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lbDate : December 12 , 1983
Time : 7 : 30 P .M .
Present : Chairman V . Miller , L . Montague , W . Cook , T . Kick , H . Ley
Absent : L . Hirvonen , R . Briggs , S . Cleveland
I . John Wurster - Jack Morse Proposed Subdivision - Triphammer Terrace - Tn . of Lansing
A forum meeting was held for the purpose of briefly discussing the proposed John
Wurster - Jack Morse subdivision to be located off Triphammer Terrace in the Town
of Lansing .
MOTION : L . Montague made a motion that the Town of Lansing Planning Board accept
the preliminary plat submitted by John Wurster and Jack Morse for a four
( 4 ) parcel minor subdivision to be located off Triphammer Terrace in the
Town of Lansing with the provision of a deed restriction with regard to
the maintenance of a common access road to all parcels of property con-
tained therein .
H . Ley seconded the motion , carried unanimously .
C . Montague will send a copy of the above to John Wurster end Jack Morse .
- 1-
Date : December 12 , - 1933
16 Time : 3 : 00 P .M .
Present : Town Board - Chairman , P . Munson , M . McElwee , L . Emmick , G . Stevens , B . Hillard
Planning Board - Chairman , V . Miller , L . Montague , H . Ley , T . Kick , W . Cook ,
R . Briggs
' Absent : Planning Board - L . Hirvonen , S . Cleveland
Guests : T . Niederkorn , Planning Consultant , R . Williamson , Town Attorney
P . Munson opened the meeting by welcoming the large number of people in attendance .
J . Bush- Horky read the notice of the public hearing es it had appeared in the Ithaca
J ournal on 11/30 /33 .
P . Munson introduced the members of the Town Board .
H e then introduced V . Miller who in turn presented the Planning Board members .
✓ . Miller gave a brief review of her years spent in Lansing and her pleasures end
frustrations with the Town . She turned the meeting over to T . Niederkorn .
T . Niederkorn told the assembly that the proposed zoning ordinance had been a two
year project . It was an amendment to the present zoning ordinance . He outlined whet
the Planning Boerd • hed done .
He said that zoning had to be based on a Master Plea . The Master Plan would show the
community as it might be in 20 /25 years . Zoning is one way , he felt , that the lend
could be controlled .
He then presented a series of slides showing the Master Plan map , a sample of what the
proposed document would look like , the land use map , a schedule of land uses and a
schedule of lend use requirements .
H e stated that the ordinance could be amended during the course of the ,years . As the
community changes , it must be responded to .
The meeting was then opened to Questions from the floor . The following people spoke
alioout , giving their views , both pro and con :
J im McKane - Triphammer Road - asked if there was a limit to the number of buildings
allowed on e person ' s property . Answer - T . Niderkorn - 100 sq . ft .
would control , not the number of buildings .
Mike Marshall - Lensingvilie Road:. -- . asked i.f a _ person wanted to build a garage or e
home larger then 100 sq . ft . , would he have to go to the Board of Zoning
Appeals for e variance . Answer - T . Niderkorn - That person should go
to the enforcement officer to check on whether he was meeting the re -
quirements or. -not . If hemazy - the officer could give it to him .
Stub Boles - Lansingville - wanted to leave it ( zoning ) out of our town period .
Al White - asked if a demographic study had been made and if so , if it had been made
by the same people who had done it for the new school . Answer - T . Niderkorn
- Yes , a study had been made .
Marion Tobey - asked what kind of en animal could be put into a 100 sq . ft . building ,
chicken , dogs . Answer - T . Niederkorn - any animal could be es long es it
was permitted in that area .
Stub Boles - Lansingville - wanted to know if you could still cut wood on your own
lend . Answer - T . Niederkorn - If it were for your own use , you could .
Of it were to he sold commercially , you could not on the chance you might
ruin the woods .
Paul Dedrick - wanted to know what we .s the difference if you cut wood to sell or grew
corn to sell as long as it was on your own lend . Answer - T . Niederkorn -
cutting too much wood changes the characteristics of the land , could
create erosion .
Bob Hoyte - wanted to know if the farmers could change their hedge rows . Answer - P .
Munson - you could husband to harvest but to slaughter the woods , you would
need a permit .
Bob Hoyte - replied that farmers could clear their lend cheaper then buying more lend .
Answer - T . Niderkorn - it would be okay to cut the wood if it were done
as part of a farming operation but not as a logging business .
Bill Straub - Sperry Lane - felt strongly that his property had decreased as value at
least $50 , 000 . due to no zoning . He and his wife built their home for the
beautiful view of the lake and the hillsides and now it is blocked out by
i the construction of a large house directly in their pathway . He warned
those at the meeting , that it could happen to them too .
Joan Ellis - said that she had spent ten hours reading the zoning ordinance and felt
that it was prejudiced against the poor people and that it favored the ag
people . The said no concern was shown for the natural beauty of the Town .
She wanted to know who made the decisions if people came in for special
permits . Answer - T . Niederkorn - The Planning Board is required by State
law to assess each one , they in turn get help from professionals .
Paul Barron - cautioned that the people should not pass judgement on those who had voted
for the Town Board . He wanted some necessary things to be put into affect
such as people buying land accepting as is , don ' t want others to judge him ,
Jeanine Kirby - farmer - wanted to know if she couldgive some of her land to each of
her six children . Answer - T . Niderkorn . - the only restriction would be
that you break them into at least minimum size lots , go to the Planning
Board for subdivision approval .
Jeanine Kirby - farmer - she would like to add a large farm market on the road to
include wood , handmade items as well as foods . Answer - T . Niderkorn -
if ' you are in an ag district , okay , but you would have to provide for
safe parking , cars not backing out to the road .
Al Lacko - he wantedto leave Peruville Road as it is now .
Dwayne Ray - he would like to put a trailer on his land for a retirement home when he
turns 55 . He wanted to know if it would be allowed. . Answer - M . McElwee -
she felt that there had been a mis - print in the schedule and would check on
it .
Charles Murphy - Lakeview - wanted to know where mobile homes can go in Lansing .
41110 Answer - T . Niderkorn - in many places as long as they meet the requirements
set forth , most of which are very similar to traditional type homes .
Henry Paige - wanted to know if he could replace his present mobile home with a larger
one . Answer - T . Niederkorn - you would need a variance to do so .
Paul Barron - stated that when he was on the board , mobile homes were allowed all
through Lansing . Answer - P . Munson - they are not being disqualified ,
rather they are required to be treated like a home .
Mike Marshall - wanted to know if the Board knew that the people wanted to keep Lansing
as it is .
Jim Preston - he said that he had observed the Planning Board and the fact that they had.
worked for over five years on this project . He is generally against re-
strictions but can see whether we agree or not , they are generally helpful .
LaVerne Pechuman - Lakeview - he said that he moved to Lansing twenty years ago because
he liked it and would like to see it stay that way . Felt that the Town
needed zoning .
Bill Straub - felt that the group consisted of rock- ribbed individuals and perhaps the
Board should consider leaving the ag district as it is now and change the
other areas only .
Mike Marshall - he would like to see a referendum . Answer - P . Munson - State law does
not permit a referendum when it comes to zoning , speed laws , etc .
Wayne Lucas - wanted to know why the first ' time there was a referendum . Answer - P .
Munson There never was one .
David Hardie - he wanted to know what was so terrible about zoning . He had sat on the
Planning Board and knew how hard the task had been , the members felt that
they were doing something good for the Town . When people come in with
complaints such as those on Searles Road , the Bould could do nothing .
Mary Searles - Searles Road - she wanted to know more about a buffer zone when it comes
to noise and livestock and odors . She wanted to know whose problem it was
if someone came and built a house alongside the buffer zone . Answer - T .
Niederkorn - their problem . G . Stevens - without zoning , they would have
no right to complain .
- 2-
' Al White - he said he was against change , felt it would prove to be too expensive to
1 control . Felt that everyone should treat their neighbors well , then no
problems .
Jeanine Kirby - wanted to know why this has come up all of a sudden . Answer - P .
I Munson - People come in with complaints to the Planning Board , they can
' do very little . The Planning Board came to the Town Board and asked them
for help .
Corey Gettig - Mill Street - The New York State school boards and local districts want
the state education department to be the enforcing agent for the fire
codes for the schools . She wanted to know what the time schedule was on
this proposal . Answer - P . Munson - The Town Board will meet tomorrow
night and possibly decide then .
Fred Knight - he does not want zoning as he feels personalities rule with members on the
boards .
P . Munson then asked for ashow of hands - 73 hands were raised against zoning , 30 for it .
J im Roundy - up to five years ago , 1-was in favor of zoning . Now I havefifteen trailers
next to me . What ' s going to happen , he wants to know . Answer - P . Munson -
there is no ordinance restricting it now .
B ill Gettig - Mill Street - he sees a need for zoning , particularly in denser areas
as it would benefit the majority . He thought the Town should be segmented .
Answer - P . Munson - that ' s a good idea , he felt .
Bud Howell - he told the people that he fought zoning thirty years ago but it was
" shoved down our throats anyway . " Doesn ' t want a repeat .
Linda Beckwith - she said that she moved to Lansing because there was no zoning and if
people didn ' t like it , they could move out .
John Farkas - went along with Bud Howell ' s remarks . He felt that it was the ' new '
people who wanted it , not the old ones . Answer - P . Munson - mostly it
41111 is the people where homes are close together .
Bert Hilliard - he was still confused after reading it .
P . Munson then thanked everyone for coming andexpressing their views .
The meeting closed at 10 : 15 P .M .
- 3-
Date : December 12 , 1933
Time : 7 20 P OM
Pre sen Chairman ?•i _' ler , L . Montague ; W . Cook , T . Kick , H . Ley
'1c L0 = _ _ rvOr±e _< s g ... c C: . Cleve lana.
. ' . - J M arse flo-oosec Sub : ivision - Triphammer Terrece - Tn . of Lensing
A forum meeting was held for the purpose of briefly discussing- the proposed John
Wurster - Jack Morse subdivision to be located off Triphammer Terrace in the Town
of Lansing .
NOTION : L . Montague made a motion that the Town of Lansing Planning Board accept
the preliminary plat submitted by John Wurster and Jack Morse for a four
( 4 ) parcel minor subdivision to be located off Triphammer Terrace in the
Town of Lansing with the provision of a deed restriction with rc+ gerd to
the maintenance of a common access road to ell parcels of property con-
tained therein .
H . Ley seconded the motion , carried unanimously .
Montague will send a copy of the above to John Wurster end Jack Morse .
. . t '
- 1-
® Date : December 12 , 1983
Time : 3 : 00 P .M .
Present : Town Board - Chairmen , P . Munson , M . McElwee , L . Emmick , G . Stevens , B . Hilli? rd
Planning Board - Chairmen , V . Miller , L . Montague , H . Ley , T . Kick , W . Cook ,
R . Briggs
Absent : Planning Board - L . Hirvonen , S . Cleveland
Guests : T . Niederkorn , Planning Consultant , R . Williamson , Town Attorney
P . Munson opened the meeting by welcoming the large number of people in attendance .
J . Bush- Horky reed the notice of the public hearing as it had appeared in the Ithaca
J ournal on 11/30 / 33 .
F . Munson introduced the members of the Town Board .
He then introduced V . Miller who in turn presented the Planning Board members .
✓ . Miller gave a brief review of her years spent in Lansing end her pleasures and
frustrations with the Town . She turned the meeting over to T . Niederkorn .
T . Niederkorn told the assembly that the proposed zoning ordinance had been e two
year project . It was an amendment to the present zoning ordinance . He outlined whet
the Planning Board had done .
He said that zoning had to be based on e Mester Plan . The Master Plan would show the
community as it might be in 20 /25 years . Zoning is one way , he felt , that the land
could be controlled .
He then presented e series of slides showing the Master Plan map , a sample of what the
proposed document would look like , the lend use map , e schedule of land uses and a
schedule of land use requirements .
H e stated that the ordinance could be emended during the course of the years . As the
community changes , it must be responded. to .
The meeting was then opened to questions from the floor . The following people spoke
out , giving their views , both pro and con :
J im McKane - Triphammer Road - asked if there was a limit to the number of buildings
allowed on a person ' s property . Answer - T . Niderkorn - 100 sq . ft .
would control , not the number of buildings .
Mike Marshall - Lensingville Road - asked if e person wanted to build a garage or a
home larger then 100 sq . ft . , would he have to go to the Board of Zoning
Appeals for a variance . Answer - T . Niderkorn - That person should go
to the enforcement officer to check on whether he was meeting the re -
quirements or not . If he was , the officer could give it to him .
Stub Boles - Lansingville - wanted to leave it ( zoning ) out of our town period .
Al White- asked if a demographic study had been made and if so , if it had been made
by the same people who had done it for the new school . Answer - T . Niderkorn
- Yes , a study had been made .
Marion Tobey - asked what kind of en animal could be put into 100 sq . ft . building ,
chicken , dogs . Answer - T . Niederkorn - any animal could be as long as it
was permitted in that area .
Stub Boles - Lensingville - wanted to know if you could still cut wood on your own
lend . Answer - T . Niederkorn - If it were for your own use , you could .
Of it were to be sold commercially , you could not on the chance you might
ruin the woods .
Paul Dedrick - wanted to know what was the difference if you cut wood to sell or grew
corn to sell as long as it was on your own land . Answer - T . Niederkorn
cutting too much wood changes the characteristics of the land , could
create erosion .
® Bob Hoyte - wanted to know if the farmers could change their hedge rows . Answer - P .
Munson - you could husband to harvest but to slaughter the woods , you would
need a permit .
Bob Hoyte - replied that farmers could clear their land cheaper then buying more lend .
Answer - T . Niderkorn - it would be okay to cut the wood if it were done
as part of a farming operation but not as a logging business .
B ill Straub - Sperry Lane - felt strongly that his property had decreased es value at
least $ 50 , 000 . due to no zoning . He and his wife built their home for the
beautiful view of the lake and the hillsides and now it is blocked out by
the construction of a large house directly in their pathway . He warned
those at the meeting , that it could happen to them too .
J oan Ellis - said that she had spent ten hours reading the zoning ordinance and felt
that it was prejudiced against the poor people and that it favored the eg
people . She said no concern was shown for the natural beauty of the Town .
She wanted to know who made the decisions if people came in for special
permits . Answer - T . Niederkorn - The Planning Board is required by State
law to assess each one , they in turn get help from professionals .
Paul Barron - cautioned that the people should not passjadgement on those who had voted
for the Town Board . He wanted some necessary things to be put into affect
such as people buying land accepting as is , don ' t want others to judge him ,
J eanine Kirby - farmer - vented to know if she could rive some of her lana to each of
her six children . Answer - T . Niderkorn - the only restriction would be
that you break them into at least minimum size lots , go to the Planning
B oard for subdivision approval .
J eanine Kirby - farmer - she would like to add a large farm market on the road to
include wood , handmade items as well as foods . Answer - T . Niderkorn
if you are in en er district , okay , but you would have to provide for
safe parking , cars not backing out to the road .
Al Lacko - he wanted to leave Peruville Road es it is now .
Dwayne Ray - he would like to put a trailer on his land for a retirement home when he
turns 55 . He wanted to know if it would be allowed . Answer - M . McElwee -
she felt that there had been a mis - print in the schedule and would check on
it .
Charles Murphy - Lakeview - wanted to know where mobile homes can go in Lansing .
Answer - T . Niderkorn - in many places as long as they meet the requirements
set forth , most of which are very similar to traditional type homes .
- Henry Paige - wanted to know if he could replace his present mobile home ' with a larger
one . Answer - T . Niederkorn - yoga would need a variance to do so .
Paul Barron - stated that when he was on the board , mobile homes were allowed all
through Lansing . Answer _ - P . Munson - they ere not being disqualified ,
rather they are required to be treated like a home .
Mike Marshall - wanted to know if the Board knew that the people wanted to keep Lansing
as it is .
J im Preston - he said that he had observed the Planning Board end the fact that they had
worked for over five years on this project . He is generally against re-
strictions but can see whether we agree or not , they are generally helpful .
LaVerne Pechuman - Lakeview - he said that he moved to Lansing twenty years ago because
h e liked it and would like to see it stay that way . Felt that the Town
needed zoning .
B ill Straub - felt that the group consisted of rock- ribbed individuals end perhaps the
B oard should consider leaving the ag district as it is now and change the
other areas only . -
Mike Marshall - he would like to see a referendum . Answer - P . Munson - State law does
not permit a referendum when it comes to zoning , speed laws , etc .
Wayne Lucas - wanted to know why the first time there was a referendum . Answer - P .
Munson There never was one .
David Hardie - he wanted to know what was so terrible about zoning . He had set on the
P lanning Board and knew how hard the task had been , the members felt that
® they were doing something good for the Town . When people come in with
complaints such as those on Searles Road , the Bould could do nothing .
Mary Searles - Searles Road - she wanted to know more about a buffer zone when it comes
to noise and livestock and odors . She wanted to know whose problem ' it was
if someone came and built e house alongside the buffer zone . Answer - T .
N iederkorn - their problem . G . Stevens - without zonin , , they would have
no right to complain .
- 2-
Al White - he said he was against change , felt it would prove to be too expensive to
control . Felt that everyone should treat their neighbors well , then no
problems .
Jeanine Kirby - wanted to know why this has come up all of E sudden . Answer
P .
Munson Peo1� come in with complaints to the _ lannin , Doan] , they can
do very little . The Planning Board came to the Town Board end arked them
for help .
Corey Gettig - Mill Street - The New York State school boards and local districts went
the state education department to be the enforcing agent for the fire
codes for the schools . She wanted to know what the time schedule was on
this proposal . Answer - P . Munson - The Town Board will meet tomorrow
night end possibly decide then .
Fred Knight - he does not want zoning as he feels personalities rule with members on the
boards .
P . Munson then asked for ashow of hands - 73 hands were raised against zoning , 30 for it .
Jim Roundy - up to five years ago , I was in favor of zoning . Now I havefifteen trailers
next to me . W'het ' s going to happen , he wants to know . Answer - P . Munson -
there is no ordinance restricting it now .
Bill Gettig - Mill Street - he sees a need for zoning , particularly in denser areas
as it would benefit the majority . He thought the Town should be segmented .
Answer - - P . Munson - that ' s a good idea , he felt .
Bud Howell - he told the people that he fought zoning thirty years ago but it was
` shoved down our throats anyway . "
Doesn ' t want a repeat .
Linda Beckwith - she said that she moved to Lann' ing because there was no zoning and if
people didn ' t like it , they could move out .
John Farkas - went along with Bud Howell ' s remarks . He felt that it was the ' new '
411 people who wanted it , not the old ones . Answer - P . Munson - mostly it
is the people where homes are close together .
. Bert Hilliard - he was still confused after reading it .
• P . Munson then thanked everyone for coming and expressing their views .
` p .meeting closed et 10 : 15 P .M .
- 3 -