of the Planning
Board meeting of August 7 were tabled until the next meeting .
William Meal Two Minor Subdivisions : Don McLaughlin represented
Mr. Meal . He asked for further information regarding the documents needed
by the Planning Board and he will return with them in September.
Dino Merinos : North Triphammer Road, north of Waterwagon Road
Mr. Merinos submitted a survey of the land owned by his brother on
North Triphammer Road , showing a three lot Minor Subdivision . The lots
have water and services, and will need three driveways onto Triphammer
Road . Marinas suggested that he could cluster the driveways between lots
B & C . There is room for the 100 ' radius needed for the septic systems .
The Planning Board accepted the Marines ' map as a preliminary
plat .
Mr. Merinos was instructed to check with the Assessor' s Office to
see if the land is in an Agricultural District , and if so , to take the
necessary steps so that the land may be sold as residential lots . He was
also instructed to contact the County Highway Department regarding
approval for the road cuts .
A Public Hearing will be held on September 18 .
Wheeler Major Subdivision , East Side of North Triphammer Road,
south of Triphammer terrace .
Mr. Wheeler presented an 8 lot major subdivision . He is currently
seeking approval of the Highway Department and of the Health Department
which has recommended fill systems . He presented a sketch plan.
Public water is nearby and Wheeler has discussed a water
connection with the Town Engineer.
"l' All of the lots have 150 foot frontage except for lots 3 & 2 which
only have 100 '.
Hirvonen suggested that the Planning Board will study the map and
make recommendations . She noted that the overall plan looks quite
acceptable and commended Mr. Wheeler for the plan and the rood extension
through to Stormy View .
Al White to be the liaison for this subdivision .
Required of Mr. Wheeler:
He will return to the meeting on September 18 .
Viola Miller One lot Subdivision on Bush Lone
Miller described her donation of one lot to the Learning Web. The
lot is located on the corner of Bush Lane and Horizon Road . It is 153 ' by
195'. The lot is in a sewer and water district . Miller will retain site
control . Driveway will be on Horizon Road .
Hirvonen moved that we accept a One Lot Minor subdivision
contingent upon receipt of a completed survey . Hagin seconded . Approved
unanimously with Miller abstaining .
A public hearing is scheduled for September 18 .
R . Walpole for Miles Munson lends
Mr. Walpole appeared before the Planning Board to determine the
status of some of the land held by Mr. Munson and to inform us of his
® actions concerning those lands .
Mr. Munson owns five parcels of land in Lansing .
Buck Road: A preliminary plat was presented to the Planning Board
in 1987 but no survey is on file , there was no health department approval
and the Planning Board never gave final approval of this subdivision . Lot
# 4 was sold at one time but the sale has fallen through . Walpole will
inform the Planning Board about the status of this lot once it is
determined .
White noted that the Planning Board is opposed to strip
development , especially when the land behind is held for farming.
Searles Road: A preliminary plat was presented to the Planning
Board in April 1987 but no action was taken and the Planning process was
never completed.
Van Ostrum Road and North Lansing School House Road : There is a
house on Lot 1 and none of the other lots have been sold .
There is no survey on file and the Planning Board has not given
final approval for a subdivision of these lands .
Route 34: Davis Farm: A portion of this area was sold to Duthie
some time back . There is also a question about the status of the Kirk lot .
For further sale, Subdivision approval will be necessary.
West Groton Road: There are 82 acres in all , but tax parcel 30 . 2 is
owned by Munson and John Merrill , and 30. 3 does not show on the
assessment list . Might 30 . 3 have been sold on land contract ?
Mr. Walpole noted that at present he does not know the status of
some lend , and that he does not yet know how the land will be offered for
sale . He appreared in order to keep us up to date about the Miles Munson
lands and he will return on September 18 .
The Planning Board wrote a letter for Mr. Walpole explaining that
in several cases the subdivision process had been started but that it hod
not been completed .
The Planning Board will ask the Town Board to join us on a visit
to several subdivisions and sites for future subdivisions on September 9
at 8: 30 a . m . To be viewed especially are the Pinney lands , Mahool
Subdivision, Kim Subdivision , and Leathers Development . L . Emick will be
in charge of making the arrangements and for inviting the Town Board . He
will arrange transportation and he will notify all members of the two
boards prior to the trip .
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 pm.
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