HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-11-14 TOWN OF LANSING PLANNING jCt' fiD ; ' -- � • f Date : November .l_i+ , 1y ; 3 Time : 7 : 30 P6M0 ; ; Present : Chairman V . Miller , L . Hi. rvoaen , H . Ley , `f . Cook , S . Cleveland , T . Kick Absent : L . Montague , F . 'Briggs ' Guests : N . Stanton , Jack Jensen , Jack Morris , John Wurster , Donald ` :iorsen ., . I . Jack Jensen Fiddler ' s Green Si,}bdivision Area - Mr . Jensen appeared before the Planning Board to seek permission for the possi - bility of subdividing a lot he and his partner now own in the Fiddler ' s Green Subd .ivi. r:; l. on . They Pore pl.nnninpp on bui. ldin , ` n 5; peculation house on said lot . I , The lot is approximately three aures i. n size . They would build the house to one side allowing for the possibility of splittin it into two lots in the future . V . Miller told Mr . Jensen that the people who hove= already purchased lots in that subdivision did so with the idea that it would remain as on open space area with large lots . The said that the lots could not be subdivided without the permission of everyone involved . x L . Hirvonen pointed out that the integrity of the subdivision would have to be maintained as an open space tree . She said that it was for the good of ell concerned including the prospective buyer of hr . Jensen ' s house . Mr . Jensen then left the meeting . • II . John Wurster and Jack Morris - Triphammer Terrace Mr . Wurster and Mr . Morris appeared before the Planning Board with a sketch • plan for a proposed area of approximately seventeen acres off of Triphammer Terrace to he subdivided . Bbth Mr . Morris and Mr . Wurster plan to build . homes on the beck lots for themselves . They would build a common driveway off Triphammer Terrace servicing their lots and one other lot . The fourth 411 lot wouldhave a driveway onto Triphammer Terrace . They would consider selling the two front lots as one if a prospective buyer wished to dose . They would give en easement to the fourth buyer to use the private driveway if the two front lots were not made - into one . Mr. . . Wurster told the Board members that they do not now own the .land but do have an option on it . They would not plan on buildihj homes immediately , iately , Mr . Morrie would probably start i [1 thc Spfa .cm . L . : E' i srlid nr O ?i .ld not i afford to build a fond 'lc': corOi 1 to Town snecificatiorts . It was stressed by L . Hirvonen and So Cleveland that Mr . Wurster and Mr . Morris return to another meeting with legal easements written up for the use and maintenance of the private driveway . They agreed to do co . III . Minutes of previous meetinr. s ' September 12 , 1983 - please change the spelling of Mr . Wooster. to Mr . 'Thirster . MOTION : L . Hirvonen moved to accept the minutes as read . H . Ley seconded the motion , carried unanimously . October 10 , 1983 - MOTION : W . Cook moved to aY; eept the minutes ,.1 : . Y' rnd . S . , ievel. and : ; c Cc) iiCli cl the motion , enrricii llnrlii i rilrn.l : : l November 1 , ly ' :, - joint mectin : c with the Town Board - '' Need not be approved , unof :f.' ici. a 1 meetinn; . :i IV . Officer , ' Reports Tompkins County Planning Board - V . Miller - V . Miller reported that the county Planning Board would like to hear from individual representatives of the various 0 towns with retard to Route 13 . She suggested that the Lansing Planning Boeri meet again on December. 5th air their thoughts on the subject . She could then i take their ideas to the next County Planning Board meeting on December lith . oI _ l - V . Other Business 1984 Budget - S . Cleveland reported that the 1984 budget would be 43 , 000 . 00 plus carryover funds . 411 V . Miller presented a bill from T . Niederkorn for consulting fees re thea - , proposed zoning ordinance . MOTION : S . Cleveland moved that the bill from T . Niederkorn in the amount of $225 . 00 for consulting fees be paid . L . Hirvonen seconded the motion , carried unanimously . Carolyn Montague presented her bill for recording secretary ' s fees including postage and paper for $74 . 26 . MOTION : L . Hirvonen moved that the recording secretary ' s fees including postage and paper for $74 . 26 be paid . S . Cleveland seconded the motion , carried unanimously . VI . Proposed Zoning Ordinance V . Miller reported that she and M . McElwee went over the ordinance very care- fully after the last joint meeting with the Town Board , They made a few minor deletions and gave it to T . Niederkorn for his review . He will have ittyped . and ready for the public hearing to be held on December 12th . V . Miller stressed the importance of having people with positive thoughts on zoning attend that meeting . T . Niederkorn will chair that meeting . VII . . Donald Worsell Mobile Home Perk - Algerine Road N . Stanton told the webers that Donald Worsell would like to add four units .. off Algerine Road on the top east side of his present mobile park . He would like to deed one lot to his hired hand, the second one to his son andonefor his own use . N . Stanton gave copies of a sketch for the four units and also for four proposed units off Ludlow Road , one of which is presently occupied , by a mobile home . He also gave the members copies of health ` depertment permits for those four lots off Algerine Road and a generalermit to construct P a - - sewage system in the Lakeview Mobile Home Perk . N . Stanton then left the meeting at 7 : 45 P .M . . Mr . Worsell appeared before the board at 9 : 00 P .M . . D . Worsell told the board members that it would take approximately three months . . to get anything drawn up . He brought in the original plans as drawn ia. 1971 end . . - showed them to the group . He said that they were not any good anymore as changes have been made in the code . He would like to put another line of trailers in the perk in the future . He would also leave room for a playground area . There wouldbe no more access w{ roads to Algerine as one is already there. L . Hirvoaen suggested that he could update his old map by using paper strips to block out old areas and to add new ones . Pi D . Worsell said that he had twenty- six trailers in park , unite 27 . thru 29 were proposed and unit 30 ( Lud low Road ) was in . . . s � j,; He showed them where he had put in a road aboutl/8 of a C. ' mile rlong Poff Algerine `' Road . V . Miller said that that area would constitute a subdivision , ' .but she added , it need not be a difficult problem to solve . , t _ L . Hirvonen told him he must bring in a sketch plan for that area indicating what he is proposing to do there . r -r " H . Ley suggested that he ask his lawyer es to what course of action to follow . S . Cleveland told him he should redraw his original map , date is , use overlays and bring it back in possibly for approval : r k D . Worsell said that the Health Department would take three months plus $200 . 00 .`. - -t Hesaid that it gets too involved withenvironmentalthings end that he was at the end of his line . • He had gone to NYSE&('' for meter poles , gone to the Health > Department , had had soil tests , perc tests end stakes were set for the area . His lots measured 117 ' by 121 ' each , the area divided by four .- V . Miller told him that a public hearing was necessary prior to the Planning . - 2- • • Donald Worsell Mobile Home Park - AIgerine Road - continued : . - • Board giving any approval . V . Miller would ' like John Anderson to attend the • meeting . She felt there might be questions about sewage . ® Mn Worsell then left the meeting . MOTION : L . Hirvonen moved that the present Town of Lansing Planning Board meeting by adjourned to December 5 , 1933 at 7 : 30 P .M . H . Ley seconded the motion , carried unanimously . Public Hearing re Donald Worsell Mobile Home Perk - 11/17/33 - 7 : 30 P .M . Annex • Planning Board Meeting - December 5 , 1983 - 7 : 30 P .M . , Public Hearing re Zoning Ordinance - December 12 , 1983 - . • • • • • • • • • tF4N• rw��. 4may. • - .. • • . tsti s = _ h • A' h.n "ta �. Y `wrC . . . • • - � f • t ` a� r it . c:5-14iiiiiiiit4 41-11 .. . o.1fr1 vt t ING-8oANS1N6d\R0 , �J qN r • AIPIEASETAKEN1Ctire . . blit goarinp wlR be heldby the" lennlnpg8oard •of<_the T.ow- n,of `'' Laps4ad 'on poneid fNoriell's:b _.• . • pficationrpto extend Ais "mobl erne park on the-Al erine -Roach # _ _ jt�andrLudiow koed 3 140413 , 4alovelayfiepri titwitl be hefAxoig - the seoo ld floor ol the Toown kal ! Annezr< T l York,ion ' an51newr _ YS Order' i '`jai? tSti . 'Stttg5�� tea . - sfl " '" " YIo16 Miller , 4vem�+ �llar:q ` th�eJirwome r,'+ ,tst •n ¢+X. tYn+;' 1'h`4'�,XR*`£'U..y�. - " 1 uSI Y.-.1 1L t YAr 3 - - • Cem • . . . - . . • _