HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-09-12 , y 1 • LANSING TOWN PLANNING BOARD MEETING , 12 SEPTEMBER 1986 Present : Hagin, Hirvonen, Kammen, Mullane , Ramin , Sharpsteen , Chairman White ; George Totman Chairman White opened a Public Hearing at 8 p. m . on the Hautaniemi minor subdivision on Myers Road. In attendance were ten neighbors from the immediate area. Ms. Hautaniemi described her subdivision, which is a sale of the eastern two acres of her lot of eight acres. White invited comments from the public. Bill Stewart asked about the access of this lot to the road. Ms. Hautaniemi replied that the new lot would use the existing driveway. Vita Holden asked if this is to be a single sale or if future sales were planned ? Ms. Hautamiemi noted that she expected this to be the only division of this land. Chairman White asked if she would put a deed restriction on further • subdivision of this land and Hautaniemi said thatathere was no room for any additional house." Bill Bement asked about the deed restriction. Richard Daley asked if this petition covered only the two acres to be sold as he was concerned about furher development of this land - locked parcel . Bill Stewart spoke about his position inre: zoning stating that at one time he was not in favor of it but he had a new appreciation of the protection zoning provides and he thought the Town should have better zoning laws. White noted that his concern should be addressed to the Town Board. Louise Bement asked from where the water for the new lot will come . Mr. Bernard, Ms. Hautaniemi ' s father, noted that the new owner would put in a new water line at the owner' s expense, hooking up to the available public water on Myers Road. Richard Daley asked about the access from Myers Road. White noted that the upper end of the abandoned road would would be permanently closed and access to the driveway on the Hautaniemi lot would be by going around on the new road. At 8: 16 pm , White closed the public hearing. White thanked the audience for their comments and attendance. At 8: 20, Chairman White opened the regular meeting of the Planning Board. Ramin moved that the minutes be approved, Sharpsteen seconded, and they were approved unanimously. A 2 • KATHY KESSLER: Ms. Kessler returned to the Planning Board with an amended lot line, Road frontage is now 70' as opposed to the 20' originally porposed. The Planning Board waived the 100' requirement and expressed its appreciation that Kessler had been able to bring her lot into compliance. Sharpsteen moved that we accept the Kessler subdivision. Hagin seconded, and it was approved unanimously. MAHOOL -TALLMAN MAJOR SUBDIVISION: Charles Tallman, partner, and Scott Hughes of Fred Thomas Assoc. made a presentation and submitted letters concerning the proposed subdivision on Lake Shore Circle: Town of Lansing, inre: SEAR, showing negative declaration Tompkins County Health Department Howard Groat re: roads Roger Yonkin, of DOT re: access to the development Assessment Office, re: status of agricultural land Citizens Saving Bank , re: financing • They also submitted a copy of the Restrictive Covenants for the property, which is to be called LAKEWATCH. Hirvonen noted that the concerns of the Town Engineer Mr. Miller, inre: drainage and stated that he has requested more time to review the plans before he issues an opinion. Scott Hughes discussed the drainage plan. The increased drainage to the land to the south is approximately 15%, but the Board expressed its concern about any increase of the water flow to the south, thereby creating a problem for someone else. Hughes noted that there would be culverts along the road up to Smuggler' s Path and water would be directed into existing ditches. Mr. Miller will review these plans. Sharpsteen questioned the size of the frontage for lots 33 , 39, and 27, in particular, where there is not 100 feet of frontage, and he asked about the easement to the south. There is a southern easement on the map, from Windjammer Way, which could link up to the northern easement shown on map of Eastlake. There are several points where the road into this 411 subdivision touches the northern boundary and access in that direction is also possible. • 3 S The Planning Board noted that there are still several things that need to be completed. They are: ■ letter from the Town inre: water ■ approval by Mr. Miller of drainage plans ■ road frontage on cul de sacs to be determined, and adjusted to at least a minimum of 60' , care being taken that no lot falls below one acre in size. Some lot lines will need to be adjusted and the lots need to be sized after the area for the cul de sac is removed from each parcel . ■ letter inre: Section 902 , stating the Special Circumstances that demand less than 100' frontage on some lots. Mr. Tallman noted that he still plans to provide parking and access to a marina at the western end of the parcel . Tallman is to return on September 26 for a special meeting of the Planning • Board with all the required approvals. A Public Hearing will be scheduled for October 10 if all materials are satisfactory to the Planning Board. ALAN WHEELER MINOR SUBDIVISION: Mr. Wheeler requested a one lot subdivision of Lot 73 on Acres Drive. This area had previously been subdivided by Mr. Cima, and those plans are on file in the County Court House. Wheeler is planning a major subdivision on this land but only wanted a one lot subdivision at this time. The lot will not have frontage on any existing town road. The Board noted that where a road is not present , the category of action is that of a Major Subdivision. The Board attempted to find a way to aid Mr. Wheeler because it was under the impression that there was a specific buyer involved. This proved not to be the case. Mr. Wheeler spoke about his needs as a builder. Hirvonen moved that we table this motion and ask Mr. Wheeler to prepare a letter stating his financial hardship concerning this lot. He has been invited to attend the next meeting of the Planning Board and was instructed to call Mr. Totman for a place on the agenda if he desired to return. ALEX CIMA: HORIZONS VILLAGE: Alex and Candy Cima requested permission to begin work on Village Six. Sharpsteen moved that we grant aproval for Village Six. Hagin seconded, and it was approved unanimously. 4 • JAY OREAR : MAJOR SUBDIVISION ON SUN PATH Mr. Orear was represented by Mr. Williamson who submitted sketch plans for a Major Subdivision. This plan excludes those lots that are part of Mr. Orear' s Minor Subdivision, lots now owned by Orear, Bonfield, Kammen and Beischer. The Orear Major Subdivision will include: lots on the south side of Sun Path, two lots on the north of the road, and three lots along the lake. There are twelve lots in all . The Planning Board requested from Mr. Williamson: ■ map showing the easement to the north which Mr. Orear removed w ithout approval from previously approved subdivision plans now on file at the County Courthouse ■ further data regarding Orear' s land on the lake and how it w ill be accessed ■ health department approvals • ■ plans for a water district ■ SEOR long form ■ a complete map showing lot sizes Mr. Williamson explained that in 1975 there " was probably a misunderstanding because Orear believed he could go North or South with easements, and he removed the northern easement. " White said that he and Hirvonen had attended a Town Board special meeting a week ago concerning the Orear property. He noted the need to bring Orear into compliance. He noted that Mr. Thaler, the Town Attorney , is working on replacing the northern easement, and that this problem will have to be solved to our satisfaction before our final approval is given for this Major Subdivision. White also noted that a Major Subdivision in this area will require a change in the water line that now serves the Minor Subdivision. Negotiations about these two topics are underway. Sharpsteen moved that we accept this Major Subdivision sketch plan, subject to the outcome of the negotiations between the Town Attorney, Mr. Williamson, and Mr. Orear, which are aimed at bringing Orear into compliance. 1 _ t 4- 5 i Hirvonen noted that with our request for additional data we have placed the Orear application for a Major Subdivision in a holding pattern. She directed that Mr. Williamson report to the Planning Board by 12 December, 1988, at which time the Baord may act upon the subdivision request, or grant a further extension. No vote was taken at this time. The Planning Board asked to meet with the Town Attorney on September 20, at 7: 30 , concerning the Thomas and Dyckman properties as this new plan of action concerning the Orear Major Subdivision will further delay these two owners who bought land in good faith only to find their title clouded. At the end of the meeting the Planning Board returned to the issue of the Hautaniemi property on Myers Road. There was an extended discussion concerning this property. Concern was expressed about the possibility of future subdivision. Board members expressed their opinion that no further subdivision should be permitted. • Mullane moved that we approve a one lot minor subdivision of the Hautaniemi property which is not to be further subdivided, and is to be used for a single family dwelling. The access to this property will be by a permanent easement to be maintained by the owner and never to become a Town road. By approving this, the Planning Board waives the requirment that all properties in the Town have frontage on a public road. However, due to the lack of frontage on a public road, and the sensitive nature of the terrain in the area, and the questionable nature of the subdivision which skirts the regulations, it was stated that this Board would find it very difficult to entertain any further subdivisions of the remaining Hautaniemi land. Sharpsteen seconded. White called for a roll call vote: Mullane, yea; Ramin, yea; Hirvonen, yea; Sharpsteen abstained; Hagin, yea, Kammen, no; White, no. The final vote was four in favor of granting this one lot subdivision , two opposed , with one abstention. The Planning Board discussed further Mr_ Wheeler' s request for his one ' lot minor subdivision. The Planning Board requested that Mr. Wheeler file a request for a Major Subdivision for his entire parcel of land. Mr. Wheeler will be so notified. 6 • George Totman discussed the problem of a recreational park proposal for land along Salmon Creek. It was decided that the Planning Board had no jurisdiction because this is not a division of land ; but the Planning Board did note that Salmon Creek is an environmentally sensitive area and it is in a flood plain zone. It was noted that approval for use of this land by seasonal recreational vehicles and trailors would require: I Health Department approval I SEOR, long form filed with the Town Board, a DEC approval . The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 1 1 : 05 pm . 40 ck • • - . _. atg as.3�z.3� s • / Ow tu A A if05 i i . 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