Those present: Donald F. Scheffler, Supervisor
Ellard L. Sovocool, Councilperson
Kelly Smith, Councilperson
Randy N. Jackson, Councilperson
Sheldon C. Clark, Councilperson
Victoria Monty, Attorney for the Town
Also present: Ed Neuhauser, Glenn Morey, Rick Fritz, C. Negly, Phil Connery, Pat Shaw,
Chuck Rankin, April Scheffler.
MOVED by Councilperson Sovocool, seconded by Councilperson Jackson, to approve the minutes of the
October 11, 2016 meeting as presented.
Ayes - Sovocool, Smith, Jackson, Clark, Scheffler.
Before approving the monthly invoices for payment, there was one purchase that, pursuant to the Town's
Purchasing Policy, required two verbal quotes and Board approval before payment of the purchase. Clerk
Scheffler explained that she had been looking for a couple of years to purchase a scanner so that in-house
scanning of files can be done efficiently and of a professional quality and then uploaded to the electronic
records retention storage that we share with Tompkins County. Currently, the Clerk's office is using the
copy/scanner machine but the quality of the images is not as good as they could have with a better, stand-
alone scanner that has the appropriate software. The choices are limited for scanners that will scan a
ledger size, 11" x 14" document. After looking at the Fujitsu, Epson and HP scanners available, it was
decided that the HP scanner would be the best scanner for their use and came with the best software
package for manipulating and enhancing the scanned images. The price directly from HP was $3999.99;
from Staples was $3801.39; and from B& H was $3,399.95
MOVED by Councilperson Smith, seconded by Councilperson Sovocool
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby approves the purchase by the Clerk's Office of an HP Scanjet
Enterprise Flow N9120 Flatbed Scanner from B&H Photo, Video and Pro Audio in the amount of
Ayes - Sovocool, Smith, Jackson, Clark, Scheffler
Nays -
Resolution Passed
Vouchers numbered 496 - 550 in the total amount of $141,348.01 were presented and reviewed by the
Town Board Minutes Page 2 November 7, 2016
Vouchers for the General Fund in the amount of $105,3 61.24 were presented for audit.
MOVED by Councilperson Jackson, seconded by Councilperson Sovocool, to approve the General Bills
for payment.
Ayes - Sovocool, Smith, Jackson, Clark, Scheffler.
Vouchers for the Highway Fund in the amount of $33,622.99 were presented for audit.
MOVED by Councilperson Clark, seconded by Councilperson Smith, to approve the Highway Bills for
Ayes - Sovocool, Smith, Jackson, Clark, Scheffler.
Vouchers for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Fund in the amount of $2,360.78 were
presented for audit.
MOVED by Supervisor Scheffler, seconded by Councilperson Jackson, to approve the CDBG Bills for
payment with the stipulation that Voucher #530 be paid upon completion of the projects and approval of
the Code Official.
Ayes - Sovocool, Smith, Jackson, Clark, Scheffler
Monthly Reports:
Charles Rankin, Bookkeeper - Submitted monthly reports for the Board's review. Full time employees
will receive notice with their paychecks this week as to what the increase in insurance will be.
W. Rick Fritz, Code/Fire Enforcement Officer - We are doing some inspection on old permits. Robin
has given me a list by road and I'm amazing her because I'm actually using it. It's in my truck and it's
great. The survey from the ISO (Insurance Services Office) for the fire insurance adjusters will be
completed by the end of the month. We're hoping for a better rating with the computerized inspection
capability of the new building permit software.
Richard C. Case, Jr., Highway Superintendent - Was not present.
April L. Scheffler, RMC, Town Clerk/Tax Collector - Submitted monthly reports for the Board's
review and nothing else to report.
Victoria Monty, Attorney for the Town - Had nothing to report.
John J. Norman and A. D. Dawson, Town Justices - Were not present.
Councilperson Kelly Smith as Representative to Joint Youth Program - The playground build went
smoothly and it finished. There was only one injury. Jennifer is in the middle of winter programming.
Boys basketball hasn't quite started yet but should be soon. Zumba is still popular. Cabin Fever Festival
is scheduled tentatively for March 4th. SUNY Cortland is doing the final leg of the needs assessment with
the parents and we just got the questions that they will be asking today.
Glenn Morey, County Legislator - The Cabin Fever Festival has been awarded around $900.00 in a
grant. The Legislature finally has a budget. In April the Legislature got together and had a target of a 3%
tax levy. I didn't vote for it because the estimated State cap was 2.2%. Part of the increase is attributable
to a 1 1/2% decrease in sales tax, which has really nailed us County wide. Groton is lucky that you don't
depend on your sales tax. 5% was for capital improvements and 1% was for everything else. Targets for
the budget were climate change initiatives, reduction of jail population, regulatory compliance and
training of the workforce. The budget that went to the public hearing on Tuesday night, which no one
Town Board Minutes Page 3 November 7, 2016
showed up to, increased 2.98%, which is lower than the 3% target. This means a property tax rate that
will go down from 6.73 per thousand to 6.63 per thousand. Minimum wage for assigned council has
tripled, so that is going to increase $100,000.00. Capital investment went up $233,000.00. Costs for
benefits is up 5%, which is great and will be that for the next three years and this has to do with the
Insurance Consortium that Groton benefits from too. Labor costs went up 1.3% reflecting a combination
of wage and benefit grown and changes in the workforce.
Councilperson Clark had a call from the Groton City Committee wondering if you were following up on
the speed limit sign and the road striping, double solid lines. Mr. Morey thought that it was already
double solid lines, but Mr. Clark said that it wasn't all the way to Champlin Road. Mr. Morey said he
would check it out.
MOVED by Supervisor Scheffler, seconded by Councilperson Jackson
WHEREAS, the Groton Town Court has need of a 2 -drawer fireproof filing cabinet for the safekeeping
of court records, and in researching funding for said purchase has found funds available through a Justice
Court Assistance Program (JCAP) Grant, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes the Groton Town Court to seek funding through the
JCAP Grant for the purchase of a 2 -drawer fireproof filing cabinet.
Ayes - Sovocool, Smith, Jackson, Clark, Scheffler
Nays -
Resolution Passed
WHEREAS, the Town of Groton received a letter from Delaware River Solar, dated September 22, 2016,
in which Delaware River Solar implied that it intends to build a solar array within the Town of Groton,
WHEREAS, New York State Real Property Tax Law Section 487 provides an exemption for any solar
or wind farm or any waste energy system for 15 years, and the Town of Groton has not opted out of this
exemption by local law, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby intends to require a contract for payments in lieu of taxes
(PILOT) should Delaware River Solar proceed with a solar project on the property mentioned in their
September 22, 2016 letter as well as any other properties they are considering within the Town of Groton.
Ayes - Sovocool, Smith, Jackson, Clark, Scheffler
Nays -
Resolution Passed
Privilege of the Floor:
Pat Shaw - Recently I've taken a beating by the Town of Groton. What I mean by a beating is these
pictures right here. (He gave four pictures out to various Board Members.) These pictures will tell a
thousand words. And I knew about this beating before it even took place. So, I'm going to file against
you in the Federal Court. I'm bringing in the Town of Groton, Aspland Tree Company, New York State
Electric and Gas, and one more, Cornell University. And you wonder why I'm going to bring Cornell
University in. I'm bringing Cornell University in because they brought mercury up on Sovocool Hill
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Road, not too far from my house, and I think I'm going crazy. Do you know what killed the hatters? I
leave you that to ponder. I will be back in a few weeks. Have a good day.
➢ Planning Board Meeting - November 17, 2016 at 7:30 pm
➢ Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting - November 23, 2016 at 7:30 pm
➢ Election Day - November 8, 2016
➢ Association of Town training school - February 19 - 22, 2017 - Registration due by January 21.
➢ Annual Tree Lighting - December 8, 2016 at 6:30 pm
➢ 2nd Annual Harvest Celebration at Groton Public Library - November 8, 2016 at 6:00 pm
➢ Next Board Meeting, December 13, 2016 at 7:30 pm
Supervisor Scheffler opened the Public Hearing at 8:00 pm. The Town Clerk read the public notice as it
was duly published in the Town's legal paper, the Groton Independent.
Phil Connery was there from Thoma Development and helped administer the program. He felt that it
went well and was very happy with the results. There were a lot of nice people in the community who
received the funds and for the most part, things ran smoothly.
No one else from the public wished to speak.
MOVED by Supervisor Scheffler, seconded by Councilperson Sovocool, at close the Public Hearing at
8:03 pm.
Ayes - Sovocool, Smith, Jackson, Clark, Scheffler
MOVED by Supervisor Scheffler, seconded by Councilperson Jackson, to enter into Executive Session
for the purpose of discussion possible litigation and a contract discussion at 8:03 pm.
Ayes - Sovocool, Smith, Jackson, Clark, Scheffler
MOVED by Supervisor Scheffler, seconded by Councilperson Smith, to return to Regular Session at 8:28
Ayes - Sovocool, Smith, Jackson, Clark, Scheffler
Supervisor Scheffler - Let the record show that some of the Executive Session was for informational
purposes and part of it was to give consensus to send a letter to Ms. Jacalyn Spoon.
MOVED by Supervisor Scheffler, seconded by Councilperson Sovocool
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby approves sending a letter to Ms. Jacalyn Spoon stating, "Dear
Ms. Spoon: Please be advised that the Town of Groton has considered your request for intervention in
your ongoing dispute with your neighbor, and the Town Board has determined that because this is a
neighbor dispute, the Town does not have standing to intervene."
Ayes - Sovocool, Smith, Jackson, Clark, Scheffler
Nays -
Resolution Passed
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Page S November 7, 2016
There being no further business, Councilperson Jackson moved to adjourn, seconded by Councilperson
Sovocool at 8:30. Unanimous.
April L. Scheffler, RMC
Town Clerk