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{, Date : April 11 , 1933
Time :
7 : 30 P .M .
7 Present : Acting Chairman S . Cleveland , V . Miller , L . Hirvonen , L . Montague ,
y . . T . Kick , R . Briggs , H . Ley , W . Cook
Guests : Ivan Burris , George Lorson , T . Niederkorn , Planning Consultant
Io Minwtes of Previous Meeting
March 7 , 1983 - .
MOTION : Ha Ley moved to accept the minutes as read . L . Montague seconded
the motion , carried unanimously .
II . 4Ivan C . Burris Subdivision
• L . Montague introduced Mr . Burris to the members . Mr . Burris had filed e
sketch plan for a minor subdivision to be located off of Asbury and Arm-
_ strong Roads . He wanted the Planning Board ' s approval for this and to
have the Board waive the public hearing .
He showed on his map where Frank Phelps had bought a lot two years ago end
put a solar home on it . He has since sold another lot . He would like to
stay eway fromre major subdivision as he feels it becomes very complicated .
' S . Cleveland asked Mr . Burris what his plans were for the rest of the land .
Mr . Burris replied that he had no future plans , he felt that to break up the
lend into more lots would prove to be a handicap .
He said that the lots had been approved for sand filters and that Don Tyrell
would send this information to the Board .
L . Montague told Mn Burris that he felt there would have to be a public
hearing . He said that the Board would need a letter from the Health Depart -
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— ment .
epart -
ment . Mr Burris promised to get it to the Board .
Mr . Burris then left the meeting .
V . Miller said that Mr . Burris knows now that if he sells the fifth lot , it
• would become a major subdivision .
After much discussion with T . Niederkorn the members decided to hold e public
hearing prior to the next regular meeting at 7 : 00 P .M . on May 9 , 1983 . L .
Montague will send a letter to Mr . Burris with that information . He will
also speak with N . Stanton re the public hearing .
kMOTION : V . Miller made e motion that should Mr . Burris sell any additional
lots off the property he now owns , or if he should sell the parcel
it6 someone else for subdividing , he will come to the Planning Board
for further discussion . L . Hirvonen seconded the motion , T . Kick
t : =' abstained , passed .
III_ 0 George Lorson Subdivision
S . Cleveland introduce..) George Larson of Rochester , New York to the Board .
Mr .o Lorson has been in the building business for about seventeen years . He
would like to build a subdivision on the north side of Wherry Road in the
Town of. Lensing . It would be considered a major subdivision consisting of
fourteen single family homes on a 22 . 2 acre parcel of land .
. The homes would be a combination of Cape Cods , split levels and Colonials , cons
sisting of 1 , 400 sq . ft . in the mid $60 , 0000 range . ' He stressed that the
I . homes would be affordable .
i . Mr . Lorson was esked by L . Montague if he had applied for water . He replied that
4 . - he had spoken with Po McElwee . There is a proposal for a water storege tank on
Vie end of Cherry Road and he thought that possibly his fourteen homes could be
11/ serviced-from that using 12 " pipes . V . Miller told him that the Town Board
formed the water districts , individual. water districts were not available . He
• said that he may have to abort his plans if public water was not available .
V . Miller wanted to know if there as any room left for an access to the
` rear of the subdivision . He said not at the present time . He thought there
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George Lorson Subdivision - continued .
a .,
might be an access from Triphammer Road . V . Miller told him that it would
be necessary for en easement for the 60 ' right - of-way .
L . Montague noted that there were four lots in the airport hazard zone . S .
Cleveland told Mr . Lorson that he would have to notify the FAA of his plans
to build homes there .
The question of a runn- off stream located on the property was also brought
up . He told the members that he walked the area about one month ago end
felt that the run- off was not exorbitant . He said that there possibly could
be a 30 " reinforced concrete culvert to take care of it . L . Montague noted
that the land looked marshy to him . Mr . Lorson felt that with proper shay.
lag it could be taken care of . It dried up in the summer months he said .
S . Cleveland wanted to know what kind of soil was there . Mr . Lorson told
h im that relying on what the soil had been when it was farmed it would be
a shale type of soil with a moderate amount of gravel . He would need a
machine to come in and test it .
Mr . Lorson said he would also need a percolation test .
✓ . Miller felt that he might also need a land fill . She explained that a
land fill was when soil was brought in , the old soil was excavated and re-
placed with the new . He knew that the rock level was between four to five
feet and felt that in some instances it might be difficult to put basements
: in the homes .
S . Cleveland wanted to know Mr . Lorson ' s time schedule . He envisioned a one
year time table , to be underway in the Spring of 1994
He said he has talked ` with NYSE&G about utilities . Gas is available on
Triphammer Road , electricity is to the north and south of Cherry Road . He
would locate six homes off Cherry Road and eight homes off Valentine Drive ,
4311 serviced with underground .
He feels that he has met the requirements . He has maintained set backs . His
plans call for septic sanitary systems . His road would run about 1 , 700 ft .
with a 20ft . section to be given to the Town . Mr . Briggs reminded him that
the Town had regulations with regard to curves in the rood . Itwas noted
that the Town was not anxious to take on more roads . He proposed one fire
hydrant for fire protection .
L . Montague said that Mr . Lorson had submitted sketch plans and had paid
the $ 5 . 00 fee . S . Cleveland thanked Mr . Lorson for his information and told
h im that the Board would review this along with any other information he
might come up with .. Mr . Lorson asked that any revisions on major subdivisions
be mailed to him . He thea left the meeting .
V . Miller wanted the Board to consider an easement for the property in the
rear of the subdivision . She felt that there was too much land left there .
H . Ley felt that . a 12 " water main would not be possible ,
6 . Cleveland did not • think that the airport hazard zone was en ideal place
for people to live in .
IV . Development Policy
S . Cleveland passed out copies of a memorandum from the Town Board to the
Planning Board for the members information .
T . Niederkorn passed out copies of a memorandum from him to the Planning
` .Board along with revised sheets from the policy . He then read through the
information and discussions were held on several points :
Page 10 - Small Non- Retail Business - S . Cleveland questioned why it was not
called light industry rather then cottage .
Schedule I - Item 12 - Wind /Solar Energy Generating Equipment - L . Montague
said that it could interfere with television reception . R . Briggs
also thought of safety problems , parts becoming loose end flying
away .
Item 26 - Farming - Poultry - S . Cleveland wanted to discuss
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Development Policy - Continued .
. .. - further space requirements .
Item 44 - Retail sales - small outlet groceries & drugs for
• neighborhood - T . Niederkorn felt that all Special Permits
should be left to the Planning Board .
Article VIII . Section B02 . 01 - S . Cleveland felt that 4 acre was not
enough and that there should be a minimum of 1 acre . W . Cook
did not think it was too small . More discussion with the
Town Board was recommended .
Section B02 . 05 - There was much discussion on strip lend
development with trailers such as on Algerine Road . This too
will be discussed further .
S . Cleveland felt that T . Niederkorn ' s review was very good . He said that
the Town Board had not worked on the map yet . He would like to have another
joint meeting with them to iron out a few things .
V . Miller will have a meeting with Peg McElwee to give her a briefing and
4ask her to fit it into the Town Board ' s agenda . T . Niederkorn will assist
her .
V . Fly Ask Dump - MillikeQ Station
S . Cleveland reported that Phil Munson told him that the DEC has not corn-
pleted their process . The Town Board was concerned that if there were
problems at other NYSE&G sites the fly ash would be brought into Milliken ' s
dump .
V . Miller said that the Town Board wants to give serious consideration on
this matter . She thought that if the members were interested , they should
attend their meetings .
VI . R . Briggs presented to the Board a bill from C . Montague for secretarial
fees .
MOTION : R . Briggs made a motion that a bill totaling $ 19 . 63 for secretarial
fees , postage and supplies be paid to C . Montague . S . Cleveland
seconded the motion , L . Montague abstained , carried .
Meeting Adjourned : 9 : 40 P .M .
Next Meeting : Public Hearing 7 : 00 P .M . followed by regular meeting et 7 : 30 P .M .
May 9 , 1933
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