HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-08-10 To Seneca Falls To Auburn � � TOWN of LANSING ugh " Home of Industry, Agriculture and Scenic Beauty " "q. Town of Lansing ORDINANCE DEPT. Box 186 Lansing, New York 14882 \ tI \ To Ithaca TO : Planning Board Members FROM : George Totman RE : Agenda for Meeting 10 August 1987 7 : 30 Open meeting 7 : 45 Herb Ley Jr . 8 : 00 Michael Pictael / Joan Brink informal discussion of possible subdivision tax no . 38 - 1 - 30 8 : 15 Jay O ' Rear 8 : 30 Barbara Lok Hilcrest Dr by Warren Rd . near red barn - possible 4 lot subdivision 8 : 45 Ken Malone 9 : 00 Leo Mahool 9 : 15 Jon A . Nedrow request for minor subdivision at 159 Davis Rd . tax no 16 . - 1 - 45 . 2 v. T ^ � l Ti" Y •3 • • Leo Mohool and Charles Tallman : Presented sketch plan for 56 13f2 acres of lard off East Shore Circle , to rnap , S36 - 16 . 2 . At present the scheme is to have mixed rousing , some town hoi_rses and some lots offered for private owenr=hip . They requested another discussion at the September meeting of the Planning Board . Steven Nedrow : inquired about a minor '=ubdi \' 1 'sion of land at 159 Davis Road , tax no . 1n - 1 - 45 . 2 . Ramin moved that the Planning Board approve this subdivision , V . Miller seconded . Approi•••' ed . Planning Board meeting adjourned at 10 : 35 p . m . .` V • Lansing Planning Board D ATE : 8 / 10 / 87 TIME : 7 : 39 pm P RESENT : J . Homa , Chair : V . Miller ; L . Hirvonen ; C . Kammen ; F . Raming A . White ; H . Beckwith 1 . Reviewed and approved with corrections the minutes of the meeting July 13 , 1987 . A . Herb Ley inquired about expanding his land and was asked to bring a copy of the deed to parcel to the next meeting . 3 . Michael Parcel / Joan Brink asked for and received an informal discussion of the possible subdivision at 318 Asbury Rd . B rink is purchasing the house and barn with surrounding one acre in • southwest corner , with a 200 foot frontage . Brink assured the board that she would be obtaining at least one acre . L . H . suggested tabling the motion until the proposed lot was approved by the health department . V . M . second motion . J . H . added to motion that the e nvironmental short form be filled out , and to bring in a letter and / or copy of the sale agreement . Approved unanimously . 4 . Jay Orear made a presentation regarding the overall development of his property in response to the Board ' s previous requests He stated that in 1975 he and his wife had subdivided the center ✓ egion , last year he applied and was approved for the western region ( near Lake ) . He is now applying for the remainder of the eastern region , south of Sunpath . Orear now owns 3 houses with 5 No lots h ave been sold except 4 & S . The right - of - way that was to cross the property belonging to Banfields does not go to Hick ' s property as shown on preliminary subdivision plat because he ( Orear ) had decided o ne right - of - way would be impractical . L . H . stated that approved plan appears to have been with access on both sides of Tee . V . M . inquired if original lots were done with water and these are w ithout . Orear answered " yes " and added that his discussion with the village ( 3 - 4 years ago ) had not come to a satisfactory resolution of rates . It would also involve expensive water main construction . V . M . asked what kind of water are you getting ? O rear answered that the Banfield ' s have 110 foot well with 2 1 / 2 gallons per minute , the Letchner ' s have a shallow well and have • • a large quantity of water . the other lot has a 30 foot well with unknown quantity water . V . M . suggested that there not be any more subdivisions without public water . F . R . incuired about the insurance given to purchasers regarding the water . Orear answered they are committed only if they find water . V . M . wondered if we should approve without committing public water if it is available . Orear would consider a 6 inch main to the corner of lot 11 to supply lots 6 thru 11 . Orear has agreed to : 1 ) add right - of - way to the north 2 ) add water . There was no motion made pending health d epartment approval . 5 . Barbara & John Lok inquired about purchasing land on Hillcrest D r . and dividing into 4 building lots each with road frontage . They were unsure if lots would be sold vacant or prebuilt . Land would not have a road , but would use joining driveways . They would consider 2 drives at 25 feet but not at 60 feet . C . K . suggested t hat the land not be subdivided again . J . H . suggested that parcel 3 not be surrounded by parcel 4 . Lok would be willing to make some changes and come back with exact measurements . Problems foreseen could be the narrowness of the drive ways and the deeds must state • that the land is not to be subdivided again . 6 . Leo Mahool / Charles Tallman presented a sketch plan for 58 1 / 2 acres : location - East Shore Circle Drive , south side bordered by Clifford Lane , north side has assorted owners . Tax Mao # 36 - 16 . 2 . Reading from east to west the development scheme is : entrance / exit , club house , 3 tennis courts , putting greens , chipping field . The first 20 acres will have 64 Town Houses with 2 car garage - to sell . The second 30 acres will be for 18 single family homes each , having 1 to 1 . 5 acres . The last 8 acres are woods which will be thinned to put a road going to the lake , where there would be boat slips and parking for the owners . The docks would be 60 feet from the cliffs . The road would be almost one mile . There is a 6 % grade to the wood lot . Maintenance would be hired for everything except the single family homes , the owners would have to maintain their own property . They would like to get the water from the village , there is a water district just across the road , the sewers would_ probably be sand filters . They would like to pet started on this as soon as it is approved , starting with the road this year and finishing in 3 years . ' They stated that the health department says there is no problem with the drainage . No motion was made until aoproval is made by the health department . They will be back for the September meeting . 7 . John Nedrow inquired about a miner subdivision at 159 Davis Rd . • • -M 411 Tax No . 16 . - 1 - 45 . 2 . He wants to take from the family farm a 250 >; 250 foot lot in the north corner of hay field . There has been other lots sold prior to regulations . F . R . motioned to approve with V . M . seconding . Approved unanimously . 8 . Additional discussion : In regards to Mahool - consider the traffic as it is already a bad intersection on East Shore Circle - might consider a north and south entrance and exit . In regards to Orear - L . H . suggested getting village and town together Meeting adjourned at 10 : 35pm • , 'r A Y S Lansing Planning Board DATE : 8 / 10 / 87 TIME : 7 : 39 pm PRESENT : J . Homa , Chair : V . Miller ; L . Hirvonen ; C . Kammen ; F . Ramin ; A . White ; H . Beckwith 1 . Reviewed and approved with corrections the minutes of the meeting July 13 , 1987 . 2 . Herb Ley inquired about expanding his land and was asked to bring a copy of the deed to parcel to the next meeting . 3 . Michael Parcel / Joan Brink asked for and received an informal discussion of the possible subdivision at 318 Asbury Rd . Brink is purchasing the house and barn with surrounding one acre in southwest corner , with a 200 foot frontage . Brink assured the board IIIthat she would be obtaining at least one acre . L . H . suggested tabling the motion until the proposed lot was approved by the health department . V . M , second motion . J . H . added to motion that the e nvironmental short form be filled out , and to bring in a letter and / or copy of the sale agreement . Approved unanimously . 4 . Jay Orear made a presentation regarding the overall development o f his property in response to the Board ' s previous request . He stated that in 1975 he and his wife had subdivided the center ✓ egion , last year he applied and was approved for the western region ( near Lake ) . He is now applying for the remainder of the eastern ✓ egion , south of Sunpath . Orear now owns 3 houses with 5 No lots h ave been sold except 4 & 5 . The right - of - way that was to cross the property belonging to Banfields does not go to Hick ' s property as shown on preliminary subdivision plat because he ( Orear ) had decided o ne right - of - way would be impractical . L . H . stated that approved • plan appears to have been with access on both sides of Tee . V . M . inquired if original lots were done with water and these are w ithout . Orear answered " yes " and added that his discussion with the village ( 3 - 4 years ago ) had not come to a satisfactory ✓ esolution of rates . It would also involve expensive water main construction . V . M . asked what kind of water are you getting ? O rear answered that the Banfield ' s have 1100 foot well with 1 / 2 gallons per minute , the Letchner ' s have a shallow well and have • v • a large Quantity of water , the other lot has a 30 foot well with u nknown quantity water . V . M . suggested that there not be any more subdivisions without public water . F . R . incuired about the insurance given to purchasers regarding the water , Orear answered they are committed only if they find water . V . M . wondered if we should approve without committing public water if it is available . Orear would consider a 6 inch main to the corner of lot 11 to supply lots 6 thru 11 . Orear has agreed to : 1 ) add right - of - way to the north 2 ) add water . There was no motion made pending health department approval . 5 . Barbara & John Lok inquired about purchasing land on Hillcrest Dr . and dividing into 4 building lots each with road frontage . They w ere unsure if lots would be sold vacant or prebuilt . Land would n ot have a road , but would use joining driveways . They would consider 2 drives at 25 feet but not at 60 feet . C . K . suggested that the land not be subdivided again . J . H . suggested that parcel 3 not be surrounded by parcel 4 . Lok would be willing to make some changes and come back with exact measurements . Problems foreseen could be the narrowness of the drive ways and the deeds must state • that the land is not to be subdivided again . 6 . Leo Mahool / Charies Tallman presented a sketch plan for 58 1 / 2 acres : location - East Shore Circle Drive , south side bordered by Clifford Lane , north side has assorted owners . Tax Map # 36 - 16 . 2 . Reading from east to west the development scheme is : entrance / exit , club house , 3 tennis courts , putting greens , chipping field . The first 20 acres will have 64 Town Houses with 2 car garage - to sell . The second 30 acres will be for 18 single family homes each , having 1 to 1 . 5 acres . The last B acres are woods which will be thinned to put a road going to the lake , where there would be boat slips and parking for the owners . The docks would be 60 feet from the cliffs . The road would be almost one mile . There is a 6 % grade to the wood lot . Maintenance would be hired for everything except the single family homes , the owners would have to maintain their own property . They would like to get the water from the village , there is a water d istrict just across the road , the sewers would probably be sand filters . They would like to get started on this as soon as it is approved , starting with the road this year and finishing in 3 years . ' They .stated that the health department says there is no problem with the drainage . No motion was made until approval is made by the h ealth department . They will be back for the September meeting . 7 . John Nedrow inquired about a miner subdivision at 159 Davis Rd . • • 411 Tax No . 16 . - 1 - 45 . 2 . He wants to take from the family farm a 250 x 250 foot lot in the north corner of hay field . There has been other lots sold prior to regulations . F . F . motioned to approve with V . M . seconding . Approved unanimously . B . Additional discussion : In regards to Mahool - consider the traffic as it is already a bad intersection on East Shore Circle - might consider a north and south entrance and exit . In regards to Orear - L . H . suggested getting village and town together . Meeting adjourned at 10 : 35pm • • • TOWN OF LANSING PLANNING BOARD MINUTES , AUGUST 10 , 1987 Present : J . Homa , Chi ar, V . Miller; L . Hirvonen , C . Kammen ; F . Rami n , Al White , H . Beckwith Absent : L . Sharpsteen Minutes for the July 13 , 1987 meeting , revised and accepted . Michael Pichel and Joan Brink : requested a minor subdivision of land at 318 Asbury Road . Brink wants to purchase house and barn on one acre of land on southwest corner, with 200 foot frontage . Board requested an environmental study . Miller moved that we approve the minor subdivision contingent upon receipt of environmental statement . Approved . Jay Orear: requested permission to sell property on the south side of Sun Path . The Board requested that Orear return with a complete overlay plat of his land showing all lots , present and future . Necessary on the map is the 60 foot right of way from the T at the Stop Sign on Sun Path north to • the Hicks land . It was noted by the Planning Board that Oreer had knowingly removed the right of way which was on the original map because he believed that it was unnecessary . The Board disputed this action noting that no alterations can be made on approved maps without the approval of the Planning Board . The Board noted that water must be provided new lot owners . Oreer agreed that he would run a 6 " main for public water to new lots on the south side of Sun Path . The Planning Board stated its dislike of subdivisions without adequate public water, especially when water is within close proximity to the land in question . The Planning Board questioned Oreer closely about his plans and Orear agreed to return the right of way from Sun Path to the north on his map . He also agreed to make provision for water. He is to return to the Planning Board with a map of his land on Sun Path with all divisions , present and future , accounted for. John and Barbara Lot Requesed discussion of proposed subdivision of land on Hillcrest Road . • i Leo Mahon ] and Charles Tallman : Presented sketch plan for 56 1 / 2 • acres of land off East Shore Circle , tax map , # 36 - 16 . 2 . At present the scheme is to have mixed housing „ some town houses and some lots offered for private owenrship . They requested another discussion at the September meeting of the Planning Board . Steven tiedrow : inquired about a minor subdivision of land at 159 Davis Road , tax no . 16 - 1 - 45 . 2 . Rami n moved that the Planning Board approve this subdivision ; V . Miller seconded . Approved . Planning Board meeting adjourned at 10 : 35 p . m . • S ■ 41 Lansing Planning Board DATE : 8 / 10 / 87 TIME : 7 : 39 am PRESENT : J . Hama , Chair : V . Miller ; L . Hirvonen ; C . Kammen ; F . Raminp A . White ; H . Beckwith 1 . Reviewed and approved with corrections the minutes of the meeting July 13 , 1987 . 2 . H Ley inti-red about expanding his land and was asked to brirrtg a copy-Of the , deed to parcel to the next meeting . 3 . Michael Parcel / Joan Brink asked for and received an informal discussion of the possible subdivision at 318 Asbury Rd . Brink is purchasing the house and barn with surrounding one acre in ' southwest corner , with a 200 foot frontage . Brink assured the board that she would be obtaining at least one acre . L . H . suggested tabling the motion until the proposed lot was approved by the health department . V . M . second motion . J . H . added to motion that the environmental short form be filled out , and to bring in a letter and / or copy of the sale agreement . Approved unanimously . 4 . Jay Orear made a presentation regarding the overall development o f his property in response to the Board ' s previous request . He stated that in 1975 he and his wife had subdivided the center ✓ egion , last year he applied and was approved for the western region ( near Lake ) . He is now applying for the remainder of the eastern ✓ egion , south of Sunpath . Orear now owns 3 houses with 5 No lots have been sold except 4 & 5 . The right -of - way that was to cross the property belonging to Banfields does not go to Hick ' s property as shown on preliminary subdivision plat because he ( Orear ) had decided one right - of - way would be impractical . L . H . stated that approved plan appears to have been with access on both sides of Tee . V . M . inquired if original lots were done with water and these are w ithout . Orear answered " yes " and added that his discussion with the village ( 3 - 4 years ago ) had not come to a satisfactory ✓ esolution of rates . It would also involve expensive water main construction . V . M . asked what kind of water are you getting ? Orear answered that the Banfield ' s have 110 foot well with 2 AP 1 S 7 . John Nedrow inquired about a miner subdivision at 159 Davis Ad . Tax No . 16 . - 1 - 45 . 2 . He wants to take from the family + arm a 250 x 250 foot lot in the north corner of hay field . There has been other lots sold prior to regulations . F . R . motioned to approve with V . M . seconding . Approved unanimously . S . Additional discussion : In regards to Mahool - consider the traffic as it is already a bad intersection on East Shore Circle - might consider a north and south entrance and exit . In regards to Orear - L . H . suggested getting village and town together . Meeting adjourned at 10 : 35pm AMi 3