HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-02-05h le Ap MINUTES OF TOWN BOARD MEETING HELD MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1979 TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL Those present were: Teresa M. Robinson, Supervisor Robert F. Walpole, Town .justice Ellard L. Sovocool, Councilman Merl Rankin, Jr., Councilman Gordon C. VanBenschoten, Councilman In order to meet salary certification by January 31, 1979, the board approved the following appointments and set hourly rates and fees; Moved by Mr. Walpole, seconded by Mr. Sovocool, that Mir. William Conners 'be appointed Custodian - Cleaner at an hourly rate of $3.50. All ayes. Moved by Mr. Rankin, Seconded. by Mr. VanBenschoten to pay Laura Haughn, 10 Deputy Town Clerk, $3.50 per hour. All ayes. Moved by Mr. Rankin, seconded 'by Mr. Sovocool, to appoint Mr. Kenneth L. Roberts as Town Constable. He will be compensated for Fees only. All ayes. Supervisor Robinson-informed board of ice jam in Fall Creek in McLean. The-Town had to rent equipment to break up ice.. We received no cooperation from the County or Conservation Department. Mr. Walpole urged the Supervisor to write'a starchy letter to Mr. Prank Satterly with copies to Bill Mobbs.head of the.County Highway Department and to. Jim Ray, Chairman of Publ.:ic Works Dgpt..inddcati:vgoth&t we .eceived'no assistance in alleviating this emergency situation. Discussed States' proposed truck routes -- an alternate being•Old Stage Road. Discussed Owasco Valley Watershed material that Mr. Walpole received from a meeting. Discussed appointing five Youth Board Representatives at the next board meeting. There being no further business, Mr. Walpole moved for adjournment, seconded by Mr. VanBenschoten, at 8:15 P. M. Colleen D. Pierson Town Clerk MINUTES OF TOWN BOARD DEETING HELD MONDAY; FEBRUARY 5, 1979 AT 7:30 P.DI. Those present were: Teresa M. Robinson, Supervisor Ellard L. Sovocool, Councilman Gordon C. VanBenschoten, Councilman Verl Rankin, Jr., Councilman Benjamin J. Bucko, Town Attorney Absen'>r I ..Robert- F. !Walpole, Town Justice , Also present were: Leland Cornelius, Nancy McGuerty, flary Evelyn Dempsey D�.r. Sovocool moved to accept minutes of previous meetings (1/2 & 1/29 as mailed.. Seconded by Mr. VanBenschoten. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten., Rankin,.Robinson Claims #3 to f /40 of the Highway Department and #9 to #35 of the General Fund. were presented for audit. Mr. Rankin moved that the bills be paid: and the Clerk in- structed to draw warrant for them. Seconded by Mr. Sovocool, Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Rankin, Robinson Monthly Reports: , 1) Robert Brown, Zoning Officer - No building permits issued in January. Gave summary of annual report for the year 1978 that was sent to the Bureau of Census. 2) Peg Palmer, Town Representative to Advisory Council to the Tompkins County Family Court - 'At present the Counci:l..is applying to Board of Reps to authorize the establishment of the Council as an independent body separate from the Court. Members felt they would be more effective operating separately from the Family Court with the recognition of the Board of Reps. 3) Gordon Hoy, Chairman of the Board of Appeals reported on the disposition of the hearings they have had on Motor Vehicle Repair Shops. 4) 'Town Clerk's Monthly report was reviewed, Supervisor Robinson reported on a s(:Aainar sgonEar byy the Ccopera,tive kctensiori Service she attend,ead, at SUNY Cortland concerning Equalization Rates. and. Appraisal of Ruud. Property, Approximately 160 people attended from this area.. She found the seminar very informative. Many of those atterilling wexe upset about rising taxes, RESOLUTION NO, 2 AUTHORIZATION OF TOkW OFFICIALS 'TO ATTM THE ASSCP.IATI94 '07' TO WN S CCXVENTION IN -NYC HELD FEBRUARY 18 -211 Moved by Mr. Rankin, seconded by Mx. Sovocool Byes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, .Rank -J.n, Robinson RESOLVED, that the following indiVaAiva,l will reucesent the Town of Groton in NYC:: Teresa RobinF;;orr, Verl Rankin, Jr. , Gordon Va 3enschoten, Robert Walpole, Arland Heffaron, Frank & Colleen Piersori' Rage' Gleason, 'G4ox'ge C eci 1 r,+i To tman , 199, Supervisor Robinson will draft a lettex to the Tompkine County OATV Coamission requesting ninf or mation and 'their assistance regarding Cable TV line ext.eneion : As of this date we have not a'eceived 'contra.ctE� from Ce-Tirache foi line extension services requested by town residents by peti'tiOULS . RESOLUTION NO. 3 _ - AUTHORIZATICU TO PAY CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER F1500 FOR CONTRACT FROM FU AL REVANUE SHARING Coved by Mr. - Rankin, seconded by Mx. Sovocool. ,dyes - Sovocool, Va.nBenschoten, Rankin Robirr:= RESOD M, that the Town Boa'�d ,pay $1500 from Fedcral Revenue Sharing monies as' budgeted to the Child Development Center. SupexvisarIRobinson reported :ori status of LVRR acquisition. There are 'no revexter rights in the Town of Groton. How soon should we stai� t to negotiate? Propexty will go back to State of New York.' Propose[ use now is ,fot recreation, There are approximately 0 bridges. A'torney Bucko will check on time limitations, etc. and irifarm board. I I ' Dag Contrast discussion was tabled for one mon't'h since Supervisor Robinson wild, be attending meeting on this topic with the SPCA and other.' officials tomorrow night, Revi °west material received from the State on proposed repazxs of JaPayette bridge on Route Z . No appointments were made to the Youth 13oa.rd„ Mr. Rankin will contact Rev. Bishop or Doug Benson in the West Groton area. Glenn rlunson, Jr.' was' mentioned to serve the McLean area. SuperSrieor Fobint`on wants names to get board working. Plan are to use funds for drug problems, eto, F`ra.nk Sat�terly reported on pro jests the Board of. Reps are involved. in which are: l) Recommended the Town write letter to Mr, Dates & Mri, Mobbs regarding McLean flooding and ask them for assl sta.rkce irk 'paying far I some expenses; Human Sexvices Coalition y� xevie`+rin services in all areas of Tompkins County and invites all Mayoi s �f4d S-upeacviso�'� 'for evaluation arid. input as they are to offer services to eveX7yone; )]dog Cont.tact - County has been negotiating additional servlcces, 'County offered nkorLe,y to put an additional person on SPCA' staff this year ($10,000); LP) All ambulance service calls will go through dispatohar. Leland Cornelius reported_ on Training Program for the Bureau of Knes to be held L n Pittsburgh, This is, a. 24 hour, course to be held prior to March 16 Munici- palities Operating gravel irlines are required to sand a delegate to the 'training session. When the delegate returns, he would have the responsibility to teach the courses to his staff. The Board. felt that State and. Federal 7'(g Ia.tions imposed on smaller rnunlcipa.lities caused aii undue 'hardship and a letter will be wr.i_tten to Congressman Gary Lee Stating this position and seeking help in finding better alternatives. There beirig no further business, Mr. Rankin moved for adjournment,' secord.ed by Mr. VanBenschoten to adjausn at 8:43 P. M, Colleen D. Pierson Town Cleric