HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-04-09X68 RESOLUTION, N0. 11 - APPROVE CONTRACT FOR CABLE TV LINE EXTKISION TO ELM STREET EXTENSION RESIDENTS Moved by Mr. Walpole, seconded by Mr. Sovocool Ayes - Sovocool, Walpole, VanBenschoten, Rankin, Robinson RESOLVED, that the 'Gown Board approve the Contract with Ceracche and residents on Elm Street Extension for -Cable TV Line Extension. Cortland - McLean Road. Cable TV Line Extension includes 1.2 miles and 27 people at $136.00 per person. McLean residents didn't like wording on Contract and would not sign because it left them wide open for additional charges. Attorney Bucko was to reyise.Contract and send to Ceracche to see if they will approver. Action will be taken by the Board after a satisfactory Contract is drawn up, Supervisor Robinson requested the Boards permission to TeTrite a letter to the Social Service Department requesting them to investigage RA14P and report back to the Town. homes for the Seconded by Mr. RAMP is a new program elderly. Moved by Mr. Walpole Sovocoo. Ayes- Sovocool, in construction and weatherizing that Supervisor write letter. Walpole, VanBenschoten, Rankin. Supervisor Robinson informed Board Members that they were invited to attend a rap session to assess youth programs that exist and. to help determine what could be done to broaden choices open to youth during leisure hours to be held Tuesday, April 10 at 7:30 P.M. in the Groton High School cafeteria. April 18 has been set for the Town of Groton Youth Board to meet. Time will be set later. Discussed hiring 5 or 6 CETA workers and. supervisor to clean up Town owned. cemeteries. These would be local kids between 14 and 18 years of age. We will ask Mr. Hugh Hurlbut, Tompkins County Personnel Administrator, to our next meeting to discuss project. Mr. Cornelius discussed proposed plan for complying with Mine Training Program, University Sand and. Gravel are approved for program. We should apply and we might get an instructor to come into County. There is a course being held in Albany on April 25 & 269 RESOLUfiIO2d NO. 12 - APPLY FOR MINE SAFETY TRAINING SCHOOL Moved by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded by Mr. Rankin Ayes - Sovocool, Walpole, VanBenschoten, Rankin, Robinson RESOLVED, that the Town Highway Superintendent complete forms to comply with the requirement of the Department of Labor, )Mine Safety & Health Administration as fax as training people to work in the mine and apply to have the Training School held locally with J. W. Ettinger as instructor. 17r. Sovocool moved to adjourn meeting until next Monday, April 9 at 4:00 P.M. to finish business. Seconded by Mr. Rankin. All ayes - Adjourned at 10 :00 P.M* MINUTES A coot TOWN BOARD MEETING HELD MONDAY tion of April 2 Town Board P7ee Colleen D. Pierson, Town Clerk APRIL Those present: Teresa M. Robinson, Su;l>erviso:r Robert F. Walpole, Town Justice Gordon C. VanBenschoten, Councilman Ellard L. Sovocool, Councilman Verl Rankin, Jr., Councilman Absent: Benjamin J. Bucko, Town Attorney AT 4:00 P.m. Also present: Leland Cornelius, Mary Evelyn Dempsey, Nancy McGuerty Purpose of meeting was to complete business of April 2 Board Meeting. Discusser). Village request for Tax Exemption on Vil:l.age 'dater Works property. Supervisor Robinson stated that based on this years tax roll the inside rate would go from 4.253 to 4.280 and the outside rate from 2.599 to 2.626 or approximately three cents per thousand for each. The exemption would only affect the Toim taxes. The reason assessment increased so much is that the assessment office found property that was not assessed previously including buildings and dams, and the new 100 percent assessment. Supervisor Robinson • • noted -that-if exemption is granted it should include sewer and water when written up. If they bring it into Town, they cannot assess us. See Res. #17 RESOLUTION NO. 13 - EKEMPT VILLAGE WATER WORKS FROM TOWN PROPERTY TAXES Moved by Mr. Walpole, seconded by Mr. VanBenschoten Ayes - Walpole, VanBenschoten, Robinson •Nays - Rankin, Sovocool RESOLVED, that the 'T'own exempt the Village !dater Works Property (Parcel Nos. 16 -1 -13, 16 -1 -152 20 -1 -24) (to be worded legally through Torn Attorney) (Supervisor Robinson's comments before casting the tie breaking vote were to include in resolution that the Village should give us the rights to water and sewer districts in case of developement. If they don't accept our resolution then no tax exemption.) ® Discussed. Dog Contract. Contract has to be approved by the Commissioner of Agriculture and Markets. The SPCA will come in regularly and pick up dogs, do enumeration, issue appearance tickets, etc. per Contract. They will also cover Village. Supervisor Robinson stated we should get an agreement with Village. RESOLUTION N0. 14 - CONTRACT WI'11H COUNTY FOR DOG CONTROL Moved by Mr. Walpole, seconded by Mr. Sovocool Ayes - Sovocool, Walpole, VanBenschoten, Rankin, Robinson RESOLVED, that the Town Contract with the County for Dog Control with the rate pro -rated from April 15 thru December 31, 1979 (Approx. $1200) and the Supervisor sign the master copy of the Contract in Phyllis Howell's office in the County. Discussed fire numbers not being displayed on 514 homes in the ToTem. Mr. Walpole indicated. the Fire Department would provide numbers., Discussed using a CETA person to distribute numbers and place on homes if it is legal. It was suggested that a general letter be sent to these people letting them know what we are doing. Some discussion was held on Justice Court telephone. With,direct dialing the Court can no longer chaxge against Town Clerk's number without going through operator. Mr. Walpole suggested a line extension from Town Clerk's office with an exclusion. RESOLUTION N0. 15 - LINE EXTENSION FROM T 0101 CLERK'S OFFICE TO JUSTICE COURT Moved. by Mr. Rankin, seconded by Mr. VanBenschoten Ayes - Sovocool, Walpole, VanBenschoten, Rankin, Robinson RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk contact the Telephone Company to install a line extension from the Torn Clerk's office to the Justice Court, Supervisor Robinson brought to the Board's attention that we have nine delinquent dog cases that no action has been taken by Town Justice. Discussed increase in mileage rate as requested by Zoning Officer. Mr. Rankin stated budget was set up this year and feels we should wait until this fall to make' any changes. I61r.. Walpole. stated Zoning Officer covers a lot of miles and 12; per mile is not sufficient compensation. RESOLUTION N0. 16 - INCREASE ZO IING. OFFICER'S MILEAGE-FROM 12¢ PER M:Cf=E TO 1$to PER MILE Moved by Mr. Walpole, seconded by Mr. Sovocool Ayes - Sovocool, Walpole, VanBenschoten, Rankin, Robinson RESOLVED, that the Zoning Officer only will be compensated at the rate of 18Y per mile. Supervisor Robinson informed the Board that the Route 13 Task Force would be meeting Wednesday, April 11 in the Transportation Committee Room of the County Planning Board at 7:30• P.M Supervisor Robinson showed the Board a copy of the Code of Ethics that was drawn up by Attorney Bucko. It was noted that the Torn did adopt a Code of Ethics on June 15, 1970, but copy could not be•found. Board members requested a copy be sent to them for review before adopting. F 4 -0 Discussed briefly Ca.'ble TV sine E tension for Acleat7- Cortland load residents, Residents axe unable to get together with Ceracche because of Trrordng in Contract. Action by Board will be postponed until satJLsfa.ctarT agreement jr reached, Mr. Hugh Hurlbut, Director of Tompki.n; County Personnel Department, was present to disscoss possible uses of CETA Funds. The three different c a 'L'c+garies are Speedy - Foar kids age 14 - 2.1.to be,.employed during July apd, August for recreation, cleanup, beautification,' office waxk,' etc, They are employees of Tompkins County and they pay and pick up benefits, 2) CE'TA Projects - Not to exceed 1 months and must ,set a: spe61fic time of employment. Can be any age and do painting, Te brbishing, etc. [dust have no money in budget for this project. County will xeimburse Town foa: all expenses. Rate is $3.18 per hour per CFO hour work week. Application must be completed for this projects 3) Public Service Ern -playmen't Treated the-same as a regular employee of the Town& The number one category (Speedy) could include cleaning up 'three.cemeteries, putting on house numbers, etc, It would consist of one group .of_four.ar five students and a supervisor. Stuilents 1would b'e compensated . .90fhr-. mi.r,iirnum wage and Supervzso,r, front $3.00 to $3.30 hr. In the nufFtbex two category we could possibly use a. Highkray summer replacement who would be on our payroll and then road County copy of ledger sheet ox time care for reimburscment. Mx. Hoxibut indicated that those people who would qualify are: low income families (didn't knoir rate); public'service, welfare benefits; unemployed for 1 weeks and Vets who have firz t pTioxi.ty'. Some discussion was held on possible renovations and additions to Town Hall to include JUStice Co'urt a.nd, to separate 'town Clerk's office from public irncetings . Mr: Walpole moored, t'hat a lettex be written to the Architect to came -in and meet with us informally at the next boaxd meeting to sec what we could do. Seconded by Mr.-Rankin., Ayes - Sovocool, Walpole;, '.fa.nBenschoten, R 6ki n , Robins on . There being no further bu;inesE�, MT. Walpole moved, to adjourn meeting, seconded, by Mr. Sovocool, ai 5030 1'.M. Colleen D. Pierson Town Clerk MINUTES of TOWN BOARD MEETnNG HELD MOUDAY, MAY 7, 19792 AT 7= 2 P,ri. Present were: Teresa M. Robinson, Supervisor Gox7don C, VanBenschoten, Councilman. Late : Robert F. Walpole, 'ToTem Justice late: Verl Rankin, Jr'. Courtc. —Unan Benjamin J. Bucko, 'Sown Attorney (Left:-before meeting started) Absent; Ellard L. Sovocool, Councilman Also present:, Leland, Cornelius, Maxy.:ELfelyn Dernpc�7.ey, Nancy KcGuerty, Kenneth Woad, Robert Bxvem, .-Fred Jeffery (all loft before meeting ,started e peat L. Goxnslius) Date to lack of a quorum meeting started. at 8:40 P,Ylm [fir. Walpole moved to accept the minutes of previous meetings (4 & 4/9) as mailed. Seconded by VIT. VdnBenschoten. Ayes - VanBensoho'ten, Walpole, Robinson. lifter some discussion as to the wording of Resolution #13 the foli.oknng resolution was moved: RESOLUTION NO 17 - =IPT VILLAGE WATER WORKS PROPERTY FROM TOWN TAKES Moved, by Po]r. VanBenschoten, seconded by Wlr.. Walpole Ayes - VanBenschoten, Walpole, Robinson RES01,V90, that the Tovrn Board reaffirms its 'vote on Resolution #13 which exempts property awned by the Village of-Groton (Tax Map Nos. 1 -1 -13, 16-1-13 & 20-1- 24) -on which is locarted the springs, wells, and xeser,rc�ix for the water supply for the Village of Groton and Grater lines f role Town Taxes without any conditcn5. • •