Town Officers Present: Town Officers Absent: Also Present:
Donald F. Scheffler, Supervisor Michael Perkins, Highway Supt. Ben Nelson
Richard Gamel, Councilperson John Norman, Town Justice Mack Rankin
Crystal Young, Councilperson Ellard Keister
Brian Klumpp, Councilperson Melody Scheffler
Sheldon C. Clark, Councilperson Glenn Morey
April L. Scheffler, Town Clerk Eric DeForest
Charles Rankin, Bookkeeper
W. Rick Fritz, Code Official
Francis Casullo, Attorney
MOVED by Councilperson Young, seconded by Councilperson Gamel, to approve the minutes of
the November 9, 2021 Town Board Meeting as presented.
Ayes - Clark, Young, Klumpp, Gamel, Scheffler
MOVED by Supervisor Scheffler seconded by Councilperson Gamel, to approve the minutes of
the November 4, 2021 Public Hearing and Special Town Board Meeting as presented.
Ayes - Clark, Young, Klumpp, Gamel, Scheffler
MOVED by Councilperson Gamel, seconded by Councilperson Klumpp
WHEREAS, vouchers for Abstract #12 for the Year 2021, numbered 517 - 574 were reviewed
and audited by the Town Board, be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby approves said vouchers for the accounts and in the
Total amounts as follows:
Ayes - Clark, Young, Klumpp, Gamel, Scheffler
Nays -
Resolution Passed
Town Board Minutes Page 2 December 14, 2021
Monthly Reports:
Charles Rankin, Bookkeeper - Submitted monthly reports for the Board's review and requested
a budget transfer. The budget adjustments look a little scary, but we will probably need more next
month. Equipment breaks and you have to fix it and we are still experiencing what was left over
from previous administrations. We just need to get it done.
MOVED by Councilperson Gamel, seconded by Councilperson Klumpp
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby approves the following 2021 Budget Adjustments:
General Fund - Town Wide:
From: Contingency, A1990.4………………………….………….$6,500.00
To: Court Clerk, Personal Services, A1110.13…………………$1,500.00
Town Clerk, Records Mangagment Clerk, A1410.12….......$2,800.00
Traffic Control, Contractual, A3310.4……………………..$2,200.00
Highway - Town Wide:
Increase Revenues: Refund Prior Year’s Expenses, DA2701…..$3,300.00
Miscellaneous Income, DA2770………..….$7,200.00
Increase Expenditures: Machinery, DA5130.2………………........$10,500.00
From: Bridges, Personal Services, DA5120.1……………………...$6,500.00
Machinery, Personal Services, DA5130.1……………….….$8,000.00
Brush & Weeds, Personal Services, DA5140.1……………..$6,500.00
Snow Removal, Personal Services, DA5142.1…..………….$2,500.00
Services for Other Governments, DA5140.1……..…………$2,500.00
Employee Benefits, Workmen’s Comp, DA9040.8….......….$5,300.00
Employee Benefits, Medical Insurance, DA9060.8………..$14,700.00
To: Culverts, DA5120.41……………………………………...…$3,000.00
Machinery, Equipment, DA5130.2…………………….…….$4,000.00
Machinery, Contractual, DA5130.4…………………….…..$32,000.00
Snow Removal, Vacation, DA5142.11………………….…...$4,700.00
Snow Removal, Sick Time, DA5142.12……………………..$2,300.00
Highway - Part Town:
From: General Repairs, Contractual, DB5110.4……………..…..…$16,200.00
To: General Repairs, Personal Services, DB5110.1……………..$15,000.00
Employee Benefits, Social Security, DB9030.8…………..…..$1,200.00
Ayes - Clark, Young, Klumpp, Gamel, Scheffler
Nays -
Resolution Passed
W. Rick Fritz, Code/Fire Enforcement Officer - Submitted monthly reports for the Board's
review. It is a slow time of year without much going on. He has been helping out the new Village
Code Official.
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Michael Perkins, Highway Superintendent - Was not present.
Ellard Keister, Highway Superintendent Elect - We have all our sand in and hopefully we won’t
have to order any more salt. That will help out. We will have a bill coming from CAT for a needed
repair on a mainline plow truck. Our tractor that we got quoted for next year, the price is going
up on everything, and this has gone up roughly $3,000 already. We can sign a purchase agreement
at any time to lock in the price. Additional discussion took place pertaining to the purchase.
Councilperson Young asked where the additional money would come from. Mr. Keister said that
the tractor and a trailer had been planned for in the 2022 budget, but he feels it would be more cost
effective to look for a used trailer instead of a new one. Councilperson Clark asked what would
be done with the old tractor and Mr. Keister said they were keeping it so that crews could be out
on two jobs at the same time.
MOVED by Councilperson Young, seconded by Councilperson Clark
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby approves the signing of the purchase agreement with
Stephenson Equipment, Inc. for a new John Deere 5100M 4-Wheel Drive Tractor under
Sourcewell Contract: Ag Tractors 110719-JDC (PG-1P CG0) in the amount of $70,236.18; and a
Diamond DSF075-C & DRF102OF 75” Side Mount Flail Mower under Sourcewell Contract
070821-DMM in the amount of $44,603.45; for a total amount of $114,839.63.
Ayes - Clark, Young, Klumpp, Gamel, Scheffler
Nays -
Resolution Passed
April L. Scheffler, RMC, Town Clerk/Tax Collector - Submitted monthly reports for the
Board's review. A letter was received from Country Acres Pet Services. We are waiting of the
tax bills to come. Denise is coming along good learning the job and will be an asset to Robin in
the office. I’d like to say thank you for the wonderful party two days ago. It was a little
overwhelming. Thank you very much and you will all get a better thankyou soon.
Councilperson Gamel - It needs to be on record that we thank you for everything you’ve done
and keeping us in line for a very long time.
Clerk Scheffler - Well thank you for always being supportive of projects and education and
Francis Casullo, Attorney for the Town - Had nothing to report.
John J. Norman, Town Justice - Were not present.
Councilperson Crystal Young as Representative to Joint Youth Program - The First Day Hike
will January 1, 2022. Meet at the trailhead at the park. Youth basketball has over 80 youth
registered. Games start in January. YMCA’s partnership for Zumba and yoga is coming to Groton
in January, depending on COVID. Dance with Camille is Mondays at the Fire Hall, ages 3-16. So
Town Board Minutes Page 4 December 14, 2021
far there are 16 participants. Cabin Fever is planned for March 5th. Jennifer got a $1,000 grant for
that. All of the bands and food trucks are confirmed for next summer’s concert series.
Councilperson Brian Klumpp as Representative to the Youth Commission - Had nothing to
Glenn Morey, County Legislator - Newest from the County is, of course, the COVID. Monday
the Governor implemented a mask mandate or proof of full vaccination for businesses and venues
in New York State. We have a high success of vaccination of 5 to 11 year olds. The percentage
is 48.2%. We will be having more clinics coming up. We continue to see low hospitalizations.
Currently there are 10, however, it is rising since the Thanksgiving holiday. As of today, there are
411 active COVID cases. Today we made national news when the Cornell Ithaca Campus moved
to alert level red. Remember that the vaccine is free. Thank you for letting me represent you over
the last seven years.
Supervisor Scheffler - Thank you for representing us and for all of your time with the Town. You
have been a great asset and we will find another place to appoint you.
Ben Nelson, Groton Fire and Ambulance - If you have neighbors, friends, family that live alone or
are elderly, check in on them once in a while. We had a call where an elderly lady fell out of her
haymow Friday morning at 9:00 am and the neighbors found her this afternoon at 1:30. She was a
trooper. Her horses kept her warm. She did everything she could to keep moving. She was very
dehydrated and was taken to Syracuse hospital. So, check on your friends, family and neighbors.
We’re working on closing out the end of the year. We are crowding 1,000 calls dispatched, but may
filter out to 900-plus. Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus came last week and made their grand entrance to
the municipal lot with lots of noise. It was very well received with close to 200 kids there. Nominations
were held for the elections of chief officers for 2022. I am not seeking re-election, so will no longer
be the fire chief but will still be active in the department. There are a couple contested races but the
office of chief and deputy chief are not contested. Eric DeForrest will be stepping up to Fire Chief and
Rob Gallinger will be Deputy Chief. So far, we will still be having the banquet on January 15th and I
assume everyone got invitations.
Supervisor Scheffler - To add to that, I have a letter from the Department of Public Service and a
poster to put up. They have a lot of programs for elderly and low-income people that if they can’t pay
their utility bills. So, please check on them and see if they can get some help so that they don’t just
turn the heat off and try to survive. Next, Melody Scheffler has a presentation for United Way.
Melody Scheffler - United Way of Tompkins County does fundraisers, usually in the fall, and raise
money to donate to various entities in Tompkins County. We, in Groton, have been fortunate to receive
funding under what’s called the Community Care Fund. Applications have to be made, and currently
we have four entities who receive money from United Way through this application process. The three
are the Groton Youth Commission, the Public Library, and Groton Recreation. That amount right now
is $4,300.00 per year to those entities. So, money is coming from United Way. Additionally, I’m here
to talk about United Way also making the availability of something called the community council.
Groton has one, and it’s called the Groton Community Council, which in the past was called Groton
Community Chest. United Way has asked that the councils make a more visible presence in the
community which is why I am here in front of you today. Additionally, they also asked that we prepare
flyers and I have some that we have prepared for Groton Community Council. Also, there are pledge
cards. The Groton Community Council is a small group right now and we’re looking for more
members. We usually send out a notice and put one in the paper, but when COVID started, we were
listening to people tell us who in the community, what entity might need assistance. So, United Way
sends money through the Community Care Fund. The Community Council receives money through
designations that are given by people in their workplace or individuals who donate and say I want this
Town Board Minutes Page 5 December 14, 2021
to go back to my community. That’s above and beyond the $4,300.00 that we are currently receiving
from the Community Care Fund. So, those funds are sent to the Community Council and currently we
receive between $2,000.00 and $3,000.00 additional from those designations that go back to Groton.
So, the Community Council meets and when we hear about a group or entity, such as we have helped
the Junior Firefighter Camp, the Groton Food Pantry, Groton Olde Home Days, the Boy Scouts and
Girl Scouts, things like that. United Way did tell us that they really want us telling you about this and
letting you know that this opportunity exists. At the same time, they thought maybe Groton wasn’t
being as active as it should be.
MOVED by Supervisor Scheffler, seconded by Councilperson Klumpp
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby sets the date and time for the 2022 Organizational Meeting
and Regular Board Meeting for Tuesday, January 11, 2022 at 7:30 pm.
Ayes - Clark, Young, Klumpp, Gamel, Scheffler
Nays -
Resolution Passed
Discussion took place on the proposed 2022 agreement with the Groton Highway Association. Draft
copies had been distributed to the Board members and Highway Association. At issue was a last-
minute suggestion from the Highway Department concerning a possible incentive payout for unused
vacation hours or rolling over unused vacation time from one year into the following year. It had not
been discussed during Highway negotiations. The Board felt that this was something that they were
not prepared to do at this point, but could be addressed next time the agreement was negotiated.
MOVED by Councilperson Gamel, seconded by Clark
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby approves the 2022 agreement between the Town of Groton
and the Groton Highway Association as written.
Ayes - Clark, Young, Klumpp, Gamel, Scheffler
Nays -
Resolution Passed
MOVED by Supervisor Scheffler, seconded by Councilperson Gamel
WHEREAS, the Town Clerk has received the Certified Statement of the Tompkins County Board
of Canvassers in relation to the votes cast in the General Election on November 2, 2021, and
WHEREAS, said canvas shows that Robin Cargian was elected as Town Clerk, Ellard Keister,
was elected as Highway Superintendent, and Paul Lang was elected as Town Justice, and
WHEREAS, terms for these elected officials will begin on January 1, 2022, now therefore be it
Town Board Minutes Page 6 December 14, 2021
RESOLVED, the Town Board authorizes the transfer of the Town of Groton VISA credit card
from Michael Perkins and April Scheffler to Ellard Keister and Robin Cargian with each having
their own card for the same account, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes the transfer of the Lowes Pro Services and Tractor
Supply Company credit cards and all other Highway Department accounts be transferred to Ellard
Keister and Mackenzie Rankin, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes the transfer of the bank accounts for the Town
Clerk, Tax Collector, and DECALS from April Scheffler to Robin Cargian, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby reaffirms the authority of the Town Clerk/Tax
Collector to accept credit card payments and Echecks, and authorizes the transfer of the account
with Payment Processing Consultants from April Scheffler to Robin Cargian, and be it further
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes Paul Lang to establish the necessary bank accounts
needed for his duties as Town Justice.
Ayes - Clark, Young, Klumpp, Gamel, Scheffler
Nays -
Resolution Passed
Clerk Scheffler then swore in those newly elected officials who were present for their new terms,
starting January 1, 2022 and ending December 31, 2025. Officials sworn in were Donald Scheffler,
Richard Gamel, Crystal Young, and Ellard Keister.
Supervisor Scheffler asked if anyone was interested in attending the Association of Towns Annual
Meeting which will be held in New York City on February 20 -23, 2022.
Privilege of the Floor: No one wished to speak.
MOVED by Supervisor Scheffler, seconded by Councilperson Young, to enter into Executive Session
for the purpose of discussing the employment history of a particular person, at 8:28 pm.
Ayes - Clark, Young, Klumpp, Gamel, Scheffler
MOVED by Supervisor Scheffler, seconded by Councilperson Gamel, to return to Regular Session, at
9:45 pm.
Ayes - Clark, Young, Klumpp, Gamel, Scheffler
Supervisor Scheffler - Let the record show that no resolutions were made within the Executive
MOVED by Councilperson Gamel, seconded by Councilperson Clark
WHEREAS, Robin Cargian has been elected as Town Clerk with a term beginning January 1, 2022,
WHEREAS, Robin Cargian has accumulated sick time earned during her employment as Deputy
Clerk for which she is entitled to be paid upon leaving the Deputy Clerk position, and
WHEREAS, Robin Cargian has requested that a portion of the sick time funds be used to pay her
portion of the Town’s health insurance premiums, now therefore be it
Town Board Minutes Page 7 December 14, 2021
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby requests that Robin Cargian decide to:
1) receive a payment for the full amount of accumulated sick time; or
2) leave the full amount of accumulated sick time to be used to pay her portion of the Town’s
health insurance premiums until used up; or
3) take a payment of 50% of the accumulated amount and leave 50% to be used to pay her
portion of the Town’s health insurance premiums until used up, and be it further
RESOLVED, that Robin Cargian make her decision known to the Town Supervisor within one week
of this date.
Ayes - Clark, Young, Klumpp, Gamel, Scheffler
Nays -
Resolution Passed
There being no further business, Councilperson Gamel moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded
by Councilperson Clark, at 8:52 pm. Unanimous
April L. Scheffler, RMC
Town Clerk