HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020 AUDAll Numbers in This Report Have Been Rounded To The Nearest Dollar ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT UPDATE DOCUMENT For The TOWN of Lansing County of Tompkins For the Fiscal Year Ended 12/31/2020 AUTHORIZATION ARTICLE 3, SECTION 30 of the GENERAL MUNICPAL LAW: 1. ***Every Municipal Corporation *** shall annually make a report of its financial condition to the Comptroller. Such report shall be made by the Chief Fiscal Officer of such Municipal Corporation *** 5. All reports shall be certified by the officer making the same and shall be filed with the Comptroller *** It shall be the duty of the incumbent officer at the time such reports are required to be filed with the Comptroller to file such report *** State of NEW YORK Office of The State Comptroller Division of Local Government and School Accountability Albany, New York 12236 Page 1 TOWN OF Lansing *** FINANCIAL SECTION *** Financial Information for the following funds and account groups are included in the Annual Financial Report filed by your government for the fiscal year ended 2019 and has been used by the OSC as the basis for preparing this update document for the fiscal year ended 2020: (A) GENERAL (B) GENERAL TOWN -OUTSIDE VG (DA) HIGHWAY -TOWN -WIDE (DB) HIGHWAY -PART -TOWN (H) CAPITAL PROJECTS (K) GENERAL FIXED ASSETS (SD) DRAINAGE (SL) LIGHTING (SS) SEWER (SW) WATER (TA) AGENCY (V) DEBT SERVICE (W) GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT All amounts included in this update document for 2019 represent data filed by your government with OSC as reviewed and adjusted where necessary. *** SUPPLEMENTAL SECTION *** The Supplemental Section includes the following sections: 1) Statement of Indebtedness 2) Schedule of Time Deposits and Investments 3) Bank Reconciliation 4) Local Government Questionnaire 5) Schedule of Employee and Retiree Benefits 6) Schedule of Energy Costs and Consumption All numbers in this report will be rounded to the nearest dollar. Page 2 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (A) GENERAL Balance Sheet L,ode Description •_ � Ed Cod Assets Cash 999,117 A200 1,052,728 Petty Cash 525 A210 525 Cash From Obligations A220 5,468 SrOTAL Cash 999,642 -& 1,058,721 Accounts Receivable 22,871 A380 21,357 TOTAL Other Receivables (net) 22,871 21,357 Prepaid Expenses 44,414 A480 16,281 FOTAL Prepaid Expenses 44,41 16,281 Cash Special Reserve 249,458 A230 200,944 irOTAL Restricted Assets 249,458 200,944 .TOTAL Assets and Deferred Outflows of Resources 1,316,385 1,297,303; Page 3 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (A) GENERAL Balance Sheet Code Desclipban A872 20,194 Accounts Payable 54,988 A600 60,459 TAL Accounts Parable 54j988 W:_:. 60 91' Accrued Liabilities A601 4,638 TOTAL Accrued Liabilities — Q 4,638; Guaranty & Bid Deposits A730 800 r,qfAL Other Deposits Now i'06 Group Insurance A720 3,477 i70TAL Other Liabilities 3,477, Due To Employees' Retirement System A637 1,192 OTAL_D,ue To Other Governments y 1,192 DOTAL Liabilities _- 54,988 70,564 Fund Balance Not in Spendable Form 44,414 A806 16,281 r"�TOTAI, N_onspendable Fund Balance 44,41 16,281 General Reserve 79,135 A870 74,218 Reserve For Excess Dog Control Revenues Reserve For Repairs TOTAL Restricted Fund Balance Assigned Appropriated Fund Balance TOTALAssigned Fund Balance Unassigned Fund Balance TOTAL Unassigned Fund Balance TOTAL Fund Balance TOTAL Liabilities, Deferred Inflows And Fund Balance 20,216 A872 20,194 150,107 A882 106,531 249,458 200,944 100,000 A914 118,500 100,900 118x50' 867,525 A917 891,014 $67_525 $91y,014 1,261,397 1,226,7381 1,316,385 1,297,3031 Page 4 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (A) GENERAL Results of Operation ode Description_ 2419 Revenues Real Property Taxes IrOTAL Real Property Taxes Other Payments In Lieu of Taxes Interest & Penalties On Real Prop Taxes NOTAL Real Property Tax Items Franchises �6TAL Non Property Tax Items Clerk Fees Other General Departmental Income Public Pound Charges, Dog Control Fees Park And Recreational Charges Other Home & Community Services Income NOTAL Departmental Income Youth Recreation Services, Other Govts NOTAL Intergovernmental Charges Interest And Earnings Rental of Real Property Rental, Other (specify) Commissions r WOTAL Use of Money And Property Dog Licenses �OTAL Licenses And Permits Fines And Forfeited Bail Fines & Pen -Dog Cases ITOTAL Fines And Forfeitures Sales of Scrap & Excess Materials Sales, Other Sales of Real Property TOTAL Sale of Property And Compensation For Loss Ed 1,101,686 A1001 1,147,404 1,101,686 A2701 1,147,4W 32,278 A1081 12,986 8,015 A1090 5,900 40,292 A2770 18,886 38,848 A1170 38,594 38,848. 8,594 1,382 A1255 1,730 2,809 A1289 798 320 A1550 290 337,047 A2001 368,101 4,857 A2189 18,140 36,415 2,123,522. 389,059.' 23,846 A2350 31,193 23,846 311;193 6,884 A2401 3,142 4,401 A2410 14,370 16,505 A2440 6,223 32 A2450 36 27,822 23,771 33,748 A2544 22,749 33,748 22,7491 46,950 A2610 26,342 1,350 A2611 500 48,300 26,842. 16,975 A2650 45,000 32 A2655 47 73,869 A2660 35,416 90,876 80,462'1 15,040 A2701 2,595 39,025 A2705 195 27,085 A2750 17,775 4,757 A2770 6,271 304,495 WOTAL Revenues 26,835. Refunds of Prior Year's Expenditures Gifts And Donations AIM Related Payments 213,737 Unclassified (specify) 303,607 , FOTAL Miscellaneous Local Sources 888 St Aid, Revenue Sharing A3001 St Aid, Mortgage Tax 213,737 A3005 303,607 St Aid, Youth Programs 888 A3820 888 NOTAL $tate Aid • 304,495 WOTAL Revenues 2,11072884 Interfund Transfers A5031 13,234 IfOTAL Interfund Transfers 13,234 kOTAL Other Sources 0 13,234 WOTAL Detail Revenues And Other Sources 2,052,365 2,123,522. Page 5 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (A) GENERAL Results of Operation rule Cescr{pt on Expenditures Legislative Board, Pers Sery Legislative Board, Contr Expend TOTAL Legislative Board Municipal Court, Pers Sery Municipal Court, Equip & Cap Outlay Municipal Court, Contr Expend TOTAL Municipal Court Supervisor,pers Sery Supervisor,contr Expend NOTAL Supervisor Auditor, Contr Expend NOTAL Auditor Fiscal Agents Fees, Contr Expend TOTAL Fiscal Agents Feesm Clerk,pers Sery Clerk,contr Expend TOTAL Clerk Law, Contr Expend TOTAL Law Personnel, Pers Sery Personnel, Contr Expend (TOTAL Personnel Engineer, Contr Expend TOTAL Engineer Central Services Admin,pers Sery Central Services Admin,equip & Cap Outlay Central Services Admin,contr Expend (TOTAL Central Services Admin Operation of Plant Pers Sery Operation of Plant Equip & Cap Outlay Operation of Plant Contr Expend TOTAL Operation of Plant Contr Expend Central Garage Contr Expend TOTAL Central Garage Contr Expend Central Print & Mail Contr Expend ' Ed;) 38,964 1,798 40,762 130,988 1,185 8,250 140,422 87,546 4,059 91,606 13,000 13,000 914 914 88,543 12,422 100,964 104,929 104,929 5,300 580 5,880 35,740 35,740 3,313 18,913 38,384 60,610 258 16,150 81,986 A10101 Al 0104 A11101 A11102 A11104 A12201 A12204 Al 3204 Al 3804 1:_: 38,964 1,792 40,756 110,901 5,684 116,586 103,068 4,537 107,605 13,500 AL.. 13,500 1,842 98,394 183,2961 2,707 A16404 3,072 - 3,072 2,563 A16704 2,568 TOTAL Central Print & Mail Contr Expend 1,842' A14101 96,559 A14104 8,970 TOTAL Unallocated Insurance 105,528 A14204 116,301 4,650 116,301 A14301 1,200 A14304 236 207,712 1,436 A14404 55,361 W a 55,361 A16101 3,447 Al 6102 44,831 Al 6104 33,580 w 81,858 A16201 2,369 A16202 2,200 Al 6204 178,728 98,394 183,2961 2,707 A16404 3,072 - 3,072 2,563 A16704 2,568 TOTAL Central Print & Mail Contr Expend 2,563 2,568 Unallocated Insurance, Contr Expend 49,883 A19104 56,117 TOTAL Unallocated Insurance 49,883 56,117 Municipal Assn Dues, Contr Expend 4,650 All 9204 4,850 TOTAL Municipal Assn Dues 4 650 4,850, Pur of Land/right of Way, Contr Expend 207,712 Al 9404 TOTAL Pur of Land/right of Warr' W a Taxes & Assess On Munic Prop, Contr Expend 1,687 Al 9504 8,228 (TOTAL Taxes & Assess On Munic Prop 1,687 8,228 ibTAL General Government Support 962,421 898,904• Page 6 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (A) GENERAL Results of Operation 'ode Description EdpCcde 2(i2r� Expenditures Police, Pers Sery 12,555 A31201 8,693 IrOTAL Police 12,555 t 8,693 Traffic Control, Pers Sery 30,120 A33101 22,101 Traffic Control, Contr Expen 13,414 A33104 9,775 kOTAL Traffic Control - 43?533 31,877 Control of Animals, Contr Expend 26,821 A35104 21,960 IrOTAL Control of Animals 26,821 21,960, FETAL Public Safety 82,910 62,530 Street Admin, Pers Sery 89,859 A50101 84,142 Street Admin, Contr Expend 2,197 A50104 18,103 TOTAL Street Admin 92,056 102,245 Garage, Pers Sery 7,989 A51321 7,021 Garage, Contr Expend 32,787 A51324 56,478 r__ OTAL Garage40,776 63,499 Street Lighting, Contr Expend 3,105 A51824 4,082 WOTAL Street Lighting 3,105 4,082 kOTAL Txansportatlon . - - 135,937 691826• Programs For Aging, Contr Expend 9,500 A67724 9,750 kOTAL Programs For Aging 9,500 9 750 r�OTAL Economic Assistance And Opportunity 9,500 9,750 Recreation Admini, Pers Sery 153,573 A70201 162,960 Recreation Admini, Equip & Cap Outlay 160 A70202 Recreation Admini, Contr Expend 3,451 A70204 2,782 IrOTAL Recreation Admin! 157,184 165,741 Parks, Pers Sery 48,999 A71101 68,409 Parks, Equip & Cap Outlay 54,303 A71102 77,378 Parks, Contr Expend 90,366 A71104 117,713 )TOTAL Parks 193,668 263,500 Playgr & Rec Centers, Pers Sery 19,071 A71401 22,066 Playgr & Rec Centers, Equip & Cap Outlay 54,146 A71402 Playgr & Rec Centers, Contr Expend 13,240 A71404 10,551 TOTAL Playgr & Rec Centers 86,458 32,617 Special Rec Facility, Pers Sery 10,599 A71801 14,332 Special Rec Facility, Contr Expend 1,549 A71804 349 kOTAL Special Rec Facility_ 12,149 14,681 Youth Prog, Pers Sery 19,851 A73101 18,038 Youth Prog, Equip & Cap Outlay 1,923 A73102 Youth Prog, Contr Expend 156,140 A73104 106,290 i'OTAL Youth Prog 177,913 124,328 Joint Youth Prog, Pers Sery 37,005 A73201 7,852 Joint Youth Prog, Contr Expend 469038 A73204 47,434 WOTAL Joint Youth Prog_ 83,043 55,286 Library, Contr Expend 3,000 A74104 3,000 i6TAL Library 3,000 3,000 Historian, Pers Sery 5,594 A75101 5,706 Page 7 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (A) GENERAL Results of Operation Expenditures Historian, Contr Expend DOTAL Historian Other Performing Arts, Contr Expend TOTAL Other Performing Arts Adult Recreation, Pers Sery Adult Recreation, Contr Expend TOTAL Adult Recreation V6TAL Culture And Recreation Flood & Erosion Control, Pers Sery Flood & Erosion Control, Contr Expend TOTAL Flood & Erosion Control Gen Natural Resources, Contr Expend TOTAL Gen Natural Resources Cemetery, Pers Sery Cemetery, Contr Expend TOTAL Cemetery kOTAL Home And Community Services State Retirement System Social Security, Employer Cont Worker's Compensation, Empl Bnfts Unemployment Insurance, Empl Bnfts Hospital & Medical (dental) Ins, Empl Bnft Other Employee Benefits (spec) TOTAL Employee Benefits t FOTAL Expenditures Transfers, Other Funds 160 A75104 69 5,754 9,634 A87451 5,775 5,612 A75604 367 5,612 10 A87904 367 3,227 A76201 660 6,563 A76204 2,454 9,7911` 3,114. 734,571' 9,634 A87451 1,285 64,246 A87454 24,702 73,879 'fir 25,987 10 A87904 10 0 1,953 A88101 1,583 2,019 A88104 5,042 3,972 - -' , 6,625 77,862 - 32,612 69,589 A90108 66,699 47,469 A90308 47,440 41,077 A90408 36,521 4,150 A90508 1,869 180,475 A90608 152,525 11,102 A90898 11,095 353,861 316,150 21357,062 2,158,181 477,452 A99019 VOTAL Operating Transfers . 477,452 _ (TOTAL Other Uses 477,452 qA NOTAL Detail Expenditures And Other es: 2,834,514 2758, l8 Page 8 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (A) GENERAL Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance ode bescri on 2019 T EdpCode 2020 Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance Fund Balance - Beginning of Year 2,043,546 A8021 1,261,416 Restated Fund Balance - Beg of Year 2,043,546 A8022 1,261,416 ADD - REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES 2,052,365 2,123,522 DEDUCT - EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES 2,834,514 2,158,181 Fund Balance - End of Year 1,261,416 A8029 1,226,757 Page 9 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (A) GENERAL Budget Summary Page 10 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 020e 2021 Estimated Revenues Est Rev- Real Property Taxes 1,145,881 Al 049N 1,133,351 Est Rev - Real Property Tax Items 37,134 A1099N 21,398 Est Rev - Non Property Tax Items 30,000 A1199N 30,000 Est Rev - Departmental Income 376,720 A1299N 403,670 Est Rev - Intergovernmental Charges 24,693 A2399N 27,984 Est Rev - Use of Money And Property 34,320 A2499N 34,320 Est Rev - Licenses And Permits 24,000 A2599N 17,000 Est Rev - Fines And Forfeitures 49,000 A2649N 36,000 Est Rev - Sale of Prop And Comp For Loss 40,050 A2699N 23,025 Est Rev - Miscellaneous Local Sources 5,000 A2799N 12,750 Est Rev - State Aid 277,973 A3099N 250,888 (TOTAL Estimated Revenues 2,044,771 1,990,386 Appropriated Reserve 92,688 A511N 118,500 Appropriated Fund Balance 100,000 A599N FOTAL Estimated Other Sources 192,6$$ 118,500 WOTAL Estimated Revenues And Other Sources 2,237,459 2,108,886 Page 10 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (A) GENERAL Budget Summary ode Description 2020 EdpCode 2021 Appropriations App - General Government Support 802,682 Al 999N 727,806 App - Public Safety 72,170 A3999N 75,020 App - Transportation 140,111 A5999N 161,714 App - Economic Assistance And Opportunity 9,750 A6999N 9,750 App - Culture And Recreation 784,246 A7999N 734,546 App - Home And Community Services 25,500 A8999N 32,550 App - Employee Benefits 403,000 A9199N 367,500 kof, L Appropriations 2,237,459 2108,886 TOTAL Appropriations And Other Uses 2,237,459 2,108x886 Page 11 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (B) GENERAL TOWN -OUTSIDE VG Balance Sheet &de 7 ,scnpliorn 60mk2L'19 EdpCede Assets Cash 370,400 B200 473,085 Cash From Obligations 8220 15,216 TOTAL Cash 370,400 488,302 Accounts Receivable 51,843 8380 56,747 NOTAL Other Receivables (net) 51,843 56,747 Prepaid Expenses 9,938 B480 6,145 TOTAL Prepaid Expenses 9,938 6,145 (TOTAL Assets and Deferred Outflows of Resources 432,181 551,193 Page 12 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (B) GENERAL TOWN -OUTSIDE VG Balance Sheet Code t7escrtp ,4\uC0UF1tS Payable 16,166 B600 5,010 TOTAL_ Accounts Payable 16,166 V 5,010 Guaranty & Bid Deposits B730 12,897 �OTAL Other Deposits 0 12,887 Group Insurance B720 1,001 iTOTAL Other Liabilities 0 1,90_1.', Due To Employees' Retirement System B637 1,318 rTAllDue To Other Governments 4 1,318 TOTAL Liabilities 16,166 20,2261, Fund Balance Not in Spendable Form 9,938 B806 6,145 _ �1'OTAL IYon q� dable Fund_ Balance 9,9_38 6 145 Assigned Appropriated Fund Balance B914 62,823 Assigned Unappropriated Fund Balance 406,077 8915 462,000 TOTAL Assigned Fund Balance 406077 524,823,,_ TOTAL Fund Balance 416,015 530,9681 TOTAL Liabilities, Deferred Inflows And Fund Balance 432,181 551,1931 Page 13 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (B) GENERAL TOWN -OUTSIDE VG Results of Operation Page 14 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 .Edpcode 1 2021) Revenues Sales Tax (from County) 283,244 81120 305,787 TOTAL Non Property Tax Items _ ,; - 283 244 _ 305,787 Safety Inspection Fees 1,600 B1560 1,625 Zoning Fees 1,150 82110 2,505 Other Home & Community Services Income B2189 31,000 TOTAL Departmental Income. 2,750 35,130 Interest And Earnings 1,533 B2401 843 TOTAL Use of Money And Property 33 843 Building And Alteration Permits 61,798 82555 97,847 Permits, Other 7,844 82590 10,505 DOTAL Licenses And Permits 69,643 108,3521 Sales, Other 67 82655 1 NOTAL Sale of Property And Compensation For Loss• 1 Refunds of Prior Year's Expenditures B2701 7,140 TOTAL Miscellaneous Local Sources 7,140 TOTAL Revenues 357,236 457,254 TOTAL Detail Revenues And Other Sources 357,236 457,254 Page 14 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 (B) GENERAL TOWN -OUTSIDE VG Results of Operation o!ie Description - - Expenditures Safety Inspection, Pers Sery ioTAL Safety Inspection Demo of Unsafe Buildings, Contr Expend NOTAL Demo of Unsafe Buildings tl VTAL Public Safety Zoning, Equip & Cap Outlay Zoning, Contr Expend DOTAL Zoning_ Planning, Pers Sery Planning, Equip & Cap Outlay Planning, Contr Expend CTOTAL Planning ET01i4L Home And Community Services State Retirement, Empl Bnfts Social Security, Empl Bnfts Worker's Compensation, Empl Bnfts Unemployment Insurance, Empl Bnfts Hospital & Medical (dental) Ins, Empl Bnft Other Employee Benefits (spec) (TOTAL Employee Benefits MTAL Expenditures T1-OTAL Detail Expenditures And Other Uses TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 2019 Edp�ode 2020 109,598 836201 112,465 109,598 112,465 26,000 B36504 26,000 a 135,598 112,46-51 B80102 871 68,398 B80104 9,425 68,398 10,296+ 57,856 B80201 86,700 690 B80202 84,022 B80204 44,194 142,568 130,894 210,966 141,190 16,273 B90108 22,462 9,928 B90308 12,013 8,215 B90408 7,304 207 B90508 413 38,945 B90608 43,645 2,322 B90898 2,809 75,890 88,647 422,454 342,301 422,454 342,301 Page 15 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 (B) GENERAL TOWN -OUTSIDE VG Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance core p,p, Wbon _- Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance Fund Balance - Beginning of Year Restated Fund Balance - Beg of Year ADD - REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES DEDUCT - EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES Fund Balance - End of Year TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 _•r� X79 r_ 2020 481,234 B8021 416,017 481,234 B8022 416,017 357,236 457,254 422,454 342,301 416,017 B8029 530,972 Page 16 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (B) GENERAL TOWN -OUTSIDE VG Budget Summary Lo a Description 2020 EdpCode Estimated Revenues Est Rev - Non Property Tax Items 317,390 B1199N Est Rev - Departmental Income 2,500 B1299N Est Rev - Use of Money And Property 1,000 B2499N Est Rev - Licenses And Permits 66,800 B2599N Est Rev - Sale of Prop And Comp For Loss 125 B2699N �OTAL Estimated Revenues 387,815 Appropriated Reserve B511 N TOTAL Estimated Other Sources 0 NOTAL Estimated Revenues And Other Sources 387,815 2021 269,781 2,500 1,000 66,800 100 3.40,1$1 62,823 62,823 403,004 Page 17 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 (B) GENERAL TOWN -OUTSIDE VG Budget Summary ode Descripticm Appropriations App - Public Safety App - Home And Community Services App - Employee Benefits OTAL Appropriations NOTAL Appropriations And Other Uses TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 2',)20 Page 18 EdF Ccsde 104,365 B3999N 188,950 B8999N 94,500 B9199N 387,815 387,815 2021 118,886 172,918 111,200 403,004 403,004 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (DA) HIGHWAY -TOWN -WIDE Balance Sheet Lo de Description 2019 1=dpbpde 2b20 Assets Cash 454,539 DA200 407,334 Cash From Obligations DA220 2,679 VOTAL Cash 454,539 410,013 Accounts Receivable 3,610 DA380 1,785 V6T'AL Other Receivables (net) 3,610 1,785 Prepaid Expenses 30,897 DA480 23,590 IrOTAL Prepaid Expenses 30,897 23,590 Cash Special Reserve 150,096 DA230 150,210 lrOTAL Restricted Assets 150,096 150,210 TOTAL Assets and Deferred Outflows of Resources 639,142 585,598 Page 19 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (DA) HIGHWAY -TOWN -WIDE Balance Sheet Accounts Payable 42,952 DA600 108,830 TbTAL Accounts Pa_ble 423952 K6f* Nons�enoable Fund Balance 108.83Q Accrued Liabilities Capital Reserve DA601 11,495 �jOTAL Accrued Liabilities DA899 11,495 Guaranty & Bid Deposits 150,,210; DA730 1,000 T TAL Other Deposita - Assigned Unappropriated Fund Balance 360,197 DA915 1,0"00' Group Insurance 415,197wpm., DA720 1,250 !TOTAL Other Liabilities XF -- ''.TOTAL Liabilities, Deferred Inflows And Fund Balance` , 61 1 250; Due To Employees' Retirement System DA637 430 ITOTA_L Due To Other Governments Q ' 43 TOTAL Liabilities 42,952 123,0041 Fund Balance Not in Spendable Form 30,897 DA806 23,590 K6f* Nons�enoable Fund Balance 30,897 23 590; Capital Reserve 150,096 DA878 150,210 Other Restricted Fund Balance DA899 icted alance B 155,000 150,,210; Assigned Appropria ed F d Balance DA914 Assigned Unappropriated Fund Balance 360,197 DA915 288,794 TOTALAssiqned Fund Balance - _NNW 415,197wpm., 28$,794; _ !TOTAL Fund Balance f 596,190 462,5931 ''.TOTAL Liabilities, Deferred Inflows And Fund Balance` 639,142 585,598! Page 20 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 (DA) HIGHWAY -TOWN -WIDE Results of Operation ode bescription Revenues Real Property Taxes TOTAL Real Property Taxes Other Payments In Lieu of Taxes Interest & Penalties On Real Prop Taxes FOTAL Real Property Tax Items Transportation Services, Other Govts WOTAL Intergovernmental Charges Interest And Earnings Rental of Equipment iO- TAL Use of Money And Property Sales of Scrap & Excess Materials Insurance Recoveries iOTAL Sale of Property And Compensation For Loss Unclassified (specify) TOTAL Miscellaneous Local Sources NOTAL Revenues Interfund Transfers iOTAL Interfund Transfers NOTAL Other Sources NOTAL Detail Revenues And Other ources TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 2010 upOode 2020 997,496 DA1001 1,042,600 997,496 1,042,600. 29,270 DA1081 11,852 549 DA1090 29,819 11,852: 94,096 DA2300 97,152 94,096 9�7,152a 2,945 DA2401 1,738 94,096 DA2414 97,152 97,040 98,890 3,446 DA2650 6,851 1,197 DA2680 4,643 6,851 13,707 DA2770 8,963 13,707 8,963' 1,236,801 1,266,3081 477,452 DA5031 477,452 477,452 1,714,253 Page 21 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (DA) HIGHWAY -TOWN -WIDE Results of Operation mode be5Cf {7u01 2 Expenditures Machinery, Pers Sery 130,059 DA51301 93,032 Machinery, Equip & Cap Outlay 101,067 DA51302 174,895 Machinery, Contr Expend 219,287 DA51304 188,367 hrOTAL Machinery .,.... - --- --- _ _ ... _ . 450,413 456,294- Brush And Weeds, Pers Sery 69,964 DA51401 72,213 Brush And Weeds, Contr Expend 15,689 DA51404 19,030 TOTAL Brush And Weeds 85,653 91,244 Snow Removal, Pers Sery 199,931 DA51421 218,533 Snow Removal, Equip & Cap Outlay 12,830 DA51422 12,831 Snow Removal, Contr Expend 197,161 DA51424 127,199 irOTAL Snow Removal 409,922 358,563 Services Other Govts, Pers Sery 104,069 DA51481 96,556 Services Other Govts, Equip & Cap Outlay 12,830 DA51482 12,830 Services Other Govts, Contr Expend 80,413 DA51484 89,416 TOTAL Services Other Govts - 197,312 198,802 DOTAL Transportation 1,143,300 1,104,903 State Retirement, Empl Bnfts 79,219 DA90108 90,409 Social Security, Empl Bnfts 30,821 DA90308 28,295 Worker's Compensation, Empl Bnfts 20,082 DA90408 17,855 Unemployment Insurance, Empl Bnfts 1,483 DA90508 1,604 Hospital & Medical (dental) Ins, Empl Bnft 129,998 DA90608 150,223 Other Employee Benefits (spec) 7,208 DA90898 6,617 YOTAL Employee Benefits 268,814 295,002 bOTAL Expenditures 1,472,711. 7,399,905 foTAL Detail Expenditures And Other Uses 1,412x111 " 7,399,905, Page 22 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (DA) HIGHWAY -TOWN -WIDE Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance ` de Des -- - 2_01_9 7 �- 6p Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance Fund Balance - Beginning of Year 294,051 DA8021 Restated Fund Balance - Beg of Year 294,051 DA8022 ADD - REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES 1,714,253 DEDUCT - EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES 1,412,111 Fund Balance - End of Year 596,193 DA8029 2020 596,193 596,193 1,266,308 1,399,905 462,602 Page 23 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 (DA) HIGHWAY -TOWN -WIDE Budget Summary j ode Descripggq , Estimated Revenues Est Rev - Real Property Taxes Est Rev - Real Property Tax Items Est Rev - Intergovernmental Charges Est Rev - Use of Money And Property Est Rev - Sale of Prop And Comp For Loss Est Rev - Miscellaneous Local Sources OTAL.Estimated Revenues Appropriated Fund Balance DOTAL Estimated Other Sources NOTAL Estimated Revenues And Other Sources TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 10'L® Edpcoela 2021 1,042,600 DA1049N 1,112,786 26,544 DA1099N 12,972 97,152 DA2399N 84,055 99,202 DA2499N 86,155 10,000 DA2699N 8,000 DA2799N 7,000 1,.283,498 1,302,968 55,000 DA599N SM-Joo 0 1,338,498 1,302,968 Page 24 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (DA) HIGHWAY -TOWN -WIDE Budget Summary ode Description 2020 Edpdode 21521 Appropriations App - Transportation 1,005,398 DA5999N 984,768 App - Employee Benefits 333,100 DA9199N 318,200 OTAt_ Appropriations - - �- 1.,338,4,98 � - 11302,968 irOTALro riations And Other Use APP P 1,498 ,338 1,302,968 Page 25 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 (DB) HIGHWAY -PART -TOWN Balance Sheet Code Clescnotion Assets Cash Cash From Obligations TOTAL Cash Accounts Receivable TOTAL Other Receivables (net) Prepaid Expenses NOTAL Prepaid Expenses Cash Special Reserve �OTAL Restricted Assets 'TOTAL Assets and Deferred Outflows of Resources TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 225,887 DB200 402,703 DB220 1,679 225,887;404,382 . 536,894 DB380 _ 405,359 536,894 405,359 16,068 DB480 19,301 16,068 JW 19,301 150,090 DB230 150,203 150,090 150,203 928,939 979,245 Page 26 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (DB) HIGHWAY -PART -TOWN Balance Sheet Ldg Descritrtion Accounts Payable �TOi Accounts Payable Group Insurance roTAL Other Liabilities Due To Employees' Retirement System TOTAL Due To Other Governments FOTAL Liabilities Fund Balance Not in Spendable Form NOTAL Nonsoendable Fund Balance Capital Reserve `TOTAL Re_ stricted Fund Belance Assigned Appropriated Fund Balance Assigned Unappropriated Fund Balance TOTAL Assigned Fund Balance WOTAL Fund Balance (TOTAL Liabilities, Deferred Inflows And Fund Balance 7,245 DB600 692 7,245 692 DB720 1,250 0 125x, DB637 430 0 430; 7,245 2,371, 16,068 DB806 19,301 16,068 19,301' 150,090 DB878 150,203 150,090 _ , 150,203; DB914 251,906 755,535 DB915 555,464 755,535 807,370; 921,694 976,874; 928,939 979,245' Page 27 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (DB) HIGHWAY -PART -TOWN Results of Operation Revenues Sales Tax (from County) 1,382,895 DB1120 1,223,150 DOTAL Non Property Tax Items 231150 Interest And Earnings 2,280 DB2401 1,066 TOTAL Use of Money And Property 1,402,711 Unclassified (specify) 50 DB2770 125 TOTAL Miscellaneous Local Sources 25'' St Aid, Consolidated Highway Aid TOTAL State Aid TOTAL Revenues. TOTAL Detail Revenues And Other Sources 283,776 DB3501 178,370 283,776:® 178,370 1,669,001 1,402,711 1,669,001 W 1,402,711 Page 28 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (DB) HIGHWAY -PART -TOWN Results of Operation Cp�.e DescriptY•on 2_01_9 E-dpCod$ 2020 Expenditures Maint of Streets, Pers Sery 335,096 DB51101 400,349 Maint of Streets, Equip & Cap Outlay 140,893 DB51102 78,179 Maint of Streets, Contr Expend 373,778 DB51104 377,347 NOTAL Maint of Streets _ 849,767 855,875 Perm Improve Highway, Pers Sery 87,999 DB51121 82,769 Perm Improve Highway, Contr Expend 582,743 DB61124 201,357 r WOTAL Perm Improve Highway 670,742 284,126, EkOTAL Transportation 1,520,509 1,140,001 State Retirement, Empl Bnfts 64,815 DB90108 73,971 Social Security, Empl Bnfts 25,239 DB90308 29,422 Worker's Compensation, Empl Bnfts 13,692 DB90408 12,174 Unemployment Insurance, Empl Bnfts 761 DB90508 82 Hospital & Medical (dental) Ins, Empl Bnft 120,548 DB90608 85,000 Other Employee Benefits (spec) 5,903 DB90898 6,881 �'OTAL Employee Benefits 230,959 207,530 NOTAL Expenditures 1,751,467 1,347,530 TOTAL Detail Expenditures And Other Uses 1,751,467 1,347,530 Page 29 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 (DB) HIGHWAY -PART -TOWN Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance Ili`i7AIRI ii Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance Fund Balance - Beginning of Year Restated Fund Balance - Beg of Year ADD - REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES DEDUCT - EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES Fund Balance - End of Year TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 2019 EdpCode 20zu 1,004,160 DB8021 921,694 1,004,160 DB8022 1,669,001 1,402,711 1,751,467 1,347,530 921,694 DB8029 976,877 Page 30 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 (DB) HIGHWAY -PART -TOWN Budget Summary bescriptian Estimated Revenues Est Rev - Non Property Tax Items Est Rev - Use of Money And Property Est Rev - Miscellaneous Local Sources Est Rev - State Aid NOTAL Estimated Revenues Appropriated Reserve p�OTAL Estimated Other Sources NOTAL Estimated Revenues And Other Sources TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 2020 Edpdod 2021 1,281,900 DB1199N 1,089,615 2,200 DB2499N 1,100 200 DB2799N 200,000 DB3099N 200,000 1_484,300 1,290,715 DB511 N 251,906 0 251,906 1,484,300 1,542,621 Page 31 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (DB) HIGHWAY -PART -TOWN Budget Summary Bode Das(Tiptivn Appropriations App - Transportation 1,275,000 DB5999N 1,297,721 App - Employee Benefits 209,300 DB9199N 244,900 TOTAL Appropriations 1,4$4,30q 1,542,621 TOTAL Appropriations And Other Uses 1,484,300 1,542,621 Page 32 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 (H) CAPITAL PROJECTS Balance Sheet ode Description Assets Cash k6TAL Cash ' OTAL Assets and Deferred Outflows of Resources TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 28,442 H2O0 126,289 28,442 126,289 28,442 126,2891 Page 33 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (H) CAPITAL PROJECTS Balance Sheet Accounts Payable 1,366 H600 TAL Accounts P Viable 7,366 Bond Anticipation Notes Payable 2,518,498 H626 TOTAL Notes Payable _ 2,518,498 _.. - II.OTAL Liabilities 2,519,864 Fund Balance Assigned Unappropriated Fund Balance �OTAL As�iqned Fund B„slance Unassigned Fund Balance TOTAL Unassigned Fund Balance TOTAL Fund Balance WOTAL Liabilities, Deferred Inflows And Fund Balance H915 126,289 0 7 26 2.88; -2,491,422 H917 -2 491422 t} -21491,422 126,289'. 28,442 126,289.11 Page 34 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (H) CAPITAL PROJECTS Results of Operation ode Description 2_01_9 EgpGgde 2020 Revenues Interest And Earnings H2401 2 k6TAL Use of Money And Property 4 2 Premium & Accrued Interest On Obligations 2,818 H2710 kOTAL Miscellaneous Local Sources 2,818 0 kOTAL Revenues 2,818 Serial Bonds H5710 2,644,081 Bond Anticipation Notes H5730 Bans Redeemed From Appropriations 69,000 H5731 88,417 TOTAL Proceeds of Obligations 69,000 2,732,498 NOTAL Other Sources 69,000 2,732,498 r. TOTAL Detail Revenues. And Other Sources 71,818 2,732,500 Page 35 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 (H) CAPITAL PROJECTS Results of Operation TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 2019 Expenditures Water Trans & Distrib, Equip & Cap Outlay TOTAL Water Trans & Distrib Misc Home & Comm Serv, Equip & Cap Outlay TOTAL Misc Home & Comm Sery Other Home & Comm Serv, Equip & Cap Outlay DOTAL Other Home & Comm Sery WOTAL Home And Community Services Debt Interest, Bond Anticipation Notes I`TOTAL Debt Interest rT TAL Expenditures Transfers, Other Funds EdpCade 2026 73,373 H83402 73,373 1,182 H89892 1,182 H89972 74,55 H97307 TOTAL Operating Transfers 0 OTAL Other Uses 0 k6TAL Detail Expenditures And Other Uses 74,555 H990'19 95,817 95,817 0 0 95,817 1,617 1,617 97,434 17,355 17,355 17,3551 114,790 Page 36 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 (H) CAPITAL PROJECTS Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance c1e Despriatio Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance Fund Balance - Beginning of Year Restated Fund Balance - Beg of Year ADD - REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES DEDUCT - EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES Fund Balance - End of Year TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 2419 °�� 2020 -2,488,684 H8021 -2,491,421 -2,488,684 H8022 -2,491,421 71,818 2,732,500 74,555 114,790 -2,491,421 H8029 126,289 Page 37 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 (K) GENERAL FIXED ASSETS Balance Sheet t -.-,de ❑ascription Assets Land Buildings Improvements Other Than Buildings Machinery And Equipment Infrastructure Other Capital Assets TOTAL Fixed Assets (net) TOTAL Assets and Deferred Outflows of Resources TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 2019 EdpCode 2020 681,258 K101 681,258 1,526,309 K102 1,526,309 261,460 K103 261,460 4,502,633 K104 5,342,932 9,177,609 K106 9,177,609 80,188 K107 80,188 16,229,457 17,069,756 16,229,457 17,069,756 Page 38 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (K) GENERAL FIXED ASSETS Balance Sheet ode Descriptim Liabilities, Deferred Inflows And Fund Balance Total Non -Current Govt Assets ;TOTAL Investments in Non-Cur_r$nt Government Assets WOTAL Fund Balance !TOTAL 16,229,457 K159 17,069,756 16,229,457 17,069,756',: 16,229,457 17,069,7561 16,229,457 17,069,756. Page 39 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (SD) DRAINAGE Balance Sheet EdpCode 2020 Assets Cash 54,130 SD200 53,128 TOTAL Cash 54,130 53,128 ''TOTAL Assets and Deferred Outflows of Resources 54,130 53,128 Page 40 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (SD) DRAINAGE Balance Sheet Code i escdkt Accounts Payable �T01' LA Acgounts Payable TOTAL Liabilities Fund Balance Assigned Unappropriated Fund Balance FroTA� Assigned Fund Bslance TOTAL Fund Balance TOTAL Liabilities, Deferred Inflows And Fund Balance SD600 2,304 0 2,304; 0 2,3041 54,130 SD915 50,824 54,130 50,824 54,130 50,824; 54,130 53,128} Page 41 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (SD) DRAINAGE Results of Operation Code Dew,p:oo.w '. 2020 Revenues Special Assessments 23,117 SD1030 26,905 TOTAL Real Property Taxes 23,117 26,905 Interest And Earnings 45 SD2401 56 NOTAL Use of Money And Property 45 56 NOTAL Revenues 23,167 26,961 NOTAL Detail Revenues And Other Sources 23,162 26,961 Page 42 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (SD) DRAINAGE Results of Operation de bescriA#ion ._� 2019 EdpGode 2020 Expenditures Drainage, Pers Sery SD85401 15,633 Drainage, Contr Expend 6,696 SD85404 14,172 NOTAL Drainage 6,696 29,805 NOTAL Home And Community Services 6,696 29,805 Social Security, Empl Bnfts SD90308 366 Unemployment Insurance, Empl Bnfts SD90508 10 Other Employee Benefits (spec) SD90898 86 kbTAL Employee Benefits 0 462, FfOTAL Expenditures 6,696 30,267 DOTAL Detail Expenditures And Other Uses 6,696 30,267 Page 43 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 (SD) DRAINAGE Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance - Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance Fund Balance - Beginning of Year Prior Period Adj -Increase In Fund Balance Restated Fund Balance - Beg of Year ADD - REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES DEDUCT - EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES Fund Balance - End of Year TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 2020 37,662 SD8021 54,125 SD8012 5 37,662 SD8022 54,130 23,162 26,961 6,696 30,267 54,125 29 50,826 Page 44 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 (SL) LIGHTING Balance Sheet ode descriGtion Assets Cash WOTAL Cash (TOTAL Assets and Deferred Outflows of Resources TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 Page 45 2019 EdpCode 2020 5,075 SL200 9,288 5,075 9,288 51075 9,2881 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (SL) LIGHTING Balance Sheet JW.bescn lion Accounts Payable 1,509 SL600 144 FT -0 -mL , Accounts Payable - 1.,509 14� TOTAL Liabilities 1,509 144' Fund Balance Assigned Unappropriated Fund Balance 3,566 SL915 9,144 frOTAL Assigned Fund Balance 3,566 9,144; TOTAL Fund Balance 8,566 9,144 FrOTAL Liabilities, Deferred Inflows And Fund Balance 5,075 9,28$! Page 46 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (SL) LIGHTING Results of Operation Eode Description 2019 _yin Revenues Special Assessments 17,500 SL1030 18,500 NOTAL Real Property Taxes 17,5.00 18,500. Refunds of Prior Year's Expenditures SL2701 3,399 NOTAL Miscellaneous Local Sources D 3,399 TOTAL Revenues 17,500 21,899 WOTAL Detail Revenues And Other Sources 17,500 21,899, Page 47 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (SL) LIGHTING Results of Operation Gone Description Expenditures Street Lighting, Contr Expend 17,652 SL51824 16,321 DOTAL Street Lighting 17,652 M 16,321 VORAL Transportation 17,652 16,321 kiml. Expenditures 17,652 16,321 DOTAL Detail Expenditures And Other Uses^ 77,ti52 16,321 Page 48 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 (SL) LIGHTING Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance od ,Desai ion_ Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance Fund Balance - Beginning of Year Restated Fund Balance - Beg of Year ADD - REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES DEDUCT - EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES Fund Balance - End of Year TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 Page 49 2019 IN 2020 3,719 SL8021 3,566 3,719 SL8022 3,566 17,500 21,899 17,652 16,321 3,566 9,143 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (SS) SEWER Balance Sheet Assets Cash TOTAL Cash Sewer Rents Receivable �OTAL Other Receivables (net) 302,126 SS200 365,187 302,126 2,064 SS360 339 2,064 Due From Other Funds 17,302 SS391 258 TOTAL Due From Other Funds 17, Prepaid Expenses 301 SS480 TOTAL Prepaid Expenses 301 TOTAL Assets and Deferred Outflows of Resources _321,794 3651784A Page 50 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (SS) SEWER Balance Sheet Eode bescHption Accounts Payable �R TAL Accounts Payable FOTAL Liabilities Fund Balance Not in Spendable Form ,�bTAL Nonsendable Fund Balance Assigned Appropriated Fund Balance Assigned Unappropriated Fund Balance 1 OPAL Assigned Fund Balance TOTAL Fund Balance TOTAL Liabilities, Deferred Inflows And Fund Ballance 563 SS600 476 563 476 563 4761 301 SS806 301 pj 14,457 SS914 40,020 306,472 SS915 325,288 320,929$F5,3D8l 321,230 365,3091 321,794 365,7841 Page 51 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (SS) SEWER Results of Operation Code Descriplion IQ - Revenues Special Assessments 25,711 SS1030 30,425 TOTAL Real Property Taxes 25,711 Sewer Rents 113,417 SS2120 128,770 Interest & Penalties On Sewer Accts 1,901 SS2128 191 TOTAL Departmental Income 115,318 128,961 Interest And Earnings 243 SS2401 270 TOTAL Use of Money And Property �': 243; • 270 Permits, Other 14,850 SS2590 13,500 TOTAL Licenses And Permits 14,850 13,500 TOTAL Revenue 156,122�� 173,156 TOTAL Detail Revenues And Other Sources 156,122 173,156+ Page 52 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (SS) SEWER Results of Operation Eode Oesmiption 2019 Expenditures Unallocated Insurance, Contr Expend kOTAL Unallocated Insurance Taxes & Assess On Munic Prop, Contr Expend FOTAL Taxes & Assess On Munic Prop VOTAL General Government Support Sanitary Sewers, Pers Sery Sanitary Sewers, Equip & Cap Outlay Sanitary Sewers, Contr Expend k6 TIL Sanitary Sewers Sewage Treat Disp, Contr Expend �OTAL Sewage Treat'Disp TOTAL Home And Community Services Social Security, Empl Bnfts Unemployment Insurance, Empl Bnfts Other Employee Benefits (spec) toployee Benefits Debt Principal, Bond Anticipation Notes IrOTAL Debt Principal Debt Interest, Bond Anticipation Notes IFOT,kL Debt Interest kOTAL Expenditures ROTAL Detail Expenditures And Other Uses EdpOode 2020 2,756 SS19104 2,591 2,756 123,984 2,591 55 SS19504 2,811 2,591 10,878 SS81201 13,930 10,000 SS81202 8,074 SS81204 8,999 28,953 22,9301 70,569 SS81304 76,499 70,569 76,499 99,522 99,429 632 SS90308 857 6 SS90508 4 148 SS90898 200 785: 1,061 14,000 SS97306 19,000 14,000 19,0001 6,866 SS97307 6,998 6,866 6,!48- ,998123,984 123,984 129,078 123,984 129,078 Page 53 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 (SS) SEWER Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance Fund Balance - Beginning of Year Restated Fund Balance - Beg of Year ADD - REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES DEDUCT - EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES Fund Balance - End of Year TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 289,094 SS8021 321,235 289,094 SS8022 156,122 173,156 123,984 129,078 321,235 SS8029 365,313 Page 54 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (SS) SEWER Budget Summary ;od j Description EdpCode Estimated Revenues Est Rev - Real Property Taxes 30,425 SS1049N 27,218 Est Rev - Departmental Income 109,350 SS1299N 125,250 Est Rev - Use of Money And Property 250 SS2499N 250 Est Rev - Miscellaneous Local Sources 6,000 SS2799N 7,000 OTAL Estimated Revenues _- - 146 025 159,718 Appropriated Fund Balance 14,457 SS599N - 40,020 VOTAL Estimated Other Sources 14,457 40,020 , 'OTAL Estimated Revenues And Other Sources 160,482 199,738 Page 55 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (SS) SEWER Budget Summary —. B pescripti^n 2020 Appropriations App - General Government Support App - Home And Community Services App - Employee Benefits App - Debt Service (DOTAL Appropriations WOTAL Appropriations And Other Uses ---.- pwpcow =- # 2,600 SS1999N 2,900 130,500 SS8999N 172,500 1,675 SS9199N 1,837 25,707 SS9899N 22,501 160,482 199,738 160,482,����7 199738_ Page 56 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (SW) WATER Balance Sheet ....... . „ ,.._ ...., Lode Desc " Assets Cash Petty Cash Cash From Obligations IrOTAL Cash Water Rents Receivable WOTAL Other Receivables (net) Prepaid Expenses IrOTAL Prepaid Expenses -- TOTAL Assets and Deferred Outflows of Resources �. 20119 iEd,pCode 200 1,598,375 SW200 1,212,267 75 SW210 75 SW220 377 1,598,450 1,212,719 28,065 SW350 33,643 28,065 33,643 2,013 SW480 577 2,013 577 1,528,528 1,245,939 Page 57 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (SW) WATER Balance Sheet Cade Description WpCode .- 2020. Accounts Payable 5,896 SW600 156,819 It- Accounts P_ Viable 5,896 !� 156,819L_O'; Accrued Liabilities SW601 6,989 TOTAL Accrued Liabilities 4 Group Insurance SW720 280 7QTAL Other Liab'ilitiee 0 'M �. _ Due To Other Funds 17,302 SW630 ICTAL Due To Other Funds. 17,302 , Due To Employees' Retirement System SW637 TOTAL Due To Other Governments TOTAL Liabilities Fund Balance Not in Spendable Form 2,013 SW806 . OTAL Nons,pendable Fund Balance 21013 Other Restricted Fund Balance SW899 OTAL Restricted Fund Balance 0 Assigned Appropriated Fund Balance 230,733 SW914 Assigned Unappropriated Fund Balance 1,372,584 SW915 OTAL Assigned Fund Balance 1,603,317 WOTAL Fund Balance 1,605,330 (TOTAL Liabilities, Deferred Inflows And Fund Balanc - 1,628,527 280 258 25$' 96 164,443! 577 577; 0' 49,261 1,032,659 1,081,919 1,082,4961 1,246,9391 Page 58 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (SW) WATER Results of Operation Code Description - 2019 Ed - Code 2020 Revenues Special Assessments 538,512 SW1030 551,066 TOTAL Real Property Taxes 538,512 551,066 - Metered Water Sales 759,124 SW2140 843,614 Water Service Charges 4,608 SW2144 5,498 Interest & Penalties On Water Rents 10,575 SW2148 9,145 )rOTAL Departmental Income 774,307 858,256' Interest And Earnings 7,398 SW2401 3,284 NOTAL Use of Money And Property 7,398 _ 3,284; Premium & Accrued Interest On Obligations 10,602 SW2710 Unclassified (specify) SW2770 200 NOTAL Miscellaneous Local Sources 10,602 200, FOTAL Revenues 1,330,819 1,412,807 Interfund Transfers SW5031 14,103 r� FOTAL Interfund Transfers 0 14,103 Bond Anticipation Notes SW5730 IrOTAL Proceeds of Obligations _ _ 0 0 r FOTAL Other Sources 0 14,103: NOTAL Detail Revenues And Other Sources 1,330,819 1,426,910, Page 59 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (SW) WATER Results of Operation (Code D _ Expenditures Unallocated Insurance, Contr Expend 23,000 SW19104 23,000 �oTAL Unallocated insurance 23,000 23,000, NOTAL General Government Support 23,000 23,000, Water Administration, Pers Sery 25,781 SW83101 36,629 Water Administration, Contr Expend 15,972 SW83104 43,170 TOTAL Water Administration 41,75 79,799 Source Supply Pwr & Pump, Contr Expend 667,272 SW83204 740,281 i0_TALUSource Supply Pwr & PumpY� 667,272 .740,281 Water Trans & Distrib, Pers Sery 86,026 SW83401 96,688 Water Trans & Distrib, Equip & Cap Outlay 106,452 SW83402 585,337 Water Trans & Distrib, Contr Expend 203,472 SW83404 170,889 TOTAL Water Trans & Distrib 395.950 852,914 foTAL Home And Community Services 1,104,975 1,672,994 State Retirement, Empl Bnfts 2,051 SW90108 2,269 Social Security, Empl Bnfts 6,535 SW90308 8,054 Worker's Compensation, Empl Bnfts 8,215 SW90408 7,304 Unemployment Insurance, Empl Bnfts 519 SW90508 119 Hospital & Medical (dental) Ins, Empl Bnft 11,077 SW90608 10,665 Other Employee Benefits (spec) 1,528 SW90898 1,884 DOTAL Employee Benefits 29,926 30,295, Debt Principal, Serial Bonds 85,789 SW97106 86,505 Debt Principal, Bond Anticipation Notes 55,000 SW97306 69,417 DOTAL Debt Principal 140,789 Soft. 155,922 Debt Interest, Serial Bonds 15,788 SW97107 12,634 Debt Interest, Bond Anticipation Notes 72,706 SW97307 44,918 TROTAL Debt Interest 88,494 57,552 TWoTAL Expenditures 11387,183 1,939,762 Transfers, Other Funds SW99019 9,982 O A . Operating Transfers 0 9,982 SAL Other Uses 0 9,982 DOTAL Detail Expenditures And Other Uses 1,387,183 Page 60 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 (SW) WATER Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance Code Dss Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance Fund Balance - Beginning of Year Restated Fund Balance - Beg of Year ADD - REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES DEDUCT- EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES Fund Balance - End of Year TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 Page 61 2019 EdpCode 2020 1,661,699 SW8021 1,605,335 1,661,699 SW8022 1,605,335 1,330,819 1,426,910 1,387,183 1,949,744 1,605,335 SW8029 1,082,506 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (SW) WATER Budget Summary 1 11Nk2020 cdocode 2021 Estimated Revenues Est Rev - Real Property Taxes 551,066 SW1049N 556,681 Est Rev - Departmental Income 777,000 SW1299N 773,000 Est Rev - Use of Money And Property 6,000 SW2499N 5,000 rTOTAL Estimated Revenues 1,334,066 1,_334,681 Appropriated Fund Balance 230,733 SW599N 49,261 TOTAL Estimated Other Sources 230,733 49,261 WOTAL Estimated Revenues And Other Sources 1,564,799 1.,383,942 Page 62 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 (SW) WATER Budget Summary .ode Description Appropriations App - General Government Support App - Home And Community Services App - Employee Benefits App - Debt Service ,TOTAL Appropriations TOTAL Appropriations And Other Uses TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 -- — 2020 .... _ _........... EdpCod 2021 25,500 SW1999N 27,500 1,282,820 SW8999N 1,088,240 43,400 SW9199N 43,600 213,079 SW9899N 224,602 1,564,799 1,383,942 1,564,799 11383942 Page 63 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (TA) AGENCY Balance Sheet or'a Descriptio 2,019 EdpCade Assets Cash 153,459 TA200 k0TAL Cash 153,459_ rTOTAL Assets and Deferred Outflows of Resources 153,459 2020 Page 64 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (TA) AGENCY Balance Sheet rode Description Consolidated Payroll Deferred Compensation State Retirement Group Insurance Nys Income Tax Federal Income Tax Social Security Tax Guaranty & Bid Deposits Other Funds (specify) FATAL Agency Liabilities TOTAL Liabilities ETOTAL Liabilities, Deferred Inflows And Fund Balance ENUMMUM— 2019 2,235 3,346 1,250 50,790 3,579 8,785 9,636 17,914 55,925 153,459 153,459 153,459 TA10 TA17 TA18 TA20 TA21 TA22 TA26 TA30 TA85 Page 65 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 (V) DEBT SERVICE Balance Sheet Assets Cash (TOTAL Cash TOTAL Assets and Deferred Outflows of Resources TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 V200 Page 66 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 Balance Sheet Powg Description 20� 1 E de 2020 Page 67 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 Results of Operation 2019 EdDCocle 2A2b Page 68 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 Results of Operation de bescription 2019 Code 2020 Page 69 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (V) DEBT SERVICE Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance Analysis of Changes in Fund Balance Fund Balance - Beginning of Year 28 V8021 28 Restated Fund Balance - Beg of Year 28 V8022 Fund Balance - End of Year 28 V8029 28 Page 70 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 (W) GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT Balance Sheet Description Assets Total Non -Current Govt Liabilities WOTAL Provision To Be Made In Future Budgets FTOTAL Assets and Deferred Outflows of Resources TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 2019 EdpDode 2020 941,041 W129 4,613,287 941,041 4,613,287 941,041 4,613,287 Page 71 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Annual Update Document For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 (W) GENERAL LONG-TERM DEBT Balance Sheet Poi 1 2019 EdpCode 2020 Net Pension Liability -Proportionate Share 396,824 W638 1,511,494 O AL Other Liabilities 39¢,82_4 1�591�494' Bonds Payabl 544,217 W628 3,101,793 Bond And Long Term Liabilities 544,217 3,101, InTAL793 TOTAL Liabilities 941,041 4,613,287' PTOTAL Liabilities 941,041 4,613,28T Page 72 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 Office of the State Comptroller TOWN OF Lansing 3/15/2021 Statement of Indebtedness For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 County of: Tompkins O/S Beg. Paid Redeemed Prior Yr. Municipal Code: 500344900000 O/S End Issued of Year Dur. Year First Debt Interest Cops Comp Date of Date of Int. Year Code Description Flag Flag Issue Maturity Rate Var? 2020 BOND E 2020 Bone Plain Rd 09/10/2020 09/10/2040 1.00% $0 Water Tank $63,000 $155,158 $20,000 $10,000 2002 BOND E Water #2, Ext #3 Y 08/15/2002 03/15/2021 4.10% Y 2020 BOND E 2020 Drake Rd CWD#2 09/10/2020 09/10/2033 1.00% $36,000 2002 BOND E Water #12, Ext #2 Y 08/15/2002 03/15/2021 4.10% Y 2020 BOND E 2020 Drake Rd CWD#4 09/10/2020 09/10/2048 1.00% 2002 BOND E Water #19 Y 08/15/2002 03/15/2021 4.10% Y 2020 BOND E 2020 Peruville Rd 09/10/2020 09/10/2048 1.00% $86,505 $0 $0 CWD#5 $3,101,793 $1,700,000 $298,081 $298,081 2020 BOND E 2020 Warren Rd Sewer 09/10/2020 09/10/2033 1.00% $1,698,417 2010 BOND E Lansing Sto Water- 12/09/2010 08/09/2030 2.00% $455,000 $445,000 $0 EFC $0 $145,000 $67,000 $67,000 Total for Type/Exempt Status - Sums Issued Amts only made in AFR Year $0 2011 BAN N Warren Rd Sewer (W) 08/12/2011 08/07/2019 2.00% $0 2015 BAN N (H NE PLAIN WTR TANK 09/15/2015 09/11/2019 1.75% $0 $2,858,081 $3,062,715 $2,819,003 $2,644,081 $0 $0 $3,101,793 2018 BAN N Drake Rd CWD #4 05/29/2018 09/11/2019 3.00% 2008 BAN N Drake Rd Water (W) 06/18/2008 06/09/2019 2.20% Y 2020 BAN N Peruville CWD#5 06/09/2020 09/10/2020 1.00% Total for Type/Exempt Status - Sums Issued Amts only made in AFR Year AFR Year Total for All Debt Types - Sums Issued Amts only made in AFR Year Page 73 Amt. Orig. O/S Beg. Paid Redeemed Prior Yr. Accreted O/S End Issued of Year Dur. Year Bond Proc. Adjust. Interest of Year $1,643,000 $0 $0 $1,643,000 $72,935 $8,000 $4,000 $0 $0 $4,000 $63,000 $0 $0 $63,000 $155,158 $20,000 $10,000 $0 $0 $10,000 $445,000 $0 $0 $445,000 $601,152 $72,000 $36,000 $0 $0 $36,000 $214,000 $0 $0 $214,000 $279,081 $0 $0 $279,081 $747,060 $444,217 $36,505 $0 $0 $407,712 $2,644,081 $544,217 $86,505 $0 $0 $0 $3,101,793 $1,700,000 $298,081 $298,081 $279,081 $0 $0 $2,006,500 $1,698,417 $1,698,417 $1,643,000 $0 $0 $640,000 $455,000 $455,000 $445,000 $0 $0 $145,000 $67,000 $67,000 $63,000 $0 $0 $214,000 $0 $214,000 $214,000 $0 $0 $214,000 $2,518,498 $2,732,498 $2,644,081 $0 $0 $0 $2,858,081 $3,062,715 $2,819,003 $2,644,081 $0 $0 $3,101,793 TOWN OF Lansing Schedule of Time Deposits and Investments For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 CASH: On Hand Demand Deposits Time Deposits Total COLLATERAL: - FDIC Insurance Collateralized with securities held in possession of municipality or its agent Total INVESTMENTS: - Securities (450) Book Value (cost) Market Value at Balance Sheet Date Collateralized with securities held in possession of municipality or its agent - Repurchase Agreements (451) Book Value (cost) Market Value at Balance Sheet Date Collateralized with securities held in possession of municipality or its agent EDP Code 9Z2001 9Z2011 9Z2021 Amount $600.00 $4,629,385.31 $4,629,985.31 9Z2014 $5,083,842.50 9Z2014A $5,083,842.50 9Z4501 9Z4502 9Z4504A 9Z4511 9Z4512 9Z4514A Page 74 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 Bank Account Number *****-3007 *****-3007 ......----suu i *****-3530 *****-3007 *****-3355 *****-5645 *****-8718 *****-1189 *****-9202 TOWN OF Lansing Bank Reconciliation For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 Include All Checking, Savings and C.D. Accounts Bank Balance $12,217 $106,531 $15,053 $15,042 $44,122 $59,517 $300,413 $53,128 $9,288 Add: Deposit In Transit ($332) $0 ;0.500, -1 of $10,599 $1,201,668 $1,534,913 $750,638 $28,185 $126,289 Total Adjusted Bank Balance Petty Cash Adjustments Total Cash Total Cash Balance All Funds * Must be equal u $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ;3)u Page 75 Less: Adjusted Outstanding Bank Checks Balance $790 $11,095 $0 $106,531 $0 $15,053 $0 $15,042 $0 $44,122 $118 $59,399 $0 $300,413 $600.00 $0 $53,128 $0 $9,288 $0 $365,187 $0$10,599 $0 $1,201,668 $0 $1,534,913 $0 $750,638 $2,765 $25,420 $0 $126,289 $4,628,785 $600.00 $.00 9ZCASH * $4,629,385 9ZCASHB $4,629,385 OSC Municipality Code 500344900000 TOWN OF Lansing Local Government Questionnaire For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 1) Does your municipality have a written procurement policy? 2) Have the financial statements for your municipality been independently audited? If not, are you planning on having an audit conducted? 3) Does your local government participate in an insurance pool with other local governments? 4) Does your local government participate in an investment pool with other local governments? 5) Does your municipality have a Length of Service Award Program (LOSAP) for volunteer firefighters? 6) Does your municipality have a Capital Plan? 7) Has your municipality prepared and documented a risk assessment plan? If yes, has your municipality used the results to design the system of internal controls? 8) Have you had a change in chief executive or chief fiscal officer during the last year? g) Has your Local Government adopted an investment policy as required by General Municipal Law, Section 39? Page 76 Response Yes No Yes No No No No No No Yes Total Full Time Employees: Total Part Time Employees: Account Description Code 9010$ State Retirement System i 9015 Police and Fire Retirement 90258 Local Pension Fund 9030 Social Security 9040: Worker's Compensation Insurance 9045 Life Insurance 90508 Unemployment Insurance 9055 Disability Insurance 8060 Hospital and Medical (Dental) Insurance 90708 Union Welfare Benefits 90858 Supplemental Benefit Payment to Disabled Fire Fighters 91890 Other Employee Benefits Total Computed Total From Financial �•ection (comparative purposes only) TOWN OF Lansing Employee and Retiree Benefits For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 2& 67 Total I # of Full Expenditures Time (All Funds) Employees $255,809.30 28 $126,447.21 $81,158.00 $4,101.32 $442,057.75 $29,572.3 $939,145.96' $939,145.96 Page 77 28 28 28 28 2 # of Part # of Retirees Time Employees 6� -- OSC Municipality 500344900000 67 6? A 0 UZI TOWN OF Lansing Energy Costs and Consumption For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 Energy Type Total Total Volume Units Of Alternative Expenditures Measure Units Of Measure _ gallons iasoline Diesel Fuel gallons Fuel Oil gallons Natural Gas cubic feet Electricity kilowatt-hours al tons Page 78 CERTIFICATION OF CHIEF FISCAL OFFICER I, Edward LaVigne , hereby certify that I am the Chief Fiscal Officer of the Town of Lansing , and that the information provided in the annual financial report of the Town of Lansing , for the fiscal year ended 12/31/2020 , is TRUE and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. By entering the personal identification number assigned by the Office of the State Comptroller to me as the Chief Fiscal Officer of the Town of Lansing , and adopted by me as my signature for use in conjunction with the filing of the Town of Lansing's annual financial report, I am evidencing my express intent to authenticate my certification of the Town of Lansing's annual financial report for the fiscal year ended 12/31/2020 and filed by means of electronic data transmission. Charmagne Rumgay Name of Report Preparer if different than Chief Fiscal Officer (607) 533-8896 Telephone Number 03/15/2021 Date of Certification Edward LaVigne Name G Town Supervisor Title 29 Auburn Rd. Lansing, NY 14882 Official Address 607) 533-8896 Official Telephone Number Page 79 Municipality Code 500344900000 [SD] DRAINAGE Adiustment Reason Account Code SD8012 Misc adj TOWN OF Lansing Financial Comments For the Fiscal Year Ending 2020 Page 80 OSC Municipality Code 50( TOWN OF LANSING Notes to the Financial Statements For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2020 I. Summary of sienificant Accounting Policies The financial statements of the Town of Lansing have been prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as applied to government units. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is the accepted standard setting body for establishing governmental accounting and financial reporting principles. The more significant of the government's accounting policies are described below. A. Financial Reoortins Entitv The Town of Lansing has a population of 11,033 according to the 2010 federal census. The incorporated Village of Lansing is located wholly within the Town. The Town is governed by Town Law and other general laws of the State of New York. The Town's legislative body is the Town Board, consisting of a Supervisor and four Councilpersons. The Supervisor, as Chief Fiscal Officer, is responsible for receiving, disbursing and having custody of all Town monies, and keeping all books of account. The Town Clerk, as Chief Recording Officer, is custodian of all Town papers and records. The financial reporting entity includes organizations, functions, and activities over which elected officials exercise oversight responsibility. Oversight responsibility is determined on the basis of financial interdependency, selection of governing authority, designation of management, ability to significantly influence operations and accountability for fiscal matters. The Town provides the following principal services; transportation (streets and highways), culture -recreation, planning and zoning, public improvements and general administration. Street lighting in the community of Ludlowville Lighting District #1 is provided for and funded by means of a special ad -valorem tax on real property within the lighting district. The Warren Road Business Park Lighting District #2 and Lakewatch Lighting District #3 is provided for and funded by a per unit assessment. The Southern Cayuga Lake Inter -municipal Water Commission administers and oversees the operation of the Consolidated Water District and all extensions. The furnishing of fire protection in the area of the Town outside the Village is not a Town function. Instead, it is the responsibility of the Fire Commissioners who constitute the governing board of the Lansing Fire District whose boundaries encompass the entire Town including the Village. Fire Commissioners are elected by the qualified voters living within the district. Fire district operations, including the financing thereof through real property taxation are carried out under the direction of the Fire Commissioners. The Town, therefore, has no oversight or managerial responsibility over the function. Although the functions and activities of the Town of Lansing Housing Authority are related to the Town, they are not included in the Town's reporting entity for the following reasons: 1) the Town cannot significantly influence the authority's operation; 2) the Town has no budgetary authority; 3) the authority controls surpluses and deficits; 4) the Town has no responsibility for the authority's debt, 5) the authority's Board of Commissioners control fiscal management. B. Basis of Presentation — Fund Accounting The accounts of the Town are organized on the basis of funds and account groups, each of which is considered a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are accounted for with a separate set of self -balancing accounts that comprise its assets, liabilities, equity, revenues, and expenditures. Government resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based upon the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which spending activities are controlled. 1. Fund Cateeories a. Governmental Funds — Governmental funds are those through which most governmental functions of the Town are financed. The acquisition, use and balances of the Town's expendable financial resources and the related liabilities are accounted for through governmental funds. The measurement focus is upon determination of changes in financial position, rather than upon the net income determination. General Fund — the principal operating fund and includes all operations not required to be recorded in other funds. The Town utilized both the General Fund Townwide and General Fund Outside Village funds. Special Revenue Funds — used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. The following Special Revenue funds are utilized: Highway Fund Townwide Highway Fund Outside Village Lighting District Fund Sewer District Fund Water District Fund Capital Proiects Fund — used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities (other than those financed by the enterprise, or internal service funds). Debt Service Fund — used to account for current payments of principal and interest on general obligation long-term debt (and for financial resources accumulated in a reserve for payment of future principal and interest on long-term indebtedness). b. Fiduciary Funds — used to account for special activities or services provided by one department to other departments or to other governments on a cost -reimbursement basis. Included are the following; Trust & ARencv - used to account for money (and/or property) received and held in the capacity of trustee, custodian, or agent. These include expendable trusts, non -expendable trusts and agency funds. 2. Account Groups Account groups are used to establish accounting control and accountability for general capital assets and general long-term debt. The two account groups are not "funds". They are concerned with measurement of financial position and not results of operations. The General Capital Assets Account Group — used to account for land, buildings, improvements other than buildings, and equipment utilized for general government purposes, except those accounted for in proprietary funds. The General Long -Term Debt Account Group — used to account for all long-term debt except that accounted for in proprietary funds. These liabilities include serial bonds, bond anticipation notes, and capital leases. C. Basis of Accountine/Measurement Focus Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures/expenses and the related assets and liabilities are recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. Basis of accounting relates to the timing of the measurements made, regardless of the measurement focus. Measurement focus is the determination of what is measured, i.e. expenditures or expenses. Modified Accrual Basis — All Governmental Funds and Expendable Trust Funds are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Under this basis of accounting, revenues are recorded when measurable and available. Available means collectible within the current period or soon enough thereafter to be used to pay liabilities of the current period. Material revenues that are accrued include real property taxes, state and federal aid, sales tax and certain user charges. If expenditures are the prime factor for determining eligibility, revenues from federal and state grants are accrued when the expenditure is made. Expenditures are recorded when incurred except that: 1) Expenditures for prepaid expenses and inventory -type items are recognized at the time of purchase. 2) Principal and interest on indebtedness are not recognized as an expenditure until due. 3) Compensated absences, such as vacation and sick leave, which vests or accumulates, are charged as an expenditure when paid. Account Grouns — General capital assets are recorded at actual or estimated cost or, in the case of gifts and contributions, at the fair market value at the time received. No provision for depreciation is made. General long-term debt liabilities are recorded at the par value of the principal amount: No liability is recorded for interest payable to maturity D. Proaerty Taxes County real property taxes are levied annually no later than December 31 It and become a lien on January 1 It . Taxes are collected during the period January 111 to March 31 It. Taxes for county purposes (apportioned to the area of the county outside of the City of Ithaca) are levied together with taxes for the Town and special district purposes as a single bill. The towns and special districts receive the full amount of their levies annually out of the first amounts collected on the combined bills. The county assumes enforcement responsibility for all taxes levied in the towns (and for unpaid county taxes). E. Sales Tax Tompkins County, under the general authority of Article 29 of the Tax Law, imposes a 4% sales tax within its boundaries. The tax is administered and collected by the State Tax Commission in the same manner as that relating to the State imposed 4 % sales and compensating use tax. They are paid by the State to the County and the City, respectively. F. Budeetary Data 1. Budset Policies — The budget policies are as follows: a. No later than September 30, the Town Supervisor, as budget officer, submits a tentative budget to the Town Clerk for the fiscal year commencing the following date. The tentative budget includes proposed expenditures and the proposed means of financing for all funds. b. The tentative budget is submitted by the Town Clerk to the Town Board by October 51 for their approval, it then becomes the preliminary budget. A public hearing must be conducted to obtain taxpayer comments on or before the Thursday immediately following General Election Day. The preliminary budget as submitted or amended must be adopted by November 20th. c. All modifications of the budget must be approved by the Town Board, and may amend the budget as necessary during the year. Unexpended appropriations lapse at the end of the fiscal year. 2. Encumbrances Encumbrance accounting, under which purchase orders, contracts and other commitments for the expenditure of monies are recorded for budgetary control purposes to reserve that portion of the applicable appropriations. Encumbrances are reported as reservations of fund balances since they do not constitute expenditures or liabilities. Expenditures for such commitments are recorded in the period in which the liability is incurred. G. Investments Investments are stated at cost, which approximate market value. H. Proaertv.PlantandEuuiiiment— General Capital assets purchased for general governmental purposes are recorded as expenditures in the governmental funds and are capitalized at costs (or estimated historical costs for assets purchased prior to May 15, 1978) in the General Capital Assets Account Group. Contributed capital assets are recorded at fair market value at the date received. Depreciation on general capital assets, which is recorded in the Town's government -wide financial statements, has not been provided in the annual update document, nor has interest on general capital assets construction in progress been capitalized. I. Insurance The Town assumes the liability for most risk including, but not limited to, property damage and personal injury liability. Judgements and claims are recorded when it is probable that an asset has been impaired or a liability has been incurred and the amount of loss can be reasonably estimated. J. Comnensatory Absences Employees accrue vacation leave based primarily on the number of years employed up to a maximum rate of 20 days per year, but may carry-over a maximum of only five workdays. Employees accrue sick leave at the rate of one sick day per month by regular full-time employees, up to a maximum of 165 days. Upon retirement, the dollar value of accumulated sick time (based upon the employee's rate of pay at the date II. of retirement) will be applied toward the cost of the retired employee's portion of the health insurance premium up to age 65. No payment for accumulated sick time will be made for a non -retirement termination. K. Post Emnlovment Benefits In addition to providing pension benefits, the Town provides health insurance coverage and survivor benefits for those retired employees and their survivors who retired prior to December 31, 2006. As of January 1, 2007, in the event the retiree predeceases the dependents, the dependents may continue health insurance coverage provided they pay the full cost of the premium. All Town employees may be eligible for these health insurance benefits if hired before January 1, 2015 (having been granted a bona -fide retirement benefit from NYSERS) and the employee has the required years of continuous full-time service with the Town in accordance with the employee handbook. Employees hired prior to 5-15-2006 — 10 years Employees hired between 5-15-2006 and 12-21-2014 - 20 years Employees hired after 1-1-2015 — not eligible Health care benefits are provided through The Greater Tompkins County Municipal Health Insurance Consortium whose premiums are based on the benefits paid during the year. The Town recognizes the cost of providing benefits by recording its share of insurance premiums as an expenditure in the year paid. The expenditure is recorded in the General, Highway, & Water Funds. The cost of providing benefits for the 10 retirees is separable from the cost of providing benefits for the 24 active employees. Stewardship. Compliance. Accountability° A. Deficit Fund Balances There were no deficit fund balances at the end of 2020. Detail Notes on All Funds and Account Groups A. Assets 1. Cash and Investments The Town investment policies are governed by state statutes. In addition, the Town has its own written investment policy. Town monies must be deposited in FDIC insured commercial banks or trust companies located within the state. The Town Supervisor, as Chief Fiscal Officer, is authorized to use demand accounts and certificates of deposit. Permissible investments include obligations of the U.S. Treasury and U.S. agencies, repurchase agreements, and obligations of New York State or its localities. Collateral is required for demand deposits and certificates of deposit at 105% of all deposits not covered by federal deposit insurance. Obligations that may be pledged as collateral are obligations of the United States and its agencies and obligations of the State and its municipalities and school districts. Deposits at year-end were entirely covered by federal depository insurance held by the Town's custodial bank in the Town's name. All deposits including certificates of deposit are carried at cost plus accrued interest. 2. Chanties in Capital Assets A summary of changes in general capital assets follows: Balance Balance Tyne 12/31/19 Additions Deletions 12/31/20 K101 Land $ 681,258 $ 681,258 K102 Buildings $1,526,309 $ 1,526,309 K103 Improvements $ 261,460 $ 261,460 K104 Machinery/Equip $4,502,633 $ 840,299 $ 5,342,932 K106 Infrastructure $9,177,609 $ 9,177,609 K107 Other Capital Assets $ 80.188 + 80.188 TOTAL $16,229,457 $ 840,299 - $17,069,756 4 B. Liabilities 1. Pension Plans Plan Description The Town of Lansing participates in the New York State and Local Employees' Retirement System (ERS). This is a cost-sharing multiple -employer retirement system. The System provides retirement benefits as well as death and disability benefits. Obligations of employers and employees to contribute and benefits to employees are governed by the New York State Retirement and Social Security Law (NYSRRSSL). As set forth in the NYSRSSL, the Comptroller of the State of New York (Comptroller) serves as sole trustee and administrative head of the Systems. The Comptroller shall adopt and may amend rules and regulations for the custody and control of their funds. The Systems issue a publicly available financial report that includes financial statements and required supplementary information. That report may be obtained by writing to the New York State and Local Retirement Systems, Gov. Alfred E. Smith State Office Building, Albany, NY 12244. Funding Policv The Systems are noncontributory except for employees who joined the New York State and Local Employees' Retirement System after July 27, 1976 who contribute 3% of their salary. Under the authority of the NYSRSSL, the Comptroller shall certify annually the rates expressed as proportions of payroll members, which shall be used in computing the contributions required to be made by employers to the pension accumulation fund. The Town of Lansing is required to contribute at an actuarially determined rate. The required contributions for the current year and two preceding years were: ERS 2018 230,250 2019 232,512 2020 263,575 The Town's contributions made to the Systems were equal to 100 percent of the contributions required for each year. 2. Short Term Debt Summary of Short Term Debt Outstanding 12/31/19 Additions BANS $2,518,498 $214,000 Reductions $ 2,73,498 Outstanding 12/31/20 $ 00 On June 9, 2020, a $214,000 BAN was borrowed to pay for Water District #5 to be created on Peruville Road, in the Town of Lansing. On September 10, 2020, all of our BANS were converted to a BOND. 3. Long Term Debt a. On December 31, 2020 the total outstanding indebtedness of the Town Aggregated $3,101,793. Of this amount, $92,553,333 is subject to the constitutional debt limit and represents 3.4 % of the Town's debt limit. b. Serial Bonds — The Town borrows money in order to acquire land or equipment or construct buildings and improvements. This enables the cost of these capital assets to be borne by the present and future taxpayers receiving the benefit of the capital assets. These long-term liabilities, which are full faith and credit debt of the local government, are recorded in the General Long -Term Debt Account Group. c. Summary of Long -Term Debt Outstanding Outstanding 12/31/19 Additions Reductions 12/31/20 Serial Bonds $ 100,000 +2,644,081 - 50,000 $2,694,081 State Loan $ 444.217 +0 - 36.505 $407.712 $ 544,217 +2,644,081 - 86,505 $3,101,793 d. Maturity Schedule - See Supplemental Section of Annual Update Document. C. Fund Equitv 1. Reserves The Capital projects fund equity includes capital reserve funds established for the following purposes: Purpose Balance 12/31/ZUZU The Highway Fund (DA) equity includes capital reserve funds established for the following purposes: Highway Equipment $300,413.09 The General Fund (A) equity includes capital reserve funds established for the following purposes: Purpose Balance 12/31/2020 Excess Dog Control Revenues $ 20,194.42 Non -Recurring Repairs $ 106,530.80 Reserve for Park & Rec Equip $ 15,042.45 Technology $ 15,053.44 Parkland & Trailways $ 44,122.45 2. Prior Period Adiustments to Fund Balance SD fund, Fund Balance is $5.12 less than it should be. 'n