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I 34
March 5 , 1987
Town of Lansing
Box 186
Lansing, New York 14.882 \
To Ithaca
TO : Planning Board Members
FROM: Bob Kemple
RE : Agenda for Meeting March 9 , 1987
7 : 30 : To be considered : letter to Board from Jay Orear .
Subdivision by the Graziano ' s - doesn ' t meet
criteria for subdivision under town regulations -
all pieces are larger than three acres .
8 : 00 : Calvin Volbrecht : Expansion of junk _ yard located
at 54 Waterwagon Road .
8 : 30 : Gregory Valentine : Minor subdivision of Borg Warner
property on Cherry Road and Bush Lane . Have letter
to support from W. L. Tompkins , Borg Warner, Inc .
8 : 45 : David Flynn : Minor Subdivision : He is giving two
lots away to family members . Location at 813 Ridge
Road and 847 Ridge Road.
9 : 00 : Miles Munson : Two minor subdivisions : Four lots
to be sold on Searles Road and four lots to be
sold on Buck Road .
9 : 45 : Tom Cirafici : Sign permit to read SMET , INC . , REAL
ESTATE to be located at 400 Ridge Road.
10 :00 : Sonia Thaler : Continuation of WHISPERING PINES .
10 : 45 : Clifford Buck : Minor subdivision : Two lots to be
built on by C . Buck.
cc : John Homa Carol Kamman
• Linda Hirvonen Larry Sharpsteen
Al White Herb Beckwith
Fran Ramin Viola Miller
• Date : March 9 , 1987
Present : J . Home , Chair, H . Beckwith , C . Kammen , F . Ramin , L . Gharpsteen ,
A . White
Absent : L . Hirvonen , V . Miller
Also present : Bob Kemple , Ordinance Officer
I . Board received and considered letter from J . Orear re : his minor
subdivision along the lake . Orear reported that the two lots have been
sold to Thomas and Dykman and they are anxious to begin building . Orear
also reported that he has met with Town Engineer Miller who requested
cross sections of the proposed road every 100 feet in the steep portion and
that maps were being prepared by Orear' s surveyor. His letter will be
referred to the Town Board as it is their permission he needs .
II . Mr. Graziano submitted a letter detailing his plans to subdivide land
on Karn Road into three parcels , an larger than three acres . A letter irom
the Planning Board will be sent recognizing this division of land .
III . Calvin Volbrecht requested permission to extend his junk yard on
• Waterwagon Road . This does not come under the jurisdiction of the
Planning Board , but under Ordinance 7 , Section 4 of the regulations .
Application should be made to the Town Board .
IV . Gregory Valentine appeared regarding a minor subdivision of Borg
Warner property on the corner of Cherry Road and Bush Lane . He submitted
a letter of approval by the Health Department . He was alerted to the fact
that his land lies within the Airport Zone .
Kammen moved to waive a public hearing . Ramin seconded .
Approved .
White moved to accept the subdivision as proposed . Beckwith
seconded . Approved .
V . Bertram Buck appreared before the Board concerning the extension of
property lines on his Buck Road subdivision . iir. Buck had received
Planning Board approval on October 17 , 1986 for a minor Subdivision , Map
BL & RB Buck. , dated October 3 , 1986 .
White moved to approve the extension of boundaries on the
easternmost lot of the Buck Subdivision . Sharpsteen seconded . Approved .
2 ,
V I . Burr Phelps and his son Phelps appreared on behalf of Miles
• Munson regarding two minor subdivisions .
A . Searles Road Minor Subdivision : Munson seeks approval to
create four lots , each with 155 ' road frontage , and 281 ' deep , leaving a
right of way (between lot 4 and parcel 24. 4 on the tax map ) to the 90 acres
behind .
Four copies of a map with the footage of the right of way
and with the names of ajacent neighbors are needed .
Ramin moved that the sketch map be accepted conditionally
with the additional information to be submitted to the Ordinance Officer
as soon as possible . White seconded . Approved .
The Public Hearing is scheduled for April 13 at 6 pm .
B . Buck Road and Route 34 Minor Subdivision : Munson seeks to
create four portions of land on Buck Road . The Planning Board expressed
concern about the ragged north line created by the new parcels .
Ramin moved that the sketch reap be accepted conditionally
and that names of ajacent neighbors and modifications to the parcels be
made . Those modifications are : the north line on lots 4 and 3 be drawn to
• match the north line of lot 3 . 3 on the tax map , arid , lot 2 be drawn to back
onto the creek line , but not to cross the creek , as shown on the tax map
submitted as a preliminary plat . This information is to be transferred to a
new map to be submitted to the Ordinance Officer as soon as possible .
White seconded . Approved .
A Public Hearing will be held on April 13 , at 8 : 15 pm .
VII . Don Worsell Minor Subdivisions :
These subdivisions were submitted to the Planning Board on
February 9 , 1987 .
A . West side of Route 346 , betwyrn Lansing Station Road and
Algerine Road , 2 . 31 acres , corner lot , containing 535 ' road frontage
Sharpsteen moved to waive the public hearing on this parcel .
Approved .
B . East Side of Route 34B , between Lansing Station Road and
Algerine Road , 1 . 7 acres of land with 300 ' road frontage . This parcel
contains a house and two trailers .
After discussion the Planning Board requested additional
information regarding ajacent landowners and future use . The Ordinance
• Officer is to ask Mr. Worsell to appear at April 13 meeting .
VIII . Wayne Lucas , East Shore Circle .
• Mr. Lucas submitted e map showing the 30 ' attachment to his
property as requested by the Planning Board on March 10 , 1956 . Accepted
for file .
IX . Torn Cirafici appeared regarding a permit for a sign located at 400
Ridge Road . This is not a Planning Board matter and no action was taken .
X . R . Thaler and L . Fabroni appeared regarding Whispering Pines .
In response to requests made by the Planning Board on February
9 , 1957 , regarding Whispering Pines , the following were submitted :
1 . Environmental Impact Study : This was accepted by the
Planning Board with a number of modifications to reflect the entire
project not just the first phase . Alterations were initialed and the Study
will be filed with project documents .
2 . Provision of Water was discussed . Wells will be drilled
until there is public water. At that time Whispering Pines will hook on to
the public main . Thaler noted that it was his intention to provide at his
cost , the necessary pipeline in phases as lots are sold and water needed .
Regarding wells . One has been drilled to a depth of 154 feet
providing ample water. Thaler commented that if they run into water
problems with future wells " they will stop drilling . "
3 . Drainage Plan . Thaler ono Fabroni provided a map of the
drainage system . Swales are in place . The Planning Board expressed
concern that some ground water has collected on the undeveloped lot f # 1 ) .
Thaler commented that the conduit is blocked on the other side of the road .
The Planning Board requested cross sections of drainage ,
showing especially the south west corner of property,
4. Health Department approval : Thaler reported that he is
talking with J . Anderson . Letters of approval riot yet in our file .
5. Preliminary Plat for the entire development : this is in the
Planning Board files and was not submitted at this meeting and not
brought out for review .
.. •
• 6 . Roadways . The Planning Board expressed concern that there
should be access from Whispering Pines to other ajacent land . The map of
the road system has been sent to the Fire Department for their review .
7 . County Highway approval for exit from Whispering Pines on
Warren Road has been sought . A letter from the County should be en route
to the Planning Board .
8 . Planning Board requested that a map of the project
be sent to F . Ligouri of the County Planning Department for his review .
9 : Top soil erosion : concern was expressed about erosion of
top soil brought onto the project . Thaler said that this should not be a
problem .
The Planning Board set a Public Hearing for Whispering Pines at
8 : 30 pm on April 13 .
• 141 . Clifford Buck Minor Subdivision on Conlon Road ( north of Bower Road ) .
Sharpsteen moved that the preliminary sketch submitted by Mr.
Buck be approved . Beckwith seconded .
Approved .
Beckwith moved that a public hearing be waived . Sharpsteen
seconded . Approved .
The meeting of the Planning Board was adjourned et 10 . 58 pm .