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T. Robinson: Mr. Fataki, you must apply within a couple of days for a pexcmIt
to live in present residence or until you construct a trailex.
T. Robinson: We'll continue with our board meeting,
As Supervisor of the Town of Groton, I pxocl.aim February 3 through as Cub Scout
Meek of AmeriCa In the Town of Groton. PrOQ],',llkatian read. Whereas the Cub Scouts
hiving celebrated their _90th year on F`4:1bruary 8, 10SO, as past o,f the Boy Scouts
of America, Whereas the Young man in our community have participated xn thltb
wonderful organization, Now theTefore I, Teresa Robinson, SuPer1risor of the 'Pawn
of Groton, New York, do hereby proclaim the week of ebruaxY 3 through Febraa.ry 9
as Cub Scout meek in our Town.
Supervisor Robinson presented the falloKing 1980. contracts and, arnounte fox
payment: 1) Day Caxe Center - $1500; P) Groton S'ir'e Department - $19, 00;
3) Groton P.3rnbulance - $12,000. Mr. Rankin moved that contracts be paid,
seconded by Mr. Sov0000l.. Ayes - Rankin, Casey, VwBensohoten, Sovocoal, Robinson.
Mr, (tank Sattelly reported that a meeting was scheduled this week on Croton
Bxldge with Torn and Village people invited; talked with TomPayne regasdi.ng
ccncexns of Teresa & Colleen regarding incorrect -a.d,dresses on taxes -- suggested
'Teresa, bring up at 'Municipal Officials Meeting and Tom will attend; he haE3 his
ilex established in Town Hall; he is Cha12�rnan of Social Services and an Budget
and Administration committees in County.
5upWvisox Robinson noted the tremendous di#fexence the new drapes had in keeping
out the cold. also, one othex';px'oblem is doorway area .cold.._- !grants estimates
on complete doorway at end of ccinter and gle iglass bull.t into counter. Vezl
Rankin and Francis Carey axe on building committee and were appointed 'to loop
into door and enolasure. Bob Walpole was originally going. to look into and they
will check with him. Also, Claude Holder: explained operation of front heater
which need, repair and we harve found no' one to work on it yet,
Leland Cornelius presented . to boaxd . l.it=, ature on a 10 -wheel duirnp truck he
would line to purchase this fall. It will take about seven months to get it art
an approximate cost of $72.,000. Boax4 looked over litexeatua;e' and tabled mattex
until next meeting.
There being no fua ther business, Mr. Rankkin rrrovcd to adjourn meeting,
by rIr. Carey at 9 : 00 P - M
Colleen D. Pierson
Tome Clerk
Present: Teresa M. Robinson, Supervisor
Francis P. Carey, Councilman
Gordon C .. Val enscho ten , Councilman
Ellaxd L. Sovocoo:l., Councilman
Verl Rankin, Jx., Councilman
B en jam ri J. Buckc , Town Attorney
Also present: Leland Cornelius , Robert Pray,
Maxy Evelyn ;Dempsey, Nancy McGuerty,
Lyle Raymond, Rogcr Gleason,
Some discussion was held on 'the minutes of the pre ;rious Meeting regarding
Mr. Joseph ,Pataj. l 's garage -home. Atoxney Bucko indicated. that the Zonirrg
Ordinance states .840 sq., ft. is required, for a home, -It does not specify
living zpace, The Mobile Home Ordinance specifies a 14 x 60 ai 12 x 70 trai.l'ex
or sq, ft. ,attorney Bucko will cl.arif'y Mr. Pataki's situation with Mr. Brawn
and report at the next board-meeting,
moved 'that
of February 4 be
as mailad. Seconded
Mr. Carey.
- VanBenschoten,
Casey, Sovocool,_
Claims #34 through #64 of the Highway Dopaxtment and #35-through-'#60 of the
General. Fund were presented #'ox audit, Mr. Rankin moved that the bills be paid
and the clerk instructed to dxaw warrant for them. Seconded by JoIr. , VanBenschoten.
Ayes -. VanBenschoten, Carey, Sovocool, Sankin, Robinsonl.
Monthly reports from the Town Clerk, Fire Department and Justice Court were
reviewed. .Also the Town Glerk'ElrAnnual Repast was reviewed. Letter TATas read
from the B en s on, fain ily thanking all who atisisted at the time of their fiire.
Letter wa.s,'read from Geracche indicating an increase of $1.00 in Home Box.
Colleen Pierson, Town Representative to the County CA';[V OoiM fission xeported on
meeting held February 28 at which the Sumpexvisar had a;eauested assistance
from the Commission xegaxdi.ng McLean - Cortland Road Line Extension Commission.
will follow up on complaints,; however, Town Attorney will have to take legal
recourse regarding the $136,00 all 27 pceople have paid in advance and are
deTa,nding sore bind of comp nsatlion for delay in completion date of January 19.
Attorney Bunko will wra to to State and, Federal Communications x'egardi.ng this,
Fraxtk Satterly is in Albany grid Robert Walpole is allir a fixe, hence no reports.
Robe2�t Pray, representative of Lanier recording equip,nent, wE s present to
explain what the equipment i;, how it operates and the benefits of x cording
equipment to ToNn Bo t s , Justce , ] pp.oas i Courts, etc.
Total price for the C uipment with State discount of 7 percent is $556,14
pbAs $58,80 maintenance servlce, Can be leased under four year purchase
security for $26.00 permonth after which time the equipment is the Totms.
No action, taken.
Moved by IbLr. Soiloc001, seconded 'by Mr. VanBenchot,en, to a oint the followin
election ins-oectors `custodians aad re- r'hpekers for 19 Vote - Unanimous
District I Republicans Democrats
Charlotte Rankin Patricia. Sensca.l
Mildred Chxlistofferson Maxy Adams
Distx'ict, Ruth Huhtanen F`xanci.s O'Shea
Irene Thux`ston Arlene Davern
Myra Hathaway Ann Smith
listxict Ruth Bell Ka.rgaret O'Fara
Joyce Stewart Norma. Neville
Karlene Stamm Janet Phelps
Dis'lxict Betty Brown
ielen Graham
Georgie Tillotson nary Parker
Cust� oci?an Cordon C. 1�ookwood Leonard Properr.
Re�Checkers Robert A. Biovm Russ A. Rockwell
Discussed a.p ritments to Appeals Board. Dori Cummings and Nial Smith are a
interested. For, Sovocool will check With Gsorgn Bushnell to sea if he will
reconsider. Appoa_titments tabled until next month,
Moved by Mr. Rankin, seconded by Mr, Sovocool, to appoint Mar &Met Palmer to
Local Youth Boaxd, Ayes - liarOensohoten, Cax'ey, Sovocool, Rankin, Robinson,
Supervisor Robinson stressed the �mportal�ce o &' the accuracy of tlrje 1980 census
and requested a local �Ceview committee be appointed to assist the Tows' Board
in finalizing census. Mr. Va.rrBenscha'ten moved to appoint Robert Dempsey,
Charlotte Rankin, George Tatman and Alice Houston to the local review committee,
Seconded by ijr. Carey, Ayes - Va.riB ensc c
hoten, Carey, Sovaool, nankin, Robinson,
Leland Cornelius, Highway Superintendent, asked the board to consider letting
bids for a new ore -ton dump truck to be used for patching and small errands.
He suggestsd trading the 1977 Ford Pickup, in, Will wait another month on the
10-wheeler, He also requested perrnxssion to look fox a mower for one tractor
and talk about it at the next board meeting, Permis6ion was granted,
Mr. VanBenschoton moved that the Highway Superintendent draw up specs. fox a
one -'Lon divap trucir with bids to be let April 7, 198D at 8:00 Pjq, Seconded by
Mr. Carey, Ayes - VanBens>choten, Carey, Sovocool, Rankdn, Robinson.
Quotation received on changing Town Mall entary Tray from Gerald Grrffin was
tabled. Board 2�equest.ed, more quotations, i
Sup er4isox Pobin�cn read sc�ualization Fate; 1978 - 105485, 1979 - 99b35, She
also informed board of funds
for transportation band - 37,696 for town; matching
Funds - 50,261 for 'toy ;•n. 'These are roads plus our olpm road plan.
Per, Sovocool moved to re a `c
7 yeax_term. Seconded by Mr,
Rankin, Robinson.
t James
Maclien to the Mann
Ayes VanBanschoten,
Carey, sovocool,
Roger Gleason, Chal"Ma,n of the Planning Board, handed out copies of cor -rect,
in ub,Division Ordinance for the Board to review and corY'idex' changes at next;
board ineetirtg. Main area of changes are in Procedure in Filing Sub- Division
Appl:i.cationr He also stated the Planning Board will continue re,
.e0Tking Zoning
Ordinance and present to board when completed.
Attorney Bucko reviewed Games of Chance Laws. Organizations such as the Legion,
Fire Department, Rod & Gun Club, Country Club, Corona Club, etc., are illegal
according to the law. Town would have to adopt local law or ordinance subject
to referendum. Organizations would have to apply to Board. of Racing and Wagering
in New York City. Town can have referendum and adopt ordinance that will be
applicable to Town and Village until Village adopts their own then the town law
is not valid in the village. Municipalities have control of all games within
their territorial limits which includes the village. Everybody votes on it -
town and village residents. Procedure is: 1) Propose ordinance; 2) Referendum
at special or general election in summary form. (Some. discussion was held on
this by all members of the 'board. regarding different games, who controls, etc.)
Tabled for one month until. we have further information.
Supervisor Robinson asked. board members asistance in answering questions
pertaining to type of dog control we want from the SPCA. The questionnaire
was received from Attorney George Paat, Attorney for the SPCA.
There being no further business, PIr. Rankin moved to adjourn meeting, seconded
by Mr. Sovocool, at 9 :45 P.Ma
Colleen D. Pierson
Totim Clerk
Those present: Teresa M. Robinson, Supervisor
Ellard L. Sovocool, Councilman
Francis P. Carey, Councilman
Gordon C. VanBenschoten, Councilman
Verl Rankin, Jr., Councilman
Benjamin J. Bucko, Torn Attorney
Also present: Leland. Cornelius, Diary E-elyn Dempsey, Nancy McGuerty, Laura
Haughn, Chuck Delaney
Mr. Sovocool moved that the minutes of March 3 be approved as irtai.led. Seconded
by Mr. Carey. Ayes - Sovocool, Carey, VanBenschoten, Rankin, Robinson.
Claims #65 to #107 of the Highway Department and #61 to #100 of the General Fund
were presented for audit. Mr. VanBenschoten moved that the bills be paid with
the exception of voucher for fire numbers ordered by the Groton Fire Department,
and the Clerk instructed to draw warrant for them. Seconded by Mr. Sovocool.
Ayes - Sovocool, Carey, Vanl3enschoten, Rankin, Robinson.
Mr. Walpole arrived and was asked about bill for fire numbers ordered by him.
He stated that it was agreed to previously that if at the end of the year (1979)
any money was left in Federal Revenue, the money would come from there.
Supervisor Robinson stated she would look into and take care of.
Frank Satterly was unable to attend. and Supervisor Robinson stated, that the only
thing he had to report was a possible increase in the County tax exemption for
the aged.
Reports from the Town Clerk, Fire Department, Town Justices and. Zoning Officer
were reviewed. Supervisor Robinson read, new `form equalization report and a
letter from Dept. of Transportation indicating Peru -South Lansing Road has been
taken over by the State and will be known as Route *B.
® At8:00 PeMs the Clerk read the public notice 'to bidders for a 1980 one -ton dump
truck. Bids were received from Peter & Sons Ford and Dates Chev. -Olds.
Peter Ford bid - $11,282.00 less trade in for 1977 Ford F100 of $3,800.00 for a
total net bid of $7,482.00. Dates Chev, bid. - $10,558.00 less trade in of
$3,000.00 for a total net bid of $7,482.00. Upon review of the bids, Peter & Sons
did not include a non - collusive bidding form andDates Chev. did not meet
specifications, bidding an eight cylinder instead of six cylinder which is not
available. ITAX..VanBenschoten moved to table action until later in meeting,
seconded by Mr. Carey. Unanimous.
Mr. Chuck Delaney of the N.Y.S. Racing & Wagering Board spoke on Games of Chance
licensing in the Town. Procedures and responsibilities were discussed. Attorney
Bucko was authorized by the board to draw up ordinance and take care of all
legal aspects pertaining to ord.inance and permissive referendum.