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December 16 , 1968 : Town Hall
Regular Meeting
(Note : This meeting was postponed from December 9 , 1968 , canceled because of
illness of the chairman and lack of a quorum . )
PRESENT : Mr . James Showacre , Chairman ; Mrs . Viola Miller ; Messrs . . Paul Barron ,
Alex Cima , Frederick Edmondson , H . B . Ruzicka
ABSENT : Mr . James Wood
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 8 : 05 p .m .
Minutes of the regular meeting of November 11 , 1968 , were pre -
sented . MOTION by Mr . Ruzicka , seconded by Mr . Barron , and
carried , to accept these as presented .
Minutes of the regular meeting of October 14 , 1968 , and of the
special meeting of October 28 , 1968 , were presented . These
were accepted as presented , on MOTION of Mr . Edmondson , seconded
by Mrs . Miller , and carried .
• Miller Some 2300 cards were mailed out to property owners ; to date PLANNING
only about 800 have been returned . This count is exclusive of COUNCIL
any which may have come in on December 16 , 1968 . The mailing
was made on December 5 to the 1490 property owners in the Town
of Lansing . Of these , 355 own 1200 parcels , or over one -half
of the parcels ; the actual acreage held by these 355 is not.
known . Twenty percent of the owners do not reside in Lansing
(this is the result of a very careful count by Mrs . Miller ) .
Showacre The cards are being tabulated by tax map number . One sheet ZONING
of paper for each tax map will show the tax map number and the
section number and parcel number within the section . This
permits the viewer to see quickly what the preference of any
section of the Town is . This information can be projected to
the maps later if there is any demand for the information .
Miller It might be possible to get some publicity on this matter ,
as telephone calls have been received asking when information
meetings will be held , since some of the recipients of the cards
are awaiting attendance at such meetings before sending in
their cards . The publicity might explain the correct procedure ,
so that the cards can be sent in promptly .
Barron Suggested a second mailing , but Mrs . Miller explained that
. these mailings entail too much work and too much postage expense
to have a second one .
Miller One of the reasons for the survey was to find out how people
are thinking about this matter . There have been a number of
small meetings in various neighborhoods where this matter has
been discussed .
Minutes , LANSING PLANNING BOARD , December 16 , 1968 ; Town Hall , Regular Meeting , page 2
Showacre The matter of zoning is being approached from the angle of the
• peoples wishes and also the angle of the zoning map being
made up by the Planning Council . There may thus be some con-
flict between these two viewpoints , but there will , on the other
hand , be some points of agreement . The Planning Board will have
the final say in trying to reconcile the two viewpoints .
Miller Assumes that the zoning will be set up with the least restric -
tion possible until such time as all information connected with
" 701 " funds is made available .
Showacre The first round of meetings will inform the people as to the
results of the survey of their community . Then when the Planning
Council has established their proposal , another round of meetings
can be held to show where the two differ and where they are
similar . The differences can be discussed and then the Planning
Board can reconcile the differences . If " 701 " funds are eventually
made available , more detailed work can be done .
Edmondson If the ordinances are not drafted properly , the first test cases
might invalidate them . But if the State model is followed
closely there should be no trouble . Quite often , people do not
get what they want out of a zoning ordinance , and if there is a
setback a satisfactory condition can never be achieved .
Showacre The approach being used is to try to get around this danger.. Mr .
• Niederkorn will be brought in at the last stage rather than at
the first . The real binds are in the broader areas .
Miller Asked whether anyone is working on the existing land use .
Showacre There should be such a report , but no committee is working on
it . Mr . Showacre himself is working on this , doing just what
is necessary to draft the zoning ordinance . The maps prepared
by Mr . Belcher will be a good basis .
" 701 " requires that the consultant provide a land -use map show-
ing specific uses of each parcel . There are many other require -
ments and restrictions which are quite demanding .
The Chairman then displayed several large - scale maps which he
had drawn with a view to supplying the required information for
the entire Town of Lansing . The information can be recorded
on these maps themselves or on copies made from them , as to
present land use and proposed future use , etc .
Cima The Chairman asked Mr . Cima for budget information . According BUDGET
to figures through October 1968 , from the originally budgeted
amount of $ 1750 there have been expenditures amounting to some
$ 1595 , leaving a balance of $ 158 . 05 .
• Showacre Obviously the Board ' s budget is overspent by now , although the
flat file was not charged to this year ' s budget . It is hoped
that this file will be considered a capital item and therefore
Minutes , LANSING PLANNING BOARD , December 16 , 1968 ; Town Hall , Regular Meeting , page 3
not charged to the Planning Board budget . A number of bills
• due now will probably not be paid until January of 1969 , which
will of course cut down on funds available from the 1969
budget . Of the amount spent in 1968 almost $ 1500 was paid to
Mr . Niederkorn from a subdivision ordinance , which the Town Board
' has not yet acted upon . If the Planning Board goes beyond the
budget it must justify the expenditures .
Miller Mr . Preston of the Planning Council is editing the reports that
have been turned in and is trying to unify the form so that the
reports will be readily understood .
Edmondson Inquired whether it would be possible to get out a statement of
anticipatory needs .
Showacre Asked the two members who are coordinating the work of the Council
to make an estimate of what their expenses will be .
Edmondson The Town Board should recognize that with the acceleration of the
work of the Planning Council there will be increased costs .
Asked if the Chairman would draft such a statement , to which the
Showacre Chairman assented . The Chairman stated that the Planning Board
could not operate on $ 1750 in 1969 and was not doing it even in
1968 . The Chairman was urged by members of the Planning Board
to submit for payment the expenses he had incurred personally .
• Barron Volunteered to help plot dwellings on the maps .
Edmondson Recommended that sepia prints be made , from which to work . The
print from the maps already drawn will form the basis . Also
volunteered to help in the plotting of dwellings on the maps .
Miller Initiated a discussion by all members concerning the desire--
bility of submitting a formal recommendation to the Town Board MEMBERSHIP
asking for the resignation of Mr . James Wood due to his con-
flict of meetings on the regularly scheduled meeting date of
the Planning Board on the second Monday of each month . It was
noted that he has also always been absent at all other meet -
ings regardless of the date .
Showacre Suggested that this discussion be postponed until the next meet -
ing of the Planning Board , and in the meantime he will convey
the information to Mr . Dates , and if the Town Board needs a
recommendation from this Board a resolution can be formulated
at the next meeting .
Showacre Has received a copy of a letter from Noel Desch , Assistant SUBDIVISION
Director of Buildings and Properties at Cornell University ,, ROAD
to Mr . Schoenfeld , saying that Otto Schoenfeld is trying to
work out a program with Cornell to put in a road along the
east side of Mr . Schoenfeld ' s property (toward Warren Road ) .
41 Both Mr . Schoenfeld and the University will give 30 feet to
Minutes , LANSING PLANNING BOARD , December 16 , 1968 ; Town Hall , Regular Meeting , page 4
this road project . Mr . Desch feels that because of a drainage
problem they may not be able to put in the road exactly north
and south , and so it may be necessary for them to swap some
land in order to put the drainage through properly .
Edmondson There has been no further activity on the Roger Freedbauer SUBDIVISION
development , which apparently has been halted for financial DEVELOPMENT
reasons .
Showacre The State has available local population projections for NEW YORK STATE
anyone who is interested . Also , State assistance is avail - INFORMATIONAL
able on sewage treatment and disposal .
MOTION by Mrs . Miller , seconded by Mr . Cima , to adjourn .
There being no objections , the meeting was adjourned at 10 : 00
p . m .