HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-07-09Two bids for 1985 new wheel loader were reviewed by Town Attorney, Highway Superintendent and Town Board members. Difference between sale and lease figures were reviewed. The Trojan Loader does not meet all the specs. RESOLUTION NO. 18 - AWARD BID FOR A 1985 `e[HEEL LOADER To SYRACUSE SUPPLY C01o1PANY Moved by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded by Mr. Sovocool Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Robinson. Absent - Graham RESOLVED, that the Town of Groton award bid to Syracuse Supply Company for a new 1985 Caterpillar 936 Wheel Loader for $93,124.00 less trade - in of $36,000.00 for a net bid of $57,124.00, since other bid does not meet specs, and FURTHER RESOLVED, to condition upon bidder to supply performance bond. in the amount of $39,995 and also that non - collusive bidding certification be sworn to. Town Attorney pointed out that the two incorrect items in Syracuse Supply's bid don't affect the legality of the bid. Supervisor Robinson has been asked by Wilson harry to check into McLean Church light as to placement on pole or part of light district. Also will check with N YSE&G on cost and procedure to place light on Peru. corners. Supervisor and Highway Superintendent questioned zoning officer as to definition of Barrow Pit. Mr. Snyder of DEC will be contacted in this regard. Mr. Wood will check on gravel being drawn out of Bishop's land with no permit, Supervisor mentioned looking into new phone system for Town since costs continue to rise. Town Clerk mentioned that the office needs an additional desk, chair and typewriter since zoning off'icer's secretary is now occupying an office and is currently using Town Clerk's typewriter. There being no further 'business, Mr. Sovocool moved that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Mr. VanBenschoten, at 8:25 P.M. Unanimous. Colleen D. Pierson Town Clerk MINUTES OF TOt%ll BOARD MEETING HELD TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1985, AT 7:30 P. Pi Those present: Teresa Ellard Gordon Donald Jack F Absent: Joseph m. L. C. E. i t2 H. Robinson, Supervisor Sovocool, Councilman VanBenschoten, Councilman Cummings, Councilman gerald, Attorney Graham, Councilman Also present: Leland Cornelius Moved by Mr. Cummings, seconded by Mr. VanBenschoten, to approve the minutes of June 11 and, 17 meetings as mailed. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Robinson. Claim Nos. 180 to 201 Claim Nos. 231 to 250 presented for audit. by Mr. VanBenschoten. of the Highway Fund. in the amount of $10,612-35, and 'us of the General Fund in the amount of $1,780-75 were °.'►` ' % =lF�.io Mr. Sovocool moved. that the bills be paid, seconded Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Robinson. Supervisor Robinson Deported on Summer Youth Program and the need to draw two more names since some of the original students drawn already had jobs. The two additional names drawn were Peter Heine and Michael Rumsey. Reminder to Board Members of the Joint Town & Village Board hearing on the annexation to be held. July 31, 1985, at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. I'tr+ Sovocool iriaved-to hold a Special. Town Board Keeting on JUIY 31, .1985, at 8:0o P.M. to consider annexation of Talbot property. Seconded by 11r. '1aaenscho'ten. Ayes - Savocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Robinson. Town picnic will be held. August 4th at Noon at Geoxge Tatman in' McLean. All Town officials, appointed employees and highway employees and families are invited to attend. Bring dish,to pass, own meat and table sex`vice. Thexe being no further business , Mr. Cummings Moved to adjourn meeting, seconded,by'Mr. VanBenschoten, at 801 I?.IBS, Unanimous. Colleen D. Pierson Town Clexk MINUTES OF TOWN BOARD MEZ; 1HG I=, J1U7j,S1]A1P. A lGU8T 13; 1985 AT 7-30 P I'I. Those present; Teresa. Ellaxd Gordan Joseph Jack F Arxived bate: Donald M. Robinson,' Supervisor L. Sovocool, Gouneilmart C. VanBenschoten, Councilman W. Grraham, Couneilman itzgeral'd, Attorney E. CUff iings, Councilman Also present: Leland Coxne.lius Moved by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded by Mr. Savocool, to approva the minuti 8 or July 9 as mailed. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBensehoten, Graham, Robinson (Abst?nt - Cummings), Claim Nos. 204 to Z40 of the Highway Fund in the amount. of $3 , 30.'x , Claim Nos. 262 to 301 of the General Fund in the a.raount of $4,535.18, and Claim Dios. C to 8 of the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund in the amount.of $1o, i i. 14 were presented for audit, Fx. Gra,'- wii moved that the bills be paid, seconded by Mr. Cummings. Ayes Sovocool, VanBensohoten, Cummings, Grahswrn, Robinson. Board reviewed Town Glexk's'and Town Juatioe Heffron's monthly xeporta. Corresper;dence consisted of: 1) Letter from Child Development. Center rega.xd.ing opening of a Toddler C,axe Program on SePtembex 3, 1983; ) Lettex from Gongreseman Sherwood Boeh'lert indicating Federal Revenue FLunds Will x�e na.in at the current level in 1986; 3) N.Y. Jab Development Authority to expad bondi r_ ng capacity for sjtta'll buEsinesses; 4) Notice from Tompkins EtnployeeE3 Federal Cxedit Union notifying all municipalities that all employees are eligible far membership; ) Pxoposed 2`egulati,ons of the Affordable Housing Corporation for the Affordable home Ownership D °velop- toent Program; ) Completed application for Town Gravel Mine. DEC checked out inine with Highway Superintendent Coxnelius and made some suggestions. Suggested we keep permit on old pit fox artothex year then reclaim. Can still use for storage. DEC wants us to step new iriine walls so that no wall is higher than Z5 feet. Discussed Craton Festival Days Parade -, Town Board, Kembears should all participate. Moved. by Krd '7ar,Bensohoten, seconded by i r. Graham, to appoint Kathy Olson of McLean to the Youth Gornriission Ayez Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Graham, Robinson, Noved by Mr. Sovocool, seconded by PDI . Cummings to appoint Betty Rumgay as Election Inspector in District #3 replacing Margaret O'Hara who has resigned due to health reasons, and also to appoint Gerald Hammond as Re- Checkex to replace Ross Rockwell Who is working nights, Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Grahaau, Robinson. Town Clerk notified 13oaxd membexs of JoAnn mill's injury on Aagust 2 which consisted of 'burns to her right hand obtained while burirrg conf�.dential documents. Pertinent info has been filed with the Workmen's Comp. Boaxd.