HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-05-07Discussed briefly Cable TV Line Extension for McLean- Cortland Road residents.
Residents are unable to get together with Ceracche because of wordYi.ng in
Contract. Action by Board will be postponed until satisfactory agreement is
Mx. Hugh Hurlbut, Director of Tompkins County Personnel Department; was
present to discuss possible uses of CETA Funds. The three different
categories are: 1) Speedy - For kids age 14 - 21 to be,em*ployed during July
and August for recreation, cleanup, beautification, office work, etc. They
are employees of Tompkins County and they pay and pick up benefits; 2) CETA
Projects - Hot to exceed 12 months and must set a specific time of employment.
Can be any age and do painting, refurbishing, etc. Must have no money in
budget for this project. County will reimburse ToTtm for all expenses. Rate
is $3.18 per hour per 40 hour work week. Application must be completed for
this project; 3) Public Service Employment - Treated the same as a regular
employee of the Town.
The number one category (Speedy) could include cleaning up three cemeteries,
putting on house numbers, etc. It would consist of one group of four or
fi.11e students and a supervisor, Students would be compensated. $2.90 /hr,
minimum wage and Supervisor from $3.00 to $3.30/hr.
In the number two category we could possibly use a Highway summer replacement
who would. be on our payroll and then send County copy of ledger sheet or time
care for reimbursement.
Mr. Hurlbut indicated that those people who would qualify are: low income
families (didn't know rate); public service, welfare benefits; unemployed
for 15 weeks and. Vets who have first priority.
Some discussion was held on possible renovations and additions to Town Hall
to include Justice Court and to separate Totsm Clerk's office from public
meetings. Mr.- Walpole moved that a letter be written to the Architect to
come in and meet with us informally at the next board meeting to see what we
could do. Seconded by 24r. Rankin. Ayes - Sovocool, Walpole, VanBenschoten,
Rankin, Robinson.
There being no further business, Mr. Walpole moved to adjourn meeting,
seconded by Mr. Sovocool, at 5:30 P.M.
Colleen D. Pierson
Town Clerk
Present were: Teresa M. Robinson, Supervisor
Gordon C. VanBenschoten, Councilman
Late: Robert F. Walpole, Town .Justice
Irate: Verl Rankin, Jr., Councilman
Benjamin J. Bucko, Town Attorney (Left before meeting started)
Absent: Ellard L. Sovocool., Councilman
Also present: Leland Cornelius, Diary Evelyn Dempsey, Nancy A1cGuerty, Kenneth
Wood, Robert Brown,-Fred Jeffery (ail left before meeting
.started except L. Cornelius)
Due to lack of a quorum meeting started at 8:40 P.M.
Mr. Walpole moved to accept the minutes of previous meetings (4/2 & 4/9) as
mailed. Seconded by P7r. VanBenschoten. Ayes - VanBenschoten, Walpole,
After some discussion as to the wording of Resolution #f13 the following
resolution was moved:
Moved by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded. by Mr. Walpole
Ayes - VariBenschoten, Walpole, Robinson
RESOLVED, that the Toim Board reaffirms its vote on Resolution #13 which
exempts property owned by the Village of Groton (Tax Map Nos. 16 -1 -13,
16 -1 -15 & 20- 1- 24),on which is located the springs, wells, and reservoirs
for 'the water supply for the Village of Groton and water lines from
TohTi Taxes without any conditons.
Claims &104 to f1 % of the Highway Department and #93 to #116 of the Genearal
Tund were Presented for audit. T+lr. Walpole moved that the bills he paid and
the Clerk in8tructed to draw warrant for them. Seconded- by Mr. Vaaensohoten,
Ayes - VanBenschoten, Walpole, Robinsona
The Board xeviewed-Town Clerk's monthly report and the Zoning Officers letters
for the month of April, •
Mr. Vaaenschoten moved to a
Kr, Robert Knuutila to the p
Ayes - V
Point Mr.
Arc, iJ., Mr
wn Youth Board. Seca
, �'dl.lp41�, rtooznson.
Supervisox` Robinson informed the Board
had gone into effect April 1, 1979
Carmin Kolino and
nded. by Mr, WaJ.pol e .
that our Dog Contract with the County
Supervisor Robinson inforirred the Board• we had re 'el lied a 'resporise from the
Human Ser�rlees Coalition to our request that they research the Repair and
Tola.intenance Program (RAMP) . If the ToTem chooses to participate, they should
flay an aetiv� role in the plaa�ning process by which the needs of rural
housing rehabilitation may be addressed.
Discussed County roads that may 15e repaired. One is Grdt6n City Road to Line,
and West Croton Road Ior Cobb Street'depending on where they can get gravel from,
Discussed Town of Groton Code of Ethics as mailed to Boa d rnertbcrs.
Moved by Mr. Walpole to .'adopt Code of St,hics .
Ayes - VariBenschoten, Walpole, Robinson
Seconded by Mr, Vaaenschoten.
A resolution establishing standards of conduct for officers and employees
of the Town of Groton;
Be it eiiacited.by the Town Board of the Town. of Groton as follows:
Section 1. Pursuant to the p7rovis560ns of section eight hundred six of
the general municipal law, the Town Board of the Town of Groton recognizes
that there are rules 'of ethical conduct for public -officers and employees,-
which must be observed if a. high degree'of moral conduct is to be obtained
and if public confidence is to be maintained in our unit of local government,
It is the puxpose of this local law to promulgate these rules of ethical
Conduct for the 'officers arid. employees of-the Town of Grat.on. 'These rules
shall serve as a, guide for official conduct of the officers' and employees
of the Town of Groton. The rules of ethical conduct of this local. law as
adopted, shall not conflict with, but stall be in addition• .to any prohibition
of• article eighteen of the general muni,pipal law or any other general or
pccial law relating to ethical conduct and interest in., contracts of muniri:pa.l
officers and employees.
g 2. Definition. (a) "Municipal Officer ox` Q ployee" means. an officer
or employee of the Town of Groton whether paid or unpaid, including members of
any administrative board, commission o.T other agency thexeof'•. No person shall
be deemed to be a. municipal officer ox employee solely by reason of being a.
volunteer fireman or civil defense volunteer, except a chief engineer or
assistant chief engineer..
"Interest ". means . a, peauniaary or material benefit accruing to a
Runicipa.l officer or. employee unless the context otherw-.i_se arequires.
9 3, Standards of Conduct. Every officer or em'p11oyee of the Town of
Groton :shall be , subject to and abide by the following standards of conduct
a) Gifts.: He shall not direotly or indirectly, solicit any gift* ox
accept or receiva any gift having a valiie of twenty five dollars or more,
whether in the form of money, services, Joan, travel, entertainment,
hospitality, thing or promise, or any other form, under oircuiri tanccs in
which it could reasonably be inferred that the fit was intended. to influence
him, or could reasonably be expected to lnfl�-ence'kirn, Jn--the performance of
-his official duties or was intended as a' reward far' -any % official .action on
hiss -pax•kf.
(b) Donfir!ential Ynfori�zation. He'�hall not disclose confidential
information acquired by him in the course of his off tial duties or use such
Information to further his personal interest.
:(c) 1 "r�sentation before oneTs own age: He shall not receive, or
enter into any ogreejnant,.express or implied, for, c amp ensation for_services
to be renctered, in relation to any inatter' before any municipal agency of which
he is•an officer, mei7ber or employee or of any municipal agency over which he
has jurisdiction or to which he has the power to appoint any nierntbar, officer
or employee,
(d) Repreisentetian before any agency for a contingent fee. He shall
not' receive, -or enter 'into any 'agreement, .express or implied for compensa-
tion for services to be rendered in .relatibrf to any ma. t ter before any agency
of his municipality, whereby }',is compensation is to be dependent or
contingent union ar�y action by such agency with respect to such matter,
provided that this paragraph shall not prohibit the fixing at any time of
fees based upon the reasonable value of the services rendex'ed,.
(e) Disclosure of 'i.ntexe;�st in leLslation. To the extent that he
]Mows thereof, a. member of the Town Board and any officer or employee of
the Town of Groton, whethear paid or 'unpaid, who participates in the discus
sion or gives official opinion to the 'town Board on any legislation before
the Town Board shah publicly disclose an the official record the nature and
extent of any direct, or indirect financial or other private interest he
has in. such legislation.
{f) Investments in conflict with official duties, He shall not invest
or hold any investments directly or i=ndirectly in any financial, business,
commexci�,l, ox'othex private transaction, which creates a conflict with his
official duties. - f I .
(g Private employment. He shall, not engage xn, sola.cit, negotiate
for or promise to accept private employment or render services for private
interests when such employment or ser;fice creates a, conflict i-rith o:'
impairs the proper discharge of his official duties.
(h} Future employment. He shall not, afte)e the termination of service
or employment with such rrjurrioipality, ,appear before any board or agency of
the Town of Groton . in relation to any , case , pr9ceeding cr application in
which he personally participated duffing the period of his service or
employment or which wa under his active c
s onsiderAtion
4. Nothing herein shall be deemed to bar or prevent the timely filing
by a present or former municipal officer or employee .of any. claim, .account
demand ox' suit against the Town of Groton, or any agency thereof on behalf
of himself or any member of ha.s family = ing out of any pearsonal in jixry
nr property damage or for arty lawful benefit authorized. or permitted by law,
H 5. Distribution of Code of Ethics. The Supervisor of the Town of
Groton shall cause a copy of this code of ethics to be distributed to every
o,fficear Arid employee of ffie ToTim of Groton within 15 days after the effective
date Of this local law. Each officer and employee elected or appointed
thereafter shall be furnished a copy before entering upon the duties of
his office or employment,
9 6. Penalties, In addition to any penalty contained -in any-other
provision of law , any person who. shaa.l Imowingly : and intentionally violate
any of the provisions of this code, Tnay, be..fined, suspended or removed from
of'f'ice or employment,, as-the case may be, in the manner Pz^ovided by law.
8 7. Effective date. This resolution shall take effect 10 days after
it is filed with the Town Clerk..
(Note: Filed in the Town Clerk's Office,
at 900 O'clock A &Mm- - Colleen D.
Groton, N.Y. May 8, 1979
Pierson, Town Clerk)
Discussed cussed hi lrq CETA workers. Mr. Cornelius keep summer bran and hire
an additional CETA wox'ker, The group of CETA workers fox' the cemetery
cleanup pr jcct hill be four to six peopJ.e. Supervisox Robinson will loom
into and tarke case of.
Discussed home for Gadabout bus. Bus can be stored in Town Pole Shed. It
xs insured through Red Cross. They will buy own gas at Agway Ivey Pump.
Funrls - axe comaing fro EOC'left over funds
Moved by. hIT. W4pole, seconded by Mr. VanBenschoten
Ayes - VanBenschoten, Wall Ple, Rooinson
RESOLVED, that the Gad.aboext Bus be stored in the ',I oTfin pole hied with
the Hi ghle lary Superintendent to work out agr.`e.ement and resolve any
problems that may ax':Lc4ie.
Mr. Walpole explained that Tompkins County could get a grant for $300,000
through Highway Safety Program (EMS). He requested, a letter of suppoxt
from the Town Board to be .sent to Albany in support of the .programs. Main
equipment would. be heart equipment to sninitor .pa.tient 'tp hospital and
local medical center. It Kould. mean Groton Fire Department would get about
$17,000 and the Medical Center $56,000 for new equipment. fair. Rankin
moved that the letter of support from the Town Board be written. .Seconded
by Mr. VanBenschoten. Ayes - VanBenschoten, Rankin, Walpole, Robinson.
The Tompkins County Municipal Official's Association will meet May 23 at'
7:00 P.M. at the Sheraton Inn with Frank Liguori speeking on Tompkins County's
Traffic Commission,
Supervisor Robinson reported there would be a meeting held on State Energy
Code at TC3 for Municipal Officials on May 16, Robert Brown, Zoning Officer,
is going and hopefully someone from the Planning Board.
Supervisor Robinson stated we received a letter indicating the Town of Groton
will loose $5700 in Federal. Revenue Sharing money.
® Supervisor Robinson indicated. that the request for TV Line Extension by
residents on Pleasant Valley Road involves 1.7 miles and franchise states
40 households per mile for Ceracche to bear total cost. They have 18 homes
along 1.7 miles and if all 18 subscribe their share would be $621 per each.
There being no further business, Mr. Walpole moved for adjournment, seconded
by Mr. Rankin at 9:05 P . io1.
Colleen D. Pierson
Town Clerk
Present were: Teresa Io1. Robinson', Supervisor
Robert F. Walpole, ToT.m Justice
Ellard L. Sovocool, Councilman
Gordon C. VanBenschoten, Councilman
Benjamin J. Bucko, Town Attorney
Absent: Verl Rankin, Jr., Councilman
Also present: Leland Cornelius, Mary,Evelyn Dempsey, Linda Sovocool,
Michelle Corttirri�ht, Frank'Satterly, Frederic Blumberg,
Nancy McGuerty
P'rr. Walpole moved to accept minutes of previous meeting as mailed. Seconded
by Mr. Sovocool. Ayes - VanBenschoten,' Sovocool, Walpole, Robinson
Claims #138 to ff154 of the Highway Department and #119 to #140 of the General.
Fund were presented for audit. Mr. Walpole moved that the bills be paid and
the Clerk instructed to draw warrant for them. Seconded by Mr. Sovocool.
Ayes - llanBenschoten, Sovocool, Walpole, Robinson
Board reviewed Zoning Officers and Fire Report for month of May.
.Discussed purchasing cinder spreader for truck. Mr. Cornelius stated that
we were getting approximately $3000.00 from County for last snow storm.
This could be used for payment on cinder spreader. Could obtain cinder
spreader for $4,049.00 under County bid which is normal-4procedure.
Mr. Cornelius requested board approval to place order for fall delivery of
a 13' cinder spreader box to go on White chassis.
correction SALT SPREADER
July 2
Meeting, Moved by Mr. VanB enschoten, seconded by Mr. Sovocool
.Aye -. 'a1anBenschoten, Sovocool,., Walpole,, Robinson
RESOLVED, that the Highway Superintendent place orders with County
for al13' salt spreader for fall delivery at a price of $4,049.00.
ted to serve on the
3 from 3 - 7 PI61 are
Local Advisory Board of Assessment
Teresa Robinson, Robert Walpole &
Lew to be held.
ard. L. Sovocool.
Discussed ice jam in Fall. Creek. Because problem exists on property that is
private land. in our Township, the Board. doesn't feel they can take care of it
Since problem area is bounded on each .side by County roads, the Board. agreed
to make a written appeal to Planning and Public Works Committee of the County
Representatives to see if there is anything they can do to alleviate problem.
Existing problem seems to have arisen when an individual opened creek to 3 or 4
feet lower causing ice jam 100 - 200 feet down stream.