HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-13 tr /6i \ 2R it eK TOWN OF LANSING PLANNING BOARD v7 i. '® Date : . Deoember . 13 , 1982 Alf Tsme : 7 : 30 P . M . , t" Present : Chairman, V . Miller , L . Hirvonen , L . Montague ' , H . Ley , • R . Briggs ', S . Cleveland . T . Kick Absent : D . Hardie I . Minutes . of Previous Meetin� � November8 , 1982 - • MOTION: : R . Briggs moved to accept the minutes as read , H . Ley seconded , carried unanimously . IL .. Officers ' Reports H . Ley - Corresponding Secretary - nothing to report at this , time . L . Montague - Subdivisions - L . Montague reported that he had stopped at Arno Finkledey ' s subdivision and was impressed with, the road work he saw . Lou Emmick happened to come by and told `him that Finkledey had asked the Town Board for approval , of the rest of the road . It would include the cul -de - sac . V . Miller felt that it would he a good idea for the . Town ,Board to notify the Planning Board when roads were approved . H . Ley will send a letter to the Town Board re this matter . L . Hirvonen noted that O ' Rear had a green road sign in hissub idivision. and wanted to know if that was an approved road . L . Montague said that it . was . T . Kick will check on this . Z . Montague will invite Alex Cima to the January meeting to . give them an update on his subdivision and any future plans ,. • IhI Development Policy V . Miller said that she was unable to talk with T . Niderkor as' :. he . has been away. The Town Board did not work on this at their ' last meeting as Peg McElwee was ill and unable to attend . They . will work it in and hopefully send something to the Planning Board by the January meeting . IV T. New Business L . Hirvonen reported that notices and bills would no _longer: be mailed out by the Town re Planning Board business , but rather a ;. post box will be installed at the 'Town Hall to handle these items . ; ` S . Cleveland informed the members present that Gary Lamont , ' District Soil Conservationist of Tompkins County has completed , a new set of soil maps for Lansing and would like to present : them at the January meeting . S . Cleveland said they were updated sand would serveas excellent reference . S . Cleeland will con- tact him and invite him to the January meeting . - . There was a brief discussion on an excavation and moving. in of a 40 green building onthe triangle" by Peruville Road , by the old Dyer-Fitts building . No one present seemed to know what' ' it : was intended for . V . Miller will call Peg McElwee and check ori . it . :L . Montague will stop by if he sees work men around the area . ' T . Kick informed all that there have been no water- sewer meetings - 1 - - New ; Business - continued . .. 4t in the past three or four months . V . ',filler will look in on this . ` B . Cleveland noted that there is a new research barge located off `shore , not in the Planning Board ' s jurisdiction . he .felt it „fr night present an impact on visual environment . V . Miller reported that the DEC is doing work on lampreycontrol and that they are convinced now that their procedure will work , L . Montague felt it was long overdue and that sport f fishing in the lake has suffered greatly from the lamprey problem . 4 V . '"LL 1Nominating Committee R . Briggs reported that a.11 members contacted with the exception of T . Kick agreed to be on the slate . R . Briggs has agreed to lake over as treasurer . The slate of officers is as follows : Chairman - V . Miller Vice -Chairman - 6 . Cleveland Treasurer - R . Briggs Corresponding Secretary - H . Ley MOTION. : L . Montague moved that the nominations be closed , H . Ley t'rti. seconded , carried unanimously . MOTION : L .. Montague moved that the Recording Secretary cast one - vote for the proposed slate , C . Montague did so . • • Meet ing ad j ourne d : 9 : 00 P . M . Next. Meeting : January 10 , 1983 - 7 : 30 P . N . „ 1 • . .. .. r, i ?,.• r . .. - cern . .. . . ..f.