HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-09-14 ,, . 1 ' • TOWN OF LANSING PLANNING BOARD • v fv lP.'! -JTEE; : SEPTEiMIBEF 14 , 196 Present : Al White , Acting Chair , Linda Hirvonen , Viola Miller , Carol K. arnrnen , Lorry c; harpsteen , Herb Beckwith Absent : John Homo , Frames Rarnin Acting Chair 's ' hite opened the meeting at ? : •__... Minutes for August meeting declared inadequate and ore to be submitted at the next meeting . General discussicin cif the need to preserve agricultural land ; about frani1e environments in the Tc► 57,rn , especially along the lake and in the non Creek water shed area . Kamrnen proposed that the Planning Board consider a resolution disapproving privately owned ., olid waste disposal sites in the Town of Lansing . S1-iarps.; teen seconded . ReL; ol I_Jt 1 onl approved . A copy of our resolution iss to be sent to the Town Board along with our minutes . Herb Leg : requested a boundary ad j u st meat e ; tending hi property 100 • z -_ _ CSharpsteen feet south of the Lake Breeze { ►= e Creani Shop on Route 34. �� f � 5rp �; teen moved to approve the boundary adjustment with the provision that there be a restriction placed ire the deed to prevent further- subdivisions and that. a Copy of the deed be attached with tax mop and 'submitted to the Zoning Office . Kammer seconded ; motion approved . Alex Cima : accompanied by David Cubo ' , his attorney , discussed the High Rise Project . He has been to the 'village Planning Board aril they .hill not approve of a second exit on to Busty bind . ' ,' illage wonts all traffic: to exit through the moil Horizon Village exit unto Plorth Triphamrner. The Town of Lansing Planning Board expressed objections to having but one exit . Cima 'was ad ', ised to discuss the road system with the Fire Board . Cima would like to provide second exit through Cherry Road . rime is allare the the =; trearn running through the properm i : ; sphng fed and he is placing 1-ii :_; rood parallel to the :stream to ovoid bridging . There will be extensive ditching throughout . Trees will be retained where possible . Cima submitted a preliminary sketch . Tom Cirafice : requested subdivision of one lot , located on Route• _4.1 jurat north of the Salmon Creek bridge . The remaining portion WOUld be highly irregular ; its access to the road questionable ; its 'septic situatior-► questionable . Beard tabled disc-- ssion of thi _; request ►..until bier. • 4' • . 'V • J . .Lok : SI_ibrrritted primary plot for tfie subdilygision of land on Hillside Place V44- 1 - 52 ] . Thti _, plait showed altered boundary iines in accordance with suggestions from the. Planning Board . Variance needed far parcel # 3 . Beckwith moved to grantvariance on parcel # 3 and to approve the subdivision with deed restrictions on parcels 2 ; 3 ? and 4 that they may not be again subdivided . Eihorpsteen seconded ; motion carried . A public hearing to be held on the Lok property in October-. Leo Mohool : was represented by Michael Schwartz ; architect) presented subdivisioon for parcel 16 . 2 ; East Shore Circle . The developers are considering 1 1 / 2 acre lots and would like to consider acting under P . D . A . regulations if titin, i =; piy_t _, ible . About this subdivision the Board queried the easements ; north and south ; the timetable for building the entire road . Board reminded developers that they needed to deal with DEC: for approval of docks on the lake front . Torn Ellis : submitted a pr-elirninar-y sketch for a major subdivi _. ion on • 485 Ridge Road . Also requested action on a one lot rninor subdivision at the same address . Hirvonen moved to appro 'v' e the one lot di 'visionl , Karmen seconded . Carried . Board decided to have an inforrnal meeting on September 30 , at ? : 30 p . m . to discuss pending issues and proceedures . Beckwith moved that the subdi 'vi =: ion proposed by T _ Cerofici should be denied . Karnrrierl seconded . Carried . • • 4 • 1 Lansino Planning Board Minutes Monday , September 14 , 1987 Chairman John Hama Acting Chairman Al White * Linda Hirvonen * Larry Sharosteen * Viola Miller Frances Ramen * Carol Kammen * Herb Beckwith * indicates those present Attendance : Linda Hirvonen , Viola Miller , Carol Kammen , Al W hite , Larry Sharpsteen , Herb Beckwith and G ary Wood , Code Enforcement Officer . A . White : Minutes of previous meeting ( 8 / 10 / 87 ) must be revamped and resubmitted . Item # 2 referring to H erb Ley never occurred . Defer minutes of last month to allow C . Kammen and H . Beckwith to revise and resubmit . V . Miller : Asked about the water extension . Question still open with the Village . A . White : Bob Williamson is working with the Village on a long term deal and feels optimistic about having things wrapped up and looks favorable . C . Kammen : Proposed that a resolution in support of the Town B oard ' s resolution of private landfills coming into the town be drawn up . In addition , prompted by concern of major subdivisions that have been approved throughout the town as well as those subdivisions not yet completed . Also , concern for the Salmon Creek Watershed . G . Tatman : Was asked by the Board to attain and affix a copy of the Town Board ' s Resolution to the minutes . S harpsteen : Second the motion . All Carried . 411 r n H . Lev : Approached Board re : subdivision . S harosteen : Stated that this is actually a boundary adjust - ment extending his property 100 feet south to Woodsedge . A . White : Suggested a restriction be placed in the deed that there would be no further subdivisions . H . Ley : Agreed . Also , he is to provide a copy of the deed to be attached with tax map and filed with G eorge Totman in the Zoning Office . S harpsteen : Moved to approve with restrictions . C . Kammen : Second the motion . All carried . A . Cima : Accompanied by his attorney David Dubow discussed their High Rise Project . Have been to the ✓ illage Board about extension of sewer service . Also has been in contact with Cayuga Heights . S harpsteen : Stated objections as to egress - emergencies etc . S uggested that Alex contact the chief of the Fire D epartment and the Board of Commissioners seeking their opinion and feedback . ✓ . Miller : Opposed making Bush Lane one - way . A . Cima : Stated that if he had access to Cherry Road he w ould go that route . New area has spring fed stream thus ran the road parallel to avoid building a lot of bridges . The plan is to t horoughly ditch and build a retention pond if n ecessary . ✓ . Miller : Expressed concerns with drainage and a retention pond . A . Cima : Stated they had done a considerable amount of A . 4e 3 drilling , boring etc . , and that his engineer w ould have a complete study and solution available in respect to the concerns of Viola . C . Kammen : Asked about the trees being preserved . A . Cima Stated the lots are bigger in this project but plan to leave as many trees as oossible . S harpsteen : Visited a similar subdivision to get a better perspective as to what Alex is doing . A . Cima : They will be building the road in phases and is w aiting for the Town ' s approval . C . Kammen : Is this project in the Airport Hazard Zone ? A . Cima : Not at all . D . Dubow : Asked if it would be beneficial to have a joint meeting with the Village . • V . Miller : Asked if a sketch could be redone if land became available to direct traffic away from Bush Lanes D . Dubow : That would not be a problem . A . Cima : Asked about the possibility of using a portion of Viola ' s land - she replied in the affirmative . A . Cima : To talk it over with his partner Mr . Sciarabba and to get back with the proper persons as there is another landowner who might be interested in selling a portion of property as well . A . White : Asked that they complete and submit their EAF form at the next meeting . A . Cima : Was agreeable to this and was scheduled for the October meeting . T . Cerafici : Subdivision of 1 lot into 2 . He ' s selling parcel w ith house and garage approx . 110 . 8 feet , frontage 49 4 188 . 5 feet , 116 feet along the sides and 135 . 5 feet in the rear . Would like to retain remaining portion of land . Sharosteen : Concerned with preexisting septic system when it has to be replaced . ✓ . Miller : Concerned about the lot size . C . Kammen : Uneasy about the entire situation . T . Cerafici : Proposed alternate plan to sell all the property . H . Beckwith : Moved to table the discussion until later in the meeting at which time they would make a decision . C . Kammen : Second the motion . • J . Lok : Proposed subdivision of tax map # 44 - 1 - 52 , Hillcrest Road . Survey map and sketch of driveways was submitted . H . Beckwith : Variance will be needed for parcel # 3 as it does not meet the required amount of road frontage . C . Kammen : Suggested a clause be added to the deed not to subdivide again . H . Beckwith : Moved to grant variance on parcel # 3 and to approve subdivision with deed restrictions of parcels 2 , 3 and 4 . Sharpsteen : Second the motion . All carried . J . Lok : Scheduled for public hearing in October . L . Mahool : Mike Schwartz , Architect presented subdivision of tax map # 7 - 36 - 1 - 16 . 2 , East Shore Circle , 1 1 / 2+ acre lots . L . Hirvonen : Asked if the roads would be put in first . S . . e 5 C . Kammen : Concerned as to where easements would be . A . White : Addressed the Board as to whether it would be appropriate for this project to be submitted as a PDA instead of a subdivision . A PDA would allow more flexibility to the developer but as now applies only to zoned areas . L . Hirvonen : Read definition of PDA . She feels that the Board has to do some research on this and meet with Bob Williamson , Attorney and then inform Leo how to proceed to the next phase . M . Schwartz : Stated that time is somewhat of a factor being that they are dealing with the DEC and asked who had the authority to give final approval . A . White : Board could grant approval but felt it necessary to check with Mr . Williamson . • T . Ellis : Subdivision of remaining portion of 15 acres to be divided into 9 lots 1 1 / 4 acres each . Build road 600 feet but would lack 150 feet . Sharpsteen : Suggested a variance for the road extension . L . Hirvonen : Moved to approve and accept a 1 lot division to Linda Appledorn at 45 Edge Road . C . Kammen : Second the motion . All carried . C . Kammen : Proposed that the Board have an informal meeting September 30th at 7 : 30 PM . to discuss pending issues and how to proceed . ( Place to be determined . ) H . Beckwith : The subdivision proposed by T . Cerafici should be denied as proposed and asked that he go to his alternate plan of sale of the entire property . • r b 41, C . Kammene Moved the original plan be denied siting the letter from John Anderson of the Health Department . H . Beckwith : Second the motion . Carried unanimously . Sharpsteen : Send letter to Cerifici informing him of Board ' s decision and to go with the contingency plan which they will approve . Meeting adjourned at 10 : 30 PM . 110 S 7' TOWN OF LANSING PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : SEPTEMBER 14, 1987 Present : Al White , Acting Chair, Linda Hirvonen , Viola Miller, Carol Kammen , Larry Sharpsteen , Herb Beckwith Absent : John Horne , Frances Ramin Acting Chair White opened the meeting at 7 : 30 . Minutes for August meeting declared inadequate and are to be submitted at the next meeting . General discussion of the need to preserve agricultural land ; about fragile environments in the Town , especially along the lake and in the Salmon Creek water shed area . Kammen proposed that the Planning Board consider a resolution disapproving privately owned solid waste disposal sites in the Town of Lansing . Sharpsteen seconded . Resolution approved . A copy of our resolution is to be sent to the Town Board along with our minutes . Herb Leg : requested a boundary adjustment extending his property 100 feet south of the Lake Breeze Ice Cream Shop on Route 34. Sharpsteen • moved to approve the boundary adjustment with the provision that there be a restriction placed in the deed to prevent further subdivisions and that a copy of the deed be attached with tax map and submitted to the Zoning Office . Kammen seconded ; motion approved . Alex Cimo : accompanied by David Duboz , his attorney , discussed the High Rise Project . He has been to the village Planning Board and they will not approve of a second exit on to Bush Land . Village wants all traffic to exit through the mail Horizon Village exit onto North Triphammer. The Town of Lansing Planning Board expressed objections to having but one exit . Cima was advised to discuss the road system with the Fire Board . Cima would like to provide a second exit through Cherry Road . Cime is aware that the stream running through the property is spring fed and he is placing his road parallel to the stream to avoid bridging . There will be extensive ditching throughout . Trees will be retained where possible . Cima submitted a preliminary sketch . Tom Cirofice : requested subdivision of one lot , located on Route 34, just north of the Salmon Creek bridge . The remaining portion would be highly 41111 irregular; its access to the road questionable ; its septic situation questionable . Board tabled discussion of this request until leer. o �C .� • • wee ate z uto at ext. M €49 taw the? , )i Sept Pegeatat Mod 74-h Cwt °` ), 111 ma ham w - ke Gtod eAccarko Qctirac x-73ds g • • J . Lok : Submitted primary plot for the subdivision of land on Hillside Place [ # 44- 1 - 52 ] . This plan showed altered boundary lines in accordance with suggestions from the Planning Board . Variance needed for parcel # 3 . Beckwith moved to grant variance on parcel # 3 and to approve the subdivision with deed restrictions on parcels 213 , and 4 that they may not be again subdivided . Sharpsteen seconded ; motion carried . A public hearing to be held on the Lok property in October. Leo Mahon ] : was represented by Michael Schwartz , architect , who presented subdivision for parcel S7 - 3E1 - 1 - 16 . 21 East Shore Circle . The developers are considering 1 1 / 2 acre lots and would like to consider acting under P . D . A . regulations if this is possible . About this subdivision the Board queried the easements , north and south , the timetable for building the entire road . Board reminded developers that they needed to deal with DEC for approval of docks on the lake front . Tom Ellis : submitted a preliminary sketch for a major subdivision on • 465 Ridge Road . Also requested action on e one lot minor subdivision at the same address . Hirvonen moved to approve the one lot division , Karnrrien seconded . Carried . Board decided to have an informal meeting on September 30 , et 7 : 30 p . m . to discuss pending issues and proceedures . Beckwith moved that the subdivision proposed by T . Cerof i ci should be denied . Kammen seconded . Carried . S • 1 Lansing Planning Board Minutes Monday , September 149 1987 Chairman John Hama Acting Chairman Al White * Linda Hirvonen * Larry Sharpsteen * Viola Miller Frances Ramen * Carol Kammen * Herb Beckwith * indicates those present • Attendances Linda Hirvonen , Viola Miller , Carol Kammen , Al W hite , Larry Sharpsteen , Herb Beckwith and G ary Wood , Code Enforcement Officer , A . White : Minutes of previous meeting ( 8 / 10 / 87 ) must be ✓ evamped and resubmitted . Item # 2 referring to H erb Ley never occurred . Defer minutes of last month to allow C . Kammen and H . Beckwith to ✓ evise and resubmit . • V . Millers Asked about the water extension . Question still o pen with the Village . A . Whites Bob Williamson is working with the Village on a long term deal and feels optimistic about having things wrapped up and looks favorable . C . Kammen Proposed that a resolution in support of the Town B oard ' s resolution of private landfills coming into the town be drawn up . In addition , prompted by concern of major subdivisions that have been approved throughout the town as well as those subdivisions not yet completed . Also , concern for the Salmon Creek Watershed . e . Tatman : Was asked by the Board to attain and affix a copy o f the Town Board ' s Resolution to the minutes . S harpsteens Second the motion . All Carried . • 4 i H . Ley : Approached Board re : subdivision . S harpsteen : Stated that this is actually a boundary adjust - ment extending his property 100 feet south to Woodsedge . A . White : Suggested a restriction be placed in the deed that there would be no further subdivisions . H . Ley : Agreed . Also , he is to provide a copy of the deed to be attached with tax map and filed with George Tatman in the Zoning Office . Sharpsteen : Moved to approve with restrictions , C . Kammen : Second the motion . A11 carried . A . Cima : Accompanied by his attorney David Dubow discussed their High Rise Project . Have been to the ✓ illage Board about extension of sewer service . Also has been in contact with Cayuga Heights . Sharpsteen : Stated objections as to egress - emergencies etc . S uggested that Alex contact the chief of the Fire Department and the Board of Commissioners seeking t heir opinion and feedback . ✓ . Miller : Opposed making Bush Lane one - way . A . Cima : Stated that if he had access to Cherry Road he would go that route , New area has spring fed stream thus ran the road parallel to avoid building a lot of bridges . The plan is to t horoughly ditch and build a retention pond if necessary . V , Miller : Expressed concerns with drainage and a retention pond . A . Cima : Stated they had done a considerable amount of • • ,yr d rilling , boring etc . , and that his engineer would have a complete study and solution available in respect to the concerns of Viola . C . Kammen : Asked about the trees being preserved . A . Cima ® Stated the lots are bigger in this project but plan to leave as many trees as possible . Sharpsteen : Visited a similar subdivision to get a better perspective as to what Alex is doing . A . Cima : They will be building the road in phases and is waiting for the Town ' s approval . C . Kammen : Is this project in the Airport Hazard Zone ? A . Cima : Not at all . D . Dubow : Asked if it would be beneficial to have a joint meeting with the Village . • V . Miller : Asked if a sketch could be redone if land became available to direct traffic away from Bush Lane . D . Dubow : That would not be a problem . A . Cima : Asked about the possibility of using a portion of ✓ iola ' s land - she replied in the affirmative . A . Cima : To talk it over with his partner Mr . Sciarabba and to get back with the proper persons as there is another landowner who might be interested in selling a portion of property as well . A . White : Asked that they complete and submit their EAF form at the next meeting . A . Cima : Was agreeable to this and was scheduled for the October meeting . T . Cerafici : Subdivision of 1 lot into 2 . He ' s selling oarcei with house and garage approx . 110 . 8 feet , frontage • 4 188 . 5 feet , 116 feet along the sides and 135 . 5 feet in the rear . Would like to retain remaining portion of land . Sharosteen : Concerned with preexisting septic system when it has to be replaced . ✓ . Miller : Concerned about the lot sizes C . Kammen : Uneasy about the entire situation . T . Cerafici : Proposed alternate plan to sell all the property . H . Beckwith : Moved to table the discussion until later in the meeting at which time they would make a decision C ® Kammen : Second the motions J . Lok : Proposed subdivision of tax map # 44 - 1 - 52 , Hillcrest Road . Survey map and sketch of driveways was submitted . • H . Beckwith : Variance will be needed for parcel # 3 as it does not meet the required amount of road frontage . C . Kammen : Suggested a clause be added to the deed not to subdivide again . H . Beckwith : Moved to grant variance on parcel # 3 and to approve subdivision with deed restrictions of parcels 2 , 3 and 4 . S harosteen : Second the motion . All carried . J . Lok : Scheduled for public hearing in October . L . Mahool : Mike Schwartz , Architect presented subdivision of tax map # 7 - 36 - 1 - 16 . 2 , East Shore Circle , 1 1 / 2 + acre lots . L . Hirvonen : Asked if the roads would be put in first . f1 5 C . Kammen : Concerned as to where easements would be . A . White : Addressed the Board as to whether it would be appropriate for this project to be submitted as a P DA instead of a subdivision . A PDA would allow more flexibility to the developer but as now applies only to zoned areas . L . Hirvonen : Read definition of PDA . She feels that the Board has to do some research on this and meet with Bob W illiamson , Attorney and then inform Leo how to proceed to the next phase . M . Schwartz : Stated that time is somewhat of a factor being that they are dealing with the DEC and asked who h ad the authority to give final approval . A . White : Board could grant approval but felt it necessary to check with Mr . Williamson . • T . Ellis : Subdivision of remaining portion of 15 acres to be divided into 9 lots 1 1 / 4 acres each . B uild road 600 feet but would lack 150 feet . S harpsteen : Suggested a variance for the road extension . L . Hirvonen : Moved to approve and accept a 1 lot division to L inda Appledorn at 45 Edge Road . C . Kammen : Second the motion . All carried . C . Kammen : Proposed that the Board have an informal meeting September 30th at 7 : 30 PM . to discuss pending issues and how to proceed . ( Place to be d etermined . ) H . Beckwith : The subdivision proposed by T . Cerafici should be d enied as proposed and asked that he go to his alternate plan of sale of the entire property . • p a411 6 Co Kammeno Moved the original plan be denied siting the letter from John Anderson of the Health Department . Ho Beckwith : Second the motion . Carried unanimously . Sharpsteens Send letter to Cerifici informing him of Board ' s decision and to go with the contingency plan which they will approve . Meeting adjourned at 1Oo30 PM . • •