HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-03-07 • TOWN OF LANSING PLANNING BOARD ;4 , • Date : March 7 , 1933 Time, : 7 : 30 P .M . Present : Acting Chairman S . Cleveland , L . Montague , R . Briggs , T . Kick , H . Ley , W . Cook Absent : V . Miller , L . Hirvonen I . Introduction of new member S . Cleveland introduced William Cook to the members present . He welcomed him to the Board and briefly outlined the duties and aims of the Planning Board . Mr . • Cook then spoke about his background . II . Minutes of Previous Meeting February 14 , 1983 MOTION : T . Kick moved to approve the minutes as read . R . Briggs seconded the motion , carried unanimously . III . R . Briggs presented to the board a bi11 from C . Montague for secretarial fees and postage totaling $10 . 25 . MOTION : H . Ley moved to approve the bill from C . Montague for secretarial fees • and postage totaling $10 . 25 . T . Kick seconded the motion , L . Montague abstained , carried . IV . Butch Burris Subdivision • L . Montague said that Mr . Burris must file a minor subdivision plan with the Board . Mr . Burris had brought in a map . He had planned to work on the sub- division over a long period of time . Mr . Burris did not come to the meeting as he had planned . V . Fly Ash Dump at Milliken Station S . Cleveland reported that he had heard NYSE&G had been requested to put in en internal road system . He noted that the Town Board had about thirty people present at their meeting . There was general concern over en unforseen rein causing the fly ash to move down to the lake . People were also concerned about their water supplies . L . Montague described the existing road system at Milliken Station . He doubted that NYSE&G would use the old . Lake Road . He does not recall seeing any excessive dust on the road S . Cleveland said the environmental impact studywould continue . He also said that there was concern that fly ash would be brought in from other NYSE&G plants . L . Montague seemed to feel that the only likely plant to send their fly ash to Milliken Station would be Grenidge Station and then only in en emergency . He also felt that if the economy moves there would be a strong likelihood of NYSE&G selling their fly ash for construction projects . They already have two ;; , silos at Milliken for that purpose . S . Cleveland wouldlike to know if NYSE&G had any typeof environmental assessment escrowed so that when the filling is done , there would be funds to restore the • site . He would also like to know what the liability to the Town would be if the • site were abandoned . He said that the Town Board wants answers to these questions too before they make their decision . • R . Briggs wanted to know why the fly ash dump was not consitr. edlland fill . L . Montague replied because it was not considered soil . S . Cleveland told the members to pass any thoughts of theirs on to Phil Munson . V.L. Development Policy • ® S . Cleveland reported that Phil Munson told him that the Town Board is working diligently on the development policy . R . Briggs noted that they had made many changes so far and he would like T . Niederkorn to go over it . • - 1- VII . S . Cleveland told the m.embersthat David Hardie had expressed concern over the continual sale of land off Conlon Road . H . Ley said that . Poturneys sell off a piece of land now and then . Bob Todd • bought a lot and put a trailer on it for rental purposes . He said they have also sold another lot for a trailer . S . Cleveland wanted to know if they had sold enough lots so it might be con- sidered a subdivision . H . Ley felt that it was possible . L . Montague will check on this before the next meeting . Next Meeting : April 11 , 1933 - 7 : 30 P .M . Meeting Adjourned : 3 : 30 P .M . • cern • - 2_