HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-11-031 Mac. Sovocool moved to have Public Hearing on Town Budget, Federal Revenue Sharing Budget and Fire Distriot Budget on Monday, November 3, 1980 at 5:00 P.M. Seconded by Mr. VanBenschoten. ayes - Sovocool, VanBeni�choten, Gaxey, Robinson . The remainder of the evening was spent workin g on budget, There being no Axther business, Mr. VanBenschoten moved to adjourn meeting, seconded by Mr. Sovocool at 9:35 P. G. Colleen D. Pierson Town Clerk MINUTE OF' SPECIAL TOWN BOAP.D MEETING HELD MONDAY, OC7MER 20, 1980 cm 7:30 PIS[ Those present,; Teresa M. Robinson, Supervisor Ellard L. 5avocool, Councilman Francis P. GaTey, Councilman Verl Rankin, .7x'. , Councilman Gordon C. VanBenschoten, Councilman Absent. Benjj widLn J. Bucko, ',Town Attorney Also present; Leland Cornelius Purpose of meeting wa,s to work on btudge't and pass resolution as neoessaxy. Boaxd. members worked on tentative budget, making changes as necessary for prelimincary budget. RESOLUTION] NO 20 - ADOPT TENTATIVND BUDGET AS PREI,IMTJfA4Y BUDGET FOR 1981 AND RE� FFIR[I BUDGET HEARING DATES Moved by Mr. ]nankin, seconded by �b:. Sovocool Ayes y Sovocool, Carey, Rankin, VanBenschoten, Robinson RESOLVED, that board accept tentative budget as elijidnary budget and re- affixmea schedule for Budget, Bearing, Federal Revenue Shaxing Hearing and Fire Budget Hearing for Monday, November 3, 1980 at 8.04 PH. RESOLUTION KO, 21 - 1951 YOUTH RECREATION PROJECT Moved by Nx's. Robinson, seconded by Mx. Rankin Ayea - Sovocool, Carey, Rankin, ' arffienschoten, Robinson RESOLVED, that the Tome of Gratan will participate in the Youth Recreation Project, fox 1981 in the amount of $3 ZOO with $1600 being reimbursed by the State. There being no Further business, motion was made and seconded to adjourn meeting at 10: O P, M. Colleen D. Pierson Town Clerk MINUTES OF TOWN BOARD MEETING hTLD MONDAY, NOV&MBER 3p 1980 AT 7.30 P,M. Those present. Tsxesa M. Robinson, Suipervisor {erl Rankin, ii., Councilman ZlIax :d, L. Sovocool, Couricilman Francis P,' Carney, Councilman Gordon O. VanBenschoten, Councilmani Ben jamizi :J'. Bucko, Town Attorney Also present: Leland Cornelius, James Bucko, Cla -L ode Holden, Robert Walpole Mr. Careyy moved that the minu'�es of October a.nd. 0 be approved as mailed. Seconded by Mr. VanBenschotern. Ayes - Sov0000l., Carey, Rankin, VanBenschoten, Robinson, Cladms #263 to -, 285 of the Highway .Department and #274 to #332 of the General. Fund were presented foT audit. P']r. Punkin moved that the bills be paid and the Clerk instrL;cted to draw warrant for them. Seconded by Mr. Carey. Ayes ovocool, Carey, Rankin, VanBenschoten, Robinson. • 111 Monthly Zoning and Fire Reports were reviewed, Discussed compensation fox town employees serving an ,jury duty. Employees have to be paid. Tarn Board ,rust have policy and, discuss. during highway bargaining ses;�ian . Attoarnay Ducko Nill look up in General Municipal L�i w and have information for next bcaxd meeting. Correspondence - Letter from Senior Citizens thanking 'tOwn for rnaking their bus trips possible. ASSOC iation of Tarns Annual Convention will be in 14YC February 1 - 181 Board meeting recessed for public hearing° on budgets a.t 8F00 P,N, Board meeting reconvened, at 8:20 B.M. Discussed proposed airiendment to Local Law No. 1 of 1978 entitled Unsaft Building .Lax *. Attorney Buono explained amended law. Moved by Mr. Rankin to leave Local Law on table for one month before acting. Seconded by 111x. Sovocool. Ayes - Sovocool, Carey, Rankin, skcrfflenschoterr, Robinson, Attorney Buclo indicated John Anderson will appear in court, on December 4 because e he has bee held, in oontempt of court. Attox'ney Bucko also indicated the town may need new ordinance to cover traph. Resolution to appoint Zoning Offioex to enforce Loral Law No. 1 of 1978 er►titl.ed Unsafe Building Law was tabled until next month. Potion by Mr. Rankin, seconded by Mr. Sovocool, Una.nlrnous REWLUTION NO, _ - PROPOSED 1981 TOMS HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Moved by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded by Mr. Sovocool Ayes - Sovocool, Carey, Rankin, VanBenschoten, Robinson RESOLVED, that the 1981 T wn Highway Improvement program will include: one -half mile of Sovocool Fill Road. RTSOLUTION NO. 23 - ARFAD BUDGET ADDING $60,000 FRom SAVINGS TO ITEM DM5130. - MACHINERY Moved by Pr. Sovocool,econdad by Mr, VanBenohatsn Ayes - Sovocool, Carey, Rankin, VanBenechoten, Bobinson RESOLVED, that the 1980 Budget be ainerided adding $60,000 from savings account to DH5130+2 Machinery to pay for new truck. Frank Sa'tterly reported that c ant 'budget hearing will be held on Nov. 17. Also SoUal Security rate has increati�ed to 6.65. Mr. Carey and Mr. Rankin will continue to look into enclosing Towr }{all entrance way. RESOLUTION NO. 24 - ADOPT PRELIMINARY BUDGK AS 1981 ANNUAL TOIX BUDGET Moved ty Mr. Rankin, Peconded by Mr. VanBenschoterk Ayes - Sovocool, Carey, Rankin, VarBen&�choten, Robinson RESOLVED, that the Groton Town Boax'd adapt Preliminary Budget as per hearing held this date as the Annual Town Budget for 1981. SUMPARY OF ' OWN BUDGET APPROP RI A TION B LESS LESS AND PROVI IWS ESTIMATED 13NE P LADED AC,]OUNT TO BE F!LND FOR OTHER USES RVENUES BALANCE; RAISED BY TAX GENERAL $162, 175 $ 59P170 $'25p000 78,005 GEURA.L OUTSIDE VILLAGE 27P100 21475 -0- 24P625 KWY : REPAIRS & IMPROVEMEPTT qq,SOD 31,520 -o- 67P930 BRIDGES ?QO -0- -0- JO MACHINERY 16 1 , 900 -25,000 6 , 000 130 , 940 SNOW & P1 S SC . 8 , 675 2,000 6 , o00 75,575 IMPROVPFNT PROGRAM 201000 ,6ao �0- 16,400 FEDZRAL REVENUE SHARIO G 28, 800 28p8OO -0- �0- KRU LIGHTS 830 -0= -O- 850 McLEAN LIGHTZ 1,365 -0- -0- I,365 GROTUI FIRE DEPT. 19,700 -O- -0- 19,700 HoLEAN FIRE FIST. 16P779,79 -O- 16, 779.79 TOTALS $622,024.79 $1520565 37,000 $432p459,79 _, 1 yThere b�e+ing no further business, Mr. Rankin moved to adjourn meeting, seconded ovecool at 844o rapio Colleen .011 Pierson Town Olerk MINUTES GF TOWPI BOARD M3ET17�'G HELD MONTDA&Y, D�CE[�9BER 1, 1980 @ 7:30 P �+1 Those present; Teresa N. Robinson, Supervisor Ellard L. Sovocool, Councilman Vera Rankin, Jr., Councilman Francis P. Carey, Coumcilman Ben jamin J. Bucko, 'Town Attorney Also present: Leland Cornelius, 'Donald ,Palmer, Frank Satterl.y, Nancy McGuerty, Baxbax'a. Hoffman Mar. Carey moved that the minutes of November be approves as rna3led. Seconded by Mr. Savocool. ,dyes Sovocool, Rankin, C�Lrey, VanBenschoten, Robinson Claims #286 to 10 of the Hig*hwa,y Department and tM to # 2 of the General Fund we're presented. far audit. Mr. Rankin moved that the bills be paid and the clerk instructed to draw warrant faT them. Seconded by [fir. Carey. Ay6s - Sovocool, Rankin, Carey, VanBenschoten, Robinson Monthly reports from the Fire Department, Town Clerk, Zoning Officer and Co *Fars Justice were xaviewed. Comes pondence was reviewed. by board menibexs. ]Donald Palmer, County Youth Board Repx'esenta.tive, was present to report on activities. He' serves on Personnel Committee aTtd is Chairperson of Budget Pinance Ci rn)rudttee. New Director's name is "Nancy Zeller. He tasked if there were any progarams the town wished to be considered for funding. Cross Country Skiing was mentioned, Our local youth committee should be more active. Mr. Palmer stated he had received a call from Brenda Benson, associated with the local Day Care Certez , and she was ooncexned about funding request being turned down -foar Ithaca. Board would like to know percentages of Groton kids in local Day Caxe Center. Discussed, Public Hearings and Special Town Board mee'ting;�. Moved by Mr. Sovoccol., seconded by Mr. aarey that a public }gearing be meld on December 1.5, 7,30 P.M. for proposed use change in Federal ':Revenue Sha.xIng Funds of $10,000 rCX011L new truck to Stan @S, oil and equipment. A hearing will be field the same date at 8:00 P.M. for proposed a.mendzent to Town local Law ff1, 1978, "Unsafe Buildings Law "; Special Town Board Meeting to Be held December 1 -ire can junction with heasings . Moved by Mr, Rankin, seconded by Mr. I+teeting December 29, 198D r, Tunds.. Ayes - Unanimous+ VanBenscho'Cen to 1:DO P,M, to perform hold a Special Town Board annual audit of Town Discussed compensation for employees serving on Jury duty. Tha following resolution was rude. RESOLU'1TIRI NO. Z5.. - COMPEUSATIUT WHILE Sl TIL1,114G ON JURY DUTY. Moved by Mr. Rankin, seconders by Mr. VanBenschoten Ayes - Sovoccol, Rankin, Carey, Va,r0ensohaten, Robinson RESOLVED, that'if a person is oallc d. for jury duty, they will be paid the difference between what the County pays for jury duty and � his daily compensation. If excused, employee shall return to work. ft•uik Satterly.reported that county budget was. adopted ataround $ million- - some of which is reimbursi.ble Town will receive a t<Lx credit. `[hey axe dolrig studies on how t.o make Court House accessible to the Handicapped, Chamber of Commerce ;politically affiliated and Frank did not support money req?iest.. A p�xlic hearing on control of out of town vendors will be field next County Board P7eeting e,ryd, will include entire county with registration to be issued by Bheriffs Depaxtment,