HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-03-26 TOWN OF LANSTNG PLANNING BOARD Date : March 26 , 1984 40 Time : 7 : 30 P .M . Present : Chairman S . rleveland , L . Hirvonen , L . Montague , H . Ley Absent : V . Miller , J . Kirby Guests : Barbara Irish , Alex Circa , John Barney I . Minutes of previous meeting March 12 , 1934 - MOTION : L . Hirvonen moved to accept the minutes of March 12 , 1934 as read . H . Ley seconded the motion , carried unanimously . II . Donald Worsell Subdivision - Algerine Road L . Montague told the members that the map Donald Worsell had submitted had been misinterpreted . There were four parcels to be included , not three . He wished to add an amendment to the Motion made at the Public Hearing held on January 23 , 1934 to include the fourth lot . It was agreed upon by those present . III . Alex Cima proposed subdivision - North Triphammer- Bush Lane area S . Cleveland introduced Barbara Irish to the members present . He said that he would like to see open channels of communication between the Village and the Town Planing Boards , it would be beneficial to all . B . Irish said that Alec Cima would be attending the Village Planning Board meeting the following night to submit his site plan review . L . Montague read a copy of the letter he sent to A . Cime listing certain concerns of the Board and inviting him to this evening ' s meeting . H . Ley noted that A . Circa planned to put four to six apartments in each of his multiple dwellings . L . Montague said that A . Cima had talked to him about water and sewer approval . He wanted to know what the Village had to do with the Town ' s giving approval for anything . L . Hirvonen thought that more information should be available before anything is approved . L . Hirvonen had further thoughts on the subdivision plans , she was partic- ularly interested in the road design , the single accessroad and Bush Lane carrying heavier traffic flow because of the subdivision . She felt that there was need for another road to go into the area and that Bush Lane was presently inadequate to take the added traffic . S . Cleveland thought that there might be up to 150 cars involved in that project . L . Montague said that A . Cima told him he was in the process of acquiring another access to the property , possibly on the north end near the water tower . L . Hirvonen said that according to the ordinance a road cannot just end. , it must have a right - of- way to somewhere , a block can only beso long , it must have a beginning and an end . She did not like dead ends and felt that the Town Board did not either . L . Montague pointed out that the Orear property did not have en extra access road but L . Hirvonen said that it did have a right- of- way off the Butler or Hicks property . L . Hirvonen said that V . Miller gave her the following points to be made : the "T " should end at the end of the property rather then in the middle , should have something more than drainage easements to provide for the drainage , the drainage flows should follow the contours of the land , not up end down , ® the multiple dwelling residences were landlocked on the end of the street , the roads should not be done piece- meal , need cross section along with the preliminary plat , possibly put up a bond for future road work , and that there was heavy run- off in the Spring . - 1- Alex Cima proposed subdivision - continued . H . Ley felt that economics figured in with doing the road in sections . He . favored the members walk the area to check it out . S . Cleveland wanted to know if A . Cima purchased- the adjoining property from the Bush estate . H . Ley said that A . Cima had , everything but the house . S . Cleveland was concerned about the soil type in the area , possibly standing water could happen . It was questioned whether it would be advisable to have another road coming off onto North Triphammer Road . T1 . Ley was wondering if it would be acceptable if the " T " s on the map were connected . L . Hirvonen liked that idea , felt it would make for a better traffic flow . At this point Mr . Cima and Mr . Barney joined the meeting . S . Cleveland briefly reviewed for them the open discussion held before their arrival . He stressed that the success of the subdivision would require the . full cooperation of the Village , the Town and Mr . rima and with this thought in mind had invited B . Irish to the meeting . He also said that the Town P lanning Board was mainly interested in what was best for the Town . He asked Mr . _ Cima to give an update since the last meeting . A . Cima said that he had not done much since the last meeting . He would agree to changing the cul- de- sacs to " T " s . He said that he had spoken with B . Irish briefly on the phone . He had taken into full account the parking situation for the multiple dwelling residennes . He was not interested in renting his apartments to students but rather to retired people . He had not selected the styles for the multiple residences but would try to keep them interesting and varied i ^ style . J . Barney said that it would not be inconceivable to have another access ✓ oad from North Triphammer . A . Cima said that he had a right - Of-way around the water tank area for possibly a second access road . L . Hirvonen said that that area became very icy in the winter and. S . Cleveland noted that accidents to occur because of the weather conditions . A . rims had considered the property along Triphammer for low profile commercial . J . Barney said that their main concern was for the two - six unit lots and the ones along Bush Lane . The land has not been bought yet , they would like the Board ' s approval first and then purchase . it . A . , rims felt that it would take five to ten years to develop the project . ' L . Hirvonen asked for further explanations about the drainage . J . Barney said that once A . Cima owned the land he will provide for drainage and ell future development would be subject to good drainage . A . rime said that there would be a drainage ditch . She wanted to know why there was no drainage easement provided for . He said that a large culvert went under Triphammer all the way to Burdick Hill . He said that he had hired an en- g ineer to ley it out , felt he had done a thorough job . L . Hirvonen was still bothered because of the large size of the subdivision and because of the heavy Spring. run- off . She thought it could possibly erode people ' s yards . J . Barney said it was a gradual slope , homes and grass areas should take care of it , but if not , more ditches cmeld be put in . A . Cima said that borings had not been done yet . He knew that there was bed rock in some areas . . He felt that his road work in the Been Hill area 410 had been done correctly . L . Montague asked if he would be willing to put up a bond for future road work . J . Barney agreed to that . A . rima said that he put the multiple dwellings on the rear lots because most people do not like them mixed in with one and two family homes . He planned to keep them end maintain them . - 2- Is A . Cima proposed subdivision continued . S . Cleveland asked them if they were having any problems with water and sewer . J . Barney said that they had to check with the Village Planning Board and the Town Board . They would not like to think about continuing w ith their present plans without sewer and water . L . Montague asked if they would drop their plans completely without water gad sewer . J . Barney said they might continue on a different basis . maybe double the lots , put in septic systems and wells . Would prefer to keep the income property in the plans . A . lima said out of fifty homes in the Bean Will area only o ne has water problems . L . Hirvonen asked if Tom Miller , their engineer could prepare supplemental information on the drawings . A . (lima said he could . S . Cleveland asked them for their time table . J . Barney said they had only five months left to purchase the property contingent on approval of water and. • sewer and approval of their subdivision plans . J . Barney asked the Board for their concerns . H . Ley listed his as the dead end streets , traffic flow in and out of the area and fire protection . L . . Hirvonen said that in the past it was requested to have a right - of-way in reserve rathen then a dead end street . A . Cima found no problem with that . He felt that it would be too expensive to put the " T " s on the end of the property but he could put an easement in for future development . S . Cleveland did not like the right angle of the road in terms of' people using it , cutting it short , could be slippery in the winter , the road design he felt was not correct . A . Circa replied that Tom Miller talked about it , felt that 60from curb to curbwas sufficient .. He felt that the road could possibly be moved to lot 1 . H . Ley said that the Board would like two roads into the area . He felt that. if there was an access to Triphammer it would alleviate the stress factor . He would be willing to waive a connector road between the two " T " s at that point:. S . Cleveland -would also like to see clarification re parking for the multiple residences . A . Cima thought there might be a possibility of garages for them . S . Cleveland would like information about soil type and overall natural drainage also an aerial photograph . A . Circa said Tom Miller had photos . H . Ley asked if the hedgerow would stay in . A . Cima said he leaves in as many treesas possible , often transplants saplings . It was decided by all present that it would be good to have a joint meeting w ith the Village Planning Board on April 9th at their offices . B . Irish , A . Cima and J . Barney left the meeting at this point . H . Ley said that he liked the idea of keeping the multiple dwelling separate from the other residences . L . Hirvonen said she would accept it as long as there would be a right- of- way to the Olafson property . S . Cleveland said he was willing to cooperate and compromise ? not to have the " T" s connect but go to the end of the property with a " T ` . Everyone agreed . L . Montague will contact J . Barney and tell him , of this . decision . H . Ley will attend the Village Planning Board the following evening . IV . Proposed zoning ordinance 6 . Cleveland reported that the Town Board has decided to deal with the fire and building codes before proceeding any further with the zoning question . The public hearing to be held. on May 7th has been. cancelled . The zoning ordinance may not be back on their agenda until May . 1110 S . Cleveland also reported that there were several prospects for the newly listed enforcement officer position . He said that several anti- zoning groups have been formed in the Town . • - 3- V . Other Business It was noted that now there are two vacancies on the Planning Board and further discussion will be held at a later meeting . I Meeting Adjourned : 10 : 15 P .M . Next Meeting : Joint meeting with the Village Planning Board at their offices , April 9 , 1934 - 7 : 30 P .M . • cem