HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-02-08 TOWN OF LANSING PLANNING BOARD - MEETING February 8 , 1988 P RESENT : Chairman Al White ; Fran Ramin ; Carol Kammen ; Herb Beckwith ; Larry Sharpsteen ; Linda Hirvonen ; Gary Wood ; John Kelleher ; Louis Emmick ABSENT : Viola Miller Mullane ; John Homa The regular monthly meeting of the Lansing Town Planning Board commenced at 7 : 30 p . m . The Board members discussed the previous month ' s minutes . Fran Ramin raised a question about the fifth paragraph on page 4 , about Mr . Leathers ' statement that an agreement had been reached with adjacent landowners . Chairman White made a comment that he did not understand the paragraph above that . The fourth paragraph states that he did have a definite purchase offer , but he was looking for approval of what he was proposing . Carol Kammen stated that his purchase offer had been accepted . The Board members agreed that the minutes would • be corrected as such . Carol Kammen also stated that the Board could not do anything until he owned the property . Gary Wood said the Board could grant a preliminary approval . The Board also agreed to amend the minutes to read that Mr . Leathers was looking for approval of en re . the proposed road . Gary Wood stated that refers to the preliminary plot plan dated January 9 , 1988 , sheet 2 of two . Carol Kammen made a motion to approve the minutes for the meeting of January 11 , 1988 . Herb Beckwith seconded . The motion was unanimously approved . The Board members all agreed that each person assigned t o oversee the various proposals on subdivisions would take the floor at such time each proposal came up for discussion , and thus act as chairman at that time . S ONIA THALER - - INFO . ON DRAINAGE - - WHISPERING PINES Mrs . Thaler presented drainage plans which had been drawn up by her engineer . Gary Wood stated that he had not completed an adequate review of the material . He stated that he would g et together with Larry Fabroni as soon as possible and then make out some recommendations . Linda Hirvonen stated that there were some people who were • concerned about run - off from the development into their area . S he wondered how the contour lines might affect their areas . - 2 - • Gary Wood stated that he thought they would be adequate to t ake care of that . PUBLIC MEETING - - LEO MAHOOL , CHARLES TALLMAN , SUBDIVISION Linda Hirvonen asked what they planned to do about supplying water . Herb Beckwith ( contact person ) stated that they planned t o use Town water as soon as the loop is completed . He also ✓ eiterated that Mr . Mahool had Made a statement to the Town Board o n more than one occasion that he will do whatever is necessary to get water there ; and that plans had already been drawn up . H erb said that Mr . Mahool was willing to put in private wells until he could hook into the Town water . Larry Sharpsteen posed the question as to whether or not Mr . Mahool ' s statement was enough to satisfy the Town and protect the interests of the Board . Herb Beckwith stated that there was a letter , stating in writing Mr . Mahool ' s willingness to do everything necessary to meet with whatever specifications the Board requests . Al White , hearing no opposition from those present , closed t he public hearing . Herb Beckwith made a motion to close the public hearing . Carol Kammen seconded . The motion was passed unanimously . • Linda Hirvonen stated that the Board had previously approved a preliminary plat approval . Carol Kammen stated that Mr . Mahool had brought in a plat that had multiple use . She said for preliminary plat approval , the Board needed a letter , a firm commitment . Herb Beckwith stated that he thought the Board should g et something from Mr . Mahool ' s attorneys to keep in the file . H erb said he had talked to Jeannine Kirby . A letter had come back from HUD , and it had inadvertently been filed in a file cabinet and sat there for two months . Jeannine found that letter , and she answered it ; and they could expect an answer from HUD at any t ime . Carol Kammen emphasized that she thought the Board should h ave a letter from Mr . Mahool for the file . Linda Hirvonen inquired about SEQR . She didn ' t think it had been submitted yet . Herb Beckwith said the only thing they had so far was the Environmental Impact Form . Carol Kammen said that h ad to be acted on within 45 days . MIKE & SALLY WALKER - MOBILE HOME PARK ( Mike and Sally Walker were not present , although the Board d id have a discussion . ) Gary Wood stated the Walkers had submitted an Environmental Assessment Form , and that it was definitely a Type 1 action . He • explained that Type 1 actions are ones that do have a significant environmental impact or may have a significant impact . He stated - 3 _ • the the Board needs to determine whether or not it has any significant environmental impact . Gary said that if the Board d etermines that it does have significant environmental impact , t hey will have to ask for additional information . If the Board decides that it doesn ' t , then it is his recommendation that it is reasonable to proceed as originally proposed . Gary pointed o ut that he had sent a memo to the Town Board about aspects t hat need to be taken care of by the Town Board in their capacity as lead agency . Gary suggested that the Planning Board defer the matter until the Town Board determines whether o r not this project has any environmental significance . The Board discussed landscaping for the project . Gary stated that he thought the Planning Board should give their ✓ ecommendations regarding such . It was decided that the Board could also limit minimum size requirements . Larry Sharpsteen suggested some varieties of trees and shrubbery that were inexpensive . It was also suggested that a time frame be set up for the landscaping to be completed . The Board members agreed that a year ' s time would be sufficient . JOE LUSK - - SUBDIVISION Cal Warren stated that it had been determined that the Town is going to be lead agency . Cal brought the Planning • Board up to date as to what had transpired since the last meeting . He said that the deep and shallow hole tests had been completed by the County within the last two weeks , and that the Health Department was now in the process of putting together a report . He also stated that the shallow hole tests were going to be repeated tomorrow morning . Cal explained that it looked like it was going to be a ✓ aised - bed system . Therefore , there would be no sand filters . Linda Hirvonen that this plan would now go directly to the Town Board ; and they would have forty - five days to review it . Cal stated that he had had a discussion with Linda Hirvonen ( contact person ) , concerning the road frontage on Lots 10 and 15 . Apparently the Board did not feel that 45 feet was sufficient road frontage . Linda Hirvonen had stated that if those road frontages could not be increased , that the Board would consider granting a variance or recommend to the Town Board of Zoning Appeals that they consider a variance for those two lots . Cal Warren pointed out that this was an unzoned area , and t herefore the zoning restrictions are less restrictive . There - fore , he was questioning whether they had to go through the process of the Board of Zoning Appeals . 411 - 4 - 411 Linda Hirvonen stated that she thought it falls within the • P lanning Board ' s jurisdiction . Cal Warren said that it looked as though all the lots were going to be marketed at the same price . He proposed to the Board that twenty feet could be added to lots 9 and 15 . He added that he felt 45 feet feet was more t han sufficient for emergency vehicles , but if the Board felt t hey still wanted 100 feet frontage , the plans could be altered . Attorney John Kelleher stated that the Board is empowered to grant a variance , if there was a hardship . Although , it would ; have to be afinahcial hardship . He explained that by adding frontage to Lots 9 and 14 , thereby taking out Lots 10 and 15 , they would be losing dollars and cents , thereby creating t he financial hardship . They would be compromising , adding frontage to two lots , losing two lots , in order to comply with the 100 foot frontage requirement . Fran Ramin stated that Cal would write a letter to the Board , stating that it would be a hardship , so they could have something on record to base their decision on . Chairman White stated that considering the monetary value o f the lots , and the driveway situation - - that there would be no exits on Route 34 , and only two exits on Woods Edge as o pposed to the seven that were in the original plan . He advised Cal Warren to submit a letter to the Board describing the dollar hardship if they were to lose two lots . And he told Cal to • outline all of these special circumstances which warrant the Board to grant a variance . LEATHERS - EAST LAKE SUBDIVISION Fran Ramin , speaking for John Homa , who was the contact person for this project , stated that John would be at next month ' s meeting . The water district was discussed . Fran stated that John recommended Mr . Leather ' s get his own engineer . MT . Bailes stated that he had been working with George S chlecht . Gary Wood agreed that George Schlecht was certainly q ualified , and that this satisfied his concerns . Gary told Mr . Leathers that he would have to wait now for the Town Board to make its review , and therefore , make their recommendations . According to Mr . Bailes the SEQR report was submitted t o the Town Board on January 13th , 1988 , to John Homa . A second report was submitted to George Schlecht . They had also attempted another submittal on December 14 , and it had been rejected because ownership had not been established . I - 5 - Mr . Baffles requested the Board to clarify their require - ments , so he would know what he needed to act on in order to initiate construction on April 15th , 1988 . He explained that t hey wanted to be in their office and house by November . Mr . Bailes stated that there was no question about the area being removed from an agricultural district classification . H e distributed copies of a proposed time table for the project to be completed . Gary Wood said that the SEQR and the proposed water district should go directly to the Town Board . He also commented that even though the Town Board says that they will be lead agency , t hat doesn ' t mean that the County can ' t usurp that power by h igher priority . Carol Kammen said that until the Board has those approvals from the Town , the Planning Board is in limbo . Mr . Bailes wanted to know why they couldn ' t proceed with the project subject to certain conditions . Mr . Bailes said that all the material has been forwarded to the Town Board , and that they could expect determination , either negative or positive significance ; at which point a public hearing could be held . He stated that the Health Department will not act until these two issues have been settled . He suggested that the Planning Board could outline a set of conditions to be followed . He would in turn give the Planning Board a letter which says they will follow such outlined conditions at a specified time . Then the Planning Board could take 45 days to give conditional approval . He added that they would like to commence digging in April . Carol Kammen reminded Mr . Bailes that the Planning Board d oes not usually act on such matters until ownership of the land h as been established . She said that the SEQR process can move ahead prior to that , but not the PDA . Mrs . Leathers stated that ownership would not take place until March The Board decided to hold a Developer ' s Conference at a meeting to be held on February 22nd . Chairman White stated that h e hoped they would hear from the Town by that time as to SEQR and water . Chairman White requested that Mr . Bailes obtain a letter from his lawyer stating that the land is under contract t o purchase . Mr . Bailes stated that he would contact Jeannine Kirby to g et on the Town Board schedule . CORNELIUS DROST - - TRANSONIC SYSTEMS - P . D . A . Mr . Drost stated that he hoped by the end of this meeting to leave with a specific set of contingencies , so that by the next month ' s meeting a public hearing could be held with the Town Board for the purpose of P . D . A . approval and SEQR approval . He said the developer ' s name is C . J . Thomas . 4 - 6 - • Mr . Drost said that he proposes to set up a day care center which would service both the residential and industrial communities in the project . He also hopes to have a restaurant , playground area , picnic area and tennis courts . Mr . Drost stated that they intend to deed a strip of land along the road over to the Town . He also commented that the right - of -way on Warren Road is quite meager . Mr . Drost informed the Board that the Town has already agreed to supply water as long as a firm commitment is made to join a permanent water district at some point in time . He stated that he would get a letter in writing to confirm this . Mr . Drost and the Board members had a discussion about the bond money that would be needed . Mr . Drost said that he proposed $ 10 , 000 of bond money . He stated that he was hoping to obtain approval first to sell the two lots that have sufficient road frontage , and a building permit for the back . Then the sale of t he two lots would provide the money for putting in the Town - approved road . Mr . Drost said that Chase - Lincoln - First Bank h as expressed an interest for putting up the money for putting in the road . Mr . Drost stated that :Transonic Systems is scheduled for • Lot 10 . Nobody else has signed up for the other lots yet . Linda Hirvonen inquired what Mr . Drost ' s connection was with Transonic Systems . Mr . Drost stated that he was the president . Mr . Drost said that a conference had been held recently with a UPS representative , and that they were close to being committed . Mr . Drost said that he hoped to have a definite commitment or something acceptable to both the Town Board and to Mr . Thaler that there is sufficient financial back - up for the project . Mr . Drost stated that he would like some input from the B oard as to whether or not the bond money he was proposing was sufficient . He said that the Village wanted 25 percent of the t otal cost , and he was putting down 5 percent . Chairman White stated that he thought the Town Board was the appropriate agency to determine the amount of the Bond . Mr . Drost said that the engineering specs were not available yet , but he was hoping to have them in time for the next meeting . The Board decided that they would give their recommendations at the next meeting , on February 22nd . ALEX CIMA - - SUBDIVISION . • John Barney reported that a problem had come up recently with the Village of Lansing , concerning sewage . Evidently , they were not going to be able to obtain a permit from the Village to hook into the . sewer systema Mr . Barney saidthat rather than . put the subdivision on hold , they were going to put in private septics . He said , after consulting with the Health Department that there was sufficient land to do so . The Health Department advised them to install dry pipe so that if and when the Town or Village brought in public sewage treatment , it would be an easy procedure to hook into it . He also stated that the Health Department was willing to waive the required second reserved space because they felt that public sewage treatment would be available within the not too distant future . Mr . Barney presented a new sketch plan , which had been designed by Tom Miller . It was different than the original one in that the new one has fewer lots . There was a discussion about the length of the cul - de - sac . Mr . Barney was hoping to obtain a variance from the Board . Attorney Kelleher said that he thought a hardship would have to be determined in order for the Board to grant a variance . Mr . Barney explained that special circumstances were involved in that the Village did not want an access road on Birch Lane . Attorney Kelleher said that he did not think it was necessary for them to go to the Zoning Board of Appeals , that the variance could be granted by the Planning Board . Chairman White made a motion to accept the preliminary • sketch plan , according to what Mr . Kelleher stated , quoting from Article 9 , Section 900 , power to grant a variance due to hardship . Herb Beckwith seconded the motion . The motion was passed . Linda Hirvonen abstained . Mr . Barney stated that they would be back with a preliminary plat and environmental assessment form . BOB WERTZ - - SWAYZE SUBDIVISION Mr . Barney presented a proposed subdivision on the estate lands of Elizabeth Swayze , now owned by Vernon Clauson and Catherine Campbell . Catherine ' s son wants to buy Clauson ' s interest in all of Parcel C and Parcel A . Clauson wants to retain Parcel B . They want a one - lot subdivision to be separated from Parcel B . Chairman White noted that according to the map , there was 185 feet of road frontage . Linda Hirvonen made a motion that the one - lot subdivision , as proposed by Mr . Barney for the prospective purchasers , be accepted ; since there were no new roads being proposed , no utility changes . Carol Kammen seconded the motion . 411 The motion was unanimously passed . 0 - 8 - • BOB FLUMERFELT - - SUBDIVISION Bob Flumerfelt introduced John Adams . They are developers on each side of Triphammer Terrace . He stated that back in July t he Planning Board had approved some minor subdivisions on both sides of the road . He explained that since that time , Mr . Adams has taken over as sole developer and sole owner of this property . Mr . Flumerfelt said that up to this point , Mr . Adams has constructed a roadway between the groups of lots on each side of the road to Town standards . He now wants to continue and develop the restof the property . Mr . Flumerfelt presented a sketch plan . H e said that because of the shape of the land , the land is suited to an industrial roadway with lots on each side . All of the lots would be over an acre in area , and they would all have more than 150 feet of frontage . He also stated that the cul - de - sac would be 1 , 400 feet long Linda Hirvonen inquired about the proposed water supply . Mr . Flumerfelt said that they would be using wells for the time being until the water district is approved in that area . He stated t here is enough land for wells and on - site sewage . He said the d eep hole testing had been completed , and that he expected the ✓ esults would show the land suitable for a regular tile system . • Linda Hirvonen stated concern about the length of the cul -de - sac . Mr . Flumerfelt said that he thought it would only be a matter of time before the road could be extended to Triphammer Road . There was some discussion about there already being too much traffic on Triphammer Road . Mr . Adams stated that if he had to comply with the 60 - feet ✓ equirement , that he would be losing ten lots . He said that he h ad spoken with Howard Groat , and Mr . Groat told him the only problems he encounters with cul - de - sacs are with their design . Mr . Adams said that he would be happy to deed a strip of land to the Town , if the road could extend later on . Larry Sharpsteen stated his concerns about emergency vehicles h aving adequate access , and that the liability would fall back upon the Town if the road were initially poorly designed . Chairman White said that the Board members would discuss t his matter further at the February 22nd meeting . Chairman White acknowledged with appreciation the presence o f the Town Attorney , John Kelleher ; and Louis Emmick , the Town representative . Carol Kammen motioned to adjourn the meeting . Linda Hirvonen seconded the motion . The motion was passed unanimously . • Respectfully submitted , Jo Ann Vliet J , _ i VilliF04 sert ,� AgettgLik 7:,l, ° 8, 1 / 9 % 1111111Plirr .sec. SAL•t.t, . 0 AaEAso 4/ _ /(/doe . ' r9.40A/rEss ° • re co , A/ 6 / 4s : if,) ,41 c� CO 6 ) ? l9 c 7z ?% r -car--,a 'U �• � °,� n" ?��o �� _ / i� /rah �" ' -1 �- i 7 �, n / 9 ,�J Ch i � �' /� L /n ;177 . // 117• 1g „r� "' 0 9 .�9�9 L' ' U i%tA: v , ' �"/ ._i �' �ij (/ , %l' 'C � 414 l� c206- 1_ il d' , ,2 rr ``�� q /J// /p 1 \ q n i � �q ICJ Q ° • /` , '� ' C, iia ; .; % ��qy �v „�/, ° k -.---;,/ ` ,)"'‘/ i.4c L !✓;i/,,---k, / L? 42 if /Ln���'9 ; j4 ,^Jll�ti 7 id ° G i c�� c u 9 v j v n i, F' cf'cwq ci uJJ, 4 7i `V L 3 � n� ,� :.,J e ) e, %IS ,12.'9 lU ::,-r5 Li . 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