MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1995, AT 7:30 P.M.
Those present: Teresa M. Robinson, Supervisor
Ellard L. Sovocool, Councilman
Gordon C. VanBenschoten, Councilman
Carl E. Haynes, Councilman
Fran Casullo, Attorney
Absent: Donald E. Cummings
Also present: Leland Cornelius, George Senter
Minutes of November 6 and 20 were not ready for Board Approval.
Claim Nos. 181 through
198 of the Highway Department in the
amount of
$22,219.48 and
Claim Nos.
283 through 333 of the General Fund in the
amount of
$9,073.84 were
for audit. Moved by Mr. VanBenschoten,
seconded by
Mr. Sovocool,
that the
bills be approved for payment. Ayes
- Sovocool,
Haynes, Robinson.
Claim Nos. 23 through 26 of the Special Grant Fund #1 in the amount of
$24,822.22 were presented for payment. Moved by Mr. Haynes, seconded by Mr.
Sovocool, that the bills be approved for payment. Ayes - Sovocool,
VanBenschoten, Haynes, Robinson.
Claim No. 114 of the Building Fund in the amount of $368.92 was presented for
audit. Moved by Mr. VanBenschoten, seconded by Mr. Sovocool, that the bill be
approved for payment. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Haynes, Robinson.
LIZ BRENNAN - BOOKKEEPER - Absent - Supervisor Robinson handed out
Bookkeeper's Monthly Report. We need a resolution to encumber 1995 highway
part -town funds for CHIPS DB 5112.2, $17,000.00, to pay Tompkins County for
Walpole Road Bridge. Since we don't have all the funds in there we need to
transfer from Highway Part -Town Funds.
Moved by Mr. Haynes, seconded by Mr. Sovocool
Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Haynes, Robinson.
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby encumber 1995 Highway Part -
Town Funds:
CHIPS DB5112.2 .... .....................$17,000.00
To Pay Tompkins County for Walpole Road Bridge Work.
Moved by Mr. Sovocool, seconded by Mr. VanBenschoten
Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Haynes, Robinson
RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize the following
From:Gen. Repairs DB5110.4 ........... $4,173.12
Contingency DB1990.4 ............ $ 423.80
To:Chips DB5112 .2 ..................$4,596.92
GEORGE SENTER - CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER - Year -to -date building permits
1994 87 5 houses 13 mobile homes 69 other
1995 10210 houses 22 mobile homes 70 other
Life safety inspections are current through November. Motor Vehicle Repair
Shops are in process and should be done in December. We are up 15 building
permits from last year. Some of these are HUD projects.
LELAND CORNELIUS - HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT - Nothing to report other than we
are plowing all the time.
Attorney Casullo reported that we had to wait for 30 days after we passed the
resolution on the Loader Bid Permissive Referendum. Time is up after the 20th
of December. We could have a special meeting or wait until the January 8th
meeting. We can return bid bonds on the loader. Board decided to wait until
the January 8th meeting.
8:OOPM - Hearing - Discuss amending Section 3 (Violations) of the Ordinance
relating to owning or harboring an unlicensed dog.
C. Pierson - The Town Justices asked that the Board consider amending Section
3, Item 2 to read as follows: The violation shall be punishable upon
conviction in accordance with Penal Law Section 80.05, Subdivision 4. This
eliminates setting a limit on the fine the Judges can assess.
T. Robinson - Are there any questions or comments from the Board? Since no
one from the public is present to speak for or against proposed amendment, we
will adjourn public hearing.
Moved by Mr. Haynes, seconded by Mr. VanBenschoten
Ayes - Sovocool, Cummings, Haynes, Robinson
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Groton does hereby amend
Ordinance Relating to Owning or Harboring an Unlicensed Dog to provide
for increased fees and violations and duly adopted the following
LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 130 of the Town Law of
the State of New York that the Town Board of the Town of Groton,
New York, has on the 11th day of December, 1995, adopted the
following ordinance:
1.LICENSE: Any person a resident of the Town of Groton who owns or
harbors a dog six months of age or older shall
immediately make application for a dog license. No
license shall be required for any dog which is under
the age of six months and which is not at large.
2. FEE: The license fee shall be as follows payable to the Town
Clerk or the Town of Groton
(a) For each neutered male or spayed female - $10.00
(b) For each unneutered male or unspayed female - $15.00
3.VIOLATIONS: 1.It shall be a violation for any owner who fails to
license any dog and pay the license fee as
provided in Section 1 and Section 2 of
this ordinance.
2.The violation shall be punishable upon conviction in accordance with
Penal Law Section 80.05, Subdivision 4.
Effective date of Ordinance is January 1, 1996.
The ordinance adopted November 6, 1995, is hereby amended.
Colleen D. Pierson, Town Clerk
Groton Business Association is having their annual Christmas Party on
Wednesday, December 20th, at S:OOPM at the Groton American Legion. All Town
Officials are welcome.
Discussed Spring Street Storm Drains. Supervisor Robinson could not locate
file folder with pictures and letter from Mayor Toolan. Town Board Members
received a letter from Erma Lyon on the same subject stating that it appeared
that when water comes out of the Town of Groton's gravel pit, at times, the
culverts become plugged with gravel and debris. causing water to run down the
street, down the ditch, and onto her property causing erosion.
Highway Superintendent, Leland Cornelius, said that he didn't think it was
anything we created. He felt that the Village should clean the drains. In
July when we had trouble with the gravel bank, DEC had us put a berm across to
keep clay water from coming out of there. Very little water comes out of
there. Mr. Cornelius had previously spoken with Frank Satterly about work
that has to be done up there. The Village removed a 24" pipe and replaced it
with a 15" pipe and chocked the water down. A big gully washer goes right up
over the top of it. They had a big get together this spring. The Village was
going to take that pipe out of there and rework the whole thing but they
didn't do anything with it. We had Ward Hungerford there and they agreed to
line that ditch with concrete so it would keep the erosion down. Nothing was
done. Supervisor Robinson said that basically what Mayor Toolan wanted was to
get together to talk about this problem. Water does not come from the Town's
gravel bank with our berm in there. Consensus was to turn it back to the
Village and suggest they clean their storm drains. The Town has been working
on this, but the Village has to also work on it.
Attorney Casullo suggested that the Town not get involved with a noise
ordinance since it is very difficult to enforce. Very few Towns have this
type of ordinance. If a person just filed a complaint with the Sheriffs
Department, they could use the disorderly conduct section of the penal law.
After further discussion, consensus of the Board was not interested in a noise
ordinance at this time.
Justice Arland Heffron and Court Clerk Margaret Palmer submitted a letter
requesting permission to attend annual Association of Towns in NYC on February
18 -21. Town by law must pay for a Town Justice's training and certification.
In the past, it was agreed that the Town and Village would split the cost of
the Court Clerk's expenses to attend the Annual Association of Towns Seminar.
Board decided to wait until we find out how many others plan to attend before
giving authorization to attend. This will be on the January 8th agenda.
Discussed increase in Blue Cross /Blue Shield. It is going up $13.85 per month
for a single person and $30.96 per month for a family. This is approximately
9% increase. Our group is for less than 50 people. TC3 rates are going down,
but they have more than 50 which keeps the rates cheaper. No money was
budgeted for this increase. Employees are paying 250 of their health
insurance. This will be effective the first of the year. Mr. Haynes said
that maybe we should start looking around at other plans. With all the
competition out there health plans are going down. Other board members hadn't
seen any health insurance going down, just up and up.
Supervisor Robinson is working on establishing a board to oversee the loaning
of money to businesses in the Town of Groton. This is money that has come
back into the Town and ready to loan out to other businesses. We need a board
of five people. Gary Watrous has agreed to sit on this board. The name of
Karl Stamm was mentioned. Supervisor will have five or six people by January
8th meeting.
Moved by Mr. Haynes, seconded by Mr. Sovocool, that the Town Board does hereby
wish to subscribe to the 1966 state Register. Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten,
Haynes, Robinson
Councilman VanBenschoten extended his thanks to Councilman Haynes and
Councilman Cummings for their years of work. It has been a pleasure working
with you. Thanks.
Board discussed Policy on Alcohol and Controlled Substance Testing for the
Town of Groton. Employees have received, reviewed and signed that they
understand the Town of Groton's drug and alcohol policy.
Moved by Mr. Haynes, seconded by Mr. Sovocool
Ayes - Sovocool, VanBenschoten, Haynes, Robinson
Absent - Cummings
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Groton does hereby adopt
the following:
(Policy will be added to minute book)
There being no further business, Mr. VanBenschoten moved to adjourn meeting,
seconded by Mr. Sovocool, at 9:00 P.M. Unanimous.
Colleen D. Pierson
Town Clerk