HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-01-20 sa ,sz TOWN OF LANSING PLANNING BOARD ft, .�--A ae�6 Date : January 20 , 1982 Time : 7 : 30 P . M . Present : Chairman V . Miller , L . Hirvonen , L . Montague , T . . Kick Absent : R . Briggs , S . Cleveland , D . 4Hardie , H .. Ley Guest :: T . Niederkorn , Planning Consultant L . Town of Ithaca Planning Board - January 18 , 1982 V . Miller , L . Hirvonen , R . Briggs and L . Montague attended this meeting . The members present discussed what they had learned from that session . Land Use Management vs . Zoning Ordinance - One point made by T . Niederkorn was that . At some time , the use of Land Use Manage - ment had to be changed to Zoning Ordinance . Special Permits - V . Miller questioned whether it was necessary to have the Town Board or the Board of Zoning Appeals act on special permits . T . Niederkorn said that it wasn ' t , but that• it had to be specified , written in as - to who would handle it . • He mentioned two ways to do it : # 1 . - specific . - where the particular points set down would have to be followed and # 2 . • - discretionary - where it would be generalized , allowing the reviewing agency to decide . L . Montague remarked that it was implied to leave yourself open in several differentareas , allowing the reviewing agency to cut it off when necessary . Planned Use Development - V . Miller questioned whether commercial . should always be under Planned Use Development . T . Niederkorn: explained that the theory behind PUD is that you can put to - gether many different types ; residential , non-residential , OPT high density all together on a large acreage because it was planned. PUD districts are suggested by some but he person- ally discourages it . Anything over twelve units must be con- sidered as PUD , needs the Planning Board approval . Transfer of Development Rights - This issue was brought to every- one ' s attention .. V . Miller understood it to mean that . if you denied someone to build ( for example ) on the bottom of the hill by the lake , saying that the Town would like to keep it vacant , not filled with houses , that person could say that the Town was denying them their rights , confiscating their pro - perty without compensation . According to the rest of the zoning there should be fifty units in there . Now somewhere else , where it is a normal area zoned for twenty to thirty • units. , someone comes along and wants to put in a thirty foot , two and one -half story structure , means a lot to them . So now they are toldthat they can buy two of the rights from down on the lake and in turn the Town will allow them to put denser in on the land they want . This allows the man to receive the same amount of money for his land . T . Niederkorn added that the person who builds the apartment house buys the rights from the person. who owns the park-like land and he gets compensa- tion for the park value , he still owns the park land but can- ' not develop it . L . Montague felt that it sounded too much like a political move , to appease people , not worth thinking about . L . Hirvonen couldn ' t see where it would be to anyone ' s advantage . V . Miller said it was legal . Enforcement Officer - Another suggestion from the session was that. two or three towns could get together and hire one full time enforcement officer . Members present felt it was a good idea .. - 1 - .f .: T II .. Airport Hazard Zone - Industrial Area _ T . Niederkorn reviewed the Town Board ' s feelings about the area .1north of the airport where the Planning Board had established an industrial area . The Town Board felt that it was not a suitable area for residential growth . They did not like the Planning Board ' s making the area under the bypass low density . He described as a possible industrial area , a distance north of Cherry Road , down to Triphammer Road , back to the school boundary , up to the Cima development and everything not owned by the County as being industrial . He felt that this would include big enough parcels to divide up . T . Niederkorn asked V . Miller to check with the Village of Lansing ' s Planning Board re a road plan they are supposedly contemplating . A discussion was held on the impact of future industrial devel - opment , how it would affect the area , the traffic patterns . T . Kick questioned whether there was a need for all of this indus - trial area . He was pessimistic . V . Miller remarked . that years . ago no one could see it coming in , but it did and took up a tremendous amo at of land . T . Kick pointed out that if you block out a large area for industrial use and it does not come . in , it will put a terrible burden on the people because of the high cost of bringing in water . He felt that that area could not be left undeveloped , the space must be used to reduce the tax burden on the people . V . Miller felt that PUD would be ideal in such a situation if the area was zoned industrial . She • noted that it would be easier to zone an area industrial and di then rezone it residential rather then zone it originally ✓ esidential and change it to industrial . She felt there would be fewer protests . III ., Agricultural -Residential Area L . Hirvonen brought up the issue of the people from the north end o f the Town , their desire to protect certain pockets of n eighborhoods . She noted that they had come in to the Planning Board asking for more controls . This would include Searles , Buck , North Lansing Roads and Lansingville . T . Niederkorn felt it could be given to the Town Board to make the decisiont„.as an alternative . He will draw in boundaries for the next meeting . IV .. Zonin Review - _ Schedule of Land Uses or Activities T - e members present with T . Niederkorn ' s assistance made the nota- tions ( see attached sheets ) after discussion of each section . Please note that all non-residential development will require site plan approval . Also , please make correction under 601 . 19 - RA - SC should be added . T . Niederkorn will define " office " under 601 . 37 for the next meeting . V . Chairpersod V . Miller has been appointed to serve as Chairperson for the Lansing Town Planning Board by the Lansing Town Board for 1982 . Meeting Adjourned : 11 ; 15 P . M.. IIP Next Meeting : 2 / 8 / 82 - 7 : 30 P . M . - please review 601 . 1 thru 601 . 30 . Election of officers . • 2 / 16 / 82 - 7 : 30 P . M . - T . Niederkorn will be present to finalize the entire list and pre - pare it for the Town Board meeting . COM - 2 - - • 1 ;P H cl H W H =z7 e cC P =Permitted s a EH 4 N ;4 --a o U :r . SC Special Conditions Apply H I c ) w -) ;a ,b a , l, r H w SP = Special Permit Required H H H -+ s w w �-� O rn :r) :- 1 o z z BLANK=Not Permitted to :h �� w A P1 <4 Dia '4r- x :4 FI U H21 I LAND USE ACTIVITY RA R1 R2 R3 LS C I REFERENCE 601. 31 Professional clinic . SP P off street parking 601 . 32 F oeral home . SP P off street • arking 601 . 33 Motel . SP SP SP SP 6.01`. 34 ' Cabin or : cottage for seasonal use , includ - ing recreational vee hicles . P P P 601 . 35. Travel trailer , snowmorear yard bile , boats & similar 4 storage , • large vehicles require site plan liF ing outside seasonalapproval storage . P P SC P SC 601 . 36 Marine and water-orien approval ted sales , service and of , storage .. SC ' C SP P P site plan 601 . 37 Office SC : C P P site plan approval 601 . 38 Bank and similar Ii:..- cial services . P P 601 . 39. Retail sales of convene compatiabil4 ience goods such as 1 ity of sur- ' groceries , drugs and rounding sundries to meet the ! ' neighborhooc daily shopping needs of the surrounding neigh- . borhood . SP SP SP SP P 601..40 Supermarkets , retail I site plan sales of wearing apeapproval parel , hardware , fur- ! , required . niture , appliances and similar goods to meet 410 the occasional or spe - cial needs of the • larger community . ! SC 601 .41 Eating and drinking es - site plan tablishments exceptapproval drive -in restaurants . SP ISP SP SC 1 / 20 / 82 �+ a ri 4 a s HHH4 H H zl x H H � U hi 2i � 72•_; Cg : HI 0 U �; C) P =Permitted Hi a =� w a, H SC . =Special Conditions Apply H H Hcy 1-4E-4 ;TR SP =Special Permit Required H ern cii 6 m BLANK=N:ot Permitted P4 a 124 rw Hi U LAND USE ACTIVITY RA R1 R2 R3 LS C 1 " REFERENCE 601 . 42 Drive -in restaurants , site plan car washes and similar approval automobile oriented establishments . SC . 601 . 43 Gasoline service sta- tions . SP SP 4 601 . 44 Warehouse facilities site plan for the storage or approval wholesaling of goods or materials . SP SC SC � 601 . 45. Newland used car sales , site plan automobile repair and approval service garages , except gasoline service sta.- tions . SC 601 . 46: Mobile homes sales . SP SC landscaping 601 . 47 Sale and storage of site plan lumber and building approval supplies . SP SC SC 4 601.. 48 Printing , plumbing , site plan. heating and electrical approval establishments . SC SC 1 601 . 491 Electric , gas , sewer anq Town Board water transmission line . approval including stations , sub-+ stations , treatment plants and pumping sta- tionse SP SP SP dP SP SP SP 6.01 . 49B Electric , gas , sewer . 9d Meet subdivi water ideal distribution ion regula - lines and services .. 3C BC 30 $ C pC SC AC tion applic • ble site pla approval 601 . 50 TV , and radio transmis - sion towers 3P 1/ 20/ 82 r L • • apas I HI hi A. .® Fri Cr -.4 '---!--7- < c4 hi hi H <4 H :ik FAA W <4 4 EA EA ►a H o hi P1 H H C.) as PA C) Q C) P =Permitted H t L B 'H 4(\I=zi 4 w ,A x r4 = ' SC Special Conditions Apply x H I-1 rx1 A ;� d H N a ' L4 SP =Special Permit Required g 4 �? 4 n , 4 g -A i.,,� BLANKaNM Permitted x Q x a z H x Z a CD o H • LAND USE ACTIVITY RA Ri R2 R LS C I REFERENCE immammomm 601 . 51 Commercial assembly of site plan such things as jewelry , I approval leather goods , clothinz I and scientific instru- ments . SC SC • • 601 . 52 Industrial and manufac - site plan turing establishments approval which produce minimal noise , odor and glare , do not require.: outside. storage of raw material or finished products , and- produce no industri - al wastes which reduce di the . quality of air , water or land . P ISC 601 . 53 Industrial , educational site plan. research activity and th : approval design and production of prototype models . SC 601 . 54. Industrial equipment I site plan sales and service . SC SC approval 601 . 55 Agricultural equipment sales and service . . P 6.01 . 56. Commercial excavation of must meet any sand and gravel or other applicable DE ( natural deposits , quarry - requirements ing of rock and cutting of timber . SP SP SP SP SP 6.01 . 57 Conversion of existing off - street dwellings into not more I T parking , meet then 3 dwelling units . , , y 1 QC BC JSC SC min . lot sizes 6.01 . 58 Private airfields and ! l landing strips . i FISP 1 • 6.01 . 59: Hunting preserve , rod I , � and gum club . I ,gip 1 / 20 / 82 I i I . r • • •` � a a H I • lb • H rsi H1 cm' • .4 H E-+ E-+ a E-+ E A ;al tY H H P =Permittedc) ti w N . � a0 o Ri 0 H • I .�7 1 SC =Special Conditions Apply x o Q A b a H w � itt:1 `74 � w SP = Special Permit Required ,nn eHn z~n a a vi BLANK=N.ot Permitted '-t r ,� o -a 01 <4 Ria P4 1-4 a U HR; LAND USE ACTIVITY RA R1 R2 R3 LS C I ' REFERENCE 601 . 60 Toxic chemicals and Town Board hazardous waste storage - approval , cox and disposal . SP SP SP form to ex- isting envirc mental regula tions . 601 . 61 Junkyards in compliance • • with Town junkyard ordin • - ances . P b01 . 62 Wind energy generating BZA approval - equipment . SP SP SP SP SP SP SP i` 601 . 63 Natural resource explor -. ation , drilling and mine ing . SP SP SE SP NP SP SP r - T + 1 / 20/ 82 !!11 _.._..._... ._. . _ ._ _ . .` S . . .