HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-05-14 4. N. V TOWN OF LANSING PLANNING BOARD Date : May 14 , 1984 Time : 7 :000 P . M . 'cZ esent : Chairman S . Cleveland , J . Kirby , H . Ley , L . Montague , V . Miller , L . Hirvonen ests : R . Dusette , R . Todd , C . Paterni , F . Liguori , P . Munson , H . Dates , J . Stull , A . Cima , J . Barney , R . Buck , S . McNeil , Col . Baker , L . Klima , P . Conlon I . Proposed • iNational Guard Armory S . Cleveland introduced Assembly - man McNeil , Col . Baker and Mr . Kilma to those present . He said that this armory was proposed to be built in the Village of Lansing on land donated by Cornell University to be located in the Warren Road area . He then asked Col . Baker to speak . Col . Bakerpresented a map of the site location . He said there was no armory in Tompkins County at the- present time and they felt there was a strong need for one . It would consist of a modern building , designed by a local architect of masonry and brick similar to the Morse Chain building in design . There would be a drill shed which could be used for public assemblies . There would be a civilian parking lot used once a month , military vehicle parking lot , circular drive and a hedgerow . Two hundred men would be the figure to start out with , possibly up to two hundred sixty with a fulltime work force of nine to twelve . There would be a rifle range in the basement for small 2200 calibre weapons . This could be used by the State police , local . police officers and the Cornell' rifle team . Classrooms , kitchen , locker rooms , administration offices all to be included in the plans . It would be about a five to six year process . They hoped to break ground in the Spring of ' 86 . There would be an economic impact on the area at first to $ 1 , 340 , 000 . and then possibly $ 8 , 000 . 000 . 411 They would consider a program for students , high school students in their Junior or Senioryearcould drill on weekends , get paid , advanced training as a surveyor would be the goal . ROTC programs could also use the facilities . H . Ley - would this be for Tompkins County only ? Col . Baker - No . Anyone who wants todrive in can but mostly it will be people from a 25mile radius . L . Montague - Are there any sites other then this one up for consideration ? Col . Baker - There are 15 sites in this area but this one meets all the needs the best . V . Miller - Outdoor practise ? Noise factor ? Col . Baker - No outdoor shooting . L . Montague - What about the security for arms ? Col . Baker - There will be . an arms vault , triple barrier , intrusion detection , very secure system around it plus perimeter surveillance around it . S . Cleveland - Two questions - is this the final chosen site and will there be public bidding for the construction ? Col . Baker - According to New York State law , 95 % will be contracted out , possibly local contractors , it will be an open bid process . Assem . McNeil - This is up to the Town and Village of Lansing to approve the plans . They should request Cornell to donate the land . The County Board meets on the 27th and hopefully all will agree then . If not , cease and desist . S . Cleveland - Will there be an increase in air traffic ? Col . Baker - No . There might be an occasional helicopter but not often . There is always the possibility of using the facilities for emergency purposes . P . Munson - My questions have all been answered . Assem . McNeil - If you have any other questions , call me at 272 - 3403 , I ' ll get you an answer . - 1 - r fl '� Proposed National Guard Armory - continued . 5 /14 / 84 Col . Baker - We have a time table for July 1st . 411 Col . Baker , Assem . McNeil , Mr . Klima , R . Buck then left the meeting at 7 : 40 P . M . II . Paterni Property - Conlon Road and Wilson Road area S . Cleveland told those present that Mr . Paterni had sold lots the last few years and wanted to know if he planned to sell more lots in the future . Mr . Paterni said that he had sold two lots to Bob Todd for two trailers . S . Cleveland wanted him to know and understand the subdivision regulations and told him that he had in fact subdivided his land and could not continue doing so in that manner . Mr . Paterni would like to sell more lots as he had people wanting to buy them and he in fact , , needed the money . V . Miller wanted to know if he had plans for a sub - division and that he should have plans drawn up . S . Cleveland would like Mr . Paterni to draw up a map showing the lots that have been sold already . L . Montague told him that the Planning Board could be of help in planning a better division of his land . R . Dusette said that he wanted Mr . Paterni to commit to paper what his future plans were . J . Stull said that he wanted to buy land to build a home on . He wanted to know if there would be a roll back tax on the property . S . Cleveland said that if he had been assessed for ag district there might be a small problem . P . Munson told Mr . Paterni - to come to the Town Hall for a copy of the tax map . R . Todd commented that there was a problem with having two trailers , he needed - one more acre according to the Health Department . I . Proposed National Guard Armory - continued . P . Munson told the Planning Board that he had talked with Steve Reiffert and it ler was hazy whether this proposed site was the only one or no go . The money has been put up for Tompkins County . He felt that there would be a tremendous advantage to moving the site to the approach to the airport there would be more space , no u se for industry . The present proposed site , he felt , wouldbe giving up eleven to fifteen acres of good taxable land and that there was a place for tremendous growth . He also noted that the armory would be wonderful for the area but not if it meant giving up taxable land . P . Munson then left the meeting at 8 : 15 P . M . III . Horizons Subdivision - A . Cima S . Cleveland welcomed A . Cima and J . Barney to the meeting and gave a quick review o n the proposed subdivision . He passed out copies made by T . Niederkorn with his ' thoughts on the subject . J . Barney said that the new sketch plan showed the entrance to Bush Lane as being closed off . The Village eliminated lots crossing the Town and Village lines . He said that the Village approved the new map , ( 1 - A with overlay ) with modifications . He said that he and A . Cima will submit a formal PDA request . H . Ley wanted to know about any drainage problems . J . Barney replied that when they come back they will be better able to answer that . A . Cima felt that the ✓ oad and sewer will take care of any drainage problems . J . Barney felt that possibly retention ponds could help the situation . V . Miller wanted to know if they had anything in writing from the Village with . regard to water and sewer . J . Barney said not yet . The major portion of the subdivision would be in the Town and he felt it should come from the Town first . 0 L . Hirvonen would like a written statement attached to the map concerning water and sewer . MOTION : J . Kirby made a motion that the Horizons sketch plan ( 1 - A with overlay ) presented to the PLanning Board at their May 14 , 1984 meeting be accepted . H . Ley seconded the motion , carried unanimously . - 2 - Horizons Subdivision - A . Cima - continued . 5 / 14 / 84 411 S . Cleveland wanted it uderstood that when it was time for the submission of the preliminary plat that written approval from the appropriate municipalities for water and sewer be attached . A . Cima , J . Barney and P . Conlon left the meeting at 8 : 50 P . M . IV . Ivan Burris Proposed Subdivision L . Montague reported that I . Burris would like to come into the next meeting with regard to his proposed subdivision . L . Hirvonen wanted to know if he was going to set up a bed and breakfast type business . L . Montague did not know . S . Cleveland said June 11th around 8 : 15 P . M . would be okay . V . Miscellaneous Business J . Kirby wanted to know who the present zoning officer was . S . Cleveland said that Gary Wood had been hired and will start work on June 1st . 5 . Cleveland passed out copies of a review of existing ordinances and regulations in the Town made up by T . Niderkorn . Bills to be paid : MOTION : V . Miller moved that a bill in the amount of $ 422 . 68 for review of the zoning ordinance and the proposed A . Cima subdivision by T . Niderkorn be paid . L . Montague seconded the motion , carried unanimously . MOTION : L . Hirvonen moved that a bill in the amount of $ 131 . 58 for secretarial fees and postage for Carolyn Montague be paid . V . Miller seconded the motion , carried unanimously . VI . Minutes of previous meetings March 26 , 1984 April 23 , 1984 MOTION : V . Miller made a motion that the minutes of March 26 , 1984 and April 23 , 1984 be approved as read . L . Hirvonen seconded the motion , carried unanimously . VII . Proposed zoning ordinance S . Cleveland reported that P . Munson had left with him for review the copies of petitions delivered last Tuesday at the Town Board meeting from people against zoning . There were approximately 800 signatures and of these 177 signatures represent 14 , 810 . 64 acres of property owned by them in unzoned areas of the Town . J . Kirby said that it was not ' necessary to have it notarized . She felt that zoning was too restrictive to the farmers , it was not feasible for the north end of the Town . She felt that if zoning was approved , it could come up in the next election . H . Ley thought that all ag buildings were exempt but S . Cleveland said that the Town Board had changed that . S . Cleveland said that the Town Board could move no further with zoning at this time . He then read to the members present his letter of resignation citing that his disillusionment was with the people of limited vision . He felt that it was five years of hard work with nothing to show for it . H . Ley agreed , as did L . Montague . V . Miller thought that they should have stayed with the original plan , it could 410 have been passed . She noted that the people will have to comply with the fire laws anyways , not under Town control . Meeting adjourned : 9 : 15 P . M . Next Meeting - June 11 , 1984 - 7 : 30 P . M .