HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-01-23 r- W
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r . bate : January 23 , 19 .
_; . ` Tithe : 7 : 30 P .M .
' ;j; . . Present : Planning Board Chairman V . Miller , L . Hirvonen , T . Kick , L . Montague ,
J . Kirby , H . Ley, S . Cleveland
1 ` ' ' Absent : Planning Board - W . Cook
' A public hearing was held with reference to three parcels of lend owned by
F,;:! �;„ Donald Worsell located off Algerine Road in the Town of Lansing . - They are
listed as : Lot A - 254 ' x232 ' , Lot B - 235 ' x232 ' and Lot C - 175 ' x193 ' on
his Minor Subdivision map . No new roads are ieraed for this section . D .
Worsell has co 11ed with a 60 't right - of- way forthe possibility of a future
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V . Miller noted that there were no objections from anyone present to Donald
Worsell ' s plans .
T . Kick asked about the recreation area that the Planning Board wanted him to
put in .
L . Hirvonen replied that that was for the trailer park area .
J . Kirby wanted to know if Mr , Worsell had been reported for being a messy
• trailer park owner .
L . Montague said that he had been reported for non- compliance , too many trailers
''' ' - in the park . The neighbors , he said , brought it to the Planning Board ' s
attention .
V . Miller said that D . Worsell had complied with the regulations , both Town and
County. and was granted an extension for his trailer park on Ludlow Road .
L . - Hirvonen wanted to know where the map was filed .
L . Montague said that it was up to Worsell to file it with the County Division
; . Of- Property .
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*: i: .. V , Miller wanted N . Stanton to do it for the Town .
The Public Hearing was closed at 7 : 50 P .M .
MOTION : L . Montague made a motion that the Town of Lansing Planning Board
` :; ; approve the Donald Worsell plans for a minor subdivision , consisting
. of three lots located off Algerine Road in the Town of Lansing . S .
, Cleveland seconded the motion , carried unanimously .
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,,, , Date : January 23 , 1984
Time : 7 : 50 P . M .
:, . Present : Chairman V . Miller , L . Hirvonen , L . Montague , T . Kick , H . Ley , J . Kirby ,
S . Cleveland
> ; Abset : W . Cook
u .
I . Minutes of previous meeting
January 9 , 1981E -
MOTION : - S . Cleveland made a motion that the minutes of January 9 , 1984 by
`• ' approved es reed . H . Ley seconded the motion , carried unanimously .
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II . Election of Officers
' " • The following proposed slate of officers was presented to the Planning
Board by L . Montague and L . Hirvonen :
chairman - S . Cleveland
• Vice Chairman - L . Hirvonen
' 's. ; Treasurer - T . Kick
. • Corresponding Secretary - H . Ley
S3 ? MOTION : L . Montague moved that the recording secretary cast one vote for
the proposed slate of officers . C . Montague did so .
=fl" : S . Cleveland asked the members present to give a hand to V . Miller for her
persistent and dedicated services to the Planning Board end to the Town of
Lansin . He wished her to continue ad infinitum . Theydid so .
Jeannine Kirby will serve as a member of. the Planning Board , replacing R .
Briggs .
; ; ; ' H . Ley presented a letter he had sent to R . Briggs thanking him for his
`;c";- efforts while serving on. the Planning Board .
III . . Proposed Zoning Ordinance
V . Miller asked H . Ley to send s letter to Frank Liguori and Gary Evans
E;• : ; thanking them for their excellent rereading of the proposed zoning ordinance .
t ,, ` He will do so .
. She then reported that she and T . Niederkorn went over their ( Liguori end
Evans ) continents very carefully . She will go over it again with M . McElwee
after the members present make their remarks .
After discussion , the following changes were noted on the proposed zoning
ordinance : ( Please change your copies accordingly . )
Page 2 - Sec . 302 - 05 . ( add ) also earth sheltered or covered .
Page 3 - 11 . ( delete ) and not suitable for year round living whether or
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not such building is . ectually occupied seasonally or otherwise .
-.Page 3 - 12 . ( change ) State to read as Tompkins County
1,;' : : , - - Page 4 - 13 . ( delete ) An uninhabitable space unless 'designed as en under -
ground dwelling .
Page 4 - 16 . ( to read as follows ) Development of one and /or two family
dwellings on lots which are smaller than permitted
Page 8 - 36 . ( add ) the storage of not more then one vehicle which
is used for commercial purposes .
t � , Page 3 - 40 . ( add to last sentence ) Refer to Junk Yard Ordinance Lansing
" Page 9 - Need a definition for Livestock - cattle , horses , sheep , goats ,
u- A
swine .
• Page 10 - 50 . ( to read as follows ) Nonconforming Uses or Activities :
'` 11' Page 13 - 67 . ( change ) S30 square feet to read as 40 square feet
t ` Page 17 - Sec . 401 " dated December 12 , 1993 " will be changed
Page 04 20 ' - Sec . 5 . 0 > ( to read as follows ) When residential construction
takes the form of . . . . . . . . . . 0
Page 21 - Sec . 509 . 01 ( Add ) See Section 302 . 75
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1,' Proposed Psed Zoning Ordinance - continued .
2 .
r ,s , Page 25 - 5 . ( Add ) SP to R1 and FM
� o Page 25 - 9 . ( Add ) SC to C
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,N : Page 25 - 17 . ( Delete ) gardens . ( Add ) SC to RI._
Page 26 7 ( ,, ad ) S t c
r : Porte 23 - (4 . (Add )
reed E. follows ) . =' ommer : a cl. t; t of
1 er: r cu i. n timber
Page 30 - Sec . 701 . 01 f . ( to read as follows ) the Zoning En-
forcemeat Officer to have it repaired or removed at the owner ' s
• a. expense . . . . . . 00 .
Page 34 - Sec . 702 . 1 to read as 702 . 01
' ' ' Page 34 - Sec . 702 . 1 a . ( Delete ) Provision of such off- street parking
shall be a condition of any zoning permit issued by the Zoning
Enforcement Officer .
. Page 34 - Seco 702 . 2 to read as 702 . 02
Page 34 - Sec . 702 . 3 to read es 702 . 03
Page 36 at Sec . 702 , 05 ( Add ) Site plan approval by Planning Board.
Page 36 - Sec . 703001 ( to read as follows ) . . . . . . . . . . . shell apply to
k.:1:: ; . development not only in Industrial- Research Districts but also
in all districts es set forth in Schedule I .
Page 39 - Seco . 704 . 05 ( Add ) See Section 803 . 3
. Page 41 - Seco 706 . 01 - ( to read as follows ) unless a Special
Permit has been authorized by the Town of Lansing Planning Board .
Pa e 42 - Sec . 802 . 01 a .
g ( delete ) by a qualified professional
' Page 44 - Sec . 802 . 09 ( Add ) Responsibility lies with developer .
Page 44 - Sec . 802 . 13 ( to read as follows ) Travel trailer , snowmobile .
boat , recreation vehicle and similar large vehicle stored in
,RM District ,
Page 49 - Sec . 303 .02 ( Delete ) Use (in . the . firstMentence . )
Y Page 49 - Seco 303 . 02 ( Add ) See also 274 - a New York State Town Law .
-Page 49 - Seco 303 . 03 d . ( Add ) with the provisions of Sec . 239 1 end
• ' m of General Municipal Law .
Parte 50 - Sec . 803 . 04 c . ( Add ) See Section 600 .
5, , . Page 53 - 9 . ( Add ) See Section 803 . 05 8 . 5
Page 56 - Sec . 1002 ( Delete ) except by means of a variance granted by the
Board of Appeals . No variance permitting extension or expansion
:ic of a nonconforming use or structure shall be granted by the Board
of Appeals unless the regulations of this Ordinance for the dis -
trict in which said nonconforming use is located , other then the
use of land , can be substantially compled with or unless Board
o determines that a harship exists .
Page 57 - Sec . 1005 ( to read as follows ) by variance ;ranted by
, ' ,,A,e$ the Zoning Board of Appeals .
Page 57 - Sec . 1006 ( to read es follows ) use shall be reinstated
except by variance granted by the Zoning Board of Appeals .
Page 53 - Seca 1101 . 04 . . . . . . . . . without the payment g � of an additional fee .
No final decision was made on the payment of fees by the Planning
: : e Board et this time .
- ' Page 59 - Sec . 1101 . 0 `; ( to read as follows ) Shall application shall he re -
ferred to to the Town Board for a determination as to whether en
environmental impact assessment will be required .
Page 59 - Seco 1102 Fees May not be applicable , no final decisioao`: made by
the Planning Board at this time .
Page 59 - Sec . 1103 .03 ( to read es follows ) . . . . . . . . . . . details proposed in
roe the application for which a Building Permit was issued , the Town
out of Lansing; Planning Board , upon request , may authorize the
A14 " gPage 60 - ( first sentence ) ( to read as follows ) all unfinished im-
provements may be required by the Town of Lansing Planning Board
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Proposed Zoning Ordinance - - continued .
Page 60 - Sec . 1105 . 03 ( to reed as follows ) in accordance with
the provisions of Sec . 239 1 . and m of General Municipal Law .
Page 61 - Sec . 1201 ( change Sec . 1202 . 2 to read as Sec . 1203 .
Page 61 - Sec . 1201 ( Add ) Public officers may also brim; matters to the
Board of Zoning Appeals .
Page 62 - Sec . 1202003 (Add ) Sec . 239 1 and m of Town law apply .
Page 65 - Sec . 1303 ( to read as follows ) shall_ refer such amend -
ments to the Tompkins County Planning Agency for report thereon .
Page 65 - Sec . 1303 ( to read as follows ) . . . . . . of such referred amend -
meats the County Planning Agency shall report its recommendations . . . .
Page 66 - ( first sentence to read as follows ) If the County Agency
fails to report
Page 66 - ( first sentence to read as follows ) If the County Planning
Agency disapproves the proposed . . . . . . . .
Page 66 - ( first sentence to read as follows ) the final action taken
with the Tompkins County Planning Agency .
'. . , ; • IV9 H . Ley - asked- what the land between Chris N ' Greens Restaurant - and the Square
D garage was considered . S . Cleveland told him it is presently listed as
commercial .
V. MOTION : L . Hirvonen made a motion that a bill for $24 . 68 to include
. secretarial fees and postage be paid to C . Montaueo V . Miller
seconded the motion , carried unanimously .
: y® Meeting closed at 10 : 00 P .M .
Next Meeting : February 13 , 1984 - 7 : 30 P .M .
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