HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-10-10 TOWN OF LANSING PLANNING BOARD 'date : October 10 , 1983 'ime : 7 : 30 P .M . Present : Chairman V . Miller , L . Hirvonen , L . Montague , T . Kick , W . Cook , S . Cleveland H . Ley Absent : R . Briggs Guests : N . Stanton , Donald Worsell I . Donald Worsell Trailer Perk - Algerine Road ✓ . Miller - Donald Worsell has been served e summons and is to appear on Thursday ( 10 /13 /33 ) in court . Mr . Williamson ( Town Attorney ) advised me that the Planning B oard members could talk to Mr . Worsell at this time even though he is not now in compliance with the ordinance. He could be by Thursday . Mr . Worsell was notified by L . Montague to be here tonight . N . Stanton . - On 9/2/83 I got indications that Don Worsell was doing something with h is trailer park . On 9/5 or 9 /6 I asked Mr . Williamson to send him a letter re his complying with the ordinance . I then heard from Don on the 8th and dis- cussed with him on the 14th the procedures he should follow . It then met with h im on the 27th and on the 29th he moved a trailer in without permission . I then met with Mr . Williamson the next morning to start the paper work . The papers were taken to court soon after that . How many trailers do you want to move in? D . Worsell - Four altogether by Spring . ✓ . Miller - Has your trailer perk been in conformity with the provisions in the present ordinance ? N. Stanton - His last license was issued in conformity . There was something to do Ans about junk cars on the property . 1111, V . Miller - Are all things in order now ? D . Worsell - Yes . N . Stanton, - I made an inspection this past Spring and it looked good . L . Hirvonen - -How many trailers do you have in there now? D . Worsell - Twenty- five . ✓ . Miller - All on adequate sized lots ? N . Stanton - He was there when the ordinance was modified . Haven ' t changed it since . The ordinance came after his park . ✓ . Miller - A non- conforming park cannot be accepted end maintained that way. H , Lev - Even if expansion is in present zoning ordinance ? ✓ . Miller - Some place in the ordinance stipulates that the entire park must be is conformity . i j AST ♦ tanto i r'77 only is .+Ina d ; stcilce : n `:.risen the tre ] ns - should. be 33 ' i must be more . D , Worse "), 17 I believe it is more . I think it would pass inspection . ✓ . Miller - Streets , lights , garbage pickup? D . Worse '', - Garbage once a week , there are no lights on the street . ✓ . Miller - I know that you are trying to get it in to conform and make a park' satisfactory to the neighbors . But why then are they so upset ? Must review_ it carefully so .I can answer to them . S . Cleveland, - Have you moved ahead to expand without application requirements ? .`: D . Worsell - I started the application before this work was to be done . S . Cleveland - I would like to know why you received a court summons . ". . D . Worsell, It was because a lady from the perk wanted a new lot , she doesn't " bother anyone by being there . It was a decent sized lot for her new trailer . ':= I held her off for a month . I came too late for the last meeting . I ' m not ", trying to force anything . S . Cleveland - Did the adjoining property owners issues complaint about the addition ':, or the entire perk? N . Stanton - Particularly about the addition , it always happens . L . Hirvonen - Are the neighbors too close to the park ? Certain number of feet are required . D . Worseli - No one that close - adequate distance . Donald Woraell ' s Trailer Perk - Algerine Road - continued . S . Cleveland - 25 ' from public highway? ® V . Miller - Health permits ? D . Worsell, - Yes , one . They ( Tompkins Health Dep ' t . ) said okay for aow until paper work is done . Fine with me . L . Montague - Article VIII , page 9 shows lighting is required in the ordinance . Expiration date for license ? N . Stanton - End of this year . H . Lev - Four new units on Ludlow Road . Trailer perk is on Algerine . Do four units on Ludlow have any road or entrance on Ludlow ? D . Worsell - One driveway for each two trailers . ✓ . Miller - Doing this for four - do you have more land to develop? D . Worsell, - 350 acres . Could do it . ✓ . Miller - We frown on too many new roads into regular roads . Working on plan for future trailers so that road into perk handles all except individual ones . Can be frowned on by the Town . N . Stantoq - Distance on the road for four units ? D . Worsell - 117 ' per trailer , shout 500 ' in all . ✓ . Miller - Could be handled by only one entrance rather then more ? D . Worsell - Could be . Possibly , ✓ . Miller - Are you expecting road maintenance ? D . Worsen, - I maintain my own road . L . Hirvoneq - How much lend between the perk end the new units ? Not a continuation of the existing park? D . Worsel ), - Not much , maybe 150 ' or 200 ' . Actually only turned a corner . L . Hirvoneq - Any way your existing road could service them? N . Stanton - In zoning ordinance , your frontage is required to be 150 ' per house . ® V . Miller - All subdivisions being presented are now encouraged to have no strip development . Why not use that 150 ' ? D . Worsell - Last two trailer lots are big ones end turned opposite way because of the lake view . ✓ . Miller - Part of 150 ' belongs to mobile unit already there ? W . Cook - Two driveways look better the way I see it . S . Cleveland - Have you constructed an access road to Ludlow? Town approved it ? D . Worsell, - Yes . Sluices are. in . The Town did it , in August . No approval on road . S . Cleveland - You knew it was going in , why not put en application in?. D . Worsell - Was busy drilling wells . S . Cleveland - Have you four wells for four units ? D . Worsell, - Yes . I have four wells . A good one came in later . S . Cleveland - You should have come to us first for help in developing . You have come in after the fact . D . Worsell, - I read it ( ordinance ) once , never looked at it again . Never knew a thing until . I spoke with the Health Department . S . Cleveland - Now what ? Plans for anymore ? D . Worsell; - I ' ll be in first if there is a next time . Received two warrants today . ✓ . Miller - Have to treat everyone alike . There are good parks end bed ones . D . Worsell, - Lights , thought about it . Don ' t think we need them . To put lights in on a hill could be difficult . No place to plow the snow . Have one night light , that ' s all . ✓ . Miller - Possibly another one for the four units ? D . Worsell, - Possibly . Could work it out . Junk cars , also a problem . If there is a license on it , I cannot make them move it . S . Cleveland - What needs to happen to have Mr . Worsell in compliance ? � . N . Stanton - Read the ordinance , that tells you . ✓ . Miller - Should have been started in August , even in July . L . Hirvoneq - Must follow procedures as outlined even though most of the work is com- pleted . N . Stanton - The violation is being dealt with by the court . ✓ . Miller - Should review it es an application for an addition . L . Hirvoneq - Could the Planning Board ask for a note from the Highway Department regarding compliance of your road ? Need it for our records . Donald Worsen Trailer Park - A lgerige Road, continued . ✓ . Miller - Bring to their attention that they do not issue one until hearing from • the Planning Board . You would not be in trouble now if they had . S . Cleveland - They in essence gave Town approval by bringing in the gravel . They . should notdo this . MOTION : S . Cleveland moved that it has been proposed that the Town Highway Department not make any decisions relative to adding access roads or driveways or high- ways that in essence come under an ordinance without providing a necessary review procedure from the Planning Board . L . Montague seconded the motion , carried unanimously . W . Cook - Set up a public hearing? . L . Hirvonen - Something from the Health Department ? D . Worsell - Only asked for one . L . Hirvoneq - Need all four for a public hearing . T . Kick - One well feeds four lots ? D . Worsen, : - Not that way . Just a supplement to it , Hey, twice ss much water now then before . H . Lev - 2 , 900 gallons for all the trailers ? L . Montague - What about a recreation area ? It ' s required in the ordinance . D . Worsell - The trailer park I now have has 26 units . No one has ever mentioned that . Have an area behind , could be a recreation area for playing ball . ✓ . Miller - If you are expanding , I ' d like to see a drawing for the whole park , recreation area and all . D . Worsell, - I have plans for 52 units . L . Montage - We are looking at a five unit expansion , not a four . V . Miller - You have a plan for 52 . Are you following that ? D . Worsen , - No . Back in 1970 , man in Health Department gave me permission for 26 , when . I went back I was told my plans were no good . I dropped it then , more people wanted to move in later . I just drew it up myself . ✓ . Miller - Obviously could be more . You are asking for en expansion of five , might . better have a larger overall plan for future additions . Then you won ' t have to keep coming back . Could you? D , Worsen, - Good idea . L . Hirvonea - Are there ways you can use existing one by blocking out and adding on? D , Worsen, - I ' d like to do it that way . S . Cleveland, - The Town Board meets tomorrow? D . Worsell - Can ' t go , going on vacation for two weeks . Appearance dates are when I ' d be gone . S . C, c rel.ac_d - Are you the sole owner ? D . Worsell - Yes . ✓ . Miller Is there some way to accept what you have done knowing that you are going . to bring in a full set of plans , following all the rules , showing the recreation area , acceptable to the Town? D . Worsen, - Only certain amount I can do . Now less then 52 . County says 49 maximum . • Because of sewage . . 19 more . I ' d like to do that . ✓ . Miller - In subdivisions , the Planning Board can grant a variance . Can we do that with this ? N . Stanton - Takes a lot of time. . The BM would have to meet within tea days .. : ✓ . Miller - This Board might like to find a way for a more acceptable perk in that area . N . Stanton left the meeting at this time . S , Cleveland - Date of appearance in court ? D . Worsen,. - My attorney will meet for me on the 13th and 17th . S . Cleveland - Could meet with the Town Board with our recommendations ? . ✓ . Miller - Yes , someone could . Bring in plans for our consideration according to :. . the way the ordinance was written . S . Cleveland - Don ' t do anything more . - 3- 4 . Donald Worsen Trailer Park - Algerine Road - continued . D . Worsell - Yes I would . Have stopped . L . Montague - Doesn ' t affect court ? ✓ . Miller - No way . D . Worsen, - It doesn ' t designate a specific time . ✓ . Miller - We have shortened periods , never gone the limit as long as the person comes in with their accurate plans . Please meet with us on November 14th with your plans ? D . Worsen, - Yes . I ' ll be there . D . Worsell and W . Cook left the meeting at this time . MOTION : V . Miller moved that the Planning Board should report to the Town Board their unhappiness about driveways accepted without the Planning Board ' s approval . Assuming a mistake has been made by the Highway Department , the Planning Board proposes to give Donald Worsell a temporary permit to allow the trailer that is already in to remain there , so that Mr . Worsell can come back in with a full set of drawings and plans . T . Kick seconded the motion , carried unanimously . II . Proposed Zoning Ordinance ✓ . Miller reported that she had heard from M . McElwee that at the lest Town Board meeting the zoning ordinance was discussed . They have scheduled a joint sessin with the Planning Board for November 1st at 8 : oo P .M . At that time , they would like to rewrite the zoning ordinance with their proposed changes . T . Niederkorn ' s suggestions • were basically accepted . They expect to accept it at that time . They would like T . Niederkorn there to present the map . They also went to discuss how to present it . 411 V . Miller suggested that T . Niedenc orn could meet with the Planning Board on the 17th or the 24th to discuss it . S . Cleveland wanted to know why the sudden urgency from the Town Board . V . Miller replied that they hoped toenactit by January 1 , 1984 . The Town Board wants to put it together , iron out a few discrepancies . L . Hirvonen asked if there were any policy changes . V . Miller said no , they actually wanted to make it clearer to read . She could reed it over , check with T . Niederkorn end if he sees any policy changes , she would call a meeting . Meeting adjourned : 9 : 00 P .M . Joint Session with the Town Board - November 1 , 1983 - 8 : oo P .M . Next . Planning Board meeting- :november 14 , 1983 - 7o3O P .M . cem - i, -