HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-05-14201, r . Haved by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded by M:c, Cummings, to authorize Leland Cornelius to attend 1984 Highway School. from Jude 4 - 6 at the Cornell Campus. Ayes - Sovocool., VanBenschaten, Cumrn3ngs,, Robinson Moved by MT. Sovocool, seconded by Mr. Van$enschoten, to authoxize Highway Superintendent to pre]�are specifications and advertize for 'bids for a box culvert for OlaTk 'Street Extension Project with bid opening to be June 12, 1984, at 8:30 P.M. Ayes - So'vocool, VanBenschoten, Cummings, Robinson Lyle Raymond, Environmental Management Council Representati ;l reported on status of Route 13, County Planning Board is committed to the B -1 Corridor. Recommendations now goe to the Gourity Board of Representatives. New highway money is a long time Corning. Upgrading axisting road money will come quicker. Claim Nos. 120 to 145 of the Highway Fund in the amount of $9,581-77 and Claim Nos. 12? to 145 of the Genexal F'urid, in the amount of ;x2,390.19 were presented for audit. Mr. Cummings moved that the bills. be paid and the clerk instructed to draw warrant for them. Seconded by MT. Sovocool, Ayes - Sovocool, VanBen choten, Cummings, Robinson Supervisox indicated tape recording of all boald.s meeting on zoning came- out real well and suggested the town look into purchasing a Tecordex' to assist in minutes of Town, Planning and Appeals Board meetings. There being no fvx"thcx blaSiness, Mr. Sovocool inoved to adjourn rnee'ti.ng, seconded by Mr. Curo C ings , at +00 P.1P1. Una.nXmouS . Colleen D. PierEon ToTem 01 ex'k MINUTES OF SPECIAL TOWN BOAaD [422TINC HELD MONDAY, MAY 14, 1984 7:3G B, M. Those present, Texesa E l lard Donald GCxdon Jack F Absent: Joseph I4f . E. C. it2 If . Robinson, Supervisor Sovocool, Councilman Cummings, Councilman VanBenschoten, Councilman ,gexald, Attorney Graham, IIman Also presents Leland Corn( lies, Ralph Schooley, Robert Walpole, Glenn Munson Purpose of meeting was to discuss Teclain�tion of gravel pit on Spring Street, Schooley Ente •prises, Inc, have contract to demolish SCM manufacturing buildings in Groton and have asked the Town to put some products in gravel pit subject to DEC approval. Mr. Schooley estimates there will be 12,000 yards of rubble. Schooley En terprisas appropriated $7500-00 for clumping in there contract with SONG, Mr, Glenn Plunson indicated this was in the ball park wl th .other quotes. Schooley Enterprises, Inc, offered the Torun 1O,0OO fox dumping permit. Attorney Fitzaexald. adv!E;ed that a tempor=j dumping permit could be granted to Schooley Enterprises, Inc. pending approval of such dtamping fx'om all requi�ced Governmental Agencies. After lengthy discussion with all involved, the following resolution was offered; RESOLUTION NO, - 15 TEMPORARY DIRTING PERMIT GRAFTED `p0 SCHOO=iy ENTERPRISES IT C Moved by Mr. Sovocool, seconded by Mr. Cummings Ayes - Sovocool, Cummings, VanBenschotC , Pobin�,on (Absent - Graham) WHEREAS the Town Board finds, that the Sprang Street Gravel pit can no longer adequately suppler the need of the Tolrrn fox its supply of sand and gravel and realizing that when totally exhausted the pit will have to be x`ecladmed in accord nce with State regulations, RESOLVM that the Town Board. hereby grantr, a temporary license to Schooley Entej%Prises, Inc. to uze such Spring Street Gravel Pit for the purpose of dumping :nubble Fill generated from the demolition of the fox neT SCM manufacturing buildings {consisting of approx:Una.tely 265,000 square feet of buildi,rrg) in consideration of payment by Schooley Enterprises, Inc. to the Town of Groton of the 48um of 100000 ().00 payable in advance, Which the boaxd determines to be a fair and adequate considex- ation for such license, PROVIDED HOWEI�TR, that Schooley Enterprises, Inc, covers the dumpirng area in aocordance with DEC requirements when the dumping_ has been completed, and PROVIDED FURTHER that the ToiQi of Groton anti Schooley Enterprises, Inc. receive appro'Va.l of such dumping project from all required gove)mn inenta.l agencies . Such licenc if issued shall expire on May 14, 1985. Schooley Entexprlses, lnc. hereby accepts all of the terms contained in the above resclutiorl . Plate resident, Schcoley'Entex rfses, Inc. K2i . Glenn Munson, Broker for Munson Realty, presented Board T+lembexs with information on property located at 729 Spring Street Extensions (Parcel 3'21`4° ) T�rhich the Town is con8idering for use as a gravel pit, Mr, Emson said soil borings mould be available by Thursday. One boring has been completed and looks good as a gravel source. property con szst!�.of 41 acres with a ' x 0' steel building for a firm contraot price of $150,000, ft. Munson indicated another paa ty erias interested in purchasing property. Board members, Attorney, I54r. Funson and [fix. Walpole discussed options to hold property and also Trays to finance. After considerable discussion, the following xesolution was offered; RESOLUTION No. 16 OPTION TO PURCHASE PROF; TRTY Ploved by hr. Cummings, seconded. by T r. VanB�nschoten Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Comm' gs, Robinson Graham - Absent BE IT VESOLVRD, that if Mr. Herbext Tichenor grants to the Town an option to p=ohase property (Tax Map ids. D21�4- ) for the svgs of $1.00, the ',Gown Supexvriso= is authorized to accept the option without Further action of this board. There being no further business, Pr, Sovocool moved to adjourn meeting, seconded by I4`7, VanBenschoten, at 9:20 P.Pt. - k1ar11maus Colleen D. Pierson Town Clerk • •