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`F " Home of Industry, Agriculture and Scenic Beauty
Town of Lansing
Box 186 l
Lansing, New York 14882 \ II�
To Ithaca
24 Feburary 1989
To Planning Board Members
From George L . Totman
Re : Agenda for meeting Feburary 27 , 1989
7 : 30 General Bus . Approve Minutes
7 : 45 Public Hearing Alan Euvard - Hillcrest Sub - Div .
8 : 15 Public Hearing Roy Moore Jr . Sub - Div .
® 8 : 30 Leo Mahool Sub - Div .
8 : 45 Nickels - East Lake
9 : 00 Any other bus . to come before the meeting .
FEBRUARY 27 , 1989
PRESENT : R . Hagin , C . Kammen , L . Hirvonen , Chairman White
OTHERS : Lou Emmick , George Totman
The meeting was called to order at 7 : 40 P . M .
Approval of minutes of February 13th was tabled until the next
regular meeting of the Planning Board on March 13th .
L ocation : 5 lots on 6 acre portion of land
Hillcrest Road
Chairman White read a Legal Notice of Public Hearing dated 17
February 1989 then opened the meeting for a Public Hearing .
A letter from the Tompkins County Department of Health , dated
411 February 25 , 1989 , was also read . This letter discussed Sewage
Treatment and Disposal , Water System , SEQR , and Fees and Forms
f or the proposed Euvrard subdivision . ( copy attached )
It was reported that the letter from the Tompkins County
D epartment of Health , addressed to Mr . Alan Euvrard , was received
by Mr . Euvrard today . Also , George Schlecht , P . E . , is out of
town . They will need to comply with the requests in the letter .
Chairman White remarked that the Planning Board will need a copy
of the engineer ' s report clarifying the Department of Health ' s
letter . Then , he closed the Public Hearing on Euvrard Major
S ubdivision .
Five members of . the Planning Board attended a Town Board Meeting
. on February 20 , 1989 to discuss roads . The members identified
e arlier areas of study , discussed possibility of widening East
S hore Drive ; and ' discussed possibility that Hillcrest and Bush
L ane get a North - South connector .
C . Kammen summed the meeting as follows :
1 ) Lansing is experiencing growth and needs to plan North - South
✓ oads for the future .
2 ) There is a need for improvement of town roads .
3 ) There is a need for a Master Plan for future roads .
® 4 ) There is a need for county road improvement .
It was suggested by G . Totman that land developers submit proposed
n ames of roads to the Zoning Officer so he can run the names
through the computer . In this way , there would not be
d uplication of names .
L ocation : East Shore Drive , Route 34
2 lots , 1 acre and 1 . 5 acres
Chairman White called the Public Hearing Meeting to order at 8 : 15
P . M . and read the Legal Notice of Public Hearing .
Louis Hicks and Patricia Brown
Chairman White read a statement dated February 27 , 1989 , signed
by Louis Hicks and Patricia Brown . ( copy of statement attached )
They had three concerns :
1 ) Number and size of vehicles using the driveway .
2 They have verbal assurance that Durgin and Steinhardt intend
to operate on wholesale basis only but would like this limitation
in writing .
3 ) There is a possibility of another business on Northern lot and
would like this limited to residential use .
E lsie Dryer
" My land borders Moore land . We have had trouble in last few
® years with people coming into the gorge and camping and building
f ires . There is lots of trespassing . "
Mrs . Ripple
" My neighbors are constantly having to ask people to move from my
land in the gorge . "
Dianne Moore suggested that these people were not coming through
Moore property because the gorge is very steep .
Roy Moore , Jr . stated that the map is misleading and he pointed
out that the gorge cuts inland across their property .
Patricia Brown
A question was raised as to why this is a minor subdivision
instead of considering the whole parcel .
L . Hirvonen stated that the landowner can sell a parcel of land .
If new owner wants to subdivide , must come before Planning Board .
Two and one - half years ago Mr . Moore came before the Planning
B oard with three lots , a minor subdivision . Now , this is a
second minor subdivision .
L . Hirvonen
1 ) L . Hirvonen commented that it was commendable that Steinhardt
and Durgin are burying electric lines . There are no local laws
® to cover this ; however , if it is a major subdivision , then falls
under state laws .
2 ) The Health Department is the biggest factor in deciding where
a house is located
3 ) The commercial aspect of Steinhardt proposal needs
clarification .
Roy Moore , Jr .
S pecifications of business is spelled out in deed restrictions .
This will be a small business with one delivery truck per week .
O ther transportation will be by owner ' s vehicle from home to UPS .
L . Hirvonen requested that the Planning Board receive a copy of
the deed restrictions whenever completed .
Concern was expressed that the Steinhardt business would expand
in the future and the traffic flow of customers would be heavy .
L . Hirvonen reminded Patricia Brown that there is no zoning in
L ansing and the road to be used by the Steinhardts is a private
road maintained by the Moores . The Moores do not want a
commercial road .
Chairman White closed the Public Hearing at 8 : 41 P . M .
Mr . Mahool and Mr . Schwartz presented a Final Plat for approval .
This property is located off East Shore Drive and East Shore
Circle .
Mr . T . Miller has approved the drainage plan .
The details of the drainage, to the North is being worked out with
Mrs . Kim , owner of adjacent property .
The water line is approved and in District 12 .
The roads are all named .
S ame number of lots .
C . Kammen moved that the Planning Board approve the Final Plat
w ith recognition that the developers have included a North - South
✓ oad which they are providing and down which a water line is
✓ unning . R . Hagin seconded . Carried unanimously .
L ocation : off East Shore Drive , Town of Lansing
1 ) Mr . Bayles reported that a road is under construction . All
construction on road will be completed by August 15 , 1989 .
After that date , the road will be ready to turn over to Town .
2 ) Conversion of Lot # 44 into two lots .
According to a letter dated 15 February 1989 , addressed to Town
of Lansing Planning Board , and signed by Cheryl A . Nickel , Owner ,
Eastlake Development , she felt that the developers were in
compliance . with earlier agreement . " Lot 44 is designated for use
as attached housing ; a fourplex ( four separately owned living
u nits ) . This lot may be divided into two separate lots ; if so ,
the use of each lot will be limited to a single family
✓ esidence . . . " ( letter attached )
The Final Plat did not show this division line in Lot # 44 . Now ,
d eveloper is coming before the Planning Board to get approval to
d o what always planned to do .
C . Kammen called for an executive session .
Chairman White responded to the developers that the Planning
B oard feels that in terms of letter before them , that there seems
to be no reason why their request shouldn ' t be approved .
H owever , in view of some points , the Planning Board feels that
they should consult the town attorney .
C . Kammen suggested that a letter be written to Mr . Thaler , Town
Attorney .
Action on this request is postponed until the March 13th meeting .
L . Hirvonen moved to table any further action on Euvrard ' s
H illcrest Major Subdivision until the Planning Board has received
another report from the Tompkins County Health Department
concerning lot size , drainage , and any other issues raised in
this meeting .
C . Kammen seconded . Carried unanimously .
The secretary was instructed to mail a copy of the motion to Mr .
E uvrard .
R . Hagin moved that the Planning Board approve the Moore Minor
S ubdivision . C . Kammen seconded . Carried unanimously .
G . Totman informed the Planning Board that Mr . Harris , Meadow
Ridge Major Subdivision , located on 348 , has turned in to him all
the materials requested by the Planning Board on December 12 ,
1988 . A Public Hearing will be scheduled .
Meeting adjourned at 10 : 00 P . M .
Marge Kearl
3 / 2 / 89
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S UZANNE R . STOPEN , R . N . , M . P . S . f= E B 2 5 1 .9b Environmental Health Division
P ublic Health Director 401 Harris B. Dates Drive
_ _ � pvi q ] �,... 1 Ithaca, New York 14850-1386
f a Jy l24 , jt}9B 607-273-7275
Mr . Alan Euvard
43 - 1 / 2 Atwater Road
Ithaca , New York 14853 -
Re : Proposed Realty Subdivision
Tax Parcel 41 - 1 -. 12
Town of Lansing
Dear Mr . Euvard :
On February 7 , 1989 , a preliminary field investigation of the above property
w as conducted to determine whether the land is suitable for a housing development .
You propose to develop 5 lots on the 6 acre portion of the parcel located
. southwest of Hillcrest-TircE--TTEnrgill of the Tompkins County Sanitary Code
✓ egulates realty subdivisions .
Sewage Treatment and Disposal
A municipal system is unavailable , so on - site systems will be proposed .
The Tompkins County Soils Survey identifies and describes three soil types on
the 6 acres to be developed : Lordstown channery silt loam ( LnC ) , Langford
• channery silt loam ( LaB ) , and Erie channery silt loam ( EbB ) . The survey ' s
description of each soil is attached .
Six test pits were observed and seemed to generally verify the soils survey ,
e xcept that rock was found in every hole at depths ranging from 14 " - 36 " . Refer to
the attached summary of the test pit findings . Since the restrictive layers to
soil absorption fall into a relatively shallow range , 1 - 2 feet , raised systems
pear necessary to comply with the County Sanitary Code—s_canuirement that 3 feet
o f permeable soiiists het-w.e-En-•-th.e ho-t-tcm__o_f the sewage syst.-e.m_and the
✓ estriction to flow ( rock -,_g.c_.oundwater , or slowly permeable soils ) . •
A sand filter would be 1 possibility for a sewage system if , at a minimum , a
two - acre lot was formed such that a 250 foot circle could be inscribed in the lot .
Present lot dimensions disallow sand filters by the Tompkins County Sanitary Code .
NOTE : Your preliminary plans show that the northeastern boundaries of each
lot extend to the center line of Hillcrest Road . Article VIII of the Tompkins
County Sanitary Code prescribes that lots with on - site sewage systems ( except sand
filters ) have a one .- acre minimum of useable area in which a 150 foot circle may be
inscribed . . Since existing public roads orrights - of - way do not qualify as useable
III area , lots 1 , 2 , and 5 ( each shown as one - acre lots ) do not appear to meet the
minimum lot size re uq irements .
` Mr . Alan Euvard I
Proposed Realty Subdivision , Tax Parcel 41 - 1 - 12
Page 2 , February 24 , 1989
411 The locations and details of each lot ' s sewage system , including equal
replacement area for each system , must be designed by your engineer prior to
approval and shown on the subdivision plan . Enclosed is a map showing the
approximate locations of the test holes , numbered 1 - 6 .
Water System
Since public water is not presently available , individual wells will be
• drilled to serve the residences . However , the potential for low yield rates in
the area of your proposed subdivision is quite marked . It is required that a test
�•� 1 1 e d i-P_Q-LdflC . t-o—p e r m y_i_ald—t-e sts_and_m ea s u r e the d r a w dQ_w_n-aLaa
Water samples must be collected and sent to a certified laboratory and analyzed
for the substances indicated on the enclosed chart .
The sewage systems must be located outside the drawdown area of the wells to
prevent possible contamination . The details of the well testing and water system
design must be provided , by the engineer and shown on the plans .
In the event public water becomes available , a new water district will need
to be formed by the Town of Lansing , and the engineer must provide details of the
w ater supply system design and show them on the plans .
State Environmental Duality Review ( SEAR )
Under the SEPR procedures , this project is an Unlisted Action . The Town of
Lansing has requested lead agency status , and Parts 1 , 2 , and 3 of the long
Environmental Assessment Form ( EAF ) have been prepared . The involved agencies are
the Town of Lansing and the Tompkins County Health Department .
Fees and Forms
Fees include a general plan review ( $ 50 + $ 3 . 50 per lot = $ 67 . 50 for the five
lots proposed ) payable to the Tompkins County Health Department . There will also
be a $ 40 . sewer construction permit fee for each individual lot at the time of
construction . However , fees are due to increase later this year .
Final plans must be sealed by a professional engineer , and an engineering
✓ eport describing the project ' s concepts should be prepared . All details for the
w ater and sewage systems must be shown on the plans intended for filing at the
County Clerk ' s office .
Please contact us if you have any questions .
Sincerely yours ,
..94- 0/ tier-d÷
• Stephen B . Chaykosky •
Public Health Engineer
411 S8C / cb
Enc .
cc : George Schlecht , P . E . , L . S .
Town of Lansing Planning Board
15 February 1989
Town of Lansing Planning Board
c/o George Totman
29 Auburn Road
Lansing , New York 14882
Reference : Eastlake P.D.A .
Dear Board Members :
On the 28th of November, 1988 , we submitted a proposal to the Planning Board for an alteration to the
Final Plat of the Eastlake PDA : the subdivision of Lot 44 into two lots . At that time the Board
requested that such an action be dealt with as a major change and thus subject to the same approval
process as the original PDA.
Accepting this request, it was deemed that that meeting be considered a " Preliminary Proposal" and
that the next step would be a " Developers' Conference " where the Planning Board set forwardthe
following conditions to bemet before they would forward their recommendation for approval. Those
conditions were :
411) 1 . Health Department approval of the proposed subdivision .
2. Some sort of assurances , provided by the Town , that the environmental impacts
of this change would be acceptable , particularly in relation to drainage .
3 . That a " no further subdivision" clause be included in the Covenants and
Restrictions .
I hereby submit my intent to comply with these conditions to the best of my abilities as I outline below :
1 . Health Department Approval . The letter of approval is included as an
2. Environmental Impacts . We have made repeated contacts to the Town asking
for the information that the Planning Board requested (letters enclosed) . The
Town has not yet given a formal response . Therefore , my only recourse is to
offer you the following :
a) The original SEQR review of this project was for 26 units and was given a
negative declaration .
b) The original drainage plan (approved as part of the PDA process) shows
25 units .
The plans now show 23 units . Since this division of property has in no way
increased total development density , there is no possible way that an increase in
environmental impact could be expected . In essence , the only act that is being
committed here is the drawing of an imaginary line which certainly can have no
physical impact.
99 Eastlake Road Ithaca , New York 14850 ( 607 ) 277 - 1650
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