HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-06-04274 June 04, 1997 The Lansing Town Board met in Special Session at the Lansing Town Hall Board Room at 7:00 P.M. with Supervisor Kirby presiding. Jeannine Kirby Paul Butler Herbert Beckwith Jeffrey Cleveland Larry Tvaroha Bonita Boles Rich John Roll Call Supervisor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Town Clerk Town Attorney Present Present Present Present Present Present Present (7 :37) VISITORS: Dave Herrick (7:15), George Totman, Matt Shulman,, Ruth Adams, Mr. & Mrs. Bishop, Mr. & Mrs. Davis, Mary Tilley, Dick Hunt, Ralph Barnard and 10 other Algerine Road area residents. The Supervisor called the meeting to order and had the clerk take the Roll Call. WATER DISTRICT #17, EXTENSION #5 Residents of the Lansing Station Road and Algerine Road area addressed the Board wanting to know the status of their water district. Mrs. Kirby stated that there were quite a few residents that do not want the water. Mrs. Kirby had talked to Dave Herrick, Town Engineer, about breaking it down into smaller districts. Most of the residents in the Algerine area wanted the water and that is where if it people the district would were to go to a within the district begin. Mrs. referendum, the would vote. Kirby majority informed the residents would rule and the Mr. Bishop asked if Lansing Station Road would be included in the Algerine district. Mrs. Kirby stated it would circle around to include some of the road. The larger landowners didn't want the water and there was a lack of interest from the residents on Sweazey Road. Dave Herrick passed out the following survey summary: WATER DISTRICT #17 EXTENSION #5 Response to 12/30/96 problems with potable water quality and Survey Question No #1 Are you interested in pursuing municipal water supply to serve your property? General Summary of Comments and Responses to Survey Many respondents indicated problems with potable water quality and quantity. *Well *High No The problems contamination levels of Grand %Respondents %Landowners Road or Road Section Yes No Response Blank Total Answering Yes Answering Yes Algerine 8 10 14 1 33 42% 24% Bill George 6 5 20 0 31 55% 19% Lake Front 1 2 13 0 16 33% 6% Ludlow 7 8 6 0 21 47% 33% Sweazey 1 7 5 0 13 13% 8% Lansing Station from Rte 34B to Bill George 45 23 64 0 132 66% 340 Lansing Station from Bill George to Algerine 6 2 8 0 16 75% 38% Totals 74 57 130 1 262 56% 28% General Summary of Comments and Responses to Survey Many respondents indicated problems with potable water quality and quantity. *Well *High The problems contamination levels of sulfur. they mentioned are as follows: when the lake floods. *Hard water. *Low *Limited *Need water pressure. supply to have potable in the summer. water delivered. L,11 J fl 275 June 04, 1997, continued *High turbidity and poor taste. "Must chlorinate and /or filter water. "Pipes freeze. Some respondents reflected dismay about the cost of the proposal. Many respondents support the project and want to pursue the project, municipal even at water, great cost. "the sooner, the One person stated they wanted better!, find a way!" There were various suggestions of cost apportioning methods; *All residences in the proposed district should pay debt retirement. *Owners of vacant lots should pay a percent of the cost of debt retirement per unit. "Vacant land should not be assessed any debt retirement. *Exclude the opponents of the project. *The water district should not pay for the cost to cross Conrail right of way. Dave Herrick reviewed the survey with the Board and the residents. He stated that the next step would be to make smaller extensions. Out of 262 surveys that were sent out, 130 were not returned. The residents wanted to know when things could happen. Mr. Herrick stated that they could still be in the two year time frame. The Lansing Station residents stated they are willing to contact the people who didn't respond and form neighborhood committees. Dave Herrick informed the residents that earlier in the year the Town was notified that the State was making available through the Environmental Facilities Corp, money within their drinking water revolving fund. The Town asked T.G. Miller's to prepare an application to submit to Albany to include this project on their list. The request was for no interest loans from this facility. There has not been any feedback at this point. Dave stated that HUD grant money must be a door to door survey of income of residents within the district. Mrs. Kirby stated that once an area was defined the Town could hold a neighborhood meeting. The residents suggested the Lansingville would like Mr. Herrick Fire Station. After further discussion the residents to see figures on a district that would include stated he could define the area and get figures to them. the Town Board by the June 18th meeting. After this was reviewed by the Town Board they could hold a Public Information Meeting on July 2nd at 7:00 P.M. at the Lansingville Fire Station. The residents thanked the Board for their time. 0 WATER SURCHARGE RESOLUTION, offered by Mr. Butler, and seconded by Mr. Cleveland: WHEREAS, the Town of Lansing has constructed and operates water systems throughout the Town of Lansing including water lines, water distribution systems, pumps, water storage tanks and related facilities, and WHEREAS, the Town of Lansing is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the water systems it owns, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Town Law Section 198, the Town of Lansing is responsible for setting water rates including the charges for operation and maintenance of the water system in the Town of Lansing, and WHEREAS, the Town of Lansing has reviewed the rate structure for operation and maintenance in place in the Town of Lansing and has received information and comments from the Town Engineer and 276 - June 04, 1997;..continued residents of the Town concerning :the present rate structure. for operation and maintenance of the Town of Lansing water system, and WHEREAS., the Town of Lansing has considered the formulation of a new water rate for the payment;.,.of the costs of operation and maintenance of the water system in, -.`the Town of Lansing, therefore, I t is RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Lansing, pursuant to Town Law Section 198, establishes a new water rate for the payment of the cost of operation and maintenance, such rate.to be a flat rate of 25 percent (250) of.the basic charge of. $2.55/1,000 gallons for metered water, being .$6.375/1,000 gallons of water for operations and maintenance, and the Town Supervisor is authorized to amend the water rates and to take such further action.,. as necessary to implement this change to the water rate. Vote of Town Board . (Abstained) Herbert Beckwith, Councilman Vote of Town Board (Aye) .:.Paul Butler, Councilman, Vote of Town Board ( Aye). Jeffrey Cleveland, Councilman Vote of Town Board (Aye) Larry Tvaroha, Councilman Vote of Town Board (Aye)....,,-.Jeannine Kirby, Supervi.sor. Water District #17 Ext #3 Dave Herrick reported that` :::LR -S has completed the restoration work in Fiddlers Green. They ha.v6,1submitted a. final pay request along with a request for final ins,pection.. Mr. Herrick:s.tated there were a few items that. 4ti,ll :,needed. to be completed. Extending completion of the:p out.s:ta d'ing..,it'ems final inspection and 1. payment could be made in July. Water District #17 Ext #1 Highlander has been taking care of their punch list items:.and should be finished tomorrow., Bolton Point Road Water District, Dave informed the Board that-..drawings for the completed on Friday. The proposal goes before the at its meeting on June 9th, George Totman informed Jack Rogers will be representing Jay O'Rear at the meeting. Lansing Station Road Water District road should be Planning Board the Board that Planning Board Dave Herrick reviewed th6 :,.:.;following maximum payment: MAXIMUM ANNUAL DEBT PAYMENT $600 25% $1,500 S1,000 1% $400 24% (Percentages derived from 68 of 132 returned surveys) J 271 June 04, 1997 Larry Tvaroha asked Dave Herrick to revise the survey that he prepared to only include the district that was being proposed. Dave stated he could and would prepare that for the Board. Myers Bridge stated that at the Sewer Meeting a property from the they discussed Rich John reported he met with the County, Bill Mobbs and the engineer The John County had Lampham. They went over generally agreed to the contract the contract at that but had time. some ® concerns. Rich The would like County hopes to put the to discuss this further project out to bid in in Executive Session July. as it involves negotiating and money. Sewer Meeting Dave Herrick stated that at the Sewer Meeting a property from the they discussed Board would like not on the status of the outstanding portions of the Waste Water Facility Plant. One section, chapter five looks at screening certain alternatives. Chapter six shows a detailed evaluation of those alternatives that the Town wants to pursue. Dave stated that the costs associated with the Ithaca area option would be greater than the other alternatives. For that reason, they have been screened out. Dave thought that to further define that screening the Board might want to talk to City Officials to get a new update. Mr. Tvaroha stated he felt there would be a years delay and felt it would be a waste of time and money. Dave Herrick asked if he could have authority from the Board of if there would be someone from the Board that he could go with to confirm what the financial position might be from the Ithaca area facility. It was the consensus of the Town Involves to authorize Dave Herrick to ask the City if there was a change in what they have offered in the past and to reply back at a certain date. Dave Herrick will prepare a letter to that effect and bring it back to the Board for their approval before it is mailed to the City Engineer, CBORD Mr. Tvaroha stated that owner, came before the Board several months and wanted to lease ago CBORD, property a property from the Town so they could expand their business. correspondence back from the owner. Mr. to review their expansion to make sure The Tvaroha they are Board would like not on has had no someone Town owned property. Mr. Herrick stated they were entirely on their own property. Brickyard & Wilson Road Water Tank Mrs. Kirby informed Dave Herrick that when the tank is being flushed out it causes bad erosion. The property owner would like to meet with Mrs. Kirby and Dave Herrick to correct the matter. 34B Bridge Matt Shulman asked the Board if they had any information on when and how the bridge will be closed for repairs. Mrs. Kirby informed Mr. Shulman that they have no information or communication concerning the closing of the bridge from the State. Proposed Zoning Changes Matt Shulman asked the Board when they will be holding Public Information meeting on the proposed changes. Mrs. Kirby stated that the public meetings would be set by the Planning Board. If necessary the Town Board will meet with the Planning Board before the public meetings. 278 June 04, 1997, continued Sewer Pro iect Mr. Shulman asked the Board if he could do an article on Watch Tower's involvement with the sewer project. Mrs. Kirby at the call of stated that the Town Board wants to wait until a final contract is negotiated before an article is written. Rich John stated that the only thing that you could say at this point is that there has been a response and there is an interest. Executive Session RESOLUTION, offered by Mr. Beckwith and seconded by Mr. Tvaroha0 RESOLVED, that the Special Meeting be adjourned to go into Executive Session at 8:37 P.M. to discuss legal matters of the proposed sewer contract and the assistant bookkeeper's job. Carried. RESOLUTION, offered by Mr. Beckwith and seconded by Mr. Cleveland: RESOLVED, that the Executive Session be terminated at 9:37 P.M. and the Special Meeting be reconvened. Carried. Proposed Zoning Changes It was the consensus of the Town Board to authorize the Planning Board to schedule Public Informational Meetings. On motion, meeting adjourned at the call of the Supervisor at 9:39 P.M. Minutes taken by the Town Clerk and executed by the Deputy Town Clerk. E