DATE : 1 / 13 / 86
TIME : 7 : 06 P . M .
PRESENT : L . Hirvonen , Chair ; V . Miller ; L . Sharpsteen ;
Homa ; F . Ramin ; A . White
GUESTS : G . Wood , Ordinance Officer ; R . Williamson , Tc
T . Miller , Town Engineer ; T . Niederkorn , Planner
1 . Minutes of the previous meeting were not available .
2 . J . Homa , Treasurer , reported that there were no outstanding bills .
3 . There was a change in the agenda . Some new Business was discussed
while awaiting resource people necessary to the discussions of New
Business .
4 . Agenda Item IV-A . ( New Business , Rick Cowles - Burdick Hill Rd .
subdivision ) : L . Hirvonen noted that the Lansing Town Board had passed
a resolution on October 7 , 1986 which provided that where land parcels
split with 50 % or more in the Village of Lansing , then Village of
Lansing , rather than Town of Lansing zoning would apply . Cowles '
current development is thus a Village matter at the moment . Future
development ( a major subdivision ) goes north of the Village and will
be a Planning Board matter . J . Homa noted that the driveways should
empty into a new road , not onto Burdick Hill Road .
Moved by C . Kammen , 2nd by Fran Ramin that the Planning Board send
a letter to Barbara Irish , Village of Lansing Zoning Officer that :
a . acknowledges the precedence of the Village
in this matter , and
b . notes the preference of the Town of Lansing
Planning Board that the driveways not empty
onto Burdick Hill Road .
PASSED UNANIMOUSLY . L . Sharpsteen will send the letter . Copy wil be
sent to Rick Cowles .
5 . Agenda item IV-B ( New Business , Thaler - Hillcrest Rd .
subdivision ) : L . Hirvonen noted that the Planning Board had received a
copy of a letter from the Tompkins County Health Dept . dated 12/ 6 / 85
regarding the first seven acres to be developed . She further noted that
the Lansing Highway Dept . had built a 40 - foot culvert to access the
property . Gary Wood , Ordinance Officer and Burr Phelps will meet with
the Thalers 1 / 14/86 . The results of that conference will be reported at
the next Planning Board meeting . Eventually , the Thalers plan an
80 - acre subdivision , going north from Hillcrest Rd . L . Hirvonen told
the Board that " we are now considering two subdivisions in this area ,
one minor and one major . That area is becoming very built up . " The
members of the Board discussed the various special areas , especially a
ravine , in the Burdick Hill Road/Hillcrest Road areas . Some attention
to preserving natural areas and open space needs to be made . One member
• felt that some possibility of looking into a " critical area " designation
for some parts of it would be a good idea .
6 . Agenda item IV-C ( New Business , New member ) :
S teve Rollins was never re- appointed to the Board last January . Jane
010 Horkey , Town Clerk will notify him that he is " officially " off the
Board . He probably never knew he wasn ' t . The Town Board would like the
P lanning Board to consider Herb Beckwith representing the
W est -Northwest portions of the Town . Mr . Beckwith lives on Ross Road .
Another name brought forward for Planning Board membership is that of
George Sheldon of Ridge Road . Still another is Barney Termina of
Triphammer Terrace . Larry Sharpsteen noted that Herb Beckwith is an
agricultural engineer . He attended Lansing High School and Alfred
College . George Sheldon and Barney Termina were known to other members
o f the Board . It was thought that any of them would be a good member .
The consensus of the group was to submit the names of Herb Beckwith and
Barney Termina to the Town Board for appointment to the Planning Board .
Only one position is open . whoever is not appointed and George Sheldon
w ill be kept on the list for appointment next year if still available to
serve . Larry Sharpsteen will send the letter to the Town Board .
7 . Agenda item III -A ( Old Business , Rocco Lucente - PUD ) :
G . Wood provided maps of the proposed development . Members reviewed
the proposal for a Planned Development Area submitted to them by Mr .
L ucente on December 4 , 1985 ( attached ) .
Mr . Lucente proposes to build 1061 apartment units on 132 acres in
staged development over the next 20 years . Phase I will take some 5 - 10
years ; Phase II a similar period .
L . Hirvonen had earlier distributed a Planned Development Area Time
1110 Line ( attached ) to the members of the Board . This was consulted . She
pointed out to the members that the items included under " 1 . sketch
plan " and " 2 . written explanation of character and purpose of PDA " have
been mostly complied with by Mr . Lucente . She explained that the Board
h ad 45 days from Dec . 4 , 1985 , consider the PDA proposal in terms of the
general Health , Safety , and impacts on adjacent properties . She asked
t he members of the Board to express their concerns about the project .
Concerns expressed were :
Drainage : G . Wood said that it was appropriate for the
Planning Board to request that the rate of runoff NOT be
increased by the development . Tom Miller , Town Engineer ,
asked if a drainage plan had been submitted . L . Sharpsteen
said yes , a preliminary one . T . Miller noted that a formal
engineering report showing calculations should have
accompanied the drainage plan .
T . Miller noted that an engineering report could be
✓ equired that showed that the direction of run- off would not
be changed and that the rate would not be changed . Al White
thought that the wetland into which the proposed development
area drains would be unaffected by the increased rate of - !
✓ un-off . Other Board members were concerned about the impact
o f the development on that wetland area , which is privately
. owned .
Parking : Current high - density development codes require 1 . 5
parking spaces per unit . The PDA designation allows the
Planning Board to require more . L . Sharpsteen felt that the
• planned parking amount was inadequate . After much discussion
the Board members decided that they would ask Mr . Lucente to
plan for 2 parking spaces per unit , with a yearly review . It
was further suggested that the Board ask Mr . Lucente for a
paving schedule for the parking areas .
Garbage : Board members were concerned about the siting of
dumpsters , collection schedules , and the general appearance of
waste disposal facilities . It was noted that these kinds of
considerations can be reviewed in more detail at the Design
Phase approval point , but that some notice to Mr . Lucente of
these concerns should be made now .
Utilities : Several different concerns about utilities were
expressed . These included :
A . stipulating that all utilities be located underground ,
B . stipulating that all utilities be constructed to
standards set by the Town engineer ,
C . asking that Lucente investigate tying into public water
and sewer systems as available now and in the future ,
D . stipulating that Lucente would hook into public water
and sewer systems as they become available ,
During the discussion of utility concerns the Board decided
that they would write to the Town Board suggesting that a
Water District be formed which would include the area that
Mr . Lucente plans to develop and other areas as well . Mr .
Miller felt that a Town Water District was preferable to a
Water District formed merely for this one or a few nearby
developments . The Board felt that it was a greater advantage
to the Town and to Lucente to form as large a Water District
as possible , fairly soon . Sewer districts seemed more
complicated , but equally desireable in the long run .
General Aesthestics : Among the concerns here were sidewalks
( or the lack thereof , including a walkway from various
buildings to the planned community center and commercial
area . Another concern was the overall appearance of the
initial 27 18 - unit buildings and the final overall appearance
of the planned 75 18 - unit buildings .
Environmental Impact : It was decided to request of Mr .
Lucente that he provide the Board with a completed
Environmental Assessment Form for the meeting on January 27 ,
1986 . It was further felt that a full Environmental Impact
Statement would probably be necessary and that Mr . Lucente
should be informed of this feeling by the Board at that
meeting . Moreover , it was decided that the Board would
stipulate that he file copies of applications and forms
provided to the Health Dept . and DEC and any replies from
those agencies with the Lansing Planning Board . In line with
this discussion it was noted that within 30 days of the
mailing of the EAF , a lead agency would have to be designated
for environmental impact monitoring . It was unclear as to
whether the Town would have to request that they be the lead
agency if the Planning Board wanted to monitor environmental
impacts .
Approvals : Members of the Board wanted to know if the
Lucente development could be approved in stages . The answer
• was " yes " , as little as 10 % can be approved and approvals may
be conditional upon compliance with the stipulations made by
the Board in terms of granting a PDA designation .
8 . Agenda item III -B ( Old Business , Land Use Management/Water
D istrict : Background : The Town received funding for a Water District .
As a result of water being available , development other than just
residential is possible . To protect those residents who receive water
from uncontrolled development , the Town Board asked the Planning Board
t o do a land use study .
Tom Neiderkorn and Viola Miller explained that zoning in the Town
is limited and the zoning ordinance in effect is less than was proposed
or desired . In revising it , we should be aware that there is some value
to zoning but that we cannot go too far too fast . Tom Neiderkorn urged
that the Board get something done within the next six months in order to
avoid election - year pressures on legislators . He thought that what
could be accomplished would be to clean up the existing ordinance and
expand it slightly .
Tom will provide Board members with a zoning map to use in
conjunction with the survey forms distributed earlier and redistributed
at this meeting . Members are asked to fill out the forms , consulting
t he Land Use Control Ordinance . Carol Kammen will collate the results .
Al White and Fran Ram in and the new member to be appointed by the
• Town Board need copies of the zoning ordinance and the Development
Policy and General Plan (Aug . , 1982 rev . ) .
The second meeting of each month will be devoted to the Land Use
P lanning effort . The next meeting on which this will occur is scheduled
for February 17 , 1986 at 7 : 30 P . M .
9 . Agenda item Iv-D ( New Business , Mobile Home Park Ord . review
committee ) : L . Hirvonen asked if the Board wished to form a committee
for this task . The consensus of the group was to wait until after the
Land Use Ordinance has been revised . In general , members felt that
they wished to take an in -depth look and completely revise the Mobile
Home Park Ordinance but the amount of work entailed required finishing
one project before instituting another .
10 . L . Hirvonen asked if the Board wished to form a nominating
committee for officers for the Planning Board for 1986 . She announced
t hat she would not be available to serve as president . Tis >w
ger gelmmar MIMS 1R hila !o. Carol Kammen and Linda Hirvonen
volunteered to serve as a nominating committee . They will bring names
to the next regular meeting ( February 10 , 1986 ) for action at that time .
11 . Additional Business After some discussion in regard to a minor
subdivision planned by Miles Munson ( 3 . 2 acres , 150 feet of road
frontage , no new utilities , no roads ) it was : moved by Viola Miller ,
second by Carol Kammen to waive the required 300 foot road frontage
✓ equirement and the requirement that a lot cannot be more than three
t imes its width . Passed Unanimously
I12 . Additional Business : Viola Miller informed the Board that the
County Planning Board would like a response from the Lansing Town Board
on their preferences among the three Rt . 96 alternatives ( A , B , C ) .
• Viola made the maps and descriptions of the various alternatives
available to the group which reviewed them .
Moved by Viola Miller , second by Fran Ramin that the Lansing
Planning Board recommends to the Lansing Town Board Alternatave C for
the Town Board ' s resolution and transmission to the Tompkins County
Planning Board . Passed Unanimously .
The meeting adjourned at 10 : 30 pm .