HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-12-12 I TOWN N t iE LANSING PLANNING ]:tCir"IF'{ J,.) D ECEMBER E : MBEE.E 12 , 1988 P RES (i••I '•I 1•• u hi ., t'iac1 i. i"i , l._ „ hd :i. '('"vCi 'i'ieisri ;, t..: ., h':. :_a (Yit'('rtc' r 'i V .. i•'ii_t 1 l ;.i '(ieE „ E"ta ('('S i r, n l.... . I"i a r" j., s t: -. e:? i-i , Chairman White Chairman White called .. e ' t the meeting 1. r"f C] : -+ order at r ' > i MEMO FROM JUDY "F ROSS I TE� R Judy t - t_t d ti E i CI F:; <••. i 'L- � .(.. , Attorney t: C:, .i.. .i..l (=i 'br G, Y" Jay ° '(" (. ac r appeared before t: h i ea P lanning x : ard f cr tw " purpose t trying� z1 to resolve a -r� existing .- Cl_ i i p t_t :: ee i between owners of property bordering o Y"i Sun l E= r".i! t: hz a "t {_I of o btaining subdivision a (i (:iY" Lc 'Jctl for the remaining t:re_? r'.'. r lands . " » e presented aalternative t _ obtaining I i. is h 'I, c. 'F _ 4'J ; :+. `r through the Banfield property to connect Eastlake Road with Sun P ath ... SI to suggested two separate t: r" af 'f ic loops as " an f alternative �: C+ the plan to create one connecting road from north :' t"+ south cutting through all developments . " tit ' suggested that both Mr . ^ i::( as i f 'i i. e ]. d a ('i d t"l r" { a ' C. ct c(i to before 't: hz ra t ' 3. r t , i r'i rl Board to d iscuss development . • I ' .t at, m trying to get the Board ' s feeling as to I . . + 4J you t•'.ic1 . . j_ the area to develop over the next; few years . " CHAIRMAN WHITE responded that " the Planning Board can take n (: action iC+ r"t t..t1I 't: ii. wJe hear from the Town i (At: 't orf tfi .. " - . a : ] hstated that the Townwn Attorney h"1 <;1d advised P lanning Bo ai_. ct " do d ; i i i t 't: h'i :{. 't 1 (::I I I until t: !t (ii". right - of - way 3. 5:i restored to t: h t t O r e a i-' fit a p as it hi al d been approved t , ;✓ 'l; h"t r•;e Planning F.•.( Ctar (::! j . ROSSITER said , " At this point , :_? t..t 1 z Path :I. s c:! small i { + itad and , f rom ca. .... E. . v point of view , I have C ( iCEri about tt . ME { .. T:: ANF Tl : I_.. i.? stated that he had no problem with Mr . Orear" selling 1. a. .. .... .. " I do have ^ problemwith him taking my land . I.... E.. 't: me n egotiate wdi. t: I i M r" . O r" c. <:a r .. We thought B a i f i. (e'r ]. d a i d iJ i'^ e <:; r- , and t: hz E P lanning BC:tard could i 7 e t; together cit n {::I come up with another alternative . The missing link is to piece of ]. <:srt{.., across my property . We are here l : explore rosit : ] itie . I ✓ .. N! t_! I._. !__ ANE: said , " Due to time spent on this plan , ]: personally would like t; ( t put maps ct .i.., the wall and see where e we are going to h ave tilcti..fSa .. She also said that another concern is roads running south• r .... n orth andand ... ,"tt: t" . l':i +-a : o {Ytii"tf' compacted . L.. . S E•9 iE• f ` ::i •1` E:: E:. t'•.f agreed with V .. Mt..t :t. l c.K I .a a r' d said that after study , t:: h e P lanning E{ C.+ and will be in a better po =; i. t; .'i. o '(.Y totalk with r t r ,. .. a. rf i. r"_•l ]. (:1 a .l Ct M ' . C• i'_ r? a i- .. I .Y; 1.._ J ., f�t O S S .l' T E ' said th + tt: if l: }'i s Planning laini'1i. 'i ig k{ t:+ a rt l wants to look cat: i.: hi e w hole pi. t- t ? .? i"' n i i c! dv is t h e opportunity to do so . It is also an o pportunity tLlook i ; property hJf , of Eastlake , I..1I " i.! f:ik: I ., 7 that w ill be developed in the future . CHAIRMAN WHITE i- k"' .spo 'i iCit-rcl that 't; hi e Planning ESt::+ t). r" {'1 should si:: f"i +'. clt_t :l. +: r more time during at future meeting . The Board needs to .1. {::+ t.14 : at t. hl t" wholepictureof roads . It w a s agreed that a 45 minute meeting with maps would be scheduled and Ms . Rossiter suggested that other developers come in at the same time . Al f i comment w as s m a, cf c-� that thi :LS a development is + ' (,:+ Y'i hold " until t': 1"1ctt: meeting is held . ,:T « f:: i i S '-3 l T E- F informed 't: l'i e Planning Board that s hi r". fi as d received a letter from Mr . Thalerstatingthat " i. 'f' he isi"t c+ t; handed <a r i g l`i t o f - way .i '+,! January 15 , he will proceed . " CHAIRMAN WHITE , " May l: suggest you contact Mr . Thaler about coming to t: f"i i : meeting . Thank i t:! ?_! f i:+ i coming in . " • AUTUMN RIDGE MAJOR SUBDIVISION Mr . Cal Warren citt:frari. ssed concerns f.+ t: hi i' r Planning B { + cai" d stated at at previous f ' etii ) r ecr d il ' « t ) sewer , ct : in 11 cross section . roads , :r ) alterations lAc _ in drainage ilate i ''✓ : 't: e"• ffi « Lots 'xs near streamwill not - b {:x developed ui rt: i. l public sewer t:,+ t: r" i. s available . The Tompkins C:: fot_i 'i i ' .. y Health Department't: }"rtaaC: identified specific. areas where the Health Department will not approve septic systems a - d also tr _ cs that need t _ rtt - Yinvestigation . M r « Warren stated that he e wofL.? 1c:l like as final approval b ?..? t; he {--• ✓ ealized 't: hIas 't': it would t ; t_+ conditional . F ., htF-lh'I 1 C•.I ., There er 1W i +- t question about }. ( + 't: number 9 . An office cannot be housed in as home . This is strictly residential . = t, t .t { : t: .l 'r f .. E! A ('` I N moved that final r i :l. to t be accepted by Planning Board , contingent upon t: h e approval of 't: i'l k:? Tompkins County Health D epartment , and Mr . Miller , t: hlc Town Engineer . t.: « f , ctftiPYiL i`iG. ..... ir+ i"it. ....-1 •. Carried unanimously . 1.._ .. Cf••tARE ' ST1:::: E1'•.I moved that the Planning Board waive < a i. c= c:: {::+ r; {:# public h earing for the Autumn _ " _ f " fidlkSubdivision _ , iiVL iirLacs _ e of lack of Lit..'tr=, {,- ?_ ss:, 7. {"+ itg no neighbors in attendance : at the 'first: public hearing , , A. 'i'i ..t because this plan shows no major changes . ' .. f•.. F•Ih'IhfE5.. f , seconded . Carried unanimously . . I I ::3 J OHN AND SYLVIA HICKS MAJOR SUBDIVISION : WATERWAGON ROAD Mr . George SC" h 1. t:i? t= h t , Professional l.. ng ]. i"it': { '. ?... n appeared for John and Sylvia Hicks and presented ;a Sketch Plan and P reliminary Engineering St: t . dy dated December 5 ,. 19 e .. Mr .. S r h'? l e c h"s t stated that lo 't: s have three 1:+ 'i' more -i' eet: of soil on t: htem than expected , with the exception of lots # 4 sand ih5 . Based d on this , the Preliminary Plan has been altered 't: {.+ i 'ilc" lt.t +:.1e"? three additional i. t ioncal. 1. { • ts .. The lots now total 22 1t1 ?: tea {:. of 19 . ,., . h'{ t..11._ l.« .f::sl':.IE:.. questioned if there was any open land left , and M .{.. . S c:: ht 1. es {.. i i t: replied that t: !`sC:: r- t o is not much . C . k:. `s N! °Jf:. N moved that the Preliminary Plat be approved st_tt; ;ier_: t. to Town Engineer ' s cApri ?-' t.+ vat .(. n r.:l ? ( d approval 3. (r+ '. Tompkins t.. C+ t..tr'it . Health D epartment . R . HAGIN seconded . t..: .. k ri }"{ Nil: . h�l directed d htx:tt: an at'1c:le:+ 'r. t.+ the amendment b made that S conditions of approval wc+ t..t1. t:i include review h , ,f f"! r" .. Miller , review by Public Health Department , atrtd completion of SEOR process . Carried:i. ed t..tnaniiTiCtuss .l. y u P ublic . ! e:, a . ir. y 'f t. 'i'• Preliminary P .i. at: Final Apl::ii"' t.+ • a1. -for.. Hicks S ubdivisionwill be scheduled for Jant..ta ?... .y, 9 1989 . t..: . K F=s1`'1 h'1 E N is liaison 7frt.+ m t i s e Planning [„t {-. tir- t::i Ta ri d Hicks S ubdivision . EASTLAKE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AREA Ernie Bayles presented :asketch {rsCa. p requesting approval , '? I o t # 44 single being d i v i. d e ? d into i: '. -f i::� r n i. 1. : ' lots . at t: ht C last 1, rrsc: et: i. r iC1 was an initial presentation . Tonight t a d eveloper ' s conference . Ence N! r .. Bayles submitted ::t letter suggesting t; h-sat this i. s:`o a minor chtartge instead of a major one . 1...1e stated that: the intent is to d evelop land at:, has been approved . C: 4 f:. AM ! . !'.l questioned if M r .. Bayles has approval 'fr {:, ni t I't ta= Tompkins County Health Department nt 'for two septic systems on lot #44 .. It was suggested !. haat the Covenants of Eastlake Planned Development Area be reviewed and as .report on them be made to the P lanning Board . 1. t 4•J a s also suggested that t r". e Planning Board needs as statement fr' C+ {r. the Town Board that that Board has reviewed C. ltt:tn (4 {::taw Also needed 1. 4::, c-. Tompkins 1. i . County Health D epartment statement of approval . M .. It 1 `r` l.. E Si submitted Cheryl A . Nickel ' s Statement o «f Intent . • 4 GULF CREEK SUBDIVISION Mr . Ernie Bayles presented a map of the subdivision . There is a difference between 1.- I.. e:? Sketch Plan C:{ n'i . Map presented . The portion t o t: h'i e? North i`i t+ tt'J shows 12 lots . T 1 i e portion to t; h't es: South shows 23 . This is a total of 35 lots . A question w c:{ s raised whether I"I i" . r'f a t'i c+ c+ ]. would ICY t.i • • in ;=i connecting r- {; Mct to Gulf Creek . t_. ,. hsf-lARF". , ; ; T' Er: rJ commented that tl"ie:? Town F{ C+ (: 'i" {::1 wi. :l .l. not build 'i' i", aC:l ' 5 „ CHAIRMAN WHITE suggested th; at: t i"'{ e; developer plan �� i r building «. connecting road to t h"{ e: M ct h'i o o :l. property as the Board 'fel. 't; t: 1"i e-: need f or c_: {::+ r'i is way et ✓ ;:, t..t t rofGulf Creek . {..+ r" a r .e.y t The Planning Board i " suggested ::+. need for a letter from t I l: f i i ? Town B oard stating that water will be available in the future to these • lots . Also needed is Tompkins County Health Department approval , on L _, an updateupdatlotth8 , M ta 'i ' tlrl { Je? study approved 1_Y y' I` Ir" „ Miller , and also a conference with P`I 'i" „ r'Ic;. h +.:+ e+ l regarding connecting road . MR . ksra '';'' l. ES stated that he would like this presentation to be labeled as " Date {_+ f Presentment . " ✓ . MULLANE stated that the Planning Board needs time to study the material presented tonight and presently the lack of a second . entrance 't.. Gulf Creek is of great concern . C . Kr r'iM (": N suggested that the drainage needs to be considered . I_ .. ti :th VC.1N . N remarked that Mr . Bayles does very { food work MAHOOL_... SUBD M S I SN Mike Schwartz , Landscape r _ 1r ? . r with Fred Thomas A s {_+ t." :1. s 't: eb n representing Mr . r`I i.='t I i {_+ o .I. ,, presented cit Final P reliminary .. 1 i r. { i. ri <'::� i"",� k: e k: c" !-; { + property c:+ hie 'i 't: C� i'i Shore Drive and {::I E ast Shore Circle . For r t: h`{ e record , Chairman White said 't: I"i • t: r'I i" ., Miller called 1"i i. m and fa f: { 1::, r" e? s nre: d satisfaction wi. t; hl location {::t .i roads in this Final Preliminary Sketch . However , t: I"i e? Planning s• t_+ <':ai' is needs t; letter of approval from M r- . Miller . • The e- I ii al Preliminary .} 1.;. e •t; t_ I'1 i. to to be made into cj Final Drawing by the end f this month and t 1'; c: Planning Board i that i . the revised final plat needs to meet withMr . Miller ' s conditions . iry • HILLCREST• SUBDIVISION George Sa_ i ( ? c. "t t representing . 'i" : L.t 'V 'i" s11 t:: v pi"' t : ::s : . il 't: C:: C. a sketch 1lcai i . There ere c• t"' c:: 5 lots on 't: t'i t: Southwest s-si (::Ie of L•9 i l i {-: r c:-: t: t Road . As previously i"' cxctt_tes::str. : ct by 't: t•i ' Planning L t:+ r r Ct n C'I r .. t:3 C: ti l t..? +»_ I...i t.: presented r"it drainage map . A close look o was i fft +iitde as to the effect of drainage to t t t { :? West . M r" . `r i c:: {"i l {c?c t i t: stated that 't: I"tr 'i" e is no chance S .C.+ any adverse effects . If sewer weficome down Li H ] 1l a _ = tRoad a t ri { flow G J Southwest to Warren RC:+ :::'at:i n there is no reason sewage could not be accommodated . This st_t !:] cii \/ 1Si. C? 'r'i doesnot fall 4'it: I"iin State Subdivision of Underground d t_iti. li. ti { s .. L_ ,. S !• IA } tPf:: TEEhal asked about minimizing curb cuts . _.' .. t•.. i t°1 F.. N suggested driveways could be adjacent t: t:+ property line +-s to create fewer curb cuts . • MR . SCHLECI-ITn " How would you l .`LI :: r.": to handle that ? Drawings tonight are marked " Preliminary . ' It was suggested that the Planning Board might accept pt a statement from Mr . Schil. ] c. . it that he will make thr" ee driveways . I-.. „ Hl1 +' VONEN suggested that a notation be made on map filed that we show three driveways . MR ., I:::: UVRAI •D stated that three driveways could be made . Mr . St:.-. tilec»ht wil. l set up as date for Ga Public Hearing with George _I.. c+ tfn .. . .. MEADOW _ RIDGE_ SUBDIVISION Mr . Douglas I-•Icti i 1 .... presented a revised !:. ( :' 't: (... i'i plan . The i c:? revisions tti+ ( Z 'i" { ? suggested at i previous meeting of the Planning Board . This r" F ` ''✓ i S e d p 1 1 ri showed fewer . t_t r” V.. • - t_{ 't: ~": n s ti G:a ' eke (::I lett + , r , {:i t»' :i. ✓ { '. 4J r"•t . .. 4 tc+. t i L. t'I . .. Harr :1. ... i r" cc? s F 't i t: t 1: 1 r.'a f.:: 'i from t'•t 1' , t L::. �:.7 i a is t '4' 3 i i. lig " that : i e transmission easement .aa1. C:+ i'i {_:7 Beckwith 1Cen Town ( 'f Lansing , t ( e ! _ Ctrestrict the property from ingress and Cr .,.: ctI,.. 'r" C? `:s `: . said easement area . " The Planning Board suggested that the plan show two separate • I.adjoining :, . . driveways Ll t..t 't: with ca property line eit 1. i"'t between . S f The !. ct t"t 'i"i 3 'i i t-f Board needs i t statement of intent on 1 + ! iT .l. t GJ ly ^i wording on sketch plan c: l-ii:ant:.! etita ra letter 'fr` c:+ m Tompkins County H ealth Department , S F::. L:? I••i Form i ieeds to be filed , and !da statement o n drainage . C . F :: i"il''! h'! EN moved that the Planning Board accept sketch plan . L . SHARPSTEEN seconded . { f t i e1 unanimously . Chairman WI"iit: e is liaison person t i ("i this proposed !=il_th::+ { ) :1. Y` 3. c3. {_+ i s ,. CLIFFORD BUCK MINOR SUBDIVISION Sketch 1 hJ1c_lr`i ::ii for two minor subdivisions were presented t= ::if: 'ri 'h: Fi" to the !=Tanning Board . The Planning Board suggested that: the right o f - way be increased to 60 feet ,t c.ciiC ! _ _ h: houses r' ..:i fi < + t:" ! :: far enough so ✓ oad C' ct 1 "i be 60 feet w3t: li3 C . KAMMl.. N moved that the Planning Board accept two t'fi :i. nC+ r.. subdivisions , first sketch as C. one , second sketch as one , 60 feet ✓ ight - of - way , ct r i {.t t £' i"i feet ki:' a : K?' i'fie 'i i '1: if Conlon Road is 50 feet w ide . • ._ „ cr •'! i-1F { F ' r.:, 7k_ r_ \j l> C:: C: C+ i"i Redd I.: Cari" 3. tail .lricaiiilT'n:+ t..t _: 1 / KENNEDY SUBDIVISION Mr . Greg Travis presented :'::i. Preliminary Sketch Plan of f ` i"' {-+ p C:+ .. ... {::Ip� 1lotsllocatedt::+ '1' . IRoute .34BiandlLansing: .l u t. l :L ' l 3. ...J 3. {::+ r'i + '1 t �._ . S tation Road . It w a <.s rioted that 1. c:+ t. 11• "T contains wetland ct 'i i d this wetland would be part of l c.+ t: # 7p and it would not be builtupon or filled in . All lots care minimum of one acre . The Tompkins Count ,` Health Department h <:as : looked at J • lots . l._ .. fai...if• F{ i=' u7 _l.. Et ' !':! moved that the Planning Board accept Preliminary S ketch Plan . i.: .. Ki-. M . . . :: !'.! seconded . Carried unanimously . MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 282 _ 1988 C .. KA !"Ih°1f:N moved that: the Planning Board accept t: l"Ie minutes of N ovember 28 , 1988 . F= ., i (1141I hd seconded . Minutes approved . Meeting adjourned 10 : 20 P . M . ft'iiiar" C {-• k .... cr l 12 / 15 / 88 a, 1 ( 1I 14 --1-e. ci I) c /701.4AJ A.\ }Aftt +Ant: s ;- frk, cl Cit4-.., ed ) )771----7I 117 ii.. t re 6(!5:-..--> , (4 ad e-e" c. c f _ . r W /46 -SIX C? te(-64?-- --- jr77frtf-CW. , 4.4/! iii/ovniA ' -Tune:. I" 4,12M V---77-14es iiii5 b 4) I/Sel-Q-61, ej- Ar-e#PL_--- ffi _./ zo 5v* Pic, r �/ I � ,,�y � - - � j, t., /-lam - j� / 8, .�= - Ate,t,__. „el G, „--„� Gx i e l!ti ; meek?„ i'-?.a0 I 7-2, c„,-;,-,,, ,,,. ;-,/ 3 7 -2----- ",-r cetcCe----” .._:,0c-- sot/ <-1...77-< ..,,,,,,,,t,<42. ...e.„: 7-4 d E " ' A '' � .. j inTh t) V. ligkEL Scrta OM (L9 ez7-5-6-Z-1 D a I Ma 6&I . asma4A-0-C7 t . c. <--L-G-(- 044/ . 3 / 7 fi/Z•20(17,740 A%4Cc-t; ,z2 ,--71-12--n e,9-- 5ct -, K6 kin 3J7 .. . ll,. P4wI. , Iv fo,i , , 1 A a ,bF Xt4 hte p > 7` w ec1v't tie i e. r- t� ll , t o t\t_ VI L( ' c_ % r ' ��; ,, ,,s sc3 ,? hit, sp aR,o7-r. ✓, ivy \ cc , T AvrRct . 27 70res1- `kc i- e c 'VA AA acu V ' AIX 1 L 'y '\` � � L , ) l ✓S Pd /f/i / I iii[ / {/ X may,/ V y ' .� L/ i pi gr i i 0 gai-- Pe r cs,,,,L) P