HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983-01-10 TOWN. OF LANSING PLANNING BOARD at // y/�3 ' � , Dane : , January 10 , 19 £3 ',' • ; ,Tame : 7 : 30 : :P . M . , _, Present : Chairman V . Miller , L . hirvonen , L . Montague , T . Kick , H . Ley Absent ': " D : . Hardie , H . izit; gs , S . Cleveland Guests Gary' . Lamont , soil conservation service and Alex Cima , land . 4 developer ' , V . Miller introduced Gary Lamont to the members . He said that . one of. the concerns he dealt with was soil erosion in agriculture . Two years ago he worked with Dr . Olson from Cornell , their pro - ` " ' ,, , j' ect, was a soils map interpretation to be used by towns and :villages .. - - : Be . prsented , a mapcalled a mosaic , an aerial photograph done bask`. in the 60s . It covered Tompkins County . he thought that 'Lans ng had a copy . of that survey . If not , he should be con- tacted . and he would send one , He went on to say that soils are gen. er_ ally named after the areas where they are : found such ' as Lansing , Hudson , etc . The map ' also : showed landfeatures of 1965 . Although there have been many .' changes since then , the soils remain the same . Sediment . from road ditches could be veryserious ; they should be ' seeded • down to prevent erosion . The Salmon Creek area had recently been done ,, he felt it had been a aood job . r`r. iese ' Road also had been done recently , looked good now . Mr . Lamont then showed another map , color coded for septic Je systems , suitable ' for housing . He had . a bookelt civing more detailed explanations of the map . He felt that this ma and ® '' - booklet- would prove beneficial to the Town for reference work , , Mr . Lamont said that he was trying to collect a set of ' maps' f:or the entire county , dealing mostly with fanning , . The pro - , T cedure was that samples : of fields were taken and physical analysis followed rioting changes in vegetation and slope 's which were keys to soil change , and were 85 % correct . He told the members that an intense map of a certain area , about 2 - , acres ' ;in size - could be done . He would be most willing ' to answer any questions anyone had .. '' ` He then left the meeting . II e V . ;'Biller then introduced Alex Lima to the members noting his ' su:ccessfuh ' and beautiful development on the hill off Hillcrest r : Rosa . . L . Montague asked Mr . Cima to .give the board his thoughts on any - future plans he, might have . ' Mr ., Cima said that - the building industry had rather died on the • vine . He had started his project hack in the mid 60s on the hill . HHe purchased the land on the north nide of hillcrest . Carl C; ralid a,7.. 1 , engineer had drawn up a map which he then 3howed to those present . Stormyview Road was put in , he then purchased 10 ee more acres . Another mapwas upand Bean 11 ±. 1 Lane was drawn � �..ne wa :� -f.:6 . 11: :: ` - added . Hirebrought in fill for .s Hseptic systems , no_ problems in the area , K,; i� except - for one . . He expects to put in a sand filter in that �on. e { I ; and hopefully solve the. problem . The Health Department said that _ he exceeds their requirements . i :He had wanted to put in a new road in the back of the area about two years ago butte due to lack of funds could not do it . - V . Miller noted that this was a major subdivision and asked if the new road had been. approved_ , Mr . Cima replied that the entire sub - - 1 Alex Cima continued , division was approved the first time when he was on the Planning Board .. Fred Edmonson had a set of his maps . Nothing has been , rt added . to them . He said that the area going down the hill , ,, ; south and west to Triphammer could possibly be developed . L . Hirvonen asked him how many acres he had in all . He said be - tween ~125 - 130 acres . He has no plans to buy additional land . , There have been no new starts in two years , hopefully 83 ' would improve V . Miller asked if the roads were built to Town specifications . He said yes . L . Hirvonen wanted to know if he used turn-arounds . He said he . used a. temporary tee for that . His streets all have 60 ' right of -ways measured from the edge of the road . L . Montague asked if the individual wells had any problems . He said none that he had heard of . He said that they dig wells deeper now . T . Kick noted that he ( T . Kick lives onBean Hill Lane ) runs into sulpher around Labor Day . A . Cima said that the •Health . Department recommended that chlorinators beput in to take care of that problem . L . Montague noted that the lots were running smaller now . A . . Cima , replied that people did not want the work of a large lot . The health )epartmentgave him an okay . Mr . Cima left two maps for the Boards use and left the meeting . III '. Minutes of Previous Neetinp; December 13 , 1982 - MOTION : H . Ley moved to accept the minutes as read .. L . Hirvonen seconded the motion , carried unanimously . Ley repbrted that V . hiller had been approved to. serve as Chairmanfor the Planning Board . V . . T . rick reported that there have not been any mater - sewer meetings lately. VT . . H . Ley told the members that the green house moved into the tri angle between Route 34 and Triphammer was owned by Mr . Pinney and was going to be used as a rental property . ' VVIIL T ; dick noted that Bert Hilliard ' s gas station area for junk yyya, aa 1 cars had been fenced in ' and the area had peen cleaned up . He questioned it it would be considered a junk yard . VlII . V . Miller requested that the standing committees be appointed for 1983 . . MOTION, : T . Kick made the motion that L . Montague be reappointed as officer of subdivisions for 1983 . L . Hirvonen seconded the motion , carried unanimously . MOTION,: L . Montague made the motion that T . Kick be reappointed as officer of water and sewers for 1985 . H . Ley seconded the motion , carried unanimously . ya IX . Development Policy V . Miller . said that she had been told by P . Munson. and P . McElwee that the Town Board has been working on the policy , perhaps com- pleting the task in another couple months . = ., Herb Ley said that D . fHardie had officially left the Planning - 2 - D . Hardie - continued . a. . Board due to pressing business matters . D . Hardie had recom "; • mended ' the following three men to be considered for his place ; "Plfr":' Chuck Benson , Bill Kirk and Bill Cook , all involved i.n agricul - ture . L . Montague said that Donald Sheldon would like to be considered for a post on the Board . He said that Mr . Sheldon was a man who o got things done Mr_ . Sheldon lives on Ludlow Road and is in real estate . L . Montague will attend the Town Board meeting; the following evening ( January 11th ) and present them with the list of names . XI « V . Miller said that she will be out of town for the next two months , returning in April . Meeting adjourned : 9 : 15 P . M . Next Meeting : February 14 , 1983 - 7 : 30 1 . - • cem