HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-10-08L J Attorney Bucko reported that Judge Alison has signed preliminary injunction against John Anderson. He has 30 days to clean up then a date for permanent injunction will be set. Supervisor Robinson read draft of a resolution for Route 13 Improvement Plan. County Planning Board 'T-1" alternative has received good consensus in the County. Board members felt "B-1" concept as a two -lane, limited access facility although not in the 'Town of Groton would bring more people into Groton. RESOLUTION NO. 36 - ROUTE 13 IMPROVEMENT PLAN Moved by fir. Rankin, seconded by Mr. Walpole Ayes - Sovocool, Walpole, VanBenschoten, Rankin, Robinson RESOLVED, that the Town of Groton does support the Route 13 "B -1" concept as a two -lane, limited access facility. Supervisor Robinson read letter from Gaxy Lee regarding Federal Grant Applications for our district. Board discussed who locally might apply- - Medical Center, Ambulance, Village Water, Board set budget work session for next Monday night, October 8, 1979, at 7 :30 P . I41 . There being no further business, Mr. Walpole moved to adjourn meeting, seconded. by Mr. Sovocool, at 8:35 P.He Colleen D. Pierson Town Clerk [MINUTES OF SPECIAL TOW14 BOARD M PaPaT'ING HELD MONDAY, OCTOBER 89 19799 @ 7:30a Pig Those present: Teresa M. Robinson, Supervisor Ellaxd L. Sovocool, Councilman Gordon C. BanB enschoten, Councilman Verl Rankin, Jr., Councilman Robert F. Walpole, Town Justice Absent: Benjamin J. Bucko, Town Attorney Also present: Laura Haughn, Leland Cornelius Purpose of meeting was to work on budget. Supervisor Robinson was asked to figure payroll based on 500 per hour increase for highway employees. Mir. Rankin questioned the clerk about charging Deputy Clerk's fees against Dog Fund which no appropriation was made for in budget- -just revenues. Deputy Clerk's fees should come from Deputy Clerk Fund only. Mr. Rankin also stated that the Clerk had overdrawn Deputy Fund., took too much time off and used the Deputy too often. Clerk stated that as of this dateDeputy Fund is not overdrawn, Deputy was paid by Clerk personally for one week of vacation and Election Day in 1978, and in her own judgement she did not use the Deputy but only when it was necessary. Farther discussion was carried. on by Board, Clerk and Deputy. Town Clerk requested additional funds 1'or Deputy for the remainder of the year. A1r. Walpole moved to table request for additional Deputy Clerk Funds for remainder of year and also Deputy increase request of $3000 for 1980. Seconded by AIr. Rankin. Air. Cornelius brought to the Boards attention that they had taken $15,000 out of Highway last year to cover a general expense and. it was never put back into highway. 'Phis is why he is low in one item. Board agreed it should be put back. Town Board Meetings were set for Wednesday, October 17th at Noon with Highway Employees arid. Monday, October 22nd at 7:30 P.M. to set budget hearing date. ALr. Sovocool moved to adjourn meeting, seconded by Mr. VanBenschoten at 9:45 P As! . Colleen D. Pierson Town Clerk C l fl