HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977 #2 Dog Control LawV,
(Please Use this Form for Filing your Local Law with the Secretary of State)
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Town ....
Local Law M) . ..... ........... -.- .............. ............. of the year 1.9 --
A local law ..I�eplating and Controlling the Activities of Dogs in the Town of Groton,
t: 0 e- as .........................................................................................
Town Board
Beit enacted by the .......................................................................................................................................... of the
(Name of Legislative Bally)
1�eff ft-
) MYX X of .........proton ...................................................... ................................................................................ as follows:
This law A's adopted pursuant to Article. 7 of the Agriculture and Market -s Law of the -
State of New York.
Section 1. Purpose.
The purpose of the law is to promote the public health, safety, and welfare of
the community, including the protection. and preservation of the property within the
Town of Groton and its inhabitants, and of the peace and good order therein by regu-
lating and controlling activities of dogs within the Town of Groton and providing
-or enforcement thereof.
Section 2. Prohibited acts..
Any owner of a dog or any other person. who harbors any dog in. the Town of
Groton shall be in violation of this law if such dog -
A. Is not restrained by an adequate Qollar and leash. or under full control
of a responsible person., when not on the property of the owner, or any
other person harboring or,having custody or control of the dog..
B. Engages in habitua.1- loud howling or bark:*Lng or conducts itself In such
manner as to habitually annoy any person other than the person owning
or harbor -Ing such dog.
C. Causes damage or destruction to property, or defecates,, urinates or
otherwise coumili-ts a nuisance other than on. the premises of the person
owning or harboring dog®
such 6
D. Chases or otherwise 'harasses any person in such a manner as reasonably
to cause intimidation or to put such person in reasonable apprehension
of bodily harm or injury.
(If additional space i5- needed, please attach sliects of the same size as this and ntiml)er eac1l)''.
Page 1.
E Except when restrained by an adeqtiate collar and leash on the property
of the owner or other person harboring or having custody or control of
the dog, chases, barks at, leaps on or otherwise harasses any (i) bicycle,
motorcycle, motor wagon, carriage, or any other vehicle or device used
by persons for travel or as a conveyance, or any riders or occupants
thereof, or (ii) any horse or other animal including any rider thereon.
F. If it is not wearing a valid an.d.current New York State dog license
while off the owners property, whether or not restrained by an adequate
collar and leash.
Section 3. Enforcement.
Any person or persons, who are or may be lawfully authorized by the, To�,m
shall, and all peace officers ma.y, administer and enforce the provisions of this
law, and for such purpose shall have the authority to issue appearance tickets in
accordance with Section 126 of the Agricultural and Markets Law.
Section 4. Filing of complaints.
Any person who observes a dog in violation of any acts prohibited by this
law may file a signed complaint, under oath, with a Town Justice of the Town of
Groton specifying the objectionable con -duct of the dog, the date thereof, the damage
caused or the acts constituting violation of this law and including the place or
places where such conduct occurred and the name and residence, if known, of the
owner or other person harboring such dog.
Section 5. Minor owner: responsibility of head of household.
If any dog in violation of this law is owned by a person- under 18 years of -
age, the head of the household in which said person resides shall be deemed to be
the owner or person harboring such dog and shall be responsible for the acts of said
Clog dog f or purposes of this law.
Section 6. Presumption.
The fact that a dog is not restrained or controlled in the Town of Groton
elsewhere than on the premises of the owner or person harboring such do(-, shall be
presumptive evidence that the dog ha.s been. perni-i-L-Led to be unrestrained or tincon-
trolled with the knowledge of the owner or person harboring the dog.
Section 7. Violations.
No person shall hinder, resist, or oppose the dog warden, peace officer, or
other person authorized to administer or enforce the provisions of this law of the
Town of Groton in the performance of the of ficers' duties under this law.
SOction (3. Penalties.
A violation of this law shall- constittite a violation as defined in the Penal
Law of the State of New York, and shal-I be punishable by a penalty of not more
than $25.00 f o r t1 -le first violation,, not more than $50.00 for the second violation,,
and not more than $75.00 for the third and all subsequent violations, or by impris-
onment for a term -not to exceed fiv.-_ days, for each violation. These penalties shall
be in addition to any other penalty provided by law.
Section 9. Validity.
If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, or provision of this
law shall 'be judged invalid or held unconstitutional, it shall not affect the
validity of this law as a. whole or any part of provision thereof other than the
part so decided to be invalid or unconstitutional.
Section 10. Effective date.
This local law shall take effect _immedif.ate.ly.
Page, 2
(Complete the: qertification in the panagraph which local law and strike out the
applies to thel"ling of this 0
math-tr therein idflch is not applicable.)
I. I I
(Fin-(- I adoption by local legislative body only
I here -by certify that the local law annexed hereto, designated as local law Ido. .................. of 19........
of the Ci ty passed by the ...................
TownOf ...................................... was dUIY
Villaae (Nannie of Legislative Body)
................................................ 19........ in n ,(- r
ordance withthe applicable provisions of law.
(Passage by local legislative hody with approv.-fl or no disapproval by Elective Chief Executive Officer,
or. repassage after disapprovc-ti.)
I here -by certify that the local law annexed hereto designated as local law No.
................of 19.7.7 ...
of the , Fown of .... Gr.o ton .................... wn s did Y P(IsSeJ1 by t he ..........Town .Braard...............................................
(Name t)f Legislative Jjo(jy)
on ......August -1 ......................... 19..7.7. and was approved by the Deputy. -Supervisor....... .......
0mjXXM&X,,UM mora I'lective Chit
,"Ixl deemed d(Ily adopted on ...... ...August 1 ... I ......... ...........
I Q 77 ...... 11) accordance the applicabir,
prove dolls of law.
'Final adoption I)v referendum.)
I I wro b y certify that the local law (nnnexe (I hereto
designated ns I n (-, n I I a w N o . ................. of 11)
of the -A t v f . ...... ............................. was drily 1)n (1 h\1 the
(Name of I.ogislative jImIN)
llot di:,(q)pn)Ved
on ........................................................... (-Irld Wn'-)- ;ippn)�Iod by tll( . ....................... .......................... .
I EIVctiv(' Chief l',xecntivt- Mlfic:�r
ITIMI-�S(I(I afwr di.sapproval
........ local law NI,
0 D ...... ....... ................. ......... ...................... a,
s submitted to the
Fil 11-1 (12 t T7,
forenchim and received the nFfIritintive vole of a majority of the qualified ele(,-Iors
thereon at the �;pecjal election held on ......... ...................................
.... ..in accordance «6th tha
e ppli-
cable provisions cif law.
4. (Stjhject to permissive referendinn and final adoption because no v-jid petition
filed requesting
referendum.) t -
I hereby certify that the local lawarinexed hereto, designated as local law No. .................. of I Q..........
of the City of ...................................... was duly Passed by the . ..............................................................................
Town (Name of Legislative Body)
V i I la ge not disapproved
............................... I ...................... 19........ and was approved by the .........................................................on
repassed after disapproval Elective Chief Executive Officer
.............................................................. 19 ........ U SUCII) local law being subject to a permissive referendum and no
valid petition reqtiesting such referendum having been filed, - al Inw deemed duly adopted on
t-) said local
................ ........ I ............................................. 19 ........ 9 in accordance With the applicable provisions, of la�1,,.
*Elective Chief Executive Officer means or includes the chief exectitij!e officer of a county elected on a county -wide basis
or, if there be none, the chairman of the county j,.gislative body, the inavor of a city or village or the supenriso
vvher-,z� such orificer isve-sted with power to approve or veto IoM hay r'or or-AHIMICCI.S. IL r of a toN%rll,
X 3
Page .,
5. (City local Iaw concern -in- Cli�irter re;.ision proposed by petition.)
ierc,by cep f'i,- thc 'C'L I I I I elrto, d(—, ignate d as I ocn I law No. .................... of 19........
of the City of ................... ................... .................................. 1-1 I)een submitted to referendum pursuant to the
anici[)"I -1ti, e Law, "Ill'! il V, d the affirmative vote of a majority
provisions of 37 01 YjL I I! - f 1,1 e I I I I lig I 'Ceive
of the qualified electors of such pity voting thereon at the 'q pec ia I election held on .............. ......
........ I ....... 1.9............ ecarne operative.
6. (County local haw concernin(y adoption of Charter.)
I hereby certify that th,1, local IJ\v atinexed hereto, desto-i-inted as Local Law No . ...... of 19...... of the
County of ................ Shtc of New Y01 -k-, 11,1V111('r I)MI submitted to the Electors, at the
General Election of Novelilhel . ........... 19 ........... purstiint to stil)(11visions 5 and 7 of Section 33 of the Miini-
cipal Mine RLIle Law,and having received the vote of a niaJority of the qualified electors of the
cities of said county eis a unit and of a imi-jority ol' the (Itiallhed electors of the towns of said county
considered as a unit votino, at said i-yencral election, became operative.
(If any other authorized form of final adoption has been follow(�d, please provide an appropriate
rr'� I further certify that I have compared the pr(-.(-.(--,(Iing local law with the oricrinn] on file in this office
and that the samo is n correct transcript th(-refrnm and -of the whole of such original local and Nva-,:,
finally adopted in the manner indirnted in pnraPTt`lPh .........2 ................. above.
Clerk of' Town N�Rxff
offiic-�--r designated by local legislative body
Colleen D. Pi-erson
Date: August 2, 1977
(Certification to be executed by County Attorney, Corporation Counsel, Town Attorney, Village Attorney
or other authorized Attorney of locality.)
COUNTY ®° .... Tp:mpk1--n.S
1, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing local law contains the correct text and that all
proper proceeding -s, have been had or taken for the enactment of the local law annexed hereto.
'A . . . . . . . . . . . .
Si- = IM11
ToxAn-Attorney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Date: omxm�
August 2, 1977 M�11 - of ..... Gr.o.ton ...........................................
To w n