HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-01-09 To Seneca Falls To Auburn I j4 TOWN of LANSING `F ' ; = a. " Home of Industry, Agriculture and Scenic Beauty " .s. • { ,,k II. �� u . s ^dx�a. t z eittItt Town of Lansing x 's ,, ORDINANCE DEPT. Box 186 Lansing, New York 14882 \ 1I, \ , bbI To Ithaca January 04 , 1989 To Planning Board Members From George L . Totman Re : Agenda for 09 January meeting 7 : 30 Public Hearing , Hicks Sub - Div 7 : 45 Kintz Sub - Div & Boundry Change eis Ile 8 : 00 Ivan Burris Sub - Div 8 : 15 Meador Ridge Sub - Div 8 : 30 Gulf Creek Sub Div 8 : 45 Autumn Ridge ( Update ) 9 : 00 Approve minutes of December 12 meeting 9 : 15 Other Business to come before the board ��109/�, I ; APIVS / r5 P14 fad c J , ,�G A - • 1, ' e cc _ iab2'76 b/ tin// -/a.� 0), � / -4-c, r Oki1 1 '1 4 NI try hk imrnh4 O 4n44. 144L6 -4,tat04 • 7lo H )') -7,u-eatka,mintaA) ea. 4 crry, s a7 (o 'ic-ncrattectomisravuu.# 0.43/4 • scrdentAco, r4-01 /693 d Aft . V _Accu Z5k ! & 73 D - , Li CZA AdiRcs 8 i. .r, �� 26 / • . 5 a' vet iv. P gat: 4/ i./ 624 / Arm. Adt, oebrt4t.,:/ / dze 23 2-- gra lat-r1/46Q-4-5 4417 . loft/ lisqibm415 /S AAPHavA6AD ifitibusiie L Erk� ail 117 d J itersel Aro014--6 eiNtLiec. : N1/4( 1465c, ,L 3 rati4: Attu; 6 q /reeei 4 jets" Zityg-et tV/ neEZ' 1 S- 1 ‘ I. ? g 20- 21 f \ ' 9 PLANNING BOARD MINUTES Town of Lansing , NY 9 January 1989 Members Present : Al White , Chairman ; Fran Ramin , Larry Sharpsteen , Linda Hirvonen , Carol Kammen , Roger Hagin , Viola Miller , and Lou Emmick , Member of Town Board Others Present : George Totman , CEO Rep . and other interested parties ( see attached sheet of attendees ) Chairman Al White opened the Public Hearing for Hicks Subdivision at 7 : 30 PM . George Schlecht , PE-LS , explained the layout plans for the benefit of those in attendance . The charts were shaded in colors . The Hicks property of approximately 90 acres is on Water Wagon 6 Triphammer . The charts outlined in green total 46 acres for a total of 22 lots ( approx . 2 acres per lot ) which is considerably more than required . The development is planned to be served 'by• punlic water and the sewage disposal will be onsite ; possibly two types of systems - - sand filters on larger lots , and smaller fill type systems of which all will be with advanced approval of the Tompkins County Health Department . On 11 /4/88 , the Health Department did the test pits which proved very favorable . The 3 , 200 ft . road will be constructed by developer ( map contours are 2 ' and 6% slopes ) and the drainage problems are very minimal . Questions were received from adjacent landowners . How did this get this far before neighbors informed? - - time is too short to really evaluate . They questioned drainage , claiming they have standing water on their lands . Public water was questioned ; Lou Emmick explained to attendees how they arrive at Water Districts . Another questioned what it will do to the traffic problem . One person stated they had to put a very large septic in for their home - - what will these have to be? George Schlecht explained further about septic systems . Al White explained that the Planning Board has nothing to do with septif systems - - that is addressed by the Health Department , and each parcel ( before construction begins ) has to have their proposed systems approved by the Health Department . The questions of assessment came up . If these are going to be large , expensive homes , what will happen to landowners ' assessments? Sylvia Hicks commented that they intend on living there and want to keep it country as much as possible ; the rural farming atmosphere is very important to them , and why the large lots ." She said , on the other hand , if they made the lots smaller and matchbox type buildings occurred , that would probably make the assessment go the wrong direction . Many comments recieved as to the development and understanding it in general . Comments were left that probably the Hicks were doing the only thing possible with their land . Garth Jackson , the realtor , explained that an average 1800 sq . ft . living space home would be in the neighborhood of $200 , 000 . Larry Sharpsteen stated that development plans in excess of 1000 units are in the works , and development is going to happen regardless of traffic . Viola Miller said you don ' t refuse development because of traffic ; it ' s our problem to solve the traffic situation . Lou Emmick stated all actions and SEQR are sent to County Planning Board 1 Page 1 of 3 Pages for information prior to acceptance . At 8 : 12 , Chairman White closed the ® Public Hearing and explained that the Board will go over the hearing and notify Hicks in due time . At 8 : 14 , Chairman White asked Russell Halley to explain the request for subdivising their land , and the boundary changes . Ms . Pitkers ' lot is 75 ' wide and wants to add 25 ' and then sell a lot to Don 6 Julia Boles . After it was clearly stated it was a minor boundary change , and a sale of land for the purposes of the Boles to building a home , Linda Hirvonent moved to approve the boundary change ; seconded by L . Sharpsteen , Approved . It was moved to accept the minor subdivision ; seconded by L . Sharpsteen . Approved . At 8 : 23 , the Burris Subdivision was discussed . George Schlecht explained in detail the plans shown : area in green totalled 17 acres , including the pond in the center , with nine lots of approximately 2 acres each . The pond is 6% of total existing land . Land is wooded by Lots 8 6 9 , and the rest is pasture . The water supply and sewage disposal systems will be private . There is a high groundwater situation , and the pond will act as detection/drainage solution . The proposed private road is 1150 ' long and , according to soil maps , should be well - drained , although our experience shows otherwise . Viola Miller asked if the pond would be legal ; George Schlecht said that he has already checked into that . Linda Hirvonen questioned length of road ; she quoted the subdivision regs which state it should be no longer than 600 feet . Her comment was that she liked the total concept , but the written regulations do not permit it . L . Sharpsteen expressed concern that we might be landlocking some land in areas such as this if we stick with the 100 ' rule for subdivisions . There was lengthy discussion as to how the lots could be relocated to alleviate some of the problems ; possibly a lot might have to be sacrificed . George Schlecht showed how the drives could be fanned out to get extra frontage , although he did not recommend it . There was much discussion as to how the whole thing could be accomplished . L . Hirvonen indicated serious thoughts as to drainage , sewage , roads , etc . L . Sharpsteen stated he appreciates what Burris has tried to accomplish , but would like to see if they couldn ' t fine tune a little better . Carol Kammen suggested to Mr . Burris and Mr . Schlecht that maybe they should re-structure the plan to meet their needs , but also to comply with Town Subdivision Regulations . Mr . Burris made strong , emotional appeal for pond-type arrangement ; that is his desire rather than have fewer lots with apartment buildings . It was left that Burris and Schlecht will let us know when they are ready with modified version ; ended this at 9 : 22 PM . At 9 : 26 , Meadow Ridge was presented by Doug Harris . He stated that the Health Department is short-handed and does not have his report ready yet . The SEQR is done and approved ; Tom Miller is doing the drainage study , and he would like to get preliminary approval . L . Hirvonen agreed to schedule Public Hearing for February 13th , providing Mr . Harris gets all necesary material ( Health/Drainage ) to George Totman by February 1st ( +/- ) to give Code Office time to check out and process . At 9 : 30 , Gulf Creek was presented by Ernie Bayles who has not been successful in getting the information the Board asked for : ( 1 ) the Town Board will not give letter until Water District is in place , ( 2 ) Mahool and Tallman have not yet formalized the proposed crossroad - - although they are planning on one , and ( 3 ) he could not reach Tom Miller - - although he would still like to have the Public Hearing . Carol Kammen told him that if he could Page 2 of 3 Pages get all information by February 13th meeting , they would schedule a Public Hearing for February 27th . J Carol Kammen moved to approve the minutes of the December 1988 meeting ; seconded by L . Sharpsteen ; approved with the following changes : on page 4 it should read that Larry Sharpsteen is the liaison for Gulf Creek , and Linda Hirvonen asked for the last comment in the Gulf Creek paragraph be deleted . Chairman White discussed the letter from Thaler concerning the O ' Rear situation . Carol Kammen moved that we should get written direction from the Town Board as to who is responsible before we proceed . Seconded by L . Sharpsteen . Carried . The meeting with Tom Neiderkorn will be Tuesday , 31 January to study the planning process changes . ✓ iola Miller stated she took the liberty of talking with Village Trustees about changing the road problems we all have and extended an invitation to join us in our studies ; they quickly accepted . ✓ iola Miller stated it would be a big help if there was an up - to- date map on the wall , and that she talked to Mrs . Kirby about it . It was agreed that the Planning Board would ask the Town Board for one . ✓ iola Miller also stated that the County Planning Board did not meet in December , as they opted to attend the meeting at NYSEG on the " octopus " ( 96 ) plans . ® The County ' s February 8th meeting will be held jointly with the Transportation �I Commission , etc . , and there will be a presentation on the County and Cornell ' s plans . Chairman White reported he wants to transfer some property in excess of 3 acres , and 300 ft . of road frontage ; the Board decided it would not require any action on their part . L inda Hirvonen asked to have Norman Tidd put on agenda for the February 13th meeting . Nomination. of Officers was held . Carol Kammen moved that the present officers be renominated ; seconded by Roger Hagin . Carried . They are : Chairman - Al White Vice- Chairman - Fran Ramin Secretary - Linda Hirvonen Treasurer - Larry Sharpsteen The meeting was adjourned . Respectfully submitted , George L . Totman Secretary Pro Tem { j 1 / 18/89 Page 3 of 3 Pages