HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-04-23 • A JOINT MEETING OF THE TOWN AND VILLAGE OF LANSING PLANNING BOARDS Date : April 23 , 1984 • Time : 7 : 30 P .M . Place : Village of Lansing offices Present : Town of Lansing Planning Board Chairman S . Cleveland , L . Montague , H . Ley , L . Hirvonen , V . Miller . Absent : J . Kirby Village of Lansing Planning Board Chairman V . Gyrisco , D . Brown , D . Giles , W . Bauder , A . Mayberg Village of Lensing Mayor A . Fury , Village of Lansing Zoning Officer B . Irish , A . rims , J . Barney , T . Miller , B . Russell , J . Russell , J . Simrell , R . Bystron , D . Edwards , H . Hadlock , D . Hadlock , D . Gesensway S . Cleveland opened the meeting by welcoming those in attendance . He asked for en update on the . Alex Cima proposed development to be located in the North Triphammer- • Bush Lane area`; .,He told the guests that they would be given an opportunity to present , their views . J . Barney spoke for A . Cimand gave an outline of the property in question . He noted that A . aims entered ed a contract with the Fred Bush Estate in February , 1984 to purchase the land contingent on approval of plans for a subdivision . A . Circa hired T . Miller to put together a subdivision plan consisting of two parts ; one - single family dwellings to be built in the larger section by himself or possibly other con- tractors all with strict deed restrictions , two - eight large lots saved for the northeast corner of the parcel to create a mini - multiple zone , screened naturally from the rest of the subdivision and to be retained by A . Gime indefinitely . J . Barney said that this plan was submitted in March 1984 to the Town Planning Board , revisions were made , went beck to the Town and then to the Village Planning Board . The original plan called for an entrance only off Bush Lane . - After the Village meeting , a second egress was suggested end T . Miller thought of two exits , one off North Triphammer opposite Burdick Hill Road and the original one off Bush Lane . The revisions celled for curved roads and " T' s moved to the back of the property line . J . Barney said that they felt this was a good plan . He said that some residents of Bush Lane objected to the exit thereaid they passed out letters to various people ( dated April 11+ , 1984 ) stating their objections . He felt that each time they appeared before the Boards more suggestions were made . He noted that the concern over service roads had been resolved according to Phil Munson . A . Circa stayed within the medium density figures allowed . J . Barney showed the people present the approximate styles of apartments with garages that might be considered . E . Cleveland asked J . Barney if this venture came under PUD . He replied that the tra - ditional subdivision aspect would be treated es a subdivision , the multiple dwellings as PUD . V . Miller thought it would be ell PUD , worked entirely as one . V . Miller felt that there could be e real traffic problem coming from Warren Road . Cherry Road , she said had become a straight road from Warren to Triphammer . P . Brown felt that it was necessary to have an exit onto Bush Lane . 411 The issue of safety limits within the subdivision wits brought up by V . Miller . She was concerned that 600 ' was too long a road for fire protection purposes . S . Cleveland said that the fire codes required compliance . T . Miller said that they could live with turn- grounds . S . Cleveland asked A . Fury if the Village Engineer had made an assessment . She said she had talked with him . B . Irish said that the Village Engineer was interested in the intersection on Triphammer opposite Burdick Hill . - 1 - =s. V . Miller wanted to know what the situation was re water end sewer . B . Irish felt there would be no problem with the sewer situation . J . Barney said that this area was federally funded and he could see no reason iIr cr,yone to decline . He said ® they they needed . a sketch plan approval before they could go on with water end sewer . V . Miller said that they would need a Town water district . S . Cleveland agreed . He had talked with Phil Munson who felt that the Town Board of Lansing could work out the details . V . Miller said that the last person who came in with subdivision plans was told that he could not have a permit without water , felt that they should be con- sistent . J . Barney said that if worse came to worse , they would form their own water district . D . Giles wanted to know if any other roads has been considered , other options , possi - bly loop roads off to Cherry . J . Berney said that they had . The property owner on the north corner of the parcel was not interested in giving en easement . T . Miller said that there would be approximately 250 people , meximum involved . fluests at the meeting where concerned over the possible cost of widening Bush Lane to take on the additional traffic and the fact that some people would lose their front lawns in the process . A . Fury was concerned that the brunt of the cost would fell to the Village even though most of the subdivision was contained in the Town . N . Ley said that everyone had to face the facts that the area would be all houses some day . A . rime said that Hillcrest was only 50 ' wide and took a greet deal of traffic with the 56 homes there already and 5 more to be built this year ( within his subdivision there ) . S . Cleveland felt that the Bush Lane issue should be settled that evening . He sug- gested trade- offs made by both sides . D . Edwards said that he appreciated rime ' s problem but listed two alternatives ; one - leave exit onto Triphammer by Burdick Hill end if needed put in a traffic light and two - have a right - of-way off Triphammer for a possible road in the future . D . Brown thought that was a good idea . 411 S . Cleveland reviewed the options . B . Irish said that this would be unacceptable to the Village Engineer as there were two major intersections in that area already , Bush Lane and Burdick Hill Road . L . Hirvonen suggested one main entrance off Triphammer with an emergency access road to Bush Lane . J . Barney wanted to know who built the emergency road end maintained it . B . Irish replied that it could be a dirt road as the one by the Pyramid Mall off Oekcrest Road . D . Edwards felt that it would be too easy to turn en emergency road into e permanent one in the future . L . Montague wanted to know who kept it open in the winter . B . Irish said that the Pyramid Mall did theirs . A . Fury felt that en emergency road to Triphammer could solve the problem . W . Bauder agreed that if the ✓ illage Engineer found it acceptable he would too . He noted that the expense of the traffic light would fall on the Village . S . Cleveland said that being good neighbors , h e trusted the Village would do it . He would like a new sketch plan submitted within ten days . MOTION : D . Brown made a motion that the access road to Bush Lane be eliminated and that the mein entrance would be at the junction of North Triphammer Road end Burdick Hill Road . D . Giles seconded the motion , carried unanimously by the members of the Village of Lansing Planning Board . S . Cleveland thanked ell those who came to the meeting and said that the Town Planning Board would return to the Town offices to continue their deliberations and ell were welcome to come as it was still e public meeiing . Be said that any possibility of making a road out onto Bush Lane was eliminated by A . Cime having the five lots redrawn ® end made larger taking in the area previously planned for a roadway . V . Gyrisco told everyone that there would be two more public hearings and e11 were welcome to return with their opinions . Meeting closed : 9 : 05 P .M . - 2- -" s •a Time : 9 : 20 P .M, Place : - Lansing Town Hell Present : Chairman S . Cleveland , L . Montague , L . Hirvonen , V . Miller , H . Ley Guest : J . Barney L . Hirvonen said that she would feel more secure if A . Cima and J . Barney would attach plans for sewer and water to the sketch plan . S . Cleveland said that he had talked with P . Fury and there was no problem with the sewer . L . Hirvonen felt it was too much work for the Planning Board to look at the proposal as two separate things . V . Miller said that by using PDP, , the Planning Board had something to say about sites . She felt that the lots could be made more interesting . S . Cleveland listed two key things he thought the Planning Board should act on ; one - request en affidavit with regard to water and sewer end two - ask that it be done es a PDA . • L . Hirvonen listed the items needed when using a PDA ; overall plan is to be more specific , letter of intent , environmental impact , financing , and time table for development . She felt that it would be a good idea for T . Niederkorn to look over the plan as this would be the first time the Planning Board would be involved with a PDA . H . Ley felt that Mr . Williamson ( Town Attorney ) could give the Board legal advice . ✓ . Miller wanted it noted that J . Barney was chairman of the Town of Lansing Board of Zoning Appeals end T . Miller was the Town of Lensing Engineer . At this point J . Barney entered the meeting . 411 J . Barney said that a PDA was a mechanism for rezoning es he understood it . FDA applies to areas where there is multiple in a zoned for less area . PDA makes no sense for single family lots . He said that they had given the Board oral state - ments regarding all the FDA requirements has to go to the Town Board after the Planning Board and that he felt constitutes rezoning . That area , he noted , was already zoned . • ✓ . Miller told him that FDA allowed for more flexibility end that , she felt , his map showed no imagination . J . Barney said that T . Miller was asked to draw the map , h e is an expert . He said that this was the fifth meeting end each time new ideas are suggested , he must remind the members that time vas of great importance . He felt that siting the location of buildings was an added burden on A . Cima . - He told those present that the style of architecture makes a good subdivision . J . Barney said that the entire subdivision required SEQR . He felt that by listing the single dwellings es a subdivision and the multiple as a PDA they could be worked in tandem , it would be their responsibility . He said they would be willing to give technical recuirements of a PDA , water and sewer . Everything they would do would have to be approved . A . Mime is against open soaces from past bad - experience with them . MOTION : S . Cleveland moved that the Town of Lansing Planning Board request e formal sketch plan for the proposed development of A . Cima to be located in the North Triphammer- Bush Lane area based upon the points of clarification and • amendments at the joint meeting of the Village and Town of Lansing Planning 410 Boards and in the following meeting of the Town of Lansing Planning Board held on Monday , April 23 , 1954 . Seconded by H . Ley , carried unanimously . H . Ley wanted T . Niederkorn to check the map over carefully for explanation of whether • it is legal , feasible and in the best interest of the Town and the Village end if there would be any complications with a FLA. . - 1- i • Meeting closed : 10 : 50 P .M . Next Meeting : May 14 , 1951+ - 7 : 30 P .M . - Lansing Town Hall . Thanks , from Bush Lane I would like to express my sincere thanks to the planning boards of both _ the Town and the Village of Lansing for working out the Bush Lane ac- cess road problem to the satisfac- tion of myself and several other concerned Bush Lane residents:. ., Mr. Cima deserves a special word of thanks for bending over backwards in trying to please not only the residents of Bush Lane but the two planning boards as well. Don Edwards Lansing - cer, .