HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-01-31 •
j ANUARY 31 ,
P RESENT : R . Hagin , L . Hi. rvr nen , C . I'; aiimen , V ,. iik_t1J. c+ "it , (`.. „ r'. aiTti "i'1
L . Sharp Steen , Chairman White
. te
Lansing. ... - Board
- . . _.
The ` c.. 11 ir ( g Town C' i"_t =l '1 " d c+. l '( d �'. ., } } '1 ril ��' 1 , Attorney , were present .
Chairman White opened the meeting at ! `_> P . M . with <3 statement
that tonight ' s agenda da was to review Subdivision Rules and
Regulations ; that
the Planning Board proposes to hold a
moratorium on subdivisions until review is completed . He invited
input from the Lansing Town Board member - .
T . Mi i ler , Lansing Tonin Board member , suggested
1 ) that dry sewers should be required in the Cherry Road
subdivision .
2 ) That on paae % , Road Irri ., rov` eme 'lit ' do not meet present
standards .
Road Improvements
H question of whether or not cul - de - sacs could be limited in a
subdivision Was raised . An answer was that it would be hard to
regulate .
H problem area for the Planning Board has been dead end roads .
C . }' . ammerl commented that: the Planning Board has been trying to
link roads whenever possible .
H question i of whether or not school buses need to go down all
roods was raised . An i answer was , " Yes , the school has a door to
d oor policy . "
J . Kirby3 Lansing Town Board member , commented that; Warren E . .- i. =
becoming heavily traveled . . Tractor trailers come out Warren
Road and turn down }-} i l 1. i_ rest Road to avoid Triphammer area .
There is a need to look at future new roads .
It was the consensus of the Planning Board t_i cKii .l t• h ,_. Town Board
that their first priority is plc! "II 'r1 .LIILI and building new roads . It;
was suggested that the Town Board spearhead plans for building
.e :_
new 4. I o ct i_I _.. . pp}
R . Tttal er commented mriie 'il 't �� d t . I �t 'ti; ]. }` 11, 1 '23 l: }i '_i _ t - r_ 1 I -.._ �3 of both
oards , a
_ 1. _ . ... 1 _. - •
letter htuld be written }': t developers stating I, }' ,it, dl=. ! e . o }"i F%' 'i'
must uti1d roads -
- c _ ii csubdivision .
Re ; ention__ Ponds_ T . r" } i l ler suggested th t r" ptent i on ponds Ii:fs ": h ot_t .ld
410 be required ed them= appropriate and that an alternative plan could
be smaller r jJCrid . He al C+ suggested that the Planning Board work
cio "-: el 'y` with developers who have re' t: entii n ponds .
f �. _ 1
❑yerall Flan . J . i . ctli � i 'I "I = � :: i. inquired: � tvl7ri: itti or 1� G :: r'I Yf an
1 � _
overall plan1 _ I Lansing . An answer was that the Planning .., Li :=. 'j- d
does not have an approved Master Fla 'i'l . The Planning Boars. made a
Master Plan a few years agcy b1_1. 4, the Town Board did not adopt it. .
Banfield and Orear _ In the road dispute between Mr . Banfield and
I'ii- Orea 'r q R . Thaler will write a. letter stating that the o 'i"1ly
acceptable plan to the Planning Board and the Town Board is to
build the road where it was originally planned .
T . Niederkorn has reviewed the Subdivision Rules and Regulations
and suggested that there are three basic areas the Planning Board
heeds to address :
1 ) Subdivision Regulations _ Modify regulations so that they can
be used to control subdivision of land .
2 ) Zoning _ There is a need to look at the zoning ordinance again
and possibly modify it .
3 ) Master Plan . The Planning Board needs to have a plan of goals
for the future .
Subdivision Regulations .
T . Nliederkorn suggested that a sentence be added to the present
Subdivision Rules and Regulations on Page 2 , Sec . 402 , " In
unusual circumstances , the Planning Board may increase the
maximum number of lots classified as minor subdivisions . "
Other suggestions for deletions , modifications , and additions by
T . Niederkorn are on the attached four pages that were reviewed
in tonight ' s meeting . These are Page 1 , A . DEFINITIONS through
The next meeting of the Planning Board will be on February 6 .
The next regular meeting of the Planning Board will be on
February 13 .
Meeting adjourned at 10 : 30 F . M .
® Marge Kearl
2-3 -$9
Review of Subdivision Regulations - Part i
January 31 , 1989
Several problem areas with the present Town subdivision regulations have
been mentioned as needing discussion and possible modification . In addition ,
I have reviewed the regulations and have several suggestions to make . The
pertinent section in the existing regulations is noted for reference .
A . DEFINITIONS ( see Appendix ) •
1 . Subdivision , GENERAL : The second sentence could be eliminated
entirely or the criteria changed . For example , " four or less "
could be changed to " two " or to " three or less " and the
three-acre minimum could be increased to four or five . The
result of these changes would be to reduce the subdivision
activity that currently escapes Planning Board review .
Eliminate definition la and lb . The distinction in subdivision
types can be better made in another section .
2 . Add the following :
• Subdivision , Classification of : A determination by the Planning
Board as to whether a proposed subdivision will be classified
as a Minor subdivision . ( See Section 402 )
3 . Keep definition lc and renumber as necessary .
4 . Add the following definition :
Drainage Easement or Right-of-Way : The land required for the
installation and maintenance of storm water sewers or drainage
ditches , or required along a natural stream or watercourse for
preserving the channel and providing for the flow of water
1111 therein to safeguard the public against flood damage .
41/ 5 . Add a sentence to the definition of Performance Guarantee as
follows :
May include performance bonds , escrow agreements , letters of
credit and other similar collateral or surety agreements .
6 . Add the following definition to Street :
Private Street - Those streets which , in general , are used to
provide access to one lot only and are not to be dedicated to ,
or accepted by the Town . If provided to serve more than one
lot , a private street shall be constructed to Town
specifications as approved by the Town Engineer .
Sec . 400 . Purpose Eliminate the word MAJOR in the last line .
1110 Sec . 401 . Informal Consideration Eliminate the word MAJOR in the
first line .
Sec . 402 . The Sketch Plan
B . Replace the existing wording with the following :
The Planning Board will discuss with the subdivider such
aspects as existing development , public facilities and
services , as well as those proposed by the Master Plan or
otherwise contemplated by the Town or by owners of adjacent
land . Special community or site problems of which the Planning
Board has knowledge should be discussed . Possible changes in
the plan should be discussed if the proposal does not meet the
objectives or standards of these regulations .
C . The Planning Board shall act to classify the Sketch Plan . At
its sole discretion the Planning Board may classify a Sketch
110 Plan as a MINOR subdivision when there `4s no more than three
lots involved ( initial lot plus two new lots ) and when each of
2 .
said lots fronts on an existing public street and does not
Oil - require a new or extended street , or the extension of public
water or sewer service . Any Sketch Plan not classified by the
Planning Board as a MINOR subdivision will be considered a
MAJOR subdivision for the purposes of these rules and
regulations .
D . Action to classify the Sketch Plan shall be taken at a regular
or special meeting and the Planning Board shall notify the
subdivider of the action taken within ten days from . such
meeting . Before classifying a Sketch Plan the Planning Board
may require the subdivider to submit any additional data deemed
necessary to making the classification .
.; E . For any Sketch Plan classified as a MINOR subdivision , Part 1 of
the Town ' s Subdivision Rules and Regulations should be used .
For MAJOR subdivisions , PART 2 of the Rules and Regulations
shall be used and Preliminary Plat and Final Plat approval
shall be necessary .
Existing paragraph E should be eliminated .
1 . Sec . 403 The Preliminary Plat
. Delete paragraph B
Revise paragraph F as follows :
F . Within 45 days from the date of such public hearing the
Planning Board shall :
1 . Approve , with or without modification , or disapprove
such Preliminary Plat . The grounds for any
modification required , or the grounds for disapproval
shall be stated on the records of the Planning Board .
3 .
2 . Make a determination of the environmental
significance of the subdivision in accordance with
the provisions of Part 617 of the State Environmental
Conservation Law .
In the event the Planning Board fails to take action on
the Preliminary Plat ( continue with present language ) .
v Delete paragraph G3
Add new paragraphs to this section as follows :
L y` H . If the Planning Board has determined that an environmental
� , impact statement is required for the proposed subdivision ,
no action to approve or conditionally approve the Final
Plat shall be taken until an Environmental Impact
Statement has been prepared in accordance with the
provisions of Part 617 of the State Environmental
Conservation Law .
I . The Zoning Enforcement Officer shall not issue a permit
for construction on any lot that is part of a subdivision
unless hsudh subdivision as been duly filed in the office
of the County Clerk in accordance with this Section 405 .
1 -
1 . Sec . 501 Sketch Plan
Add a new paragraph as follows :
E . A completed short form environmental assessment .
2 . Sec . 502 Preliminary Plat
Add new paragraphs as follows :
F . Soils : Analysis of existing soils in the development area
including wetlands , floodable areas , depth to bedrock and
depth to seasonal watertable . Percolation and deep test
holes as may be required by the Planning Board .
G . A completed full environmental assessment form .
4 .
. .
j ANUARY 319 198 ?
P RESENT : R . Hagin , L . Hi 'r ' .' o 'neii , C . Kaffinen , +;? . r''iLcl lc`+ fi (=i' , r.. ,. Ramin ,
l_ . ahar" psteen , Chairman White
The Lansing J11 Board and ". ,. tci. F_' 1 , Attorney ,-i 1F' .`{' were
present .
Chairman White opened the meeting at 7 : 30 P . M . with a statement
that tonight ' agenda was toreview Subdivision Rulesle and -
Regulations ;
that the Planning Board proposes to hold a
moratorium on subdivisions until review is completed . He invited
input from the Lansing Town Board members ..
T . Miller , Lansing Town Board member , suggested
1 ) that dry sewers should be required in the Cherry Road
subdivision .
?_ ) That on page 7 , Ro d _ _ I171.r, r- ovements do not; (meet prF••—.4
standards . - - - - - - - _ ..._ _ .. _
Road Improvements
ry question of whether or not cul - de - sacs could be limited in a.
raised . n .._
subdivision� iV1 =subdivisionwas ( ill answer was that it wouldbehardtoregulate .
A problem area for the Pla 'i'ini. ng Board has been dead end roads .
C . t::: ammen commented that the Planning Board has been trying to
link roads whenever possible .
A question of whether or not school buses need to go down all
roads was raised . An answer was , " Yes , the school has a door to
d oor policy . "
J . Kirby , Lansing Town Board member , commented that Warren Rflad is
becoming heavily traveled . Trc+. C .. ...r trailers come out Warren
Road and turn down t ilicrest Road to avoid Triphammer- area .
There is a need to look at future new roads .
It was the consensus C } , he Planning Board and the Town Board •
that theirfirst priority it
planning a 'i'I d building 'i l e trJ roads . It
was suggested t + + at. tt'ii' Town Board spearhead plans for building
new v.—gads .
R _ Thaler commented that t- ._. . - s _ ._, ...
1 �it. 1 "+ it 1 " the C+ 'i1Sr i + '_: L! 5 C+ ' r both iSrj ( . 'i" , .+ '. , t
letter should be written to developers stating that developers
must build roads d in a subdivision .
Retention _' Ponds_ T . r'li. 11Rr suggested thati.. F_• f. ent i it ponds should
be required where appropriate wird that an alternative plan could
. be smaller ponds . • He also suggested that, the Planning Board work .
closely with developers o`J {"1 ("; have retention bonds .
Overall Flan . .J . i . ctlitl 'rlsk i inquired whether or riot there is an
overall plan for Lansing . An answer wasthat the Planning Board
d oes not have anapproved Master Plan . the Planning Board made a
Master Plan a few years ago but the Town Board did not adopt: it .
Banfield _and _ rearm In the:: road dispute between Mr . Ecan "rield and
Mr . Orea 'r4 R . Thaler will write a letter stating that the only
acceptable plan to the Planning Board and the Town Board is to
build the road where it was originally planned .
T . Niederkorn has reviewed the Subdivision Rules and Regulation
and suggested that there are three basic areas the Planning Board
needs to address :
1 ) Subdivision Regulations . Modify regulations so that they can
be used to control subdivision of land .
2 ) Zoning . There is a need to look at the zoning ordinance again
and possibly modify it .
3 ) Master Plan . The Planning Board needs to have a plan of goals
for the future .
S ubdivision Regulations .
T . Niederkorn suggested that a sentence be added to the present
Subdivision Rules and Regulations on Page 2 , Sec . 402 , " In
unusual circumstances , the Planning Board may increase the.
maximum number of lots classified as minor subdivisions . "
O ther suggestions for deletions , modifications , and additions by
T . Niederkorn are on the attached four pages that were reviewed
in tonight ' s meeting . These are Page 19 A . DEFINITIONS through
The next meeting of the Planning Board will be on February 6 .
The next regular meeting of the Planning Board will be on
February 13 .
Meeting adjourned at 10 : 30 P . M .
Marge Kearl