HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-01-09 '4tj' r., TOWN OF LANSING PLANNTNG BOARD 40 nate : January 9 , 1934 ' Time : 7 : 30 P .M . Present : Chairman V . Miller , L . Hirvonen , T . Kick , L . Montague , W . Cook , H . Ley Absent : S Cleveland I . t '_ -_ :lutes of previous meetings November 14 , 193 ? and December 5 , 1933 ( adjourned meeting ) MOTION : T . Kick moved that the minutes of November 14 , 1983 end December 5 , 1933 be approved as read . L . Hirvonen seconded the motion , carried unanimously . December 12 , 1933 MOTION : L . Montague moved that the minutes of December 12 , 1933 be approved - es read . W . Cook seconded the motion , carried unanimously . II . Outstanding Bills V . Miller presented a bill from T . Niederkorn , Planning Consultant to cover his expenses for the revision , typing , graphics for the proposed zoning ordinance and also for his time spent at the Public Hearing - S341 . 80 . MOTION : L . Hirvonen moved that the amount of 5341 . 30 be paid to T . Aiederkorn , Planning Consultant for his time spent on the proposed zoning ordin- ance . H . Ley seconded the motion , carried unanimously . III . Planning Board Membership a . Robert Briggs - resignation 410 M OTTON : T . Kick made a motion that the Planning Board accept with regrets the resignation of Robert Briggs . L . Hirvonen seconded the motion , carried unanimously . H . Ley will send a letter thanking R . Briggs for his service . b . L . Montague - will continue serving on the Planning Board for a seven year term as chairman of sub _ ivisions . c . Jeanine Kirby - it Was recommended by the members present that Jeanine Kirby be asked to serve on the Board filling the spot left by R . Briggs ' resignation . V . Miller will contact M . McElwee to inform her of the same . d . V . Miller - V . Miller has asked the Town ' Boerd to appoint e new chairman for the Planning Board . e . Nomination Committee - L . Montague and L . Hirvonen will act as the committee to choose members to serve as vice - chairman , corresponding secretary and treasurer . They will make their report at the next meeting . IV , Proposed Zoning Ordinance V . Miller reported that a copy of the proposed zoning ordinance had been turned o ver to the County for their review . Frank Liguori found it acceptable . Gary Evans sent a list of comments for consideration . She noted that the Town Board w ould meet on January 24 , 1934 to go over some possible changes . V . Miller will go over Mr . Evans comments with T . Niederkorn and return to the Planning Board for their review at the next meeting . L . Hirvonen will secure copies of the proposed zoning ordinance for L . Montague , T . Kick , S . Cleveland and herself . ✓ . Miller presented S . : levelend ' s summery on the proposed zoning ordinance as he had read it at the Town Board meeting . In it he listed the reasons he felt ® zoning was a necessity for Lansing . H e stated that the proposed zoning ordinance had no new restrictions rather it • formalized the old ones into a total package for lend use control . He said that the Planning Board is expected to guide future :growth of the Town without the necessary tools to get the job done , ielt : trongly that tonin :. wrs here - 1 - _ '"` Proposed Zoning Ordinance - continued . 7 110 to stay . It would not go away . B e asked the Town Board to secure the futur : growth end development of the Toy :i . ✓ . Miller went over e letter sent by N . Stanton to M . McElwee re the pro- posed zoning ordinance . He felt thet the requirements for mobile home con- struction were too restrictive , not f exible enough with regard to town h ouses end multiple housing , felt thet farming and gardening should be allowed everywhere , he wanted to see changes in commerciel outdoor recree - tion , wind , soler end small retail outlets should be allowed everywhere , timber cutting should be allowed everywhere , would like to see the special conditions rewritten , felt that the Planning Board tod: away many of his former duties , signs should be allowed to be 9 sq . ft . in size , regulations above ground swimming pools end farm ponds used for swimming should be tightened . ✓ . Miller said that the Town Boerd would like to hold another Public Hearing sometime in February or March . They would send out post cards before the h earing . - V . Miller suggested sending out e double card with room for ques - tions to be answered or comments from the people to be mailed back for both B oards consideration . H . Ley and L . Montague did not think this idea would work out , felt people would just ignore the cards . H . Ley wanted an education program to be im- plemented such as sending a letter to the Ithaca Journal for publication showing that there is very little difference between the present end the pro- posed zoning ordinances . S . Cleveland will represent the Planning Board et the next Public Hearing . VI . Donald Worsell Subdivision - Alverine Road The Public peering that was to be held prior to this evening ' s Planning Board meeting has been rescheduled for January 23 , 1934 et 7 : 30 F .M . V . Miller will contact N . Stanton to make the necessary arrangements . L . Montague will contact D . Worsell sun inform him of the same . rI - l- _ Business Forms _ - rr1 . Inc . 7 . Miller presented a copy of a letter sent from John Andersson , Director of Environmental Health to Mr . James Sheedy , Sales Engineer - ABL Plumbing , and to Mr . R . James Miller with regard to a sewage design for Wilco Business Forms , Inc . In it , Mr . Andersson detailed instructions for a proper sewece system to be installed . VIII . New York Planning Forum MOTION : L . Hirvonen moved that the subscription to the New York Planning Forum be continued for each member of the Planning Board . L . Montague seconded the motion , carried unanimously . - - C . Montague will contact -lane Bush - porky re the same and to edd W . Cook ' s nameto the list . Meeting Adjourned : 9 : 00 P .M . Public . Hearing - Donald Worsell Subdivision - January 23 , 1934 - 7 : 30 P . M . Planning Board Meeting - following Public Hearing , same date . ` fi I cem