Date : May 9 , 1983
Time : 7 : 00 P .M .
110 Present : Chairmen V . Miller , L . Hirvonea , L . Montague , T . Kick , S . Cleveland ,
H . Ley ;: W . Cook
Absent : R . Briggs
Guest : Ivan C . Burris
I . Public Hearing for the Ivan C . Burris Subdivision
The Public Hearing was called at 7 : 00 P .M . by Chairman Viola C . Miller . No
one appeared et that time . Mr . Burris arrived at 7 : 30 P .M . and was advised
by L . Montague that in as much as no one appeared at that time , the Planning
Board would approve his plan with County Health Department approval . L .
Montague will send a letter to Mr . Burris to that affect also including the
Motion made in the April meeting setting forth the special conditions re
enlarging the subdivision .
II . George Lorson, Subdivisioq
V . Miller reported that since the last meeting ( April 11 , 1933 ) she had
talked with Mr . Lorson with regard to the water situation in his proposed
subdivision . At this time there appears to be no possibility of the Town
considering a small water district . The Town would hope to form another
water district , a very large one . It does not include Mr _ Lorson ' o arse,
It would be to *e south - nd Dm the T n including orae Chain and the in-
dustria 1 complex . 4S- '� `• -pu n/ y 'fi r • ' • rta , iT
L . Montague told the Board that he would send a letter to Mr . Larson and
first pass it on to V . Miller to make sure it was correctly worded . He
wanted to stress to Mr . Lorson that there is no water district established
there .
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S . Cleveland wanted a copy of the letter sent to the Town Board . V . Miller
agreed , she felt it would clarify things . She also noted that she had
reservations on Mr . Lorsoa ' s plan , felt that the Board should wait for other
things first , water for instance .
- T . Kick felt that the right- of-way was important .
III . Minutes of previous meeting -
April 11 , 1983 -
MOTION : L . Hirvonen moved that the minutes of the April 11 , 1983 meeting be
accepted as read . S . Cleveland seconded the motion , carried arsenic
mously .
IV . T . Kick reported that there have been no recent water- sewer meetings .
V . S . Cleveland said that R . Briggs would like en up to date bill from T . Niederkorn .
VI . V . Miller reminded the Board that there will be <e need for en early budget
this year .
VII . V . Miller reported that she has not been able to get together with Peg Mc
Elwee but will do so hopefully before the next meeting . The Town Board has
not been able to get to the Development Plan due to unusual circumstances .
® VIII . Questions were brought up re the recent construction off 34+ - B and Drake Roads .
L . Hirvonen reported that she had stopped at the Colonial Cleaners end
- 1-
inquired . She was told that they were working on a right- of-way . If this
40 was the case , she assumed that he ( Mr . Volbrecht ) would come beck to the
Planning Board . She felt that they were bringing in a lot of gravel which
seemed unnecessary for a right- of-way . A right- of-way she added , need not be
turned into a road es long as it was deeded .
H . Ley thought that it was on the Colonial Cleaners land . He thought that
the south side of the creek was the divider .
MOTION : S . Cleveland made a motion that L . Montague on behalf of the Lansing
Planning Board make inquiries relative to the alleged right- of-way
development off 34- B of Mr . Volbrecht , the DOT and the owners of
the Colonial Cleaners , Barry and Glenda Long . L . Hirvonen seconded
the motion , carried unanimously .
IX . H . Ley wanted to know if anyone had heard that the Bush property on Cherry
Road had been sold . V . Miller said there were a great many rumors going
around . W . Cook said it had not been sold .
X . V . Miller wanted to know if the Horky property had been sold . L . Hirvonen
said that she had not heard anything .
XI . T . Kick reminded the Board that the piles of trash were still on the Malone
property off Triphammer Road . He thought that the Malone son was supposed
to be taking care of that . S . Cleveland thought that the Town Attorney
was supposed to be looking into it . V . Miller said that there was a problem
getting it done , not the Town Attorney ' s fault nor the Zoning Officer ' s
fault . T . Kick reminded her that it would not be taken care of unless
enforced .
XII . L . Hirvonen reported that she had heard that there were severe septic
problems at the Istteeate apartments off Warren and Farrell Roads .
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Meeting Adjourned : 7 : 45 P .M .
Next Meeting : June 13 , 1933 - 7 : 30 P .M .
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