TUESDAY, JULY 13, 2021 AT 7:30 PNI
Town Officers Present: Town Offcers .Absent: .Also Present:
®ould T. Scheftler, Supervisor XV. Rick Fritz, Code Official Mack Rankin
Richard Camel, Councilperson Jahn Dorman, Towii Justice Mitch Quine
Crystal Young, Councilperson
Wiwi Klumpp, Councilperson
Sheldon C. Clerk, Councilperson
Michael Perkins, Highway Supt.
ApnI T. Scheftler, Towii Clerk
Charles Rankin, Bookkeeper
T'rancis Casullo, :attorney
MOVED by Councilperson Ciamel, seconded by Councilperson Klumpp, to approve the minutes
of the June 8, 1-01-1 Town Board Meemig as presented.
:dyes - Clerk, Young, Klumpp, Camel, Scheftler
MOVED by Councilperson Young, seconded by Councilperon sClark
WHEREAS, vouchers for Abstract ##7 for the Fear 1-01-1, numbered ''8i - 3.32 were reviewed
wnd audited by the Town Board, be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby approves said vouchers for the accounts wnd in the
Total amounts as follows:
.dyes - Clark, young, Klumpp, Gomel, Scheftler
Nays -
Resolution Passed
1lonWy Reports:
Charles Rankin, Bookkeeper - Submitted monthly reports for the Board's review. XVe are about
at the halfway point wnd we are doing" pretty (rood. XVII) need to think about starting- the budset
soon. Also, %gill need to think about plans for the stimulus money.
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.dyes - Clark, young, Klumpp, Gomel, Scheftler
Nays -
Resolution Passed
1lonWy Reports:
Charles Rankin, Bookkeeper - Submitted monthly reports for the Board's review. XVe are about
at the halfway point wnd we are doing" pretty (rood. XVII) need to think about starting- the budset
soon. Also, %gill need to think about plans for the stimulus money.
Torun Board Minutes Page 2 July 13, 2021
W. Rick Fritz, Code/Fire Enforcement Officer - Was not present but had submitted monthly
reports for the Board's review.
Michael Perkins, Highway Superintendent - Paving has been finished on Sovocool Hill and
Stevens Road. Been busy mowing cemeteries and roadsides; fixing driveways after we paved;
doing shoulder work; some culvert work. As you know, I'm going to be retiring, but I think we
should start thinking about advertising and maybe hiring another heavy equipment operator before
winter sets in.
Discussion took place with the Board saying that another position had not been budgeted for this
year and they would not know until after election exactly how many positions will be open. The
Bookkeeper will look at the budget and see if there are enough funds available and discuss this
again next month.
April L. Scheffler, RMC, Town Clerk/Tax Collector - Submitted monthly reports for the
Board's review. She had passed out a booklet that the County Historian had brought for the Town
Francis Casullo, Attorney for the Town - Had nothing to report.
John J. Norman, Justice - Was not present.
Councilperson Crystal Young as Representative to Joint Youth Program — Jennifer has been
doing a fabulous job. She has been able to secure two grants: a Legacy Grant for the tennis court
for $5,000.00; and a Community Foundation Grant for the pool for $5,000.00. She did a really
great job. The one for the pool can cover anything and she wants to put some of it towards the
lifeguard certification. She spearheaded the Central New York Aquatics Network and they have
been accessing a lot of different ideas over the past year while COVID has been going on. That
includes Ithaca, Cortland, Ellis Hollow and others in the area. From that, she got a lot of good
ideas for this year for the pool, including private lessons for adults. Summer concerts begin Friday,
6:30 to 9:00. Concessions are going to be done by food trucks for most of the weeks except for
the Fire Department picking up the last week or last two weeks. Summer camps are going well,
with good attendance. The Junior Fire Camp is full with 100 kids. It kept going up and they
finally had to cap it. Science Center programming is this week at the park and then again on July
17, August 4, and August 7. Yoga in the Park returns Monday. Lots of stuff going on and it's
good to see things happening again. They do need volunteers for the fall programs and still need
lifeguards. They have had some problems with people accessing the pool after hours so may use
some of the grant money for cameras. She really used the time during the shutdown to research
things and put together new groups. She learned about new things she could do. She didn't slack
off during that time when things were not happening, but it gave her time to look into things that
she didn't have time to do before.
Supervisor Scheffler — Presented a draft local law to opt out from allowing cannabis retail
dispensaries and on-site cannabis consumption sites in the Town that otherwise would be allowed
under the newly established N.Y. S. Cannabis Law, Chapter 7-a of the Consolidated Laws of the State
of New York. Municipalities wanting to opt out must do so by December 31, 2021 and after that date,
they can never opt out. However, many of the regulations for the sale of cannabis have not been written
yet. Supervisor Scheffler, Councilperson Gamel, and Councilperson Klumpp said they were in favor
of opting out now and see what the final regulations are and they can repeal the law and opt back in at
a later date if they want to. Councilperson Young was concerned about lost businesses, revenues, and
sales tax money. Any local law for this will be subject to permissive referendum. Attorney Castillo
Torun Board Minutes Page 3 July 13, 2021
counseled the Board that they should not rush to pass this law, but take the time to make sure that it is
done right in case if gets challenged. He will review what was presented and provide any needed edits
and the Board will discuss it again in August.
Prii,ilege of the Floor:
Mitch Quine, CS Energy - Said that he had hoped to have a draft of the layout of their planned
solar array but the consultants that they hired are still doing research to prep for the layout. He
plans to have a better update at the next meeting.
Planning Board Meeting, July 15 at 7:30 pm
Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting, July 21 at 7:00 pm
There being no further business, Councilperson Gamel moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded
by Councilperson Clark, at 8:07pm. Unanimous.
April L. Scheffler, RMC
Town Clerk