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A % GIS"11\a-Se ` CC9.�C1.J�
• DATE : October 13 , 1986
PRESENT : J . Homa , Chairman , H . Beckwith , L . Sharpsteen , C . Kammen , L . Hirvonen , V . Miller
ABSENT : F . Ramin , A . White
GUESTS : G . Wood , Ordinance Officer , M/ M Buck , M/ M Cima , John Barney , attorney ,
C . Poturnay , R . Doucette
I . Minutes
September 8 , 1986 - H . Beckwith moved to accept as amended , seconded by
V . Miller , carried unanimously .
II . Town Attorney
The question of who pays the Town Attorney for services rendered to the Planning
Board has been raised .
V . Miller said 1 ) to her knowledge the Planning Board had never paid for the
services of the Town Attorney or Town Enciineer . , and 2 ) the Planning Board budget
has never been large enough to encompass intangibles .
• Chairman Homa will continue the discussion with the Town Board .
III . Swayze subdivision - 48 Ludlow Rd .
MOTION : V . Miller moved that the motion made at the special meeting on
September 29 , 1986 be introduced into our minutes and acted upon at this
time . Seconded by L . Sharpsteen , carried unanimously .
IV . Viola Argetsinger - proposed minor subdivision
Location : Drake Rd . , west of Rt . 34
Size : 1 lot , approx . 1 . 99 acres
Mrs . Argetsinger has had two previous minor subdivisions of her land . ( A third
division took place before Subdivision Rules and Regulations were in effect . )
POTION : It was moved by H . Beckwith and seconded by C . Kammen to accept the minor
subdivision on Drake Rd . presented by Viola Argetsinger and to waive
410 the public hearing since there will be no new utilities or roads in -
volved . Carried unanimously .
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V . Jay Orear - proposed lakeshore subdivision
• Mr . Orear presented the following items :
1 ) List of prior restrictions and easements ,
2 ) Statement of agreement to build and maintain a road by Mr . Orear and M/ MHicks ,
The Hicks have not signed the agreement but have sent a statement that they
agree in principal but wish to have their attorney review it before signing it .
3 ) Detailed survey map of the proposed road with a cross section ,
4 ) Town Engineer has not been able to review and approve but will do so this week .
After the Board ' s perusal and discussion Mr . Orear was asked to :
1 ) map change - in the SE corner the right - of - way should be extended to meet
the adjacent property line ( Rogers ' ) ,
2 ) road agreement - correct so as not to imply automatic acceptance of the road
by the Town Board ,
3 ) road agreement - signature of all parties ,
4 ) Town Engineer ' s approval of road design .
• PUBLIC HEARING - Orear proposed major subdivision - called to order at 8 : 55
A road and three building lots on the lakeshore , off Rt . 34 , west of The North Forty .
No members of the public were present .
Public hearing closed at 9 : 00 PM .
MOTION : It was moved by C . Kammen to grant conditional approval to the
preliminary plat of Mr . Jay Orear for a major subdivision to include a new road
and three building lots along the Cayur; a lakeshore subject to the receipt by the
Planning Board of the changes , corrections and approval as noted earlier ( 1 - 4 above ) .
The Health Depart . has declined to act in this case and the requirement will
be waived . Seconded by L . Sharpsteen , carried unanimously .
It was brought to Mr . Orear ' s attention that according to the regulations he
will also need :
1 ) endorsement of ofdinance officer
2 ) endorsement of Town Attorney
3 ) Town Board statement of satisfaction .
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• VI . New Horizons Annual Review - M/ M Cima , John Barney , attorney
A . Village I - has essentially been completed . Photos submitted .
Landscaping calls for additional plantings on a yearly basis . Blacktopping
o f drive and parking area will be done Spring ' 87 in conjunction with Village II .
The Planning Board expressed their appreciation to the Cimas for the care
taken in this project , and their satisfaction with the work that has been
completed .
B . Village III
They would like to begin Village III and find that having to obtain prior
permission for each village from the Planning Board is an unwieldy mechanism
w hen negotiating for financing . They are requesting final subdivision approval
o f the entire PDA .
MOTION : It was moved by C . Kammen , seconded by L . Sharpsteen to approve and
accept as final the subdivision plat plan for the entire PDA with annual
• review by the Planning Board and action by the Town Board until the PDA has
been completed in accordance with the Final Development Plan ( Article XIII ,
Sect . 1307 ) . Carried unanimously .
VII . Mr . Bertrand Buck
Submitted his survey map within the time frame established by the Planning Board .
MOTION : It was moved , seconded and carried unanimously to accept the final plat
for Mr . Buck ' s minor subdivision on Buck Rd . So moved by L . Sharpsteen , seconded
by H . Beckwith .
VIII . Charlie Poturnay , Russell Doucette
Mr . Doucette has expressed an interest in purchasing a plot of land from
Mr . Poturnay . Discussion followed on ways to bring Mr . Poturnay into compliance
with Subdivision Rules & Regulations in a manner which would not be a hardship
to either buyer or seller .
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