Town Officers Present:
Donald F. Scheffler, SupenTisor
Richard Gamel, Councilperson
Crestal Young, Councilperson
Brian Klumpp, Councilperson
Sheldon C. Clark. Councilperson
(Clark attending via Zoom)
Michael Perkins. Highway Supt.
April L. Seheffler, Town Clerk
W. Rick Fritz, Code Official
Town Officers Absent: Also Present:
A. D. Dawson, Town Justice Ellard Keister
John Norman, Town Justice
Charles Rankin, Bookkeeper
Francis Casullo. Attorney
MOVED by Councilperson Young, seconded by Councilperson Klumpp, to approve the minutes
of the February 9, 2021 Town Board Meeting as presented.
Ayes - Clark. Young, Klumpp, Gamel, Scheffler
Supervisor Scheffler - The Highway Department found a good used truck box to replace one that
we have. It's an exact replacement and in a lot better shape and we really need it.
Ellard Keister - The box we need to replace is currently on Truck 22, a 2007 International. The
box that's on it is in pretty rough shape as far as rust. It's very likely to come off sometime this
summer with a heavy load on it. The truck still has a lot of years in senTiee here. It doesn't justify
the $40.000 it would cost for a new box, but for the price that we found this used box for, it's very
justifiable. If we put this box on that trek, we get ourselves a lot more time with that trek for a
lower price.
Councilperson Gamel - I applaud that, the fact that we're looking into ways to not just buy
evenghing new. Thank you.
Ellard Keister - Absolutely. We would like to put a little bit of money into the frame of that truck.
_y little money now will go a long way in the future to make things last. We'll talk about that later.
MOVED by SupenTisor Scheffler, seconded by Councilperson Clark
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby approves the purchase of a used truck box from
Dutcher's in Morrisville in the amount of $7.000.00.
Ayes - Clark, Young, Klumpp, Gamel, Scheffler
Nays -
Resolution Passed
Te Beal Ifftw,, PQ,: tfwr* v :":1
KNSOLI fIO5 021-022
MON ED b% Cotlncdper.on I i:mlcl, .eanitled b% Councdller.on hlunlpp
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audlied h% IIIc Tolut ILlard, be 11
RESOLN ED, that IIIc l olid I Llard IIerrh\ :Ipprul ex Sald l oneher� for 1IIC :Ieeollilll :II1d In 1110 101:11
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Afonthtr Reports:
( l►arfrN Rankin. 11+N)kkccper \\ as not prrleni but had 1111111011ed nloniIIh rrporh fOr IIIc
ILlard'c rel telt and r,:gtwe ti:d a budge\ adlucinleni
KNS(f.l 1'10\ 021-023 - 2021 III I) E f AUJI STNII-A f
MON ED b% Sullen Icor SJwI11cr, l,:oInded b% (omw I lllenon Noting
RESOLN ED, that IIIc lm%n ILlard IIerrb% allllnael IIIc 11111m% Ing 2021 IludgO-\dlucinleni
IfighiswV Fund. Town Wide:
frool Madinwn, ConlraOtial, 1)-\5110 d \10,000 00
,fo Madinwn, Vgmpn1c01, 1):\5110 2 10,00000
Aycx - (lark. l oung. Klun►pp. Gan►cl. Scl►clflcr
Kc.eduliot► I'a..cJ
W Kick Fritz. Codr.'Fire Nt►forcrulcu1 Officer • Suhnuticd nloniIIl% rrporh fOr IIIc ILI;Ird'c
rel Ie%% flung. arc preli% clo%% right no%% and 11,11 111101 IIac heed ImIlIv nmg
'11ichacl I'crkitt.. IIi'Inra% Superit►Ict►dct►1 - \\ e' l e been bul% plo%%ulg and .antlmg \\,: hada
ie%% (reel anise dM%o and got IIIenl cleaned up \\ e'le been doing CIA 11) cle:uung :sound IIIc
Atop \\-e did Iak,: a buncII of .w%% ollIIIe roof. \\-e did a 1111h: olld p:dcIIulg llle% gu%. IIal-e
been cleaning thor Irtwktill and Aiming dwm
April L. Scl►clflcr. RNIC. town (lcrkTa% Collcclor • Subnutied nloniIIl% rrporl fOr IIIc
IL,ard*. relief% I rCGCll Cll a reXIgtlallotl teller from 1ndgC 1):1\t xotl, %%Inch I II:Rc gnol %un :III a
eop%UI .
Town Board Allnutes Page 3 Alareh 9, 2021
Francis Casuflo, Attorney for the Town — Was not present.
John J. Norman and A. D. Dawson, Town Justices - Were not present.
Supervisor Scheffler - I'd like to sae that I ver, much appreciate the 20 or so years that Dewey
has put in here. He's been a good justice and a fair justice. I'd like sae that we really appreciate
his service and wish him well.
Councilperson Crestal Young as Representative to Joint Youth Program -
Winter Programming: March 8" - April 7". Louth basketball and wrestling taking place.
Babysitting course took place at the Legion on March 6th.
Spring Planning: _fit Programming- Color Theory Classes starting in April. These classes are
funded be the Community _its Partnership Grant. Classes will be held once per week at the
legion for kids after school. Time and day of week TBD. Louth baseball & Softball registration
is open. Any programming that is allowed, we will be doing. Lounger groups are planned to be
at the park and will be moved to school if possible. We are seeing low registration numbers so
far. Louth Track- schedule TBD
Summer Planning: Summer Concerts: Friday's 6:30-9pm beginning Jule 9 — _august 26. Most
weeks have been scheduled. Food treks will be at Concerts. July 4th Fireworks- TBD. DJ is
tentatively scheduled. Summer Camps confinned at this point are _art. Hiking. Trail
Maintenance, and Sewing. Looking into a pool registration system for summer.
Supervisor Scheffler - Ellard. Mack. April and Crestal worked on the mandated emergence plan
on bow to keep the Town operating if there is another pandemic. They sent you all a cope of it
to review. I'm happy with it.
MOVED be Councilperson Gamel, seconded be Councilperson Klumpp
1. Purpose:
New York State Labor Law requires that each public employer in the State prepare a plan for
the continuation of operations in the event that the governor declares a public health emergence
involving a communicable disease.
The Town of Groton officials cannot possible know what kind of communicable disease might
necessitate the declaration of a public health emergence, bow such a disease might be spread,
or bow dangerous it might be. This plan is enacted as a strategy for the continuation of the
Town of Groton governmental operations and may not be practicable under certain public
health emergencies. It must also be understood that Federal and/or State mandates may
override, nullify, or demand a change to this plan.
2. DeFinitions:
For the purpose of this plan the following definitions shall apple:
Town Board Minutes Page 4 Alareh 9, 3031
a. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): The Town of Groton recognizes
the CDC as the nation's health protection agency. The Town of Groton will follow
guidelines provided be the CDC during a public health emergence.
b. Communicable Disease: _-\ji infectious disease (such as cholera, hepatitis, influenza.
Coronavirus, malaria, measles, or tuberculosis) that is transmissible be contact with
infected individuals ortheir bodily discharges or fluids (such as respirator, droplets, blood,
or semen), be contact with contaminated surfaces or objects, be ingestion of contaminated
food or water, or be direct or indirect contact with disease vectors (such as mosquitoes,
fleas, or mice).
c Contractor: _-\jn individual perfonning services as parte to a contract awarded be the Town
of Groton.
d. Employee: _anyone who works for the Town of Groton whether hired, appointed or
e. Employer: The Town of Groton.
f. Essential Employee: An employee or contractor who is required to be physically present
at the worksite to perforin their job.
g. Health Department: The Town of Groton recognizes the New Fork State Department of
Health (NYSDOH) and the Tompkins County Health Department (TCHD) as our state and
local health protection agencies and will follow guidelines issued be these agencies along
with and/or in addition to those issued be the CDC. For the purpose of this plan the teen
Health Department shall encompass both the New York State and Tompkins County Health
Departments unless otherwise specified.
h. Non-essential Employee: An employee or contractor who is not required to be phesicalle
present at the worksite to perforin their job.
i. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): All equipment worn to minimize exposure to
hazards, including but not limited to gloves, masks, face shields, foot and eye protection,
protective hearing devices, respirators, hard hats and disposable gowns and aprons.
3. Essential Positions and management Thereof:
a. Highway Department: Highway Superintendent, Depute Highway Superintendent,
Mechanic, Motor Equipment Operator. Laborer are all essential workers. The Highway
Superintendent must be available at all times to oversee Highway employees and the Town
roads. The Depute must be available at all times to act in the Superintendent's stead should
the Superintendent be unavailable or unable to act. The Superintendent and/or Depute will
schedule what work must be done as well as detennnine what work can possible be
postponed. They will also detennnine whether it is feasible to stager shifts.
Employees will follow all CDC and Health Department guidelines for cleanliness and use
of PPE while in and out of the Town building.
During winter months, roads must be plowed, salted, and sanded, and continued road and
roadside repairs and maintenance must be conducted for public safety. Each snowplow
driver has an assigned truck and truck route and is responsible for cleaning and wiping
down the interior of their truck at the end of their route. All other vehicles or equipment
shall be sanitized as needed.
It is recognized that during the wanner months, some tasks can be postponed during a
health emergence. However, anything affecting public safety must be attended to.
Town Board Allnutes Page S Alareh 9, 3031
including but not limited to downed trees, flooding, block culverts, and any dangerous road
condition. All vehicles and equipment will be routinely sanitized.
b. Town Clerk's Office: Town Clerk and Depute Town Clerk. The Town Clerk's Office is
the information hub for all other departments, officials, and the public. Services must be
maintained including but not limited to: collection of and responding to mail: answering
the phone and entails and returning messages: processing bills: publishing public notices:
issuing various licenses and penmits: collection of taxes and other fees: attend all meetings
of the Town Board: and transcribe minutes. The Depute must be available at all times to
act in the Clerk's stead should the Clerk be unavailable or unable to act. The Town Clerk
will determine whether it is feasible for some services to be provided over the internet or
by phone: when the office should be closed to the public: when to stagger shifts with the
Depute: and when to completely shut down for a period of time.
The Clerks will be responsible for wiping down their own desks, equipment, keyboards,
counters, etc. according to CDC and Health Department guidelines.
c Town Supervisor and Town Board: The continued oversight and fiscal duties of the
Supervisor and Board are essential and will be needed during an emergency. The
Supervisor, as a member of the Board, generally does not have the authority to act
independently. Most decisions of the Board must be done publicly and pursuant to State
Law. During an emergence situation in-person meetings could be replaced with
videoconferencing. In-person meetings would require appropriate precautions such as face
coverings, distancing, plexiglass dividers, etc. The Supervisor's office is separate, private,
and not open to the public and therefore could continue to be used if necessary. The
Supervisor will be responsible for wiping down the desk, equipment, keyboard, etc.
The Bookkeeper to the Supervisor would be essential for carrying out the fiscal
responsibilities of the Town: processing payroll: making required payments to the State:
and certain employee services. Work can be done from home with communication by
email or telephone, and any paperwork needing to be picked up or dropped off at the Town
Hall should be done when others are not in the building.
d. Town Justices and Court Clerk: The Town Courts are ruled by the New Fork State
Office of Court Administration and will follow whatever mandates are handed down from
that level. If no mandates have been made by the Court Administration, the Town Justices
will determine their and the Court Clerk's schedules: hours of operation: whether to hold
court in-person or via teleconferencing: and any office closing or restrictions. The Court
Clerk and Judges will be responsible for wiping down their own desks, equipment,
keyboards, counters, etc. according to CDC and Health Department guidelines.
e. Code/Fire Enforcement Officer: The public's continued right and ability to conduct
activities regulated by the Town of Groton Land Use and Development Code and the New
York State Building Code make the Code Enforcement Officer essential unless a complete
shutdown has been mandated by the Federal or State government. Inspections following
fires are essential for continues public safety.
f. Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals: Applications to these boards must be
reviewed unless a complete shutdown has been mandated by the Federal or State
govenmment. Meeting may be conducted via videoconferencing. In-person meetings
would require appropriate precautions such as face coverings, distancing, plexiglass
dividers, etc. Communication and coordination with the Town Clerk's Office will be done
by phone and/or email.
Town Board Allnutes Page 6 Alareh 9, 3031
g. School Crossing Guard: If school is open, the Crossing Guard is essential. Proper PPE
will be provided by the Town.
h. Janitor: The Janitor is essential for keeping the building clean and maintaining a healthy
environment for employees and the public. Cleaning and sanitizing will be done according
to CDC and Health Department guidelines.
4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
a. In detennining what PPE is required for a specific communicable disease, the Town will
follow CDC and Health Department guidelines.
b. The Highway Superintendent is in charge of procuring the appropriate PPE in sufficient
amounts for all departments. The Highway Superintendent will check with the Town
Clerk's Office and the Court Office for any needed items when placing orders for PPE.
Department beads may request the Highway Superintendent procure items needed for their
department. This does not prevent the bead of any other department procuring PPE for
their departments or employees if the department bead deems it is needed.
c A certain amount of PPE is always in use by the employees of the Highway Department,
even when there is no public health emergency. Therefore, the main storage area for PPE
is in the Highway Garage. The Town Clerk's Office and Court Office have a smaller
storage area in the kitchenette, accessible to all office employees. A stockpile will be
maintained in the Storage Room/Janitor Room. When new PPE is ordered, they will be
placed in the stockpile, with older items rotated into the main storage area. The Highway
Superintendent will be responsible for maintaining the stockpile and making sure items are
rotated into the Highway Department. The Town Clerk will be responsible for rotating
items into the kitchenette.
d. In the absence of the Highway Superintendent, the Depute Highway Superintendent and/or
Town Clerk and/or the Depute Clerk will assume the responsibilities of purchasing,
stockpiling and rotating supplies.
e. Department heads will ensure that PPE is properly utilized and worn by employees in their
respective departments according to CDC and Health Department guidelines.
5. Cleaning and Sanitizing:
a. All cleaning and sanitizing will be done according to CDC and Health Department
guidelines. The Janitor, under the supervision of the Highway Superintendent, shall be
responsible for ordering sufficient supplies including, but not limited to. CDC approved
disinfectant cleaners and band sanitizers. Department beads may order any additional
cleaning and sanitizing items that they deem necessary for the health and safety of their
respective departments.
b. The main stockpile for cleaning and sanitizing supplies will be the Storage Room/Janitor
Room and rotated as neeessarv.
c In the absence of the Highway Superintendent, the Depute Highway Superintendent and/or
Town Clerk and/or the Depute Clerk will assume the responsibilities of purchasing,
stockpiling and rotating supplies.
6. Protocol in the Event of Exposure, Symptomatic Employees, and Positive Cases:
a. Any employee or contractor who suspects they have been exposed to the communicable
disease: have symptoms of the disease: or if they have tested positive forthe disease should
not report to work and must immediately notify their department bead. The department
Town Board Allnutes Page - Alareh 9, 2021
bead will then notify the Town Supervisor. In the absence of the department bead, the
employee shall notify the Town Supervisor.
b. Contact tracing, quarantine, and/or isolation will be conducted according to CDC and
Health Department guidelines and requirements.
c Any personal and/or common work area or equipment of an employee known or suspected
to be infected shall be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected according to CDC and Health
Department guidelines. Department heads will ensure that this gets done in their respective
departments. Cleaning and disinfecting will fall first to the janitor. If the janitor is unable
to do it, another employee may be assigned the duty. If it is deemed neeessar, be the Town
Board, an independent cleaning agency may be retained.
d. In the event that an employee requires time off to receive testing, treatment, isolation,
quarantine, care of a family member, or deal with childcare issues due to a declared health
emergence involving a communicable disease, said employee may use their sick and/or
vacation time. Furthermore, the Town Board, at its discretion, may pass additional paid
sick leave relief for a specified period of time during a public health emergence.
7. Compliance:
All employees and contractors for the Town of Groton are expected to comply with this police.
_allegations of noncompliance should be reported to a department bead, the Town Supervisor,
or any Town Board Member. Steps will be taken to review procedures, work with all
employees, and ensure future compliance. No retaliator, action or discrimination will be
tolerated in the event there is an allegation of noncompliance.
8. Plan Review:
A committee will be appointed annually at the Town Board's Organizational Meeting and
tasked with reviewing and updating this plan as needed.
9. Collective Bargaining Agreement:
Nothing in this plan shall be deemed to impede, infringe, diminish or impair the rights provided
in the Town of Groton Highway _-association's agreement with the Town of Groton.
Ayes - Clark, Young, Klumpp, Gamel, Scheffler
Nays -
Resolution Passed
MOVED be Supervisor Scheffler, seconded be Councilperson Young
WHEREAS, the Town of Groton Zoning Board of _-appeals has done an interview, with Ryan
Abbott to fill a vacancy on their board and has recommended him for the appointment, be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby appoints Ryan Abbott to the Zoning Board of _-appeals
for a term to begin this date and end December 31. 2022.
Ayes - Clark, Young, Klumpp, Gamel, Scheffler
Nays -
Resolution Passed
Town Board Allnutes Page 8 Alareh 9, 2021
MOVED by Councilperson Young, seconded by Councilperson Gamel
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby approves the payment of expenses for the Depute
Clerk, Robin Cargian, to attend the New York State Town Clerks _association Annual Conference.
April 24 - 26. 2021. The conference will be held virtually this year.
Ayes - Clark, Young, Klumpp, Gamel, Scheffler
Nays -
Resolution Passed
MOVED by Supervisor Scheffler, seconded by Councilperson Gamel
WHEREAS, in accordance with the Title VIII Fair Housing Police of the Civil Rights _-act of 1968
and the Fair Housing _amendments _-act of 1988 and.
WHEREAS, the Month of April 2021 has been designated by the U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development's Office as Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity as Fair Housing Month,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Groton hereby_
declares and proclaims April 2021 as Fair Housing Month in the Town of Groton.
Ayes - Clark, Young, Klumpp, Gamel, Scheffler
Nays -
Resolution Passed
Privilege of the Floor: No one from the public wished to speak
Councilperson Young - During the _-association of Towns meeting there was an informative
presentation on some grants and one of them mentioned that you could get up to 750 o of the cost
of even a salt shed. I know that we've been talking about a salt shed, so I have the information if
anyone is interested in looking at it.
Supervisor Scheffler - I have one other item that I'd like to bring up. The County has asked us
to waive the permit fee for development in a floodplain for the culvert they will be replacing on
Periville Road. I think we should waive the fee because they are another government agency.
Besides that, they are going to Morrisville tomorrow to pick up the trek box that we are buying.
MOVED by Councilperson Klumpp, seconded by Councilperson Gamel
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby waives the fee for the application for Development in
a Floodplain submitted by the Tompkins County Highway Department in conjunction with the
replacement of a culvert on Periville Road, County Route 107.
Ayes - Clark, Young, Klumpp, Gamel, Scheffler
Nays -
Resolution Passed
Town Board Alimites Page 9 Alareh 9, 3031
Planning Board Meeting, March 18. 2021 at 7:30 pm
Zoning Board of _appeals Meeting. March 17. 2021 at 7:00 pm
Groton senior class can and bottle drive. March 17 - 20. 2021 on Main Street
There being no further business. Councilperson Gamel moved to adjourn, seconded by
Councilperson Young, at 7:52 pm. Unanimous.
April L. Seheffler, RMC
Town Clerk