HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-02-13 To Seneca Falls To Auburn lie; 11 TOWN of LANSING F " Home of Industry, Agriculture and Scenic Beauty " 34 G 'Y. Town of Lansing ORDINANCE DEPT. Box 186 \ Lansing, New York 14882 \ 1t 11 To Ithaca Febuary 08 , 1989 To Planning Board Members From George L . Totman Re : Agenda for Meeting Febuary 13 , 1989 7 : 30 General Bus . Approve minutes of January 09 1989 . Discuss and review info from The Hillcrest and Meadow 410 . Ridge Sub - Div ' s for the purpose of setting of a Public hearing . 8 : 00 Gulf Creek Sub - Div Preliminary Plat Review . 8 : 15 Roy Moore Minor Sub - Div 8 : 30 : Norm Tidd = Sub ^ Div . ; Review 8 : 45 Larry Frabroni ( New developement plans ) 9 : CO Any other Bus . to come before the board . (S fc-c/ /�/ j eS 91; s1) 9 : 15 Whispering Pines ( Phase 3 & 4 ) Ai id 'WM k-)•? /4/• 7z) /1, 6- / A/dee as • t: . 4 4 e .' _ re .art LC, ig. T sft .d- 9.4er. _ _(nrPr jJe z - e)//3 1- Fj1 / `'1 /J N -- - - --- _ I 7 (-Li °tug/ rt-iticA Y.- flu To yl - Y i I lie epir 4 -- 6 - - - _ 01.6 ?* _ /14tee-714,- _ . . - / - ` _ _ : 1 : : : /c5 ' / . - - - - - - - 0 __072/ 0tz 13 r .. -- _ _ - . . v . . _ . . . • • 411 TOWN OF LANSING PLANNING BOARD FEBRUARY 13 , 1989 PRESENT : R . Hagin , L . Hirvonen , F . Ramin , L . Sharpsteen , Chairman White OTHERS : G . Totman Chairman White called the meeting to order at 7 : 40 P . M . APPROVAL OF MINUTES In the minutes of 9 January 19B9 , on page 2 , paragraph 3 , sentence amended to read , " L . Hirvonen indicated serious thoughts as to drainage , sewage , roads , etc . , and further states she appreciates . . . . " F . Ramin moved that the minutes be accepted as amended . R . Hagin seconded . Unanimously approved as amended . OLD BUSINESS O n January 9 , 1989 , a public hearing was held for Preliminary Plat final approval for John and Sylvia Hicks Major Subdivision o n Waterwagon Road . However , a vote was never taken by the P lanning Board . L . Hirvonen moved that the Planning Board accept the Preliminary P lat presented on January 9 for Hicks Major Subdivision of 22 lots on Waterwagon Road . L . Sharpsteen seconded . Carried u nanimously . G . TOTMAN G . Totman reported that information requested by the Planning Board regarding Meadow Ridge Major Subdivision has not been ✓ eceived . The Planning Board requested " a statement of intent on d riveways , wording on sketch plan be changed , a letter from Tompkins County Health Department , SEQR Form needs to be filed , and a statement on drainage . " N o action by the Planning Board or G . Totman needs to be taken until contact is made with G . Totman . H ILLCREST MAJOR SUBDIVISION : ALAN EUVRARD PROPERTY G . Totman did not receive information from developer ' s surveyor on E uvrard property of 5 lots located on the Southwest side of H illcrest Road . N o action by the Planning Board or G . Totman needs to be taken u ntil contact is made with G . Totman . GULF CREEK MAJOR SUBDIVISION OF KIM PROPERTY 411 Mr . Ernie Bayles presented a Preliminary Plat for review . There is one change . Ms . Kim decided to have more land for her own h ome . Lots # 158 and 168 have been combined making 13 . 5 acres and e liminating one lot . This one large lot may be subdivided in the f uture if Ms . Kim purchases adjoining land and develops it . 2 Three requests made by the Planning Board have now been f ulfilled : 1 ) Letter re water . The Town Board is unable to send letter re water until water district is in place . However , Mr . Bayles had a conversation with T . Miller who informed him that this d evelopment is in the planned water district . 2 ) Drainage . a ) Mr . Miller suggested the natural drainage way to the South , being upgraded by Mahool , could be used . b ) Mr . Miller suggested the Westerly flow could follow the underdeveloped area of Teeter Road . D rainage to the North is not a problem . Mr . Miller is now awaiting run - off computation figures which Mr . B ayles hopes to have completed by the first week in March . 3 ) North - South connecting road . A North - South road is now lined up directly with road in Mr . Mahool ' s property . ® A question was raised as to the owners of adjoining property . Mr . Bayles will submit names of adjoining property owners at the Public Hearing . A concern about run - off onto someone else ' s property was raised . Mr . Bayles replied that Mr . Miller feels retention basins serve a purpose where development is downstream but are not necessary in this situation . Everyone retaining own run - off creates problems . Mr . Miller has approved existing drainage system . L . Hirvonen suggested that she would feel more comfortable if the P lanning Board had a discussion with Mr . Miller since she does not understand his suggestions for drainage on the Preliminary P lat . L . Sharpsteen agreed and inquired whether Mr . Bayles would have more information before the next meeting of the Planning Board . H is answer was that he would not . L . Sharpsteen suggested that there is some unease among Planning B oard members about whether or not Lot # 158 may or may not be d eveloped . An answer by Mr . Bayles was that perhaps the Health Department May not approve it for further development . Mrs . Kim responded that she may be purchasing more land and wants the option for her children to be able to subdivide - - perhaps twenty years from now . G . Totman remarked that he has specifications from the Health D epartment on this lot . 411 3 L . Hirvonen moved that the Planning Board accept whatever is required by the Health Department . L . Sharpsteen seconded . Carried unanimously E . BAYLES Mr . Bayles reported 1 ) that the Town Board requested dry sewers for the CHERRY ROAD MAJOR SUBDIVISION of Friedman property . The Final Plat is now being prepared . 2 ) He will request to be placed on the agenda for the February 27th meeting regarding EASTLAKE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AREA . ROY MOORE PROPOSED MINOR SUBDIVISION Location : East Shore Drive , Route 34 R . Moore presented a Preliminary Plat of land subdivided into two lots of 1 acre and 1 . 5 acres . He also presented a short Environmental Assessment Form . Mr . Moore has restrictions on lots re placement of houses . H e stated that the lots are in a planned water district . 416 A discussion of water for subdivisions was held . The Planning B oard needs to know that water is available to people who purchase lots . It was suggested that the Planning Board needs a letter from the Town Board concerning water . Three one - inch lines are planned to service Mr . Moore ' s home and the the 2 proposed lots . L . Sharpsteen questioned whether it would be possible to schedule a public hearing if G . Totman receives a letter from the Town B oard concerning water . Members of the Planning Board agreed that it would be possible . F . Ramin moved that the Planning Board accept as a Preliminary P lat the 2 lots submitted by Roy P . Moore , Jr . and Diane D . Moore . R . Hagin seconded . Carried unanimously . NORM TIDD MINOR SUBDIVISION REVIEW L . Hirvonen presented revised maps of the Tidd Minor Subdivision on Asbury Road . This is an approved minor subdivision ; however , the Health Department demanded a change of boundary lines on Lot # 2 to be eligible for recommended sewage system . Mr . Tidd had lots resurveyed and Lot # 2 is now an approved lot for a sand f iltered sewage system . Lot is now 109 . 61 x 200 feet as opposed to 100 x 200 feet . 411 L . Sharpsteen moved that the Planning Board accept the change in boundary line as indicated by the map . F . Ramin seconded . Carried unanimously . 411 4 LARRY FABBRONI : NEW DEVELOPMENT PLANS Location : Warren Road , North of Airport Mr . L . Fabbroni , representing Rocco Lucente , presented a map showing apartment buildings already built and in use . He proposed to add two units to each of fifteen apartment buildings and may add - on to the second floor of some of the buildings . He proposed that there is adequate parking space off street , the present drainage would not be changed , and the streets are town h ighways . L . Hirvonen suggested that his proposal is for the Zoning Appeals B oard and not the Planning Board . And , it was agreed by other B oard members , that if adding more buildings on approved lots , the next step is to see G . Totman , Zoning Officer . It was also suggested to Mr . Fabbroni that if , at a future date , h e would like to reactivate the major development , he should bring a sketch plan of the whole project before the Planning 411 Board . SPECIALITY TESTING AND EQUIPMENT Mr . Jeffrey A . Zerilli , Business Operations Manager , presented a P reliminary Building Plan for a building to be built on a parcel of land in the Industrial Park on Warren Road . It is Lot # 4 , 1 . 6 acres . It will be a wood frame building . John Yates will be the builder and Gary Wood will be the engineer . H e also presented a Letter of Intent , and a Bank Draw Schedule . Chairman White commented that in a Planned Development Area , the Planning Board holds a Site Plan Review . L . Sharpsteen questioned the density of the wooded lot . How many trees would be cut ? Also , will there be any recreational f acilities on the lot ? An answer was that as many trees as possible would be left . The building and lot would be as attractive as possible . Mr . Zerilli would like to come to the first meeting in March and present to the Planning Board a Site Plan and a Drainage Plan . The lot is now being resurveyed so that Mr . Zerilli can get new numbers to work with . WHISPERING PINES MAJOR SUBDIVISION : PHASE 3 & 4 Mr . Richard Thaler presented a sketch plan of Whispering Pines , located off Hillcrest Road . This is an approved major subdivision . Phase 3 & 4 consists of 9 lots which will be d eveloped . These are lots # 50 , # 48 , # 46 , # 44 , # 49 , # 47 , # 1O , # 9 , and # 11 . Mr . Thaler anticipates that water will be available to 411 5 these lots this fall and it is less costly to put in water for all of them at one time . He hopes to maintain the quality of homes in this subdivision and the price of each home will be near $ 200 , 000 . Mr . Thaler will present a Preliminary Plat to the Planning Board at their first meeting in March . It was requested by L . Hirvonen that a review of the drainage plan of this subdivision at the March meeting would be helpful . The next regular meeting of the Planning Board will be on March 13th . Meeting adjourned at 10 : 15 P . M . 410 marge kearl 2 / 17 / 89