HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-11-03MINUTES OF T0WN BOARD MEETING HELD, -- MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1986, AT a ;00 B,M& Those present; Teresa M. Robinson, Supervisor Ellax:d L. Sov0000i, Councilman Cordon C. Vaf7Benschoten, Councilman Donald E. umrain s, Councilman Joseph X. Graham, Ooanciluian Jack Ktzgerald, Attorney' Also' present Leland Corneli.ui�, Josephine Fill Public Heaxirig on proposed 1987 Budget was'held at 7.30 P.M. (see minutes of Public Hearings`. ) . ' At 8:07 P.M. the November Town Board Fleeting convened. An amendment to the minutes of October 15 was made. '�See'minutes, of: Oct;s:i ) Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Cummings, to approve minutes of October 14 and October 15 as amended. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBens'chote:l, Cummings, Graham,' Robinson. Clain Nos. 275 to 296 of the Highway Fund In the amount of $19,82D.44; Claim Idol. 390 to 4- 50 (to inQlude election personnel.) of the General Fund, 1n the aanount of $13,224.80; Claim Nos. 7 to 9 of the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund in the amount of $5,483.00 were presented for audit. Moved by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded by Mr. Sovocool, to approve bills as presented. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Graham, Robinson. Monthly reports were not available due to the early meeting date. They will be reviewed next month, Goxxes}ondence corfis'kec of 1 Check`eoeived in the amount of $48.+ as partial reimbursement for Summer Youth Program'; ) David Demming wants to attend Dec. 9th meeting to discuss checking wells in area; ) Association of Towns Annual Meeting to be held Feb, 15 -18; 4} Letter from Tompkins County Dept, of Public: Works on snow rempva.l contract fox 1 8? . Discussed proposed 1987 Snow Removal contract. 'Three options in order of preference area, 1) Hourly rate; Z) Actual cost, per mile of 2,038; or County own' take over., - Qounty wants contract for five years with provisions far ad ji,�stken't, if C=ity were to take' over, . people wotld complain of duplication of services. We would have to do our PR homework and let the public know what the Couity plans to do in the coming ,years. MT. Plobbs wazits to eliminate paper work by Using flat rate per mile even k.:though::sn5w removal is unpredictable. According to the County, we have 35.97 miles of County Roads which Mr. Cornelius stated is actually 28.0 ifales. The County took over Pleasant Valley Road and Lafayette Road last winter and didn't keep them open. With the County doing the work; it becomes a matter of safety. After much discussion, the first choice of the boa�cd L s hourly rate and second actual cost of $2038 for ane year for 35.9' miles of County Highway, )Final consensus of board was to send a letter indicating our actual cost (time, materials, etc.) as the Town's proposal for 1987 Snow Removal Contract. In aLddition, the Town wishes to be notified of time and place of Public Works Meeting to be held on Nov. 7th as we wish to have a representative present. Board members reviewed proposed Local Law No. 1 for 1986 for kdminister1ng and Enforcing the New York State Uniform Fire and Building Construction Code as well as Certain Local Law's of the Town of Garoton. This proposed law Twill ]ay an the table until our Deoember meeting. Moved by Mr. Sovocool, seconded by Mr. Cummings, to schedule hearing fox proposed Local Law No. 1 for 1981, to be held on December 9, 1986, at $:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBcnschoten, Cummings, Gr.h� an, Robinson . 0 RESOLUTIOR M06 21 - ADOPT PRELIMINARY BUDGET AS 1987 TOWN BUDGET Moved by 1r. VanBenschoten, seconded by MT. Sovocool Ayes - Sovocool, VanBeni�ichoten, Cummings, Graham, Robinson RESOLVED, that the Groton Town Roa.rd adopt Preliminary Budget as presented at hearing held on Rovember 3, 1986, with the exception of salaxy changes, as the Town Budget for 19871 SUMMARY OF TOWN BUDGET APPROPRIATION'S TRESS LESS AND PROVISIONS DMMAT'ED UNEXPEND&D AMOUNT TO BE FUND FOR OTHER USES REVENUES BALANCT RAISED BY TAX GWERAL $321,925 $ 58:350 $ 4a,oOO $221575 GE14ERAL OUTSIDE VILLAGE 62300D 3P500 12,000 46 0 5o0 HIGHWAY -'IO NWIDE 313,000 27P000 150,000 1 6,OQ0 KGHWAY- OUTSIDE VILLAGE 15go469 63,417 24,000 72,052 FEDERAL R IVERUE SHARING -0- -Q- -0- -0- GROWN FIRE DEPT, 36p940 36 ► 940 McLEM FIRE DIST. 22,060 22,060 McLRW TIGHT DIST, 2P300 2P300 PERU LIGHT DIST, W00 _ 1, 3001 TOTALS $918,994 $152,267 $226 , 000 $540P727 _ :Leland Oornelius repexted that bank in June he asked to purchase a dump box to replace alurninuia lox; but didn't get it. The aluminum box gave out while clumping a load of gravel, He would like authoxioation to purchase 17' eteel box with hoist. Moved by Kr. Vaaenscho'h. , seconded by Kr. Graham, to author? ze Leland Cornelius, Highway Superintendent,, to advertxze for bids for a 17' steel box with hoist with bid opening to be a't 8:15 P.M. on December. 9, 19861 Board dyscussed with Highway Superintendent status of John walpole's Worker's Compensation and hxs riot being at work. T%ere being no -further business, Mr. Sovocool moved to ad joulm meeting, seconde-d, by Mr. VanBenschoten, at :5E P.M. Unanimous, . . Colleen D. Pierson Tbwn Clerk 9 MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1986, AT 7:30 PwM9 Present: Teresa Ellard Gordon Joseph Donald Jack F Iii. L. C. H. E. it2 Robinson, Supervisor Sovocool, Councilman VanBenschoten, Councilman Graham, Councilman Cummings, Councilman gerald, Attorney Also present: Leland Cornelius, Josephine Hill, Glenn P. Munson ?Notice of Budget Hearing as published in the Journal Courier on October 22, 1986, was read. T. Robinson - There are two changes in budget: 1 - didn't put money in for tanks. All Board Members agreed to this. 2 - Salaries go up to same rate. I contacted each Board Member and two were for and two were against. Since I was involved, if they wanted to change they would change at this meeting. It would be decided at nearing. What is the Board's- feeling? G. VanBenschoten - I go with the 5 %. L. Sovocool - I agree with the 5%. J. Graham - I think it should be the same for all. T. Robinson - I'm leaving it up to the Board. G. Munson - What's the other percentage? T. Robinson - 64 �. G. VanBenschoten - There might come a year when we can stand fast. L. Sovocool - I think we should stick with the 5%. G. VanBenschoten - I'll go along with the 5 %. D. Cummings - I just read that the average national increase in industry is 1.6%. J. Graham - If one gets 511"o, then everyone gets 596. T. Robinson - This is a summary of the proposed budget (showing chart). Insurance has gone up. No Federal Revenue. We'll do as much road work as we can. Groton Fire Department is in 44� the same boat as Town with liability insurance. Light Districts - Each year it gets a little more. We no longer have contracts. This yeax we will just make it. I raised it $100 for next year. �2- Rate is figured fr'oln General Fund and Highway. Whole Town 5. Part Town 218918 Groton Fire 1.2005 McLean Fire I.6978 McLean Tights ,759948 Peruville Lights ImO3819 Village will be paying 5.54. Town will pay 8.43 tax dawn each yeas. L. Sovocool - Are we up or down from last yeas? T. Robinson - Up - 6¢ part town, 370 Last yeaxs rates were: Sales tax reduces Town Whale town, 200 Groton Fire 5.17 Whole 'J'own 2.8379 Part Thwn 1.05489 Groton Fire 1.5927 McLean d'ir'e .56379 McLean Lights .96528 Peru Lights; J. Graham - 1 have a little txoUble kith $500 for clambake in Fire Budget. There i s 12,000 d=ifference between appropriations and income. Lot the general public see $3-500 for a Clambake and Mayers would be upset. G. Munson - Village pays ;part of it. J. Graham - Maybe its fund razsing money. G. Eunson - Foreign Fire Insurance prctty rush Qovers clambake. Insurance i!t, big past of increase. We acquired a now tanker. Next year «e will need to replace ambulance and a pumper. Clambake is expenditure of department . line item, G. VanBenschoten - Did we put anything in for Plwning Board? T. Robinson - Yes, the same as last year. G. VanBenschoten - Yes, but they put in a lot of tipLe. They ;probably put in as much time as we do or more. J. Graham - We have two i'i,re departments that volunteer services. Let's hope we don't give up all volunteer sexvice. G. Munson � What fee did Code Enforcement Offa,oer request? is T. Robin;�on - He ,put in xequest for salary, not so much for salary but expenses. He already had an expense account. G. M�rnsan - So what's his total request for 1987? T. Robinson - He asked for a, clerk, mileage and basically to have a clerk, M ri .3- G. Munson - What's his retainer for a year? T. Robinson - $3600 plus mileage. $6000 for a clerk. G. Munson - Would clerk be present staff? Mould Joanne be doing zoning work? T. Robinson - No, it would be a new person. T. Robinson - Are there any other questions or comments? If not, I need a motion. J. Hill - I make the motion the budget be accepted as presented. G. Munson - I second that motion. Hearing adjourned at 8:07 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Colleen D. Pierson Town Clerk