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9 J'
- Date : September . 10 , 1984
Time : 7 : 45 P . M .
Present : Chairman L . Hirvonen , V . Miller , - J . Kirby , J . Homa ,
L . Sharpsteen
Guests : G . Wood , J . Barney , A . Cima , T . Miller , C . Poturnay
I . Minutes of previous meetings
June. ii , 1984 - no comments
July 9 , 1984 - na comments
August 13 , 1984 - no comments
August 27 , 1984 - please make the following corrections :
page 1 - , III first paragraph to read as follows : " owned by
Gary Argetsinger. , north of Drake Road . "
page 2 , Notion - delete - " it will be considered a minor sub -
division, and , "
MOTION : V . Miller moved to accept the minutes as read and
amended . J . Kirby seconded the motion , carried
unanimously .
II . Amendment to subdivision rules and regulations
After a lengthy discussion. by the members of the Board and G .
Wood , thefolowing- motion was made : -
MOTION : V . Miller moved that the Planning Board consider -
onsideramending thOisuadivision rules and regulations and to
take action on tke same at the September 24 , 1984
meeting . This is to eliminate the Tompkins County
Health Department requirements at this time and to
substitute a stamp to read as follows : " Approved as
conforming to the requirements of the town or Lansing
Land Use Oon.trol Ordinance ( including current amend -
. menta ) . No review has been made - of the suitability
for sanitary facilities or Water supply , or conformance
with the regulations of ober jurisdictions . " L .
• Sharpsteen seconded the motion , carried unanimously .
III . Don Carroll Subdivision - Lansingville Road
G . Wood reported that :the attorney for Mr . Carroll would like
• approval of that subdivision now .
LOTION : J . Hama moved tba t the Planning Board accept the
- proposed subdivision of Don Carroll to be located
off Lansingville Road in the Town of Lansing . When
and if such development takes place , there will be
necessary an approval. from the Tompkins County
Health Department . L . Sharpsteen seconded the motion ,
carried unanimously .
IV . Searles Road
G . . Woods reported that the land in question had been divided -
91 . 4 acres to Miles Munson , 3 plus acres to John Coyle and
2 . 6 acres to Don Carroll . He felt that the only one in viola -
tion was the Lyons estate . He would like to pursue this to
make sure that the rules are followed . V . Miller felt it
necessary to alert people that they should come to the Board .
A discussion followed as to whether to make this a court case
or not . L . Sharpsteen would not like to see John Coyle ' s
chance of getting a loan hurt . J . Kirby questioned whether
Don Carroll intended to make his into two or three lots .
L . Sharpsteen suggested sending a strongly worded letter to
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^ ma.
r Searles RoaA. d - continued .
all parties involved telling them they could be in violation
of ez Ating ordinances and asking them to come to the Planning
• Board .
V . Miller said that. several good members left the Planning
Board because ordinances were not enforced . G . Wood said he
is willing to enforce the ordinances .
It. was decided that G . Wood would write to the Town Attorney ,
R . Williamson - asking for his advice re court action to accom-
plish what the Board wants .
. NOTION : L . Sharpsteen moved that the Planning Board seek Mr .
Williamson ' s advice and if nothing happens within
two weeks , send a letter to Mr . Lyons that the Planning
Board is aware. that a tranaction took place and that
he could be in violation of the ordinances and should
appear before the said Board . J . Kirby seconded the
motion , carried unanimously .
V . Charles Poturnay - Bum -.Conlon Road
L . Hirvonen reported that Mr . Poturnay had checked with his
sister: and she did notwant to sell any more lots as it might
change: their tax situation . She said he had mentioned selling
some land to a relative . It was now considered a major sub -
division .
G . Wood said that all adjoining property owners would have to
be notified in case of a public hearing .
At this point hr . Poturnay entered the meeting ,
C . Poturnay questioned whether there would be an added'
® assessment .. L . Hirvonen. said that if it were: in an ag district
it would not change .. V . Miller felt that the person buying the
land might have to pay an added assessment .
MOTION : L . Sharpsteen moved that the Planning Board give the
necessary approval for a preliminary plat for a major
subdivision for the land located between Buck Road
and Conlon Road and both sides of Wilson Road owned
by Charles Poturnay . V . hiller seconded the motion ,
carried unanimously .
VI . ^lee r Road
T. Erma reportedthatoone lot ( 25 - creskad been did ' ded
thalf a tha pother p' ' cel 0 0 acres wass.,divi • • in lots
"'�'� of 10 ac� . He felt that + ie owner was will to sell . V .
M . eau t,ne that if it�was b k off the ro • , t - y would need
right f -ways .. �/ _
VII . Proposed subdivision - The Horizons " - A . Cima
J . Barney presented a map with slight changes indicated on it .
He told the members present that the Village of Lansing wanted
an independent access from Horizon Drive to Triphammer . It
would be a 25 ' hard packed road , chained and padlocked .
• He anticipated a new plan utilizing three or four: lots more
from the corner portion .
• V . hiller questioned the adequacy for carrying off the added
run- off. . . T . hiller said they planned to keep the drainage in
® the natural area , providing no increase or if so , it could go
down a culvert to Triphammer ..
T . Miller said that tree retention pond would measure 3 ' deep
by 66 ' by 175 ' and that it would hold the equitalent of a 25
year storm ... There would be a security fence .
- 2 -
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" The Horizons " - continued .
L . Sharpsteen questioned how much run- off there would be and
was told by T . Miller that it would run average for a residen-
tial area .
J . . Barney felt that they had fulfilled what needed to be done .
He noted one a cner ertanFe , e. piece of land to the north of
Horizon Drive by the water tower could become lot r38 or
Possibly a Village park .
It was noted by several Board members that lots # 19 , 22 and
23 aid not have 100 ' frontage . L . Sharpsteen said that the
overall size of the lots showed intent of ordinance carried
out . When asked for letter re sewage treatment , A . Cima said
h e was told by Phil Munson that it was unnecessary . T . Miller
said he would go over plans with the Village . J . Barney will _
pursue the letter .
MOTION : L . SharWten moved that the Planning Beard accept
the preliminary plat of A . Cima for " The Horizons "
subdivision with a contingency that a statement of
sewage plans be presented by the developer at the
time of the Public Hearing to be held on September
24 , 1984 .. V . miller seconded the motion , carried
unanimously .
G . Wood will set up a Public Hearing for A . Cima - 7 : 30 P . T .
and C . Poturnay - 8 : 30 P . N . on September 24 , 1984 .
. VIII . State wide planning meeting
V . Miller thought it would be beneficial for someone from the
®_ Board to attend_ this series of . meetings to be held September
`� 30th to October 2nd . All expenses will be met .
IL* Walnut Grove Trailer Park
L . Sharpsteen noted that this trailer park had been in the
Town since 1972 and that there are presently more lots avail-
able . He . said that the sewage is going into the watershed ,
eventually into Salmon Creek and down into Ludlowville . There .
are five trailers now . The owners were ,listed as nonDayin • _ of
taxes and that the park � m " frit; Y yd re fiaaeer a �-. �...
• irei' r.
G . Woo said the park required an annual a inspection ana Uka it TS
has been set to December 1984 . He will check in on this .
X . Rooming houses
G . Wood asked how he was to interpret rental of rooms such as
for college students . V . Miller said that anything not in the
ordinance , not permitted . Might get a variance .
Meeting closed at 10 : 15 P . M .
Public Hearing - - A . Cima - 7 : 30 P . M . - September 24 , 1984
Public Hearing - C . Poturnay - 8 : 30 P . M . - September 24 , 1984
N.ex. Meeting - September 24 , 1984 - 7 : 30 P . M .
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