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• " Home of Industry, Agriculture and Scenic Beauty "
Town of Lansing N
Box 186 I, l
Lansing, New York 14882 \ 1 I
To Ithaca
12 October 1987
To : Planning Board Members
From : Gerge L . Totman
Re : Agenda for meeting 12 Oct . 87
7 : 30 Open meeting - Info - etc .
8 : OOPublic Hearing - Sub . Div . - John Lok
8 : 15Clifford Buck - Proposed Sub . Div .
8 : 30 Rick Cowles - Proposed Dev .
8 : 45 Tom Ellis - Proposed Sub . Div .
9 : 00 Leo Mahool - Sub . Div .
. 9 : 15 Alex Cima - Sub . Div .
9 : 30 Cheryl & Robert Leathers - ( PDA Developemnet )
909 Wyckoff Rd . - Hicks Land
Present : J . Homo , L . Hirvonen , F . Raurin , V . Miller, H . Beckwith ,
C . Kamrnen
Absent : A . White , L . Sharpsteen
Minutes submitted for August and September were declared inadrnissable
and Beckwith and Kamrnen were asked to prepare correct minutes from
their meeting notes to be sent out prior to the November rneeting .
Homo presented County maps prepared by John Howell showing unique
areas in the County . Lansing ' s caves along the lakes and the Salmon Creek
watershed were included . This map is to duplicated and distributed to
Planning Board members .
At 8 : 00 Chairman Home read the notice concerning the Public Hearing
concerning subdivision of the John and Barbaro Lok property on
• Hillcrest Road . Comments were invited from the public and Mr. Krizek
questioned the granting of a building permit in an Airport Hazard Zone . He
also expressed concern about mobile homes and apartments on the
property . There being no other comments from the public the Hearing was
closed .
Karmen moved that action on the Lok property be tabled until regulations
concerning the Airport Hazard Zone be clarified . Motion seconded by H .
Beckwith . Approved .
The Zoning Officer was directed to look into the matter of Airport Hazard
Zones and to report at the November meeting . All agreed that lots 2 , 3 , and 4
fof the Lok property may not be further subdivided and that this should be
noted on the map . It was also agreed that the fact that the property lies
within the Airport Hazard Zone be noted on the map .
Clifford Buck requested subdivision of land on Bower Road , where it
meets Conlon Road . This land is in an agricultural district and it must be
taken out of the agricultural district before it can be sold . A letter of
approval by the Assessment Board must be brought to the Planning Board
• showing that all taxes on the land have been paid and it is clear for sale .
The Zoning Officer was directed to look into the question of land in
Agri ' i1tural Districts and report on the correct proceedure to the Board .
Rami n moved that the Buck subdivision sketch plan be approved
conditionally pending information i nre : agricultural districts . Beckwith
seconded . Approved
Rick Cowles presented a sketch of an industrial park he would like to
build off Warren Rood . He would like to maintain ownership of oll the land
and lease land or buildings . His road through the park would be 3400 feet
long . He would have access to public water and sewage .
The Planning Board expressed concern about the road which would riot
comply with Town Regulations . A varionce might be possible but Cowles
would hove to make provision for the movement of safety equipment
through the area and would have to gain the approval of the Fire
Department .
L . Hirvonen noted that although Cowles ' industrial park would not be a
subdivision because there would be no sale of parcels of land , it would
• still require a Site Plan Review . It was suggested that this might be
handled as a PDA . V . Miller noted that according to Zoning Law S 1206 . 2 , an
industrial development must be approved by the Planning Board and the
Town Board . J . Homo referred to * 1306 in the regulations . Concern was
expressed for the nearby_ wetlands to the north and west . Board wondered
about the possibility of varied street plans , perhaps one with a center
median giving more access to the eastern portion of the parcel .
Leo Mahool was represented by Mike Schwartz , architect .
L . Hirvonen noted thot Bob Williamson had ruled that the PDA regulations
could not be lifted from the zoned area of the Town and applied elsewhere .
M . Schwartz presented a new plan for the development off Route 34 at Lake
Shore Circle showing only single family houses . He stated that they
wonted to put in the road , then begin building nearest the lake and work
toward the east . There will be thirty one house lots of approximately 1 . 5
acres to 2 acres . They are hoping to supply public water. Each house will
have an individual septic system .
DEC approval of the marina will be needed .
• The railroad right of way was discussed . J . Homo reminded Schwartz that
an environmental assessment form needed to be completed . There was
discussionAthe common lands and how they will be regulated and cared for.
• Schwartz noted that it was hoped that the Town would accept the road .
w hich they would build to Town specifications . The road way will be
longer than the 600 foot limit as set in the regulations and an variance
will be needed .
Mahool was directed to meet with the Town Engineer and Highway
Superintendent and the Fire Department .
L . Hirvon► en rr► oved that we grant preliminary Approval of the sketch plan
w ith the condition that the additional data requested be supplied .
Bob and Cheryl Leathers appeared with preliminary plans for the Hicks
property off Route 34, south of Waterwagon Road . They propose 22 house
lots with six acres at the east to be reserved for tennis courts ,
playground , racketball court , exercise room , hot tub , lane pool . At the east
end of the development there will be residences with four units , below
that all the lots will be for single farr► ily homes , except for three acres on
w hich Leathers wants to build a house and office . On the lake there will
be five lots and common facilities and parking . There is to be an
• essocieton with regulations controlling use , tree height and other
particulars .
Discussion of this subdivision is preliminary because the land has not yet
been sold . Leathers to return at November meeting .
At the end of the public meeting the Lok property was again discussed .
Karnmen wondered if we could grant conditional approval . Miller
questioned the wisdom of the joint driveways totaling less than 60 feet .
Gary Wood suggested that he write a letter to Mrs . Lok designating that the
two driveways be 30 feet wide , each , and that buildings be set back enough
to provide clearance for the possibility for a street in the future .
The Cima new development was discussed inre : its need for an eastern►
outlet .
The next meeting of the Planning Board will be November 9 , at 7 : 30 .
12 October 1987
The meeting was called to order at 1937 .
P resent : V . Miller , L . Nirvonen , C . Kammen , J . Homa , F . Ramin , H .
B eckwith , G . Wood
P resentation )
D iscussion ) Suggested format for minutes
Action )
Too much irrelevant information .
D iscussion of clerk and understanding that Gary is to furnish .
( Note : Let ' s get old minutes into the safe . )
Maps from EMC
• John H . presented maps prepared by County EMC that John Howell had
left of unique areas in the County - - gorges , limestone outcroppings ,
and wetlands . There is an explanatory text that accompanies it . Also
left a list of rare and scarce " vascular " plants . ( We should make copies
of these for all members , plus zoning office ) .
O ld Business - None
P ublic Hearing
Opened at 2000 hr . Chairman read the Public Notice and asked if there
were any comments from the public . Question was raised about location
and possibility of re- subdivision . Parties were assured that it could not
be re- subdivided . Mr . Krizek said he was told at a meeting on the
Airport Plan that construction could not take place within one mile of
the airport . Mr . Krizek also expressed concern about mobile homes and
apartments . Public Hearing closed .
Return to meeting . Motion made by CK that the project be tabled until
following questions resolved . Second by HB . No further comment .
Unanimous approval .
Question : What new regulations are there regarding the airport
zone ? who proposed such ? When ?
Town Planning Board Minutes - 2- 10 / 12 / 87
Mrs . Lak asked if she would know by next meeting and she was advised
in the affirmative . Zoning Officer was directed to look into this matter .
LH asked if it would be appropriate for the Board to grant provisional
approval and the consensus was negative . JH reminded that the
following notes should be placed on the plat : ( a ) no further
subdivision , and ( b ) that the area is within the airport hazard zone .
Clifford Buck Application
Some confusion over the location which was resolved by Mr . Buck .
Apparently , Mr . Buck was mislead by zoning office in that he was told
that he could do up to four minor subdivisions without it becoming a
major subdivision ( forgetting that over four contiguous lots constitute a
major subdivision ) . VM questioned whether the property is in an ag
district - - if so , she said it would have to be removed from the ag
district before it could be approved by the Board . Zoning Officer was
requested to pursue this and report back to the Board . There being no
other question , VM stated that the size of the lots are satisfactory and
other conditions being met . FR moved approval of the submittal as a
sketch plan contingent on the report as obtained by the Zoning Officer .
Second by HB . Approved without dissent .
( Note : Mr . Buck was told he needed more money - - what was that ? )
Rick Cowles Development
Mr . Cowles presented a sketch with the comment that he was not
looking for approval at this time , but had questions about Zoning
Ordinance .
Questions : a . What if road was not to be deeded to Town ? How
would we view the 600 ft . limitation & LH noted that
regulations exist for safety reasons .
b . GW asked if property is to be leased and was
advised that it would not be sold . It was noted that
it is to be a commercial development .
c . GW referred to the definition of a subdivision which
states that a subdivision is " parcels offered for
transfer " etc . FR and VM discussed the Borg - Warner
development as a comparable situation .
LH said that this requires Site Plan Review and suggested that it might
be a PDA . VM pointed out that Zoning Law ( 1206 . 2 ) requires the
development in an Industrial Zone be approved by Planning Board and
Town Board . JH also referred to 1306 . JH questioned protected
• wetlands ( it appears that they are just north and west of the two
, '.
Town Planning Board Minutes - 3- 10 / 12 / 87
protected areas ) . Discussion of the possibility of alternative streets
such as a double or split road with a center median . Mr . Cowles
indicated that the dual road seemed a possibility and that he could
proceed with his feasibility analysis on that basis . VM again raised the
issue of a PDA and the possibility of including some housing in the
project .
Leo Mahood ( Represented by Mike Schwartz )
LH called Bob Williams who ruled that the PDA regulation could not be
lifted from the zoning and added to a non - zoned area .
Mr . Schwartz presented a new plan with only single- family residences ,
30± lots . Said he wanted to start at the lake and work to the east . CK
asked about roads to north and south . Mr . Schwartz responded that
they need to be told which roads are to be extended . Lot size is 1 . 5 to
2 acres . They intend to apply to the Town for extension of water
district . The railroad right-of- way or easement was discussed . JH asked
about Environmental Assessment . Discussion of the common lands which
will now be only the coastline area . LH asked if intent was to deed the
roads to the Town and reply was affirmative . Lengthy discussion of the
need for an easement or other provision for the north / south roadway .
• JH asked about the 600- foot limitation on the roadway . Mr . Tallman
questioned where the project now stands . It was indicated that he could
consider this as a sketch plan with additional data being required . Mr .
Tallman was directed to meet with the Town Engineer and Highway
Superintendent . He stated that they will plan to be on the agenda for
next meeting .
Mr . Leathers
Presented a proposal for the Hicks property .
Returned to John Lak
CK asked if it could be approved conditionally , pending the results of
the investigation of the airport question . VM made a presentation on the
possibility of future development as it related to the 40 ft . to be used
for access to the two rear parcels . GW suggested that he write a letter
to Mrs . Lak designating that the two driveways to be 30 ft . wide and
that any buildings be set back to provide clearance for a possible
future street .
Alex Cima
• VM made a presentation of the possibility of extending the street from
Cima ' s development across her property to Cherry Road . She questioned
a �
Town Planning Board Minutes - 4- 10 / 12 / 87
whether this is a subdivision . It was agreed that it would not be a
subdivision as no property is to be sold .
Respectfully submitted ,
Gary L . Wood